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LV Fanfic signup thread/idea deposit!

Discussion in 'Creative Zone' started by Megarai111, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. Megarai111

    Megarai111 Elizabeth 3rd

    Dec 23, 2014
    Great news guys, it's gonna be a thing!

    *drum roll*

    I'm gonna write a LV Fanfic! And it's gonna be completely ridiculous! :D
    I hops I can live up to the expectations I'm now creating for myself and you guys, lol

    Woo! I'm so excited! ^^

    Anyway, here's what I have to use as a background so far:

    Set in a medieval world (I'm not sure if I'll let magic exist too), this story will follow the tale of @[member="Sanctuary"], @[member="Deltheor"], @[member="Satix"] and @[member="Bloom"] as a parody of the Three Musketeers. Their opponents will be the Moderators, the people who are threatening to take over LV the world. As they work towards their ultimate goal, they meet many... interesting people. They travel through all kinds of places. Most of all though, lots of sassing. Be prepared.

    As you can see, I haven't created everything yet. Therefore, all ideas are welcome!
    That's not the only thing you can do here though! There are two more things, actually:

    1. Sign up for a part (details below)
    2. Request that you do NOT want to appear (this is only for those who have been listed above, which means the staff members)

    Okay then, now for the signups! I'm gonna need side characters too, and I need help with that!
    If you are interested in a part, please copy the list below and use that in the reply!

    - In-story name:
    - Appearance:
    - Characteristics (e.g. personality) :
    - Special traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you can do) :
    - Preferred role:
    - Other things:

    1. No OP characters. I might or might not be planning on something like that.
    2. One character per person.
    3. Characters from series or anime or anthing like that are not allowed. This is because there's a pretty big chance I know too little about the series or the fandom.
    4. You're not guaranteed to get your preferred role, or a part in general! If I think you're useful, I'll use you. However, I don't know if I'll be able to use literally everyone who signs up, all in the roles they want.

    I'd prefer if the protagonists and the antagonists (the Four Musketeers and the Moderators) filled in a form too, so that I have something to relate to. If not, I'll let my brain lead me, and I'm not sure if you'll be happy with that.

    Any questions? Feel free to ask them! :)

    Please note: this story is going to be a parody. It's not meant to be insulting or anything like that.

    Feel free to sign up!
    See you in my story! ;)
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  2. PROJECT: Glaceon

    PROJECT: Glaceon PKMN Breeder

    Nov 26, 2015
    - In-story name: Kayle Farstride
    - Appearance: Short, black hair with some red stripes covers her left eye. Blue eyes. Pale skin. Wears a dark-blue outfit, designed to be easy to move in without showing anything.
    - Characteristics (e.g. personality) : Doesn't say much. Is as good at metaphors as a fish is at solving sudokus, but as persistent as a very persistent person in that regard. (if you didn't pick up on that, it means that she uses a lot of bad metaphors). Timid nature. Good at solving puzzles. Not easily impressed.
    - Special traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you can do) : Weapon of choice is a katana. Not a very sturdy weapon. Not even very good with it. A little bit sneaky.
    - Preferred role: Assassin-type role something.
    - Other things: Married? Yeah, let's go with that.
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    Pitmore likes this.
  3. The Royal Aegis

    Dec 30, 2014
    - In-story name: Rose Soul
    - Appearance: http://orig01.deviantart.net/d0af/f/2015/354/a/f/rose_soul_by_whiteneko_chan-d9ktoxw.png
    - Characteristics (e.g. personality) : A sweet bubbly girl who loves to help anyone who needs it for a price. The higher you pay the better the service
    - Special traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you can do): Rose has a bow and quiver as well as a set of magic cards. The magic cards are her secondary choice. The magical cards can either summon beasts or weapons for her to use
    - Preferred role: Mercenary sort of character who only cares about money and kittens
    - Other things: She really likes cookies and sweet kittens
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  4. Derahex

    Nov 14, 2014
    • - In-story name: Dérahex von Bonhommeson
    • - Appearance: Short black hair and blue eyes, pallid skin. Wears a 17th century/Elizabethian buttoned vest over hoodie and jeans, making him look quite ridiculous.
    • - Characteristics: Sarcastic and caustic. Somewhat of a joker, but still a nice person inside. Frequently breaks the fourth wall due to his Tome of Plot. He normally works at The Great Library (Or some equivalent) but is known to appear randomly at impossible places.
    • - Special traits: Has a Pokéball that can summon Azelf/LV Announcer, as he claimed it!! He also has a Tome of Plot that can predict the future just enough so that the story can continue, but not so much that he knows everything. ("The book says next we went to the port. I don't know why, we just go there!!")
    • - Preferred role: Side character that will occasionally lend a hand once every so often (1-3 times throughout the story). Prefers to stay on the sidelines, but out of respect, not because he's a tsundere.
    • - Other things: Derahex may seem like a butthead at times, but deep down he's a nice guy.
    PROJECT: Glaceon likes this.
  5. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 31
    Nov 22, 2012
    In-story name: Tarina Amberlight
    - Appearance: Brown wavy hair, green eyes, wears a majestic red, white, and gold minstrel's costume
    - Characteristics (e.g. personality) : Friendly and easy-going, but will fight if she has to. Is very knowledgeable about the world's lore
    - Special traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you can do) : She is armed with a bow for hunting, but can be used for self defense if singing magic is not feasible or viable)
    - Preferred role: Minstrel that narrates the story, foreshadows the plot in her songs, and sometimes breaks the fourth wall to interact with the audience or comment on tropes
    - Other things: She believes in doing the right thing, even if that means stepping on toes to do it
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  6. shinygiratinaz

    shinygiratinaz Boats Against the Current

    Dec 18, 2013
    This seems like it could be really fun! :D I'll be keeping an eye out for it haha

    This would probably be where I fill out a form, but if you don't mind, I'd like you to write me as whatever you want! Whatever you think fits or is best. There's nothing you could make me that would make me mad at you in any way, so go nuts man! This is your story, and I love seeing what writers do with creative freedom. :D

    actually could you have me smash Sanc's egg family plz and thnx
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  7. LadySmugleaf

    LadySmugleaf Cries in Poetry

    Dec 31, 2014
    Sounds fun! I'm in!

    In-story name: Lady Smugleaf
    Appearance: short with pale skin, blue eyes and long brown hair. She wears a simple dress
    Characteristics (e.g. personality) : Lady is kind to everyone, but is stubborn and has a sharp tongue when aggravated.
    Special traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you can do) : A bow
    Preferred role: side character/comic relief/"the guy with the boomerang"
    Other things: She has the power to do anything in the world... As long as it is playrd for laughs.
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  8. Pitmore

    Pitmore Mild Internal Pain

    Nov 6, 2014

    - In-story name: James Bradley
    - Appearance: With a suit and tie always almost on, he has a laid-back posture almost constantly, more accustomed to sitting (as this is what he has done all his life), he only walks as necessary, and even then, I could only describe his walking style as similar to an animal on two legs, say, mister Tumnus from the lion, the witch and the wardrobe. he is of tall height with a normal face with smiley features, yet his eyes say nothing and always contrast his mood that he is in. He has what seems like a permanent smile playing on his lips.
    - Characteristics (e.g. personality) : A happy guy, he sees a lot more than he speaks, yet he has a lot to say. He seems to understand people and you will see him often starting at a person, even you. He often has a way of words and because of all listed above, in emotional difficulty, he is your man. He is also unexplainably hyper and erratic, but means well.
    - Special traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you can do) : He has the ability to screen things to everyone (say he raises his hands, they then project a light onto an invisible wall which shows a situation) or transfer memories, akin to Telepathy. With this, he can show events and see all events too, making him a yoda-like figure. However, unlike Yoda, he has no other power, he wields the Ball and Chain pretty well (often screaming I CAME IN LIKE A WREAKING BALL) but he is ultimately deadweight on the battlefield
    - Preferred role: Not really fussed, being a for warner or a Yoda-like figure is good for me!
    - Other things: Mould his character as you see fit, I am not fussed! If you want a second opinion or a hand also, I can help!
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  9. Shada

    Shada netflix binging

    Level 7
    Mar 12, 2015
    Repel ★Charizardite X ★★★★Gardevoirite ★★★★Galladite ★★★★Bottle Cap ★★★★★
    Well, if staff are the villains, here goes!

    Story name: Azure Von Eaix (Azure Edge, your call, XD)
    - Appearance: a light complextion, infamously known for her azure braid, falling on one of her shoulders. I don't want to get much into clothes but, when she goes out, she wears a French military coat (back in the day) and respected pants.
    - Characteristics (e.g. personality) : Hates royal balls, and spends too much time training instead.
    - Special traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you can do) : A elegant rapier of a fair size. (If we are including magic, then I'm going with ice. Since you're making it a three Muskateers parody, I'm guessing My charachters would be around Lady/Lord de Winter?)
    - Preferred role: Given~
    - Other things: nope, that's it! If there's any other questions, or anything you need help with, feel free to PM me!~
    I Can't wait to see it!~
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  10. Fantasma

    Fantasma ♃☿♄

    (Cubone (Alolan))
    Level 1
    Sep 19, 2014
    Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    - In-story name: El Fantasma

    - Appearance: He wears a black shirt with a brown jacket and a bullet belt across his chest with brown pants and black boots, he wears a black cowboy hat and a mask that covers his face.

    - Characteristics (e.g. personality) :He is a really lazy person even tho can be really effective while doing a job, he love stealing things and because of his sneakiness most of the time people dont realize they have been robbed until its too late, he is also a great sharpshooter. He also loves money and will sell his services if the price is right, that means he will betray you if the price is right.

    - Special traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you can do) : He have a self made 10 rounds revolver and a sword.

    - Preferred role: thief , contract assassin .

    - Other things: he loves sleeping
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  11. Nauris

    Nauris The King of Konchus

    Oct 19, 2014
    - In-story name: Makra
    - Appearance: Imagine if I suddenly appeared in front of you, the appearance will be the same as you imagined me, regardless of the gender.
    - Characteristics (e.g. personality) : Minus See's life as a slightly negative thing, but still doesn't want to die. Somewhat unpredictable and everything that he (or she, I won't stop you) says can't be taken seriously. Gets serious when people important to him are involved. Easy to get along with. Cares little about power and money. Prefers not to kill unless angry.
    - Special traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you can do) : Nullifies any coincides near him, (no plot armor* for anyone near him, everyone has same amount of luck ,etc.) Preferred weapon is two handed combination of chain and poleaxe and is highly skilled with it.
    - Preferred role: Chaotic Neutral, Mercenary**
    - Other things: *No lucky rescues or random meteors, and no random mood swings during battle or after it. **accepts/refuses based on the current mood.
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  12. Thunder

    Thunder The Alolan Archer

    Apr 19, 2015
    In Story Name: Tonerre Gars
    Appearance: He wears a deep navy shirt with a red coat buttoned on top of it. He wears white trousers and on them he wears a black belt. It has a gap for his sword. He wears a black western hat that covers his eyes. His hair is red and he has a brown skin tone.
    Characteristics: He's a great fighter who can take his sword as quick as lightning. He has great reflexes but can be a bit cocky. He's a fairly good thief and his sword is a memoir of the first time he stole. He isn't the most trustworthy person but when he's given a good reason he is a loyal fighter and will do anything to win. He's a small time
    Special Traits: Great reflexes and accuracy, he uses these skills in sword fighting.
    Prefered Role: A shadowy figure that follows the musketeers secretly. He helps the musketeers whenever he wants to, leaving and rejoining whenever he pleases.
    Other: He is almost like a ninja.
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  13. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    Oh my god I love it. Alrighty
    - In-story name: BiohazardSr

    - Appearance: about 5'8 with a tan rugged look. Medium frame. Some muscle with one dark brown eye and one hazel eye

    - Characteristics (e.g. personality) : Sarcastic, but somewhat friendly. Very go with the flow, yet still cautious.
    - Special traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you can do) : A deck of cards that he can throw with deadly accuracy, meteor hammer (steel ball at the end of a 12ft. rope), and a rope dart (12ft of rope as well). All of these are light and small enough to be carried at the same time, especially is coiled. Knows basic lock picking.

    - Preferred role: I'd like to assist in defeating at least one of the mods, but in all honesty I just don't want to be a background character

    - Other things: uses his card skills to impress people and make money. Minor gambler.
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  14. AK2198

    AK2198 PKMN Breeder

    Sep 14, 2013
    - In-story name: AK2198
    - Appearance: shaggy dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin tone. He wears a grey greatcoat overs his chest armour, white shirt and black belt with gap for his sword as well as navy blue pants and black boots.
    - Characteristics (e.g. personality) : A reliable mercenary, likes to charge into fights head on (often without a plan), friendly but also distant and mysterious.
    - Special traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you can do) : A short sword, Halberd (polearm) and a flintlock pistol (very inaccurate, only has one before it needs reloading, quite easily capable of jamming but it is quite deadly if it hits its target).
    - Preferred role: either the character that joins the fight against the mods but is in fact working for the mods or the reverse.
    - Other things: feel free to change or grow the character as you see fit.
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  15. Deltheor

    Deltheor The Demon of Shikoku

    Level 2
    Dec 21, 2012
    - In-story name: Deltheor (usually just goes by Del)

    - Appearance: Somewhat tall, not quite thin but not quite muscular either, somewhere inbetween. Has short blond hair and golden eyes. Clothes-wise, I typically like green, black, and white, but any sort of style of clothing will do. That part is up to you, just add whatever fits the fic!

    - Characteristics (e.g. personality) : He is very quiet most of the time, unless he's around his close friends. He enjoys his alone time when he's given it. He's also extremely loyal, almost to a fault- he cares deeply for his friends and does everything he can to help them out. He's strong-willed and stubborn, and only bends for those he cares about.

    - Special traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you can do) : Due to his quiet nature, he is adept at sneak attacks and stealth missions. He is skilled with both close-range and ranged combat. He uses mixed martial arts up close with occasional daggers and swords if he can get his hands on them, and a bow for more long-ranged attacks.

    If he runs out of weapons, he can summon magical arrows or swords at will. His eyes glow green when he does this, and his magical weapons have an ethereal green glow to them as well. His magical attacks do more damage, but also drain his energy quicker, so he only uses them as a last resort. He can also use his magic to speed up the healing of his wounds if he's not in battle.

    - Preferred role: That part is obvious lol

    - Other things: If you have any questions about anything, feel free to PM me!
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  16. Doomhound

    Level 2
    Nov 23, 2012
    - In-story name: Doomhound
    - Appearance: Tall, thin, blond hair
    - Characteristics (e.g. personality) : Shy and nerdy, generally antisocial
    - Special traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you can do) : create awkwardness from any situation
    - Preferred role: brief appearances desperately searching for a girlfriend, sometimes questioning the existence of women
    - Other things: i can look like a total fool and it'll be great
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  17. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    - In-story name: Aura
    - Appearance: Like this. Of course the outfit can change since it doesn't fit the setting, but the face and hair is what I'm mostly concerned about
    - Characteristics (e.g. personality): Generally friendly, but can get heated in an argument. Is fearful of Satix, and has Shiny as a senpai.
    - Special traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you can do): I think I'd like to have a concealed dagger.
    - Preferred role: Whatever you make Shiny do, I am their apprentice/underling
    - Other things: If something's not entirely clear, feel free to PM me~
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  18. Riobhain

    Riobhain PKMN Breeder

    Mar 8, 2015
    - In-story name: Rio the Bard (often just called "Rio"; "the Bard" is an occupational title)
    - Appearance: Short dark hair, fair skin with freckles; eyes are an intense gold color that many find unsettling. Most commonly seen wearing a loose-fitting black wool outfit and leather boots under a very large navy traveller's cloak, often accompanied by a navy wide-brimmed hat as well, worn as to hide his eyes at some angles.
    - Characteristics (e.g. personality): An underachieving prodigy from some far, far away country who travels the world, using the guise of a bard to learn about all manner of things and acquire as much of humanity's knowledge as he can. As such, he is often seen carrying a bronze harp, which he can play quite well. He is considered by many to be an enigmatic type, and is not very easily understood on a personal level.
    - Special traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you can do): A very good memory, and with it an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the happenings of the world; very stealthy as well, though this is primarily a natural trait that he does not try to exploit and is more often used for a dramatic entrance than any practical purpose.
    - Preferred role: Occasionally runs into the protagonists and tells them of a problem that needs solving; acts as a sort of quest-keeper, giving the protagonists tasks to do that he cannot complete alone. Appears somewhat often, but not particularly often (between 5 and 8 times throughout the story).
    - Other things: Just to clarify, he is not actually a Bard, and only has knowledge of the harp to add to his disguise; rather, his title of "Bard" is a disguise to give him an excuse to travel the world. Furthermore, he has no particular allegiance to the protagonists, and is entirely willing to field both sides of the plot.
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  19. Wyxamex

    Wyxamex No Man

    Feb 15, 2016
    - In-story name: Wyx
    - Appearance: Do I have to do this? You know what I look like, ya nerd. ... Well, lets just say I look prectically the same except with a little less chest area =w=
    - Characteristics (e.g. personality): Quiet until something interests me, and when that happens... Oooooh boy good luck getting me to shut up. I get very excited. I'm also very affectionate and goddammit I will hug you whether you want me to or not. You question me? You get a hug. Every 5 minutes. ... Now, even though I'm a very busy person myself, I don't handle other people being busy, so as soon as other peopl get too much for me I will sit in a corner and sing songs.
    - Special traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you can do): ....... I wish to be a Pterodactyl trainer.
    - Preferred role: The person with a pet Pterodactyl. I can fly people around! I can have a Pterodactyl ferry!
    - Other things: .......... I call everyone either Nerd/Loser/Asshole or Darling/Dear/Sweetheart or something along those lines yep yep. and if it wouldn't be too much to ask make me a guy bc thats how I always appear in stories thanks ... I JUST REALLY WANT A PTERODACTYL OK
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  20. TripleAAABattery

    TripleAAABattery Look at my fluff! LOOK AT IT

    (Eevee (K))
    Level 45
    Nov 12, 2014
    It's not too late, is it?

    In-Story name: AAA

    Appearance: Very shaggy hair, wearing a hat with literally nothing on it, wearing glasses with somewhat thick lenses. Wears a red long-sleeved shirt, with a black jacket, and wears pair of grey sweatpants. Is always carrying a sack full of food. I don't wear shoes, though. I don't believe in shoes, apparantly. I still wear socks, though, which I don't understand myself.

    Characteristics (e.g. personality): Very sarcastic, but in a friendly kind of matter. I'm try very hard to be nice in every situation I can. I'm a very trusting person, so if you tell me something, Ill probably believe it.

    Special Traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you do): Because he is directly related to batteries somehow, he can do battery things, like powering up electronics, spitting battery acid, and shock people by touching them. Of course, doing this too much means he'll will instantly have to go to sleep and 'recharge'. He can also 'recharge' by eating, so you can very often see him eating.

    Preferred Role: Well, you can decide that. I don't really mind any roles.

    Other things: He likes eating, if that isn't obvious enough :P If there is anything else you need to know, let me know.
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