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Song for Us (Aqua and Kitsune RP)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by ShiroLugia, Oct 27, 2014.

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  1. ShiroLugia

    ShiroLugia ✂ No Longer Human.

    Aug 7, 2014
    This is a vocaloid RP between Kitsune and I, I've never RP'd a Vocaloid-esque role before, so this is gonna be interesting!

    Time: Afternoon
    Place: Somewhere in Yokohama
    Character: Mashiron TYPE V3

    Humming could be heard from a girl passing by, and many less could even gather the idea that the girl in question was an android. More precisely, a Vocaloid, the future's new window into synthesized music through beings who were identical to that of human nature in all but voice. Mashiron was no different, though she wasn't exactly as popular or well known as her predecessors such as the infamous leek twirling sixteen year old and her colorful company. Though what Mashiron had lacked in voice, she made up for in heart, writing songs out of kindness and doing what she could to help around the city.

    Mashiron wheezed as she halted her bicycle and shoved another newspaper through the gates of a neighbor's home. Because the girl was no pop idol, she had to make money somehow after all, even if she was an android. "That should be the last one for today..." The twin-braided girl muttered to herself, wiping her forehead. She began cycling back through the suburbs to find her apartment until her watch began emitting a sound to chime into the next hour of the day. Mashiron stopped her bike, attempting to remember what she had planned to do next, it felt as though it was itching in the back of her mind...

    Then the memory struck. She had an audition today for a music company, and she was over an hour late now. "Aww crap! Oh man, they're gonna kill me! I'll never get a chance at stardom now!" The female android spoke to no one but air, and pedaled faster than she had been the entire day toward the record building. Not even well dressed for the occasion, however, the aspiring Vocaloid raced into the building and slammed her hands down onto the counter. "I've come for my audition today, m'am!" Mashiron found herself squealing. The assistant hosting the counter filed papers and looked at Mashiron with a blank yet pitying expression. "I'm sorry, but auditions are closed for today. You're a little too late." The woman explained. Mashiron sighed and laid her head on the counter briefly in shame. She had come this far finally and she ended up throwing it away.

    During her small sulk, she peered her toward the company's window, and caught eye of someone who's existence seemed all too identical to her own...
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  2. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    The blooming city of Tokyo. Filled with technology-based renovations and science. In this city, entertainment is found easily. Games, shows, or, the latest trend, vocaliod.

    A boy walked down the street. Rather, what seemed to be a boy did. In truth he wasn't even human. An android, vocaliod to be exact, made to preform and sing. He walked through the crowds of people outside the music company. His audition was scheduled for... Five minutes from now. He noticed a frustrated and sad girl. Upon closer inspection, he saw she was one of his kind. Approaching her slowly, he asked "what's wrong? Audition not go well?".

    The audition was a tough process. Performing in front of four celebrities would rack anyone's nerves. Personally he disliked auditions. They always felt so... Tortuous. Asking all the revealing questions, pointing out every flaw, but worst of all judging you. He had preformed a few songs in concert, but never anything big. Trying out for this record deal was the biggest thing he could do. Miku, the leek twirling mistress of vocaliod. Kaito, the ice cream loving play boy. Rin and Len, the mischievous twins. All the popular vocaliods worked here.
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  3. ShiroLugia

    ShiroLugia ✂ No Longer Human.

    Aug 7, 2014
    Mashiron raised her head, forgetting her shame and relinquished back into awe. Vocaloids that weren't part of Crypton's studio were a rarity to see, through both real life or behind a screen. "Yeah uh.. I'll come back another day, if you open auditions again an' stuff!" Mashiron claimed, removing herself from the desk. The assistant simply gave her a small smile and returned to her work. Mashiron unzipped her running jacket slightly upon leaving the building, it was rather warm this time of year and the bicycle sprint had made her legs sore and body hot. The female thought she'd greet the passerby, silently wishing she was dressed nicer.

    Before greeting, she took in his appearance and could easily say that any onlookers would think that the boy was a simple cosplayer. Something about him was mystifying, and the female android felt the need to greet him because of their identical nature. There was a chance, however, that this boy was as top an idol as the Cryptons, though Mashiron wouldn't have known or cared so she didn't dwell on the thought. Brushing herself off and noticing the boy eyeing the building, she greeted him; "Hi! Are you gonna audition here too? I was, but I came a little too late for mine. I hope you make it though!" She would have added that she wanted to listen to his voice, but the girl didn't want to push before knowing the answer to her own question. She rubbed the back of her head and began to eye him more curiously.
  4. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    Yuki was lost in thought standing in front of the record company doors. Not many people were in the streets, so he san't in the way. As he stepped in he heard the voice of a young woman. He looked up to see another of his kind. Letting the girl speak, he smiled slightly. Another competitor? Her misfortune caused him to frown. "I'm sorry to hear that. I am here for an audition... How about you take mine. I'll wait." He offered.

    He could always et up another one. Never had to do it today. He would offer a duet, but she was a stranger and he didn't want to seem weird.
  5. ShiroLugia

    ShiroLugia ✂ No Longer Human.

    Aug 7, 2014
    Mashiron listened to the boy carefully and began to feel more and more embarrassed by her outbursts. He was an aspiring idol himself and he was willing to give up his audition? It had taken Mashiron months to simply be given a spot to write on the audition application. Little did the female android know that the boy could recieve a new one more easily than she could herself; she flustered at the kindness. "No, I um, I couldn't! I don't deserve it, it was my fault for being late." She chuckled half-heartedly. She paused amidst scratching the back of her head out of habit and returned a gentle smile.

    "My name's Mashiron. Type V3 if we're getting technical." The girl mused, showing her arm out for a handshake. Just by staring into his eyes Mashiron could tell the boy was shy and her being her outgoing self was probably making him nervous. But the question still rang in her head at his idea of giving her his audition, it would be rude to turn it down yet she would feel guilty for taking it. There had to be some compromise-

    The female android clasped the male's hand and her grin widened. There was a way! If it wasn't too much to ask him to comply. "How about we sing a duet together, so it's an audition for both of us! I-if that's ok I mean." The girl returned to being modest, twirling her hair slightly.
  6. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    The boy smiled kindly. It had taken him a week to get in the list, as a friend worked him up the ladder. "I insist, take it. I'd hate to see you miss this chance..." He calmly whispered, a little concerned she didn't take it.

    He waited for her introduction, then replied softly. "Yuki." Taking her hand and softly instating the handshake.

    That's when she seemed to have an idea. His face contorted into one if curiosity. What was this girl planning? Wait... A duet?! Not that Yuki had not thought of this, but he was afraid his voice would clash. "Well... We have a few minutes... What song did you have in mind?" He whispered. They give us ten minutes of recorded practice before they see us... " he added, letting her know they had time to get it down. His mind raced through duet songs. "Childish war" came to mind, along with "Bad Apple" and "world's end dance hall". He knew more, but those were his favorites.
  7. ShiroLugia

    ShiroLugia ✂ No Longer Human.

    Aug 7, 2014
    When they had entered the building, Yuki's question flooded her mind. She hadn't thought of any songs to try, she had never gotten this far in the record business. For a soft-spoken boy, Yuki was knowledgeable on the process of auditioning. Perhaps he had done minor concerts beforehand or auditioned at other buildings. If anything, the boy spoke so softly that it was surprising to think he could project his voice in song. "Uh....Let's see..." Mashiron tapped her fingers along the arm of her chair in thought. The girl began thinking of songs she had heard by the other Vocaloid like her, songs that were easy and she grew akin too...

    Perhaps something soft for Yuki as well.
    But Mashiron didn't want to judge a book by its cover, perhaps Yuki had a stronger voice than he let on. Nonetheless the girl twirled her hair and resumed scrolling her memory for songs. "How about Magnet? Do you know that one...? Or Y to Y?" The female began spilling out duet songs she knew from one time or the other. She smiled and gazed at his features for a moment. "If you know any, I'll let you know if I know it too!" She raised her voice cheerfully. They only had 10 minutes, she had to decide quickly.
  8. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    "Magnet... So romantic for strangers... Y to Y might wirk, but let's look elsewhere too. " he whispered grabbing a pad and noting the songs. "Have you ever sung bad apple? Or possibly world' send dance hall? I could definitely hit the low range for those." He added with a glance.

    The amendment stepped forward, then warned them that they had 5 minutes before the start. He nodded and turned to her. "Pick one. We can practice in the room for that. They give us time to warm up. Sadly they watch through camera." He said clearly. His bass voice came out just a bit more, but he wasn't afraid to hit higher tenor notes...
  9. ShiroLugia

    ShiroLugia ✂ No Longer Human.

    Aug 7, 2014
    Mashiron thought about the songs Yuki had inquired they try. She did know them, and she knew them rather well. "Alright! I think we should go with World's End Dancehall!" She spoke up, hoping the music of the song wouldn't overpower Yuki's voice. She also felt worry grow in her mind that she might undermine the poor boy since she had never auditioned before. There was a high chance she could ruin both their chances if she wasn't careful. Heat traveled up her neck as they headed to the recording room for a quick practice. "I can't get nervous now... Not now..." She thought profusely.

    When she stared at the music sheets, the female felt sweat gather in her palms, and practiced her parts softly to herself before trying the rehearsal with Yuki. She couldn't help but wonder if she was becoming a burden to the other. "Let's do our best!" She whispered through their practice. When Mashiron gained confidence in herself she looked more willful, and looked at Yuki with more inner certainty before they were called to the auditioning stage. She promised herself she wouldn't make Yuki look bad, even at the expense of her own pride.
  10. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    Yuki nodded as he walked toward the stage. He had gone over the song. He and his partner were handed performance microphones. After setting up his Yuki walked onto the stage. He looked left to see the tyrants of the industry. Miku Hatsune sat in the middle chair, appearing semi-bored. Kaito reclined in his chair eating an ice cream bar. How he could, no on knew. The twins stopped argueing long enough to see the visitor, than returned to the conversation. "H-hi... I'm Yuki... And this is mashiron. We're here to try out." At that all of them faced them. They picked up pencils off the desk before them and nodded.

    Yuki's palms sweated as he waited. The music came on and Miku smiled slightly at the song choice. The time came for masiron's entrance and he took her hand and spun her to face them. As their eyes meet he smiled slightly and waited for his turn.
  11. ShiroLugia

    ShiroLugia ✂ No Longer Human.

    Aug 7, 2014
    Mashiron felt sweat gathering on the back of her neck as she watched Yuki begin to introduce themselves to their stars. Mashiron wasn't sure which was more nerve-wracking; trying not to screw up her partner or pleasing the judges. When Yuki began singing she raced through the lyrics in her mind.

    Cross the borderlines of Black and White and,
    Climb the stairway up and up we go.

    The female started putting a bounce in her step, blushing a little at Yuki's ability to do a synchronized dance. Mashiron's eyes turned to the judges for a brief glimpse as she sang, they were a kind cast but definitely hard to please. She didn't let the stage fright get to her, however, she was never on a stage before, it was a unique and surreal feeling. Yuki may not have reached stardom yet, but he was definitely more well known then an animatronic girl who was living a normal life practicing singing to herself.

    Nothing good to do just bored to death, hey
    Can I take your hand and steal you away?
    ...The alter is our floor...
    ...You and me right here now!

    As Yuki's turn approached, Mashiron felt they would be able to perform at least decently, since the beginning of a song was always the most difficult part. Perhaps the duo could flow through the rest of it easily...
  12. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    After a small section, Yuki stepped forward.

    "Bury the room with all the shrill calls, voices.
    Swirl the senses, down and down we go!
    Nothing good to do, just bored to death. Hey
    Why don't we make a clean breast of it now?"

    His voice rang out in a lovely, rich baritone voice. He smiled and kept Time with the dance.

    "meaning connected to these simple words!
    Reason of hating without seeing them.
    Finding it. Finding it, no meaning no reason.
    Gnash my teeth while smiling shy,
    Smile with eyes shut and everything black!
    I don't want to mess myself with all the nonsense!"

    He quickly punctuated each word. The judges watched with relative joy. The past few people had flopped, and they hopped these two wouldn't.
  13. ShiroLugia

    ShiroLugia ✂ No Longer Human.

    Aug 7, 2014
    Mashiron, like her partner began to add a bit of dance within her steps. She found herself rather awestruck at Yuki's speed and timing. The fact the boy didn't trip over his own words was a feat of its own to the novice Vocaloid. She found herself smiling more and more as the song went on, and as the expressions on the judges' faces lit up her courage did as well.

    Farewell, so long have a nice day
    Goodbye, to this World's End Dancehall--

    As the song ended with the duo's steady singing, she bowed and grinned at her acquaintance. Their superiors clapped and gave spirited looks, writing down their scores. "Thank you for coming! We'll give you our judgement in the mail. You did a great job." The teal haired idol stated, giving a signature wave and smile. Mashiron guided her partner down from the stage and walked out the entrance waving her goodbyes. Once the two were out of sight from their mentors, Mashiron hugged the male tightly. "We did great Yuki! We did great! I'm more than certain we'll pass! I have you to thank for this moment right here and now!"

    She smiled at him, the sunset behind them giving her long braids a unique glow as she beamed. She broke her inner feeling of gratitude when she took notice of the changing time, realizing she had to head home. "It's getting a little late um...." Mashiron began, "As a thank you for today... I could cook you dinner tonight! If that's okay, I mean." She twirled her braids once again, always uncertain of herself.
  14. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    Yuki smiled as he left the stage. Obviously they did well, but if they would be selected... That was different. Mashiron had done so well. "Y-you did well... Thank you" he whispered after her compliments. He quickly followed her and blushed at her propsal. Her home? Dinner? "That sounds nice... If you don't mind me coming over. " he quickly whispered and held her hand. He waited a while before asking "where did you learn that song? You preformed so well..." He trailed off, comparing his own to hers. She definitely had more confidence, and certainly a better dancer. He had a ways to go.
  15. ShiroLugia

    ShiroLugia ✂ No Longer Human.

    Aug 7, 2014
    Mashiron waved her hands silently in bashfulness, she certainly couldn't have been as good as Yuki claimed. "Haha, no no I'm really not! You've been on stage countless times, that was my first time in front of a crowd and I was really nervous!" She laughed anxiously. Staring at the fading sun before beginning to walk, she tried to remember the first time she heard the song. "I heard it on the signboard once around the station.. I was interested and listened till it was over!" She spread out her arms in enthusiasm and started treading forward, to lead the new found friend to her place of residence.

    "What about you?", she began, "What made you decide to start singing?"
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