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Weekly Prompt - Malumalu

Discussion in 'Literature Library' started by BraviaryScout, May 3, 2017.

  1. BraviaryScout

    BraviaryScout Way of the Wind

    Level 66
    Apr 18, 2017
    Crown of ValorPoké Ball ★
    Hey guys, BraviaryScout here with an entry for the weekly prompt. This is my first crack at writing fanfics here on LV, so be nice as I am still getting used to the format here. XD Contains a lot of Mahina/LunarEdgeshipping and Hau/Gladion friendship.

    Malumalu - Shelter

    Enjoy guys. Please comment, critique and thanks for reading; you give my writing purpose :)

    "So," Hau began, "How's everything at Aether been going?"
    "Fine," Gladion replied, "Faba's still a pain in the ass as always. Thank goodness that I have Wicke to keep him in line."
    "No way," The nineteen year old chuckled, "I thought everyone listened to you though?"
    "I wish that were true," Gladion was twenty one and had taken the position of President of the Aether Foundation three years ago after an incident with their mother unleashed the Ultra Beasts to attack Alola. Thanks to the quick thinking of the kahunas, International Police and her...the beasts were contained and the threat neutralized. Lusamine had finally been separated with her own beast Nihilego and sent off to Kanto with Lillie. Before leaving; she had vowed never to bring a crisis of such proportions to Alola's shores ever again.
    Gladion had since been picking up the pieces, slowly but surely restoring the Foundation back to its core values of Pokémon conservation. It took a little while to regain the public's trust, but he remained undeterred and the progress was impressive.
    Even though Aether's reputation had since been improving steadily, it had taken its toll on Gladion, Wicke and all the employees who tirelessly worked at the Paradise in the center of Alola's four islands. The President was busied under mind-boggling mounds of paperwork and there was the occasional squabble between employees who intensely disliked one another. He thought that his initial dislike of Hau was bad, but some of the dissidence within the organization was even worse than that or his soured relationship with Skull and Guzma. The amount of time he could spend doing what he truly loved; battling and actual helping with Pokémon had suddenly been reduced to nearly zero.
    "Faba's good though,"
    "Yeah," Gladion sighed, looking back. "I still don't trust him."
    There was word of a typhoon heading in Alola's direction. It hadn't gained any strength as of yet and was still more than two hundred miles west, but they were expected to get hit within the next six hours.
    Gladion's meteorologist back at the Paradise had given him advance warning and he met up with Hau at a lumber yard at to get wood for boarding up their windows. While his house on the floating structure was perfectly safe, he felt that Luna; Alola's champion would have a harder time in fortifying her own house. Everyone else and their brother also had gotten the memo, but thankfully with their high connections, they were able to be one of the first in line. A line that stretched behind them with cars, people and Pokémon for nearly a mile and growing fast.
    "How's Professor Kukui doing?" Gladion decided to ask.
    "Oh great!" Hau piped up, "Little Analu is so adorable! It's a shame you didn't come to his birthday party last month!"
    "I wish I could have. I really wanted to."
    The kahuna's grandson decided to change the subject, "So how is the thing going with Luna?"
    Gladion turned away as his face flushed a light shade of pink, "I don't know what you're talking about!"
    "What?" Hau feigned bring hurt by the accusation, "You keep this up and you can board all the windows at your house in the Paradise all by yourself!"
    "This isn't for me. My house is already protected. It's for Luna."
    "Oh is that what you need me for?" There was a punchable smirk forming on Hau's face.
    "Just kidding!" He lightly hit Gladion's shoulder, "I'm totally messing with ya!"
    "Besides, I think you and I could cover her house. She's got windows that face the ocean and we've got a typhoon less than four hours away. Do you honestly expect her to board all of them up by herself?"
    "She's the champion of Alola. Nothing she can't do."
    "And that includes boarding up windows," Gladion stopped, realizing that Hau just laid out a verbal trap and he had walked right into it. He had just admitted that he was going to help out of his own heart's graciousness.
    "I hate you right now."
    "Do that later," Hau gestured to the yard employee who had finished with the person in front and was heading their way. "We're almost up."
    "I can't believe you Hau; you've lived in Alola your entire life and still don't know that you're supposed to always help your neighbor?"
    Rather than get riled up at that, Hau just laughed it off. It was hard enough that he busted up, clutching his stomach and doubling over.
    Gladion sighed and rolled his eyes, "You know I'm starting to regret asking you to come along."
    "Hey, I need boards too! And it's fine! I don't judge!"
    "I noticed."
    "Then what in the world is so funny?"
    "You!" Hau pointed a finger at him, still cracking up, "You saying all of this helping hand stuff! Do you think I'm going to buy all of this because you decided to be neighborly?" He curled two fingers on both hands as if quotation marks.
    "Oh please! You hardly ever reach out to anyone at all for anything! Are you sure it has nothing to do with her confiding to us that she's scared of storms?"
    Gladion didn't answer.
    Hau's smirk returned, "By all means, tell me I'm wrong."
    The blond would do just that, except he wasn't at all. After confronting Lusamine at Aether Paradise and rescuing Lillie; none of them could sleep that night despite the exhaustion gnawing at their limbs, so the four of them elected to sit in the family room and talk for a while over warm cups of tea before finally turning in. The conversation had at one point turned to fear and Gladion had caught Luna's as being scared of strong wind and thunderstorms. It almost came to him, but he was afraid already of having others learn about what had plagued his conscience.
    "Okay fine, you're not. And I don't want her reputation to be sullied because people find out that Alola's mighty champion is scared of storms. There, I said it. Happy?"
    "You bet! Besides, I'm only messing with ya! Luna's my best friend ever and I find you two so cute together!"
    Gladion was about to retort when the employee had arrived at their side.
    "I'll get ten sheets. Hau?" He handed over a stack of money.
    "Eight please."
    "So few?" Gladion asked as he hit his ride pager for Charizard. The flame Pokémon would arrive in time for the delivery, take the wood and him back to Melemele Island.
    "Yeah, I mean why take so much for yourself? There needs to be as much as possible to go around right?"
    "Hmph," Gladion placed his hand up next to his face, "Now that sounds neighborly."

    It took another half hour to fly back to Melemele Island and Gladion settled down right at Hau'oli's outskirts in front of Luna's house. Hau would fly back to Iki Town on another charizard and stop by her place if they needed help.
    "Malasadas are on me," He had declared if they were hungry by the time he got there.
    He had been here before, invited to dinner a couple of times by her and her mother. The latter was out on a business trip for another couple of weeks, leaving Alola's champion by her lonesome inside.
    Gladion found himself going over frequently on his few days off to spend time around her. Aside from battling; Luna enjoyed shopping, finding good places to eat and even doing nothing except hang out at the beach. Like him; she had a long busy schedule as champion from challengers, public appearances and all the lot. When they were together, there was hardly a dull moment and always something to do. Even if it was doing nothing at all.
    Oh and he didn't forget that she had her own fair share of league paperwork to fill out too.
    Thanking charizard again; Gladion dragged the heavy wood boards by her driveway and stripped out of his hoodie to show the dark undershirt that he wore. The sun was peeking through the clouds in the sky, but the big white wall coming from the southwest was a reminder that the storm was fast approaching.
    Before he could go up to her front door; it opened and Luna bounded out.
    "Gladion!" He was first put off by her exuberant personality when they first met on less than pleasant circumstances and able to reach out to many people, but he quickly found out that it was one of her most alluring qualities and drew him to like her so much.
    "Hey Luna," Gladion was surprised when Alola's champion threw her arms around him in a tight hug. A small laugh escaped his lips and he found it quite comforting to have her in his arms.
    For a champion that was eighteen years old; she sure could be a little kid at times.
    "I brought some wood so that we can board up your house."
    "Yeah," She separated, "I heard there's a typhoon coming. I'm still angry I overslept. Now it'll be hours before I even get wood to board up my place."
    He thought he heard a bit of fear quavering in her voice, "Don't worry. Let's get the house fixed up and then we can go somewhere safer."
    Her smile faded, "Wait, what do you mean?"
    "We can head back to Aether Paradise. The structure's going to raise big barriers and it can withstand a category five if it gets that strong."
    Luna looked back at her house, "I can't just leave my house alone!"
    "But I thought you were scared of storms?"
    "Yeah I am."
    "Well it's dangerous to be alone in the storm when it hits."
    She crossed her arms, "I've been through worse and so has it!"
    "I don't care," Gladion declared adamantly, "I'm not leaving you alone here."
    "Then I'll get Hau. He can come here with me."
    He couldn't really place it, but the thought of Hau being alone in the house with Luna didn't sound good to him. There was no way he was going to get her someplace safe like Aether Paradise; she was too set on making sure the house was safe while her mother was away.
    "No." The Aether President said, "He'll have his own set of problems up at Iki Town. The mountains won't protect their home and Hala's already started evacuating the city."
    "I know. He called me."
    "And you're still not moving inland are you?"
    Luna shook her head, "I can't! This is my mother's house! The one she's always dreamed about having and I'm not going to leave it behind if something bad happens! Plus, you know that there's always going to be those lowlifes who go around once it's passed and loot stuff. I'm not going to take that chance!"
    She sighed. Even if it meant being anxious in front of the one person she had always exhibited a calm demeanor around.
    To Gladion; this was another side of Luna that he never knew about. On the public eye, she was seen as fun-loving, cheerful and the embodiment of the Alolan spirit.
    Here in front of him; she was the exact opposite. Insecure, stressed and worried.
    "Okay." He agreed, "I'll stay here with you."
    "Alright then," She gushed just momentarily before opening the garage. Going right over to a toolbox next to a black car; she took out a pair of hammers, box of nails and reached into a bag.
    "Here," Luna threw him a pair of work gloves, "Put those on?"
    "What do I need gloves for?"
    She giggled, "So you don't get splinters in your hands silly!"

    They grabbed a ladder from inside the garage and began with the windows on the top. Gladion had gotten enough sheets to board up the side of the house that faced outward towards the ocean and the general direction the storm was supposed to approach from. Several other houses close by were also either already done or their owners were also busy in fortifying their residences. The clacking of hammers hitting sounded rhythmically across the neighborhood.
    It took a half hour with the help of Gladion's Crobat and Luna's Espeon to get the top part finished. The psychic type used her telekinetic powers to hold the big sheets in place as Luna climbed up on the ladder and began hammering the nails in place. The big lanai was also another spot she needed to cover. Their conversation drifted casually from battling tactics to recent news in Alola. Both of them let out their Pokémon, allowing them to play around in the grass at the front. Luna found it absolutely adorable in the fact of Primarina and Silvally sat at the top as if they were parents watching their children on a playdate.
    Gladion watched with amazement as she worked, driving a nail partially into the board with gentle taps before hitting it home and testing its integrity once all corners had been set.
    She was certainly an amazing person. He wouldn't have expected her to have such a skill. He certainly didn't.
    Gladion cursed himself for not familiarizing with the basics of construction. To him, it seemed embarrassing that the girl was the one with the tools and doing the arduous labor.
    "You tired?"
    "Nah," Luna smiled and wiped sweat off her brow, "It's just hot." Parts of her shirt were also soaked with perspiration and she had removed her signature red beanie.
    "Well do you want me to get you a drink?"
    "Sure. I've got lemonade in the fridge."
    Gladion had been in her house before, so he knew exactly where it was located.
    After he went inside, Luna began to feel the wind start to pick up. Looking back at the clouds, her eyes widened when they now became even closer. A thick wall of mist hung over the open ocean in the distance, barely brighter in tone than the blackish gray storm clouds that continued their advance over the open sky.
    The wind began to chill her skin and now fat droplets of rain began to splatter on the concrete.
    "Okay, I better hurry." Luna doubled her work. The last window needed only two more nails to be secured, but they were on the far end of the ladder and she had to stretch over to barely be able to reach them.
    Gladion had just come out of the house, holding two cans of lemonade when he saw Luna extending herself with one foot on the ladder and reaching over. The wind was now causing the palm trees to sway dangerously from side to side and the rain was being affected by it too, falling almost sideways. Luckily, the house blocked them from getting soaked, but the downpour already made the constant falling at Po Town look pretty tame.
    "Luna!" Gladion shouted, "Leave it! It's too dangerous!"
    "Hang on!" She yelled back, "I've almost got it!"
    There was now a noticeable howl as the next gust caused him to stumble back. He leaned forward, inching up to the side of the ladder. Even with her on the top, it was wobbling dangerously.
    With her shirt whipping back and forth, she hastily hammered the last of the nails into the board. Again, the wind was tugging on the ladder and it noticeably shook. Immediately, her stomach felt oily and she was instantly reminded of the rope bridge on Mahalo Trail that she had brazenly crossed to save Nebby when it was a little cosmog.
    "Luna," Gladion was continuing to grow worried. She noticed that he had a rare expression of concern on his face. Given the circumstances, even his stoic self would be at least a bit deterred.
    "Okay, we're good." She grabbed both sides and was doing a fireman's slide down.
    Her weight had been anchoring the ladder down and when she took it off just briefly, the wind was more than happy to snatch it up and slowly drag it across the side of the house.
    Luna let out a frightened squeak and was nearly ripped away from the ladder.
    Espeon jumped out; eyes glowing as it used psychic to stop the huge metal object from tumbling away and becoming a deadly projectile.
    Gladion saw it all happen at once and he felt his body move before his mind registered what was happening. Luna hit the ground on her feet, but the motion had thrown her off balance and she stumbled.
    Adrenaline and fear coursed through her veins as she felt herself being moved involuntarily. She cursed her stubbornness and tried to grab onto something as she fell down, but to no avail.
    And then it stopped. She was now still and felt another pair of arms wrapped around her waist.
    If she or Gladion felt anything during that brief contact, neither showed it.
    "Come on!" He shouted to his Pokémon, who were all gathering by the house with worried cries. By now, Espeon had managed to drag the metal ladder and tools back inside the garage.
    "Come on Luna!" He willed, "I can't drag you! Please!"
    She had finally snapped out of her stupor and together they trudged through the gale, finally making it inside the shelter of her house. Gladion briefly left her side to shut the garage. As it slid closed; he could see bits of dirt and just about anything loose get thrown about on the streets and carried away in the maelstrom. The wind was now a dull roar that remained insanely loud even with the tapping of raindrops that came at a faster rate than automatic gunfire.
    "Luna," Gladion said, running to her side. Immediately, all of their Pokémon gathered together beside their trainers.
    She didn't respond to him, instead hugging her knees and breathing through her mouth as if she was having a panic attack.
    "Luna," He repeated, "You're safe. You're okay."
    "Gladion," She breathed, "Gladion..."
    Alola's champion reached up, gently putting her arms around his back and burying her face in his chest.
    "I'm sorry Gladion." She whispered, "I'm sorry for not listening to you."
    "You're safe and that's all that matters to me." He said, "I don't want anything to happen to you."
    "Well thank you for staying here with me."
    "I don't want to be anywhere else." He helped her up back inside the house while still bracing an arm around Luna's back. "I'll ride this storm out with you."
    Her heart almost threatened to beat out of her chest from his words. "Thank you."

    Two hours had passed and the storm had still continued to gain strength as it cruised over the warm tropical waters. They were now in the worst of it as the power had been cut off, plunging the place into total darkness. All boards that Luna and Gladion had put up were still continuing to hold in spite of the battering onslaught, so she was relieved that it would not be likely have to be factored into the repair fees.
    She had a few flashlights available, so they decided to head to the couch while the Pokémon all rested in the main area on the rug.
    "Still scared?" Gladion asked. He popped open the tab on the lemonade and took a sip.
    "Yeah," Luna's voice went to a whisper as she fearfully looked around as there were more scratches and dings that sounded outside. More and more debris had been constantly pelting the sides of the house and she had grown increasingly worried that parts of it would actually give.
    Gladion hoped it didn't either. He hated seeing Luna like this; vulnerable and insecure.
    "Well let's hope it comes to pass soon. I find it more annoying than scary though,"
    "You're annoyed by everything though," Luna teased, a small smile gracing her lips.
    "Not everything and if you're talking about Hau...well now that we've done so much together, he's pretty much impossible to hate, even though I still want to punch his face sometimes."
    "That's mean!"
    Gladion saw the hurt in her eyes, although he wasn't sure if it was legit or not, "Come on Luna! You know I won't do that!"
    "Okay," She mock pouted, "I believe you."
    "I'm sorry?"
    The genuine smile returned to her face again, "Okay. All is good! I forgive you!"
    Gladion's lips curled upwards too, "Good. Why don't you take a nap and sleep this through? I'll keep an eye on everything."
    "Sounds good," She leaned down next to him and closed her eyes. "Wake me up if anything happens."
    "I will."
    "Thank you for being here with me. If you weren't...I'd probably be hiding in the closet or something."
    "Really?" Gladion chuckled, "That'll make a good headline. Alola's champion found scared to death by a storm."
    "That's why I don't want anyone else finding out."
    "Hey," He soothed, "Everyone has fears and sometimes you can't overcome them if you don't open up about it."
    "Yeah I know," She sighed before sitting up and turning to face him, "Gladion, what do you fear?"
    "Um," He grew a bit nervous, "Well...my biggest fear is losing all the people I love. That's why I wanted to get so strong so I could protect everyone. I'm afraid someone or something is going to rip it away again, like this storm out here."
    "Well it's not going to." Luna said adamantly, "For starters; I'm always here for you and will always be on your side."
    He smiled at her, "Thank you Luna. You're a piece I would want to keep."
    They sat there in silence after wards as Gladion watched Luna's breathing finally fall into a relaxed rhythm and her head came to slowly rest on his shoulder. Even though the pounding rain outside was quite noisy, he found the darkish environment drowsy and found himself drifting off into sleep too.
    "Maybe one day," He murmured to himself. Maybe one day, he would tell her how he feels. Today though; they had a storm that they would get through and be ready for whatever would come their way next.
    Gladion inched forward, ever so gently brushing Luna's forehead with his lips. He instinctively pulled back, wincing as if she would sense it.
    Instead, her lips were curved upward as she soundly slept, now completely oblivious to her fear on the other side of the walls. He pulled her close and shut his eyes, content with having her by his side.
    The storm would continue to rage outside, but both Gladion and Luna would ride this one out for however long it would last. Although her fear of the violent weather wasn't overcome today, she had the one person who made it all but disappear sleeping with an arm draped protectively around her side.
    They would wait however long it took. Together.
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