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Filling the Void (Signup and discussion)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by Morgaine, Sep 20, 2016.

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  1. Morgaine

    Morgaine Goddess of Shinies

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 3
    May 1, 2016
    Crown of ValorSoothe Bell ★Heart Scale ★★Ice Stone ★★★★
    Hey, guys. @[member="Karzarill"] @[member="Lunar-Peacle"] @[member="Weavile Sly"] @[member="CGStryker"] @[member="TheeDrGetus"] @[member='TripleAAABattery']

    So Baroque Grimoire left the forum and we want to start anew. One spot is reserved for @[member="Tonochi"], but if they decide to not join the sign up is closed.

    Everyone is allotted one Pokémon from any region they please to start with, with the exception of legendaries and/or starters! If you want a shiny Pokémon please consider a good reason for why you want it. And a good story about it would help a lot to be fair. No need to have the whole team planned out yet, you have plenty of time.

    Biological sex:

    Pokémon & Details about them (start with one, expand when you catch more in the RP):

    Type of Trainer:
    Equipment (Pokédex, X-Transceiver, Other Items, etc.):

    Name: Daphne Elderwood
    Age: 19
    Biological sex: Female

    Appearance: Auburn color hair with a slight red shine to it. Her hair is long but is pulled up in a bun to make sure it does not get in her way. She has some bangs on the right side of her face. She has bright blue eyes that are round in shape, small cupid lips and a straight nose. She is fairly tall, standing at 170 cm and is a bit toned due to working hard at the breeding centers. Her skin has a bit of a tan seeing as she is often outside to work with the Pokémon. She wears a pair of light brown capri pants, normal black and white sneakers, a black tank and a short sleeved over-shirt in dark green. She wears a whistle around her neck, that was used to call the Pokémon in the center to come to her.

    Personality: She is a very calm, but friendly person. She is very open to new people, but not to the point she spills her whole backstory at you within seconds. She likes to take care of people and Pokémon as is evident by her chosen career path. She usually hides the fact she is from the Elderwood main branch as some people like to suck up to her because of it. Daphne is prone to having random bursts of energy that makes her work or walk even faster than she would normally do. She dislikes sour food and prefers to eat simple things over haute cuisine. She is a pretty good cook, having had a lot of practice over the years, but she doesn't like to cook for people.

    She is not afraid of work and will just take the Tauros by the horns if she has to. Her favorite thing to do is taking care of the hatchlings, none of them had been as bad as her own partner. She does have a slight issue with Water types, seeing as she almost drowned due to an attack from a Mantine. It had spotted her and her partner walking along the beach in Cianwood and just attacked her.

    Pokémon & Details about them (start with one, expand when you catch more in the RP):

    1. Lucina the Shiny Ninetales. Flash Fire, Energy Ball, Will-o-Wisp, Hex, Flamethrower, Flame Charge. A very gentle Ninetales that Daphne met when she was studying at the Goldenrod Daycare. This particular Vulpix was hatched on a very busy night and Daphne had been send into the deep with this egg. Seeing as everyone was busy, Daphne took care of the hatching egg as best as she could. Seeing as it was the first ever egg she hatched on her own, she was elated to see it hatch perfectly until she saw the color. It was different than a normal Vulpix, its fur was a weird yellow color. Even the owners hadn't seen anything like it before. Shrugging it off, Daphne received a nice bit of smoke in the first few days of taking care of the new hatchling and she grew to dislike the little fox. The day when she heard that it was a tradition for the new breeder to take the first Pokémon she had ever hatched with her when she left, was quite funny to the owners. Nowadays the two are best buddies and can rely on each other for anything. It was a bond grown out spending time and hardships on the road together as they experienced the wide world with each other.

    Lucina is a gentle Pokémon that does not have an aversion to fight, weirdly enough. While traveling she takes it on herself to keep Daphne safe from harm and she is ver affectionate with her trainer. Others not so much. She likes to help Daphne hatch eggs as she can do nothing but lazy around for a few hours.

    2. Virion the Squirtle. Torrent, Water Gun, Tackle, and TailWhip. Has a Bold nature. Virion is Daphne's "official starter" that she gained at the start of her journey through Unova. Not much is known about Virion except that he apparantly likes Daphne and Lucina a whole lot.

    Hometown: Violet City, Johto

    Backstory: Her parents are both busy business people and her elder sister is being groomed to take over the business. Daphne cared little for that position and was extremely happy to hear that when her sister takes over she gets a substantial sum of money to do with as she would like. She had a nanny that brought her Furret with her every day and that spurred her love for Pokémon. She was always asking questions on how to make sure that Ring was alright. Seeing as her love for Pokémon was incredibly great and she didn't find a more traditional path that took her interest, she decided to become a breeder. Raising and taking care of Pokémon is something she loved to do. Her parents, who are in the business of making medicine for Pokémon centers and the like, approved of her career path. Under one condition, she couldn't take the normal league challenge and enter a conference. She has been learning at one specific breeding center in Goldenrod where she met her trusty partner. Sometimes she went on an errand to another center where she learned other stuff on how to do things. Daphne is now taking a year to apply all that she has learned in Unova before going up for her certificate.

    Goals: To become a certified breeder and own her own breeding facility in Johto.

    Type of Trainer: Breeder

    Equipment (Pokédex, X-Transceiver, Other Items, etc.): X-Transceiver, Guidebook about Unova, Tent, sleeping bag, cooking gear, brush set, medicine for Pokémon, first aid kit, Various Apricorn balls.
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  2. Getus

    Getus The Senate

    (Kyogre Egg)
    Level 18
    Apr 4, 2016
    Philosopher's CowlReaper Cloth ★★★Psychium Z ★★★★Great Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Name: Taidana Kumo
    Age: 27
    Biological sex: Male

    Appearance: He has an aged face, that is only emphasised by the teardrop like groves beneath his eyes. His hair is mostly straight, except for the fringe which is brushed to the left and is blonde in colour. In addition to this he has a short goatee on his chin.
    Standing at 5'5" and weighing approximately 126Ib Taidana is usually slouched making him appear shorter than he really is. He wears a dark jumpsuit beneath a beige coloured coat. His hands are usually covered in white gloves whilst his feet are covered in black boots.
    Most of the time Taidana can be found with a bored or irritated expression, few times will be he show excitement or even slight interest, only discoveries or a good battle being a trigger for these thus far.
    Personality: Taidana is extremely lazy, prefering to sleep or watch clouds and people pass by than do anything else, the only thing he is interested is studying Pokémon and a good battle. Even then he will consider most battles more trouble than it's worth unless his opponent is someone proven to be a good battler.
    Despite his laziness and general uncaring of the world around him he has wisdom brought about by his past adventure as a child before he stopped battling and became a professor, which he is willing to pass of to the younger generation.

    Pokémon & Details about them (start with one, expand when you catch more in the RP):
    1: Slaking (Nicknamed: Reiji): Ability - Traunt
    Moveset: Fire Punch, Sleep Talk, Earthquake, Thunder Punch, Body Slam and Rest
    Like his trainer, Reiji is a lazy Pokémon, except far more willing to battle and move around. His main Pokémon from his original adventure, Reiji was a simple Slakoth when originally discovered, becoming the sixth member of Taidana's team and the last oneto stay with him after his retirement from battling.

    2. Chimchar (Nicknamed: Pyro): Ability - Iron Fist
    Current moveset: Scratch, Ember, Leer and Fire Punch
    Taidana's official second starter (First for his second journey) he was nicknamed Pyro for his love of shooting the move Ember as a response to any sort of interaction. Not much is known currently about Pyro's personality other than the love of Ember and the fact it is hyperactive.

    Hometown: Fortree City, Hoenn

    Backstory: As a child Taidanna was rather active, constantly watching the nearby bug and grass types, fascinated by the way they lived their lives. It was during this he met a Pokémon professor, who tutored him on basic Pokémon theory such as the three-stage evolutions and what Pokémon appear where. This created a will in him to become just like his mentor, and so when he set out on his adventure with his starter Treeko, over the course of a few years he had competed in several leagues, barely winning one only to lose against the first of the elite four, when he decided it was time to settle down and fufill his dream of a Pokémon Professor. After this he allowed his team to retire, and live either in the nearby wilderness or in his home, with only Slaking still in fighting shape and willing to fight.
    During his adventure though he became lazy, unwilling to do much unless it was to do with battling or his work as a professor.
    In recent years Taidana has become fascinated in the origin of Pokémon and how the legendary Pokémon fit into it, especially Mew and Arceus. He has also vowed to his team that someday he will travel the regions again and succeed in defeating the league and elite four.

    Goals: Discover the origin's of Pokémon and conquer the elite four of a region.

    Type of Trainer: Professor/Battler
    Equipment (Pokédex, X Transceiver, Other Items, etc.): Pokédex, X Transceiver, Facts about Pokémon, his notes on his current research topic, several types of Pokéballs and a necklace that carries a photo of his previous team.
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  3. Hraesvelgr

    Hraesvelgr Snek in Your Boot

    Zapdos Egg
    (Zapdos Egg)
    Level 21
    Aug 2, 2014
    Trainer Card - Cave ThemeDragon Fang ★★★★Philosopher's CowlWater Stone ★★★Great Ball ★★
    Name: Tamariel Reimer

    Age: 23

    Biological sex: Male

    Appearance: Standing 183cm Tamariel have short messy black and green eyes. He wears practical clothes often in natural colors such a green or brown he's wearing hiking boots, cargo pants or something similar, t-shirt, hunting vest, army cap and black and green hiking backpack.

    Personality: Calm and collected a lot is needed to fluster him, he tends to overthink things namely his own mistakes. Rather outgoing Tamariel find it easy to talk to people he just at times have trouble starting a conversation.

    Pokémon & Details about them (start with one; expand when you catch more in the RP):
    Mortis the houndoom, Mortis was given to Tamariel on his 11th birthday by his parents as a houndour. Mortis is ever vigilant and always keeps an eye out for possible danger and vary of strangers when out of his ball.

    Bruce the totodile, personality WIP.

    Hometown: Ecruteak City, Johto

    Backstory: Tamariel was an only child; he lived with his parents in Ecruteak City. When he was 15 he and his parents were in a car accident, neither of his parents survived. After that Tamariel had to move in with his aunt that lived in Black City in Unova. When he got old enough he tried to enter the police academy but failed entering twice which hit him hard. After failing the second time his aunt suggested him becoming a ranger since she thought it would fit him well. Tamariel then decided to travel Unova to think things through and hope to find out where in the world he's supposed to be.

    Goals: Becoming a police officer, finding his way in the world. He's also considering becoming a ranger.

    Type of Trainer: Wanderer

    Equipment (Pokédex, X Transceiver, Other Items, etc.): Tent, sleeping bag, cooking gear, first-aid kit, Swiss army knife, ultra balls, a few heavy and level balls, X Transceiver, medication for Pokémon.
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  4. Captain Comet

    Captain Comet Fallen Star Baby

    Shiny Space
    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 27
    Sep 8, 2016
    Basic Gary Oak ★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Jaw Fossil ★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Name: Arno Calarten

    Age: 19

    Biological sex: Male

    Appearance: Neck-length black hair , but his bangs are kept cut to keep them from covering his eyes and face. Lavender hat similar to Brenden's in design. White and somewhat lanky. He has a black, loose-fitting t-shirt with a Mt. Chimney design in red and gray pants. He also has a backpack, the different pockets of which is where he keeps his Poke Balls, restorative items, misc items and Prop Case.

    Personality: Is very affectionate, imaginative and creative. He is not afraid to show his emotions and expresses himself a lot, rarely ever keeping how he feel to himself. He is also pretty much immune to criticism unless it is constructive and/or needed, and tries to be very supportive to others. Has a very large soft spot for sweets, mainly pastries. He is also fascinated with breeding, though not enough to change his mind about what to do with his life.

    Pokémon & Details about them:

    1. Monroe the Gligar. Ability: Immunity. Moves: Dig (TM), Acrobatics, Sky Uppercut, Night Slash (egg move), Poison Tail (egg move). On Arno's 10th birthday, he received an egg as a gift from his aunt, who was a breeder. He took great care of it and eventually Monroe hatched from it. The two instantly became best friends and agreed to train in both performing and battling, so Monroe currently knows several powerful moves and techniques and is also a great actor and dancer. Monroe is very energetic and friendly, but likes to pull small antics that either get him in trouble or make everyone laugh.

    2. Cinder the Torchic. Ability: Blaze. Moves: Ember, Peck, Fire Spin, Feather Dance (egg move), Low Kick (egg move). Arno received Cinder from Professor Juniper upon arriving to Unova. Cinder is very friendly and caring, but also is a bit clumsy. Despite this, she tries very hard.

    Hometown: Slateport City, Hoenn

    Backstory: Arno was born into a couple of two locally successful contest performers. As such, the the concert hall in his home town of Slateport was like a second home to him growing up. He loved watching the astounding connection between a professional and their partner Pokémon, as well as new performers trying out their first contest. He thought for sure this as always the life for him, until his family took a trip to Unova when he was 11. He immediately fell in love with the hustle and bustle of the busy, metropolitan region. Nimbasa City specifically attached to him the most, and all that just grew when he saw a performance at the musical. It was similar to contests, but has so much more tied into it, and didn't have judges rating each contestant, with it instead being an actual theater and the audience being their personal judges. He told his parents all about his desires to move to Unova and become an actor in the musicals, with Gligar agreeing. He's finally old enough to go out on his own, and is planning to go on a journey around Unova as both a final test to prove he's ready and to get familiar with the region. And hey, a few battles along the way would be nice too.

    Goals: Explore all possible parts of Unova; become a famous performer in the Pokémon Musicals in Nimbasa.

    Type of Trainer: Performer Equipment: Pokédex, PokeNav, Prop Case, LOTS of extra Pokeballs (mainly Luxury Balls).
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  5. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014

    Name: Kirie (pronounced Ki-ri-ey(same as "say") )Shimizu

    Age: 22

    Biological sex: Female

    Gender (optional): Female

    Appearance: Kirie is decidedly average, at around 160cm tall. Short black hair forming a bob and lavender eyes. She usually sports a white jacket with a purple tee shirt inside, as well as grey capris and purple sneakers. Despite the weather, she still prefers to keep her jacket on. She also keeps an empty vial around her neck, usually hidden by her shirt, as a reminder that she once learnt under Koga the Elite.

    Personality: Kirie used to be gullible and people pleasing, but ever since she worked with Team Rocket, she became more insecure towards people. However she's still people pleasing as she will make herself tolerate things even though they bother her a lot. She also has a tendency to be reckless to the point she would willingly put aside her own wellbeing if it means to be able to save another's life. Kirie is hardworking and oftentimes observant, as she did plenty of that in her previous "job". On the down side, she is still constantly tense around people that some things can be taken a bit too seriously. She's deathly afraid of canine Pokémon, especially the Houndour and Growlithe family, as one reminds her of cops, the other of Archer. Some events still haunt her, even the sight of police officers made her on edge.

    Pokémon & Details about them (start with one, expand when you catch more in the RP):
    Nidorina (nicknamed Quinzel). Moves: Poison Sting, Fury Swipes, Bite, Double Kick.
    Quinzel was Kirie's partner since young and was given to her by her father who works in Pewter City as a fossil collector. Through thick and thin, Quinzel was her sole partner since she started working for Team Rocket, and stayed behind throughout it all. Quinzel has a tendency to poke at her trainer, all in good intentions.

    Phyllis the Chikorita. Phyllis seems naive at first, but nevertheless an almost similar image of Kirie once was.

    Hometown: Fuchsia City, Kanto

    Kirie was born to a fossil collector father and a nurse mother. For the longest time, she had shown a fascination in poisons and medicine, so she was sent under Koga's tutelage since her youth. She had learnt a great deal about making antidotes and basic medical skills. However, she had made the mistake of helping a Team Rocket member in Mount Moon while blind to the circumstances that follow. Team Rocket decided to kidnap her for ransom initially, only to have her readily surrender to work for them, as she didn't want to worry her parents and feed some funds into her medical studies.

    As she toiled under Team Rocket's commands as a mere Grunt, they also used her medical knowledge for their own gains. Kirie lived in constant fear of punishment from her superiors when all plans did not go as thought, given the fact she was of a low rank, and would be given the brunt of the abuse. The experience proved useful as Kirie also learnt to deal with poisons with a more hands-on approach, given Team Rocket's abundance of Poison type Pokémon in their arsenal.

    Once Team Rocket disbanded in Johto, Kirie was at a loss. She had nowhere to turn to, ever since she reunited with her parents and they refused to associate themselves with her, a former Rocket. An opportunity came to her in the form of Nurse Joy, when she suggested to perform some community service of sorts, to give back to the community. For two years after she was free from her job in Team Rocket, she lived on odd jobs, and occasionally as a nurse in Pokémon centres to earn a living, before she managed to get enough money to go out of Kanto. Her parents have grown to accept her new person after two years, but still couldn't forgive the things she had done as a Rocket member. She decided to go to Unova in hopes of looking for a new life and hope that people would accept her once more.

    Goals: To become an accomplished Pokémon or human doctor/nurse and clear her conscience somehow once she gets her doctor's license, while exploring a new region.

    Type of Trainer: Doctor/Nurse

    Equipment (Pokédex, X Transceiver, Other Items, etc.): Food, a first aid kit, few bottles of Fresh water, a multitude of Revives and Potions, a few Pokeballs and Great balls, and four or five bottles containing samples of antidotes for various Pokémon poisons. Sleeping bag, a journal and a few pens.
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  6. CGStryker

    Sep 12, 2016
    Name: Zachary Kazehaya

    Age: 13

    Biological sex: M

    Gender: M

    Appearance: He's about five feet tall, not too thin or too fat, has short coal black hair and matching eye color and a somewhat light complexion. He wears a simple black tee shirt with a white outline of a pair of wings on the back, white shorts, white knee socks, and black sneakers. He'll occasionally have a white bandanna with a Gengar-like smile drawn on it covering his own mouth, other times he'll have it casually tied around the back of his neck.

    Personality: Lively and quirky, he holds an adventurous spirit, although it won't appear at first sight, hidden by a shy persona when around strangers. Usually, he'll stay on his own, away from others, but if needed, he can prove to be a good ally, which may spark up a future friendship. He holds a fascination for the wind and Flying-Types, although he is more naturally tuned to Bugs. Over time, he's learned the way of the ninja to an extent, and has since then learned to be cunning and sneaky.

    1. Spiral the Nincada- Ability: Compound Eyes, Moves: Harden, Hone Claws [TM], Metal Claw, Silver Wind [Egg Move; Masquerain], Fury Swipes, False Swipe. Nature: Hasty. Contrary to Zachary's own exuberance and liveliness, Spiral is calm and collected, and works and battles his own way, sometimes getting annoyed by his Trainer's somewhat recklessness and blunt strategy, although Spiral sticks by him either way, and they do share a common interest of the wind. He was given to Zachary as a result of one of his "father's" travel adventures, which hatched under Zachary's care, and soon, they were best friends, despite their clashing personalities after a terrible event involving an Ariados that Zachary would not like to recall that showed how much Spiral cared.

    2. Prince the Piplup. Ability: Defiant. Moves: Pound, Growl, Bubble, Aqua Ring. Nature: Adamant. Not much is known about Prince, other than he acts regal, and judges things based on his own opinion. Chosen starter of Zachary at the beginning of the Unova Journey.

    Hometown: Ecruteak City, Johto.

    Backstory: Zachary was born an only child in Ecruteak City to a nice couple, and he was happy, but a few years later, his parents' relationship began to falter, and soon he only had his mother left. She remarried years later to another man, a traveling animator from Unova, and Zachary began to bond with his new "father", as they shared a love for adventure and had grown close to one another. As of now, he's on winter break and has decided to go stay with his "father" over in Unova for the time, and has since then been given permission to go on a journey across the region, so long as he checks in every now in then with both of his parents.

    Goals: Beat Gym Leaders and enter the Pokémon League, catch a lot of Pokémon, generally have a fun adventure.

    Type of Trainer: Trainer [Ninja Boy], Adventurer.

    Equipment: Pokegear [White], X-Tranceiver [White], Pokeballs, Heal Balls, an Ultra Ball he got from his "father", food and water, a tent, umbrella,and other miscellaneous survival gear.
  7. Captain Comet

    Captain Comet Fallen Star Baby

    Shiny Space
    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 27
    Sep 8, 2016
    Basic Gary Oak ★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Jaw Fossil ★★★Galladite ★★★★
    So do we just continue where we left off or do we need to introduce ourselves and get a starter again?
  8. Morgaine

    Morgaine Goddess of Shinies

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 3
    May 1, 2016
    Crown of ValorSoothe Bell ★Heart Scale ★★Ice Stone ★★★★
    I think it would be best to just start from where we left off. But if others would like it differently, we can work with that.
  9. Hraesvelgr

    Hraesvelgr Snek in Your Boot

    Zapdos Egg
    (Zapdos Egg)
    Level 21
    Aug 2, 2014
    Trainer Card - Cave ThemeDragon Fang ★★★★Philosopher's CowlWater Stone ★★★Great Ball ★★
    I'm fine with starting where we left off because tbh the start was really awkward because a professor asked complete strangers to travel with each other.
  10. Captain Comet

    Captain Comet Fallen Star Baby

    Shiny Space
    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 27
    Sep 8, 2016
    Basic Gary Oak ★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Jaw Fossil ★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Also, and none of you but Silver really know what this is because he never told you, but I am really not a fan of Ainsley's plan with Professor Juniper. It just doesn't really make any sense and doesn't sit well with me.
  11. Morgaine

    Morgaine Goddess of Shinies

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 3
    May 1, 2016
    Crown of ValorSoothe Bell ★Heart Scale ★★Ice Stone ★★★★
    Rest assured I came up with my own plan and plot for this RP. I already placed it in the RP discussion thread on Discord.
  12. Aiko

    Aiko Anti-Shadow Weapon

    SS Egg #2
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 36
    Mar 7, 2016
    Lure Ball ★★★★Friend Ball ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Ultra Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Name:Maru Shakin
    Biological sex:Female
    Appearance:A small girl around 5'2". She has long curly black hair that goes to her ankles. She wears a black dress and hat with knee high socks. She has a skirt with blue highlights, her dress also has blue highlights. She has a side back where she keeps all her equipment.

    Personality:She is very hyperactive. She loves to talk to people and likes to make lots of friends. She sees the good in everyone. She is very open about her opinion. If someone doesn't agree, she gets mad. She likes to help people, but can tell when people don't want help.

    Pokémon & Details about them (start with one, expand when you catch more in the RP):
    1. Zoe the Zoroark
    Moveset: Foul Play, Punishment, Night daze, Fury Swipes [ability=illusion]
    Zoe and Maru are bezt friends. Maru found Zoe as a child and Zoe was injured. Her parents are both doctors, so they where able to heal Zoe. While her parents didn't want her keeping Zoe, Zoe wouldn't leave Maru's side. Zoe is a playful and lively Pokémon, hence why they get along so well. They do almost anything and everything together. While her parents dont like Zoe, theres nothing they can do to separate the two.

    2. Fari the Fennikin
    Maru recived Fari from professor juniper. Fari is very shy, but seems to like Zoe.

    Hometown:Hearthome City, sinnoh

    Backstory:Her parents are both esteemed doctors and wanted Maru to follow down their paths. Since she lives in Hearthome, she was able to get the Relic badge, thus coming one step closer to her goals(even if its a sinnoh badge and she is currently in unova). She talks with Fantina alot and sees her as a mentor. Fantina gave her the idea to become a ace psychic one day while training with her. She wanted to travel to Unova to see new lands and find new Pokémon.
    Goals:To get all the badges and one day have her own gym. She also wants to be a ace psychic.
    Type of Trainer: Psychic (trainer)
    Equipment (Pokédex, X-Transceiver, Other Items, etc.):Pokedex,Pokeballs, badge case, "magic" wand(has no actual magic, but she says it heals her Pokémon faster), potions and revives.
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  13. TripleAAABattery

    TripleAAABattery Look at my fluff! LOOK AT IT

    (Eevee (K))
    Level 45
    Nov 12, 2014
    Wow. Somehow I completely missed this thread :D

    Name: Aurik Tallon

    Age: 21

    Biological sex: Male

    Appearance: Very messy brown hair, to the point where it's almost covering his brown eyes. It also covers his small rectangular glasses, which he often uses for reading small print. 5' 6 and about 185 pounds, he's not exactly the skinniest guy around. You can often find him wearing a metallic grey t-shirt with a greatly oversized white jacket, which he tries to use as his own 'lab coat', to make up for the lack of an actual one, though this makes him look somewhat silly to some people. He also wears beige khaki shorts due to the heat that Undella Town can often bring, but otherwise just has regular beige khakis. He owns multiple of all of these, as well as a pair of black sneakers, which he would only wear if he had to leave Undella Town for any reason.

    Personality: Somewhat of a know-it-all when it comes to Pokémon due to his constant research on Pokémon, as he has quite a deep fascination with them, though he lacks any practical experience with Pokémon. As such, he often gets overly upset when something he doesn't expect happens. He's also somewhat selfish, and he knows it, but he wishes he could be a bit better about this.

    Pokémon & Details about them (start with one, expand when you catch more in the RP):
    1. Swablu (Female, Nicknamed Cloud 9, or C9 for short)
    When Aurik was 12, he and a trusted local professor went south for a day to explore Route 14. Eventually, Aurik saw an Altaria nest near one of the waterfalls, and showed it to the professor, who told him a few things about the species, He was both shocked and fascinated at what he learned. For example, he didn't know that these fluffy creatures were Dragons! Before continuing on, Aurik wanted to stay behind for a few minutes to watch them. The professor saw nothing wrong with it, and said he'll be up ahead. A few moments later, the Altaria left the nest, possibly to get food. When he peeked at the nest again, he discovered 4 eggs inside. He looked all around him to make sure no one was watching him, and he ended up taking one of the eggs and safely putting it inside his big bag before catching up with the professor. His 12 year old mind tried to somehow justify this, but he knew deep down what he did was wrong.

    When they went home and said good-bye to each other, he went home and opened up his bag to make sure the egg was ok. Instead of an egg, though, he found a Swablu inside! He thought it was just the most adorable thing around and called it Cloud 9. He knew that if anyone found out about it, though, he'd be in a lot of trouble. So he took care of it in secret for nearly a year, while at the same time studying just about everything there is to know about the species itself. Eventually, however, the same professor dropped by one day to find Aurik feeding Cloud 9 while he wasn't paying attention. The professor said that he shouldn't have done what he did, but if he went with him back to Route 14 to return the still young Swablu to her birth parents, he wouldn't tell anyone about what he did. Aurik was starting to tear up, but he knew it was the right thing to do. So he went back with the professor, thinking about the times he's had with the Swablu.

    As they went back to where he remembered the nest to be at, Cloud 9 was confused as to why there were tears going down Aurik's cheeks before she saw her real parents. She flew up to them and the parents ended up hugging her and from what Aurik could tell, they were communicating with each other rapidly. As Aurik and the professor were walking away, Cloud 9 ran up to him and chirped. He was very confused. It seemed like the Swablu wanted to stay with him. He picked her up and tried taking her back to the nest but she flew back down and wrapped one of her wings around his leg and firmly chirped as if she were saying "no.". He was about to cry at this, and asked the Altaria if she could stay with him, which he immediately wondered if they would even understand him. To his surprise, the Altaria nodded at him, chirping back. Being extremely grateful about this, Aurik promised that they'd visit them again... which he has done multiple times.

    Soooo.... about the Swablu herself. Cloud 9 often likes to take care of her cloud-like feathers (sometimes almost obsesses over their fluffiness) and sing once in a while, though like her trainer, she's fascinated about other Pokémon as well, and will often sit with Aurik as he researches Pokémon. She's also kind enough to try and... correct any selfish behavior her trainer may do. She currently knows Hyper Voice, Disarming Voice, Mirror Move, Cotton Guard, and Sing. Strangely enough, he didn't have to teach her Hyper Voice, as she used it only a few days after she hatched... which almost got him caught.

    2. Chespin (Male, nicknamed Ganjo)
    The starter Pokémon that Aurik found after digging in the pile of pokeballs that Professor Juniper dropped for a REEEEALLY long time. So far the Chespin has shown that it is quite relaxed with a big appetite, but perhaps more will be revealed from this Pokémon as they journey together. After Aurik looks at his Pokédex, he found the moves Ganjo has is Tackle, Tail Whip, Vine Whip, and, to his shock, Spikes, with his ability as Overgrow.

    Hometown: Undella Town, Unova

    Backstory: Despite living in Unova all of his life, he very rarely ever leaves his home, so he doesn't have as much knowledge about his home region as he would like. By the age of 10, he got into what he would like to call a "super hobby", where almost all the time he had at home was spent researching Pokémon. His parents were fine with this, of course, since he was learning important things instead of the many other possible worse things he could've taken up, and he was fine with it too, despite having almost no social activity outside of his home. At one point, though, at the age of 15, his local professor, who was the only one that ever really got him out of the house, if only for Pokémon related subjects, introduced him to Professor Juniper, who he immediately got a crush on, and decided that he wanted to become a professor as great as she was. Although he quickly got over his crush on Juniper, he still wanted to chase his dream to be a great professor. Very recently, however, he found out about these places in various regions called the Battle Frontier and about the Frontier Brains, who were highly respected, and... well, he wanted that respect himself. However, he knew he couldn't do both at the same time, as both were practically full-time jobs. So, to decide for himself, he will take a grand journey around Unova and take the league challenge in order to figure what it is that he truly wants.

    Goals: To either become a world-renowned professor like Juniper, or to become a Frontier Brain, preferably in Sinnoh's Battle Frontier

    Type of Trainer: Super Nerd

    Equipment (Pokédex, X Transceiver, Other Items, etc.): Pokédex, numerous notes on Pokémon in general, a laptop, food, several Poke Balls and a couple of Quick Balls.
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