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The Extractors

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by Vanillite, Mar 11, 2015.

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  1. Vanillite

    Vanillite Cat Lady

    Nov 24, 2012
    -Your standard LV rules apply here!
    -This is an OC role play. No canon characters allowed.
    -When you begin, you are allowed to have 3 characters at a max. However, if you'd like to add another later on, please PM me. If I think you can handle another, I'll allow it.
    -Posts must be at least 3 paragraphs long
    -No godmodding!
    -Magic abilities will be allowed since the characters are apart of an elite squad. However, don't over do it– your characters can't be invincible. If I see an issue with this in your profile, I will messaged you privately!
    -The main playable species are human, dwarf, faery && elf. I will consider other mythical creatures (or a species you made up!) Just please PM me if you wish to use a species that is not listed.
    -You cannot play species such as demons, vampires, werewolves and spirits.
    -You cannot kill another's character without their permission.
    -In battles, it is probable your character will take change. Keep this in mind, as no one is invincible.
    -Please post at least once every two weeks. If you take longer without letting me know what's up, we will move on without you.


    In the land of Learden, all was well.

    The ideas of racism && homophobia are scarce, those atrocious ideas only still held highly in small villages cut off from the rest of the world. Different species– Elves, humans, faeries, dwarves– Are at peace with one another. No longer are there laws forbidding them to marry other species or dwelling in cities and towns where their species are not prominent. The faery people are no longer enslaved && are able to do as they please. It has been 150 years since any sort of war has broken out between species.

    It is the happiest time of Learden's existence. Each species specializes in a certain craft. Dwarves are strong, built to create incredible ironwork and the like. Faeries are in-tune with nature, aiding in the growth of crops and the purification of water sources. Elves can create soothing tunes to dissolve arguments && entice animals into being tamed. They are excellent navigators of the land. && Humans tie them all together, a sort of jack-of-all-trades. By working together, the land lf Learden is ahead of neighboring lands economically.

    But such a perfect land would not last.

    There are those who reside in the village of "Nork," where religion was utterly dominant. Their days revolved praising the first king of Learden, whom had reached God status through the use of magic, named "Leardis." While he ruled, the faerie race was still enslaved. While all the other species lived in harmony, there was not to be marriage between different species. It is said Leardis became immortal, but he has not been seen since he passed on the throne to his son 300 years ago.

    Leardis was an admiral man. He lead the various species that now inhabit Learden into battle against the underworld creatures that had once inhabited the land. The strong army would drive back the demons, forcing them back within the 'rift' between the two worlds that they had opened. From that day on, the demons have remained in the underworld.

    While Leardis is still widely worshipped, it is not because of the laws he enforced, but his strong leadership skills && because he had given these people a land to live and thrive on. But within the village of Nork, this is not the case.

    Those who reside in Nork do worship Leardis's accomplishments, but more so do they worship the laws he created all those years ago and consider them more important than their own health. They have removed themselves from the rest of the world, only speaking to each other about what Leardis "truly" wanted for this land && now new rulers had corrupted the public.

    There was one individual within Nork that was more devoted in the rest and determined to make a difference. After doing the forbidden– speaking to someone outside of his village who knew of magic– He would learn to create a summoning circle, wishing to summon Learden's 'lost' god. Of course, being inexperienced (&& gaining knowledge from an untrusted source), it would not be Leardis that he summoned.

    Instead, the atrocious demons his beloved god had driven away were summoned.

    The demons would erupt out of the rift created, screeching and zipping off in various directions in the sky. After dwelling in the underworld for several hundreds years, a new plan had arisen: Possess the living && destroy the nation. That way, the inhabitants of Learden would have no choice to kill one another to 'remove' the demons that possessed them. But even if those possessed were killed, the demons could simply jump to another body && possess it.

    But those of Learden were not ill-equipped for something such as this to occur.

    Within the church of Leardis, a special force was created for if this exact situation occurred. An elite squad specially equipped to fight demon invasions. They are familiar with chants to draw out demons from the possessed && carry special weapons made out of a unique metal that burns the flesh of the demons. This group is called the Barons.

    The main task of the Barons is to seek out Leardis, the lost god && obtain his aid in fighting the demons. Leardis's help is needed for he is a god, && only a god can enter the underworld unharmed. Under his protection, the Barons may enter. They are also to seek out && destroy the one who released the demons.

    Your character is apart of this elite squad specially trained to extract && destroy the demons that possess the members of society.

    PLACES, PEOPLE, && CREATURES, OH MY! (Will update periodically)

    Learden: The grand land in which our characters reside. Gorgeous green hills && forests, hissing swamps, underground cities, places that are always raining. There are grand cities and small villages, dusty roads that are always littered with merchants && bandits.

    Leardis: The founder of Learden who became a God. He is worshipped by those in Learden. He disappeared several hundred years ago.

    The Barons: The special force trained to extract && destroy the demons that have possessed the living.

    Barold: The current king of Learden. A stout dwarven man with thick, long red hair && a braided beard to match. (More information provided on the character profiles thread)

    Nork: The small village cut-off from the rest of Learden. Poverty is great here, as is religion.

    Grolden: (Starting location) A grand city in which the current king resides. The city is made of glittering white marble stone. The steps, the buildings, the streets are all marble of different shades. Only the grandest of nobles are able to live in this city. These nobles have great control over things that affect what happens to Learden. The large church of Leardis, called Praetus, is located here.

    Praetus: The largest && most holy church in the land of Learden. All people, regardless of social class or species, is allowed into the church to pray. It is a luxurious building created out of marble, fit with gorgeous stained-glass && proud statues of Leardis. It is within this church that the Barons reside.

    Grolden Castle: The inside of this castle is the complete opposite of its exterior-- the marble within it is completely black. The walls are streaked with various different fluorescent stones which lights the castle. Upon visiting this castle, one might think they are actually within an underground gemstone city!

    Demons: Ah, yes, the demons the Barons must fight. After being exorcised from a creature's body, the demons themselves take on an almost gaseous state. They are slightly translucent, their skin crimson, black, or deep brown-- colors often associated with fear. Their eyes glow a ruby red && their faces surprisingly human-like. Their lips are much too large and loose for their faces && they are unable to close their mouths, so they are always drooling. They vary in size && shape but undoubtedly are always hunched over, black horns long && thin, are much like a gazelle's. Their clothing are rags.

    However, this is not the form in which they fight Barons. When facing a Baron, they will slightly morph themselves into something that the Baron fears. In example, say a Baron is afraid of spiders. The demon might grow various spider legs or increase their amount of eyes to 8. Perhaps they may grow spider fangs. However, demons cannot completely transform into a fear, only take on several features of that fear.

    The following are various statements in which to withdraw a demon from the possessed!

    --O demon, within me is the power of the god who first banished you! His spirit lives within me as does his power. I do not fear you. Your place is not here. The wrath of Leardis over powers thee && the one who commands you. && With His wrath I command thee: Release the soul in which you dwell! You have no power here!!

    ((If you guys have any ideas for chants, just PM me! They don't have to be as long as mine ))

    The sign-up sheet is here.
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  2. Vanillite

    Vanillite Cat Lady

    Nov 24, 2012
    ((Here we go friends, time to start!! Everyone should start with their character in/around Praetus church. A nun or priest should approach them && tell them to meet outside the church with some other members as they've all been requested to visit king Barold at the castle! You can control your own npc nun/priest in your post, && you don't need to make a character profile for them! :) ))

    From the window of his room, Ezra would eye the dreary marble streets below. Brows would furrow upon spotting a lone man on the road below, grasping his scalp && howling loudly. Possessed by a demon, no doubt. Those who were possessed were easy to spot; They did not walk as normal humans did, as they moved much quicker and hunched over. Their skin is a sickly-yellow green && their eyes a terrifying black, pupil-less. Those possessed foamed from the mouth && spoke in voices that were not their own, but the demon inside's. They are able to cause items to move across rooms and--

    "--Praise thee, Leardis, creator of Learden. May your presence soothe his soul && calm the demon that dwells within his soul. Give him strength to fight, fight the demonic urges that are not his own. ."

    The scarecrow's thoughts would be interrupted by the hushed tone of his fellow Baron && priest, Carmichael. The priest had his hands folded just under his chin, eyelids closed over warm, chocolate optics. Ezra's own topaz optics would stray away from the street && towards the praying man. He would give Carmichael a look of pity-- && admiration. It was pitiful that a man relied so much on a higher power to fix problems that he himself could handle, but it was also admirable to see someone so devout. A smirk would play on the scarecrow's lips as he reached forward, applying a flick to the other's forehead.

    Of course, it would startle Carmichael! Immediately his eyes would flutter open in surprise && he would lurch backwards as if frightened! But upon seeing Ezra snicker, the fright would dissolve from his face, replaced by a crimson blush of embarrassment. Trembling lips would part as he tried to retaliate for the flick.

    "E-Ezra, good heavens, you startled me! That wasn't very nice-- I was trying to save that young man's soul! What if you've interrupted his saving && now his soul is lost in purgatory?"

    Ezra's topaz optics would crinkle in delight as an airy laugh escaped him. He enjoyed the company of Carmichael; He was so easy to tease! Not to mention his horrible puns were also humorous.

    "Carmichael, his soul isn't lost! It's still his body-- Can't be released until we get down there && kick some demon ass--- Assassins! A-Assassins are cool!!"

    Horribly had he tried to cover up his swear by changing the topic to assassins! Why did he have to change topics so quickly? Because a Sister Liana had entered, && she did not take swearing lightly. If she caught you, she'd make you rewrite a verse from the Book of Leardis over && over again! Ezra would clear his throat && sit up straight in his chair. He would tilt his head a fraction so that his face was covered. A sweet smile would play on Carmichael's pallid tiers, as he loved the presence of nuns. Ezra would remain silent, allowing Carmichael to handle the situation.

    "Sister Liana, it's a real treat to see you! What brings you here? Oh, did you come to hear a joke? Ezra's gotten me a new joke book, you know!"

    Liana would answer weary grin && tone.

    "Thank you Carmichael, but no. There's no time to chat, for King Barold wishes to meet with you && Ezra along with a few other Barons. I am only here to tell you to meet just outside Praetus until the others arrive. The King has sent an escort. Good day to you both, may Lord Leardis be with you."

    With that, a curt nod was given before she left the doorway.

    In one fluid movement Ezra was up && at the door, motioning for the latter to follow. Within his chest his heart was pounding, as he was excited to visit the castle. So many priceless artifacts && jewels. . No, no, he musn't think that way! He would shake his head, onyx tresses swaying about as he did so.

    "C'mon Carmichael, let's head out."


    "Oh, oh, Carmichael, Ezra!!!! Are you going to visit the king too? Oh wow, this'll be fun!!"

    Ula's neon-magenta hand would wave rapidly in the air as she spotted both Carmichael && Ezra headed down the front steps of Praetus. A large grin would play on her cyan lips, as she was excited to see that those two would be joining her! Ezra would respond with a tilt of his head and a "Yo!" While Carmichael would give a large, goofy grin. Upon arriving in front of her, the priest would open his mouth to speak, but Ula would beat him to it!

    "Who else do you think is coming with us??? Do you think the King is gonna give us a special mission? Oh gosh, we're gonna be like super heros!! Once everyone gets here, let's come up with a group name! One that everyone will remember us by!!"

    "A-Ah, but Ula. ." Carmichael would stammer, a bashful expression present on his face. Their group already had a name! They were the Barons. Had she forgotten? Timidly, he would continue. "We already have a name! We're the Barons, y'see. You haven't forgotten, have you?"

    ((RIP I didnt mean to write so much, and you do NOT have to match my length! Just write as much as you feel necessary!))
  3. Sachi-Shimazu

    Mar 29, 2013
    (Hey, don't worry about it Shiki, I've written longer in Demon Lands)

    Naomi was practicing her combat skills on a training dummy in the swordmaster's school next to the church. She had been their a few times now and the man who ran the school had learnt that getting a stone training dummy was better, because she would burn through or slice apart all the wooden ones. She never used one of the training swords, only Darkheart, and she practiced using her fire abilities in tandem.

    The swordmaster didn't like her. He knew the rumours about her going berserk at the drop of a hat. Her feared that one day she would get frustrated and burn down his dojo. He never wanted to push her out either, for the exact same reason. He watched as Naomi sliced at the stone dummy with acrobatic flair, throwing in a few fire attacks in between.

    "Fire sword edge!" Naomi called out, her sword lit ablaze suddenly as she struck the dummy, leaving a slight dent in the material. "Oops, I went a bit too far that time." She chuckled quickly before the door opened behind her. She spun around, her blade pointed towards the door. It was one of the nuns from the church. She slung her sword over her back before apologizing. "Sorry, that was close. I nearly decapitated you... again. You should really knock next time."

    "You should learn not to swing around thinking everything is an enemy whenever you hear a noise coming from the door Naomi." The dragon girl shrugged. "Anyway, I've been informed that King Barold wishes to speak with you and some of the other Barons. There are some already waiting outside the city." The nun spoke under her breath next. "Why anyone would want Insanity Squared is beyond me."

    "I can hear you." Naomi smiled. The nun looked shocked, before the swordmaster pointed to the nun and signaled for her to get out. "Oh well, it was fun. See you again another time sir."

    "A pleasure as always." The swordmaster was grateful that Naomi's dragon hearing did not allow her to hear the subtle difference between when someone was complimenting her or telling her a blatant lie. Or maybe she didn't care. Oh well, she was out of his dojo and it wasn't burned down, that was a good day in his books.

    As Naomi reached the edge of the town, she could already see three of the Barons who had shown up. "Yo, Carmi, Ula, Crow. So you three are coming along for the ride as well. I hope this is an interesting assignment. The last one I was sent on was to protect a caravan. There weren't any bandits or anything that tried to attack it, and when I asked the people what needed protecting they didn't say they had anything extremely valuable. It was rather boring sitting in the back of a cart for 3 hours." She breathed in deeply as she stopped talking.

    "So, who do you guys think is going to join us? I really hope the Raven joins us, she's always fun to have around." She leaned back against a nearby tree and grinned cheekily.
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  4. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    "Now where did that girl run off to? She's been here scarcely a week and she is almost never indoors! " Giulietta, a nun of approximately fifty years of age, one of the elderly ones in Praetus, was pacing around an empty room. Oddly, a pair of sandals lay next to the bed, untouched.

    "She must be at the lake again. Goodness, she spends too much time in water that it must have entered her skull somehow somehow..." With that, she went to the nearest lake to the church.


    "Sister, look! I'm able to purify the water like you do now! "

    "That's great, Llyr. Mother would be proud of you! "

    "Of course I am, Evienne, my dear.I wish you'd seen it too... "

    If it were not for the voices, Evienne could be just seen as talking to her own reflection in the lake. There was a vision of Rillette and Llyr on the water surface.

    Out of her reverie, someone cleared her throat. "Evienne of Gwenllian, please come here this instant."

    "Well, I hope all goes well with you, dear. Come on, Llyr, your sister is busy. " said her mother in a hushed tone.

    "But, mother... " came Llyr's protest.

    "Listen to Mother, Llyr. I have to get going." Evienne smiled as she willed the vision to disappear before turning to the nun. "Yes? "

    "His Majesty wants to meet you outside the city, there is something he needs to discuss about. "

    "Ahhhh, alright. I will be there as soon as let be." Evienne smiled brightly and was about to leave the area when Giulietta barked, almost. "Good heavens, my dear. You cannot visit the king without proper attire. At least put on those sandals of yours."

    "But they hurt my feet, Sister. " Evienne whined a little.

    "You will have to get used to them. Now run along. "


    Unfortunately for her, it was her novel visit to the city, hence she had gotten herself lost a few instances. Several hours later, with thanks to some kindly passersby, she made her way to the edge of the city, where she saw a dragon girl, another water faerie, a priest and a crow. Not knowing who they were, she took up refuge behind a nearby post.
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  5. Grelleth

    Grelleth Sailor

    Jul 14, 2013
    The nun traversed through the alleyways, clutching her book as she went over what she was told.

    "You cannot miss him. He has external gills, almost resembling feathers where there should be ears."

    "External gills..." The nun muttered as she turned a corner and bumped straight into someone.

    "Oh! Sorry ther-" She was cut off when she realized this was the boy she was looking for.

    Auxern was just getting up from running into someone and about to apologize when she spoke to him again. "The Barons need you young man! Come with me."

    "What? Um... ok?" Auxern said as the nun took of, surprisingly fast. "Uh, who are the Barons?"

    "They hunt down those who are possessed by demons and extract them out of them," The nun quickly replied, turning a corner.

    Auxern was easily keeping up to her. "Wait, that's possible?"

    "Of course it is," She replied.

    "Oh... um, how come you're dressed like that?"

    "Must you ask so many questions? Just follow me."

    Auxern was quiet the rest of the way to the temple, even though many other questions were burning in his mind. They both made it there fairly quickly. Auxern was looking around when he noticed a few people standing around, talking.

    "Well? Go on," The nun said, pushing him towards them.

    He hesitantly stepped forward a bit, but still not very close. The nun rolled her eyes and dragged him over to the group.

    "Here is another for your group. Now, I must be going," she said, leaving Auxern there.

    "Um..." The Axolotl boy looked sheepishly at the ground, not sure what to say to these people before him.
    Sachi-Shimazu likes this.
  6. Cobalt

    Cobalt I'M A HURRICANE

    May 17, 2013
    She awoke with the light shining into her eyes. That was something she'd finally gotten used to after all of her years alive. Well, she was adjusted for a bit after leaving the underground cities, but her arrest made re-adjusting a bit difficult. Either way, her topaz irises shimmered on a more gloomy face as she rolled out of bed, showered and ate a small breakfast.

    After she ate, she dressed herself in the manner she typically did, keeping blades on her waist, up her sleeves and in her boots. Slinging the sheath of a sword across her back and deciding to leave her typically worn cape behind, Kuro Kage put a hood over her head and let her hair fall down her shoulders as she left the house.

    There was already a summons on her doorstep, but the church liked to look after her. After all, most convicted murderers had a tendency to get tied up and into trouble. Kuro, of course, was the stereotype breaker, but that answer wasn't good enough for them. She spun as a finger tapped her shoulder, unashamedly gripping the hilt of a knife on her waist.

    "M-Miss Kage." The nun stuttered, understandably nervous. "King Barold himself 'as requested your presence at the church, he has." she spoke quickly, as if she was waiting to leave. Nuns tried to be as kind as they could, but who could face someone like her without being just a bit scared?

    "Understood. Thank you for relaying the message." Kuro responded, dryly. "I'll be there as soon as I can." Kuro assured, and with that, took off at top speed.

    The small town, a forest town, she rushed through were used to seeing her figure pass by, so it wasn't an issue when she barreled through. She didn't cause much, or any, damage as she made her way, but certainly was known, to her scorn. She was more rusty after she got out of prison, but she could navigate an entire city in silence in her past.

    Once she made it Grolden, she still kept her hood on for a bit. At least until she was good enough in to avoid any annoyance that might come without it. She pulled it down as she began to walk towards the Church. and noticed quite a few people had already made their own appearances.

    She gave a nod as she approached, took a place a bit separate from the others, but closer to Ezra than anyone else. Kuro didn't care too much about Ezra, but he was more relaxed than some of the others around. He wasn't bad to talk to on the occasion, either.

    "You know why we're here?" Kuro asked Ezra. "It was apparently important enough to put a notice on my doorstep." She shrugged. "They've never bothered me that much about something before."

    "Either way, let's hope it's at least somewhat interesting." she said, leaning against a wall and twirling a knife between her fingers.
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  7. Sachi-Shimazu

    Mar 29, 2013
    Naomi was still waiting for someone to acknowledge her. She knew that a lot of people felt quite tense when she was around, she knew she could go berserk at the drop of a hat. "Oh well." There were two people that she didn't recognize who came to join their group. One was another faerie like Ula, what was standing nervously behind a post. The other was what looked like an axolotl person. Well, it was good to know that dragon people weren't the weirdest half-breeds out there.

    Finally, Kuro showed up. Naomi was about to say hi when she went over closer to Ezra and started talking. She pouted a bit. "Hey Raven, how you doing?" She didn't really expect a response.

    Eventually she decided to try and talk to one of the newcomers. They didn't know of her reputation, so they wouldn't be as tense around her, right? Both of them looked kind of nervous, but the axolotl boy seemed the least awkward.

    So naturally, she decided to say hi to the faerie. No one ever said she made the smartest choices. She walked over the faerie girl. "Uh, hey. How are you doing. I'm Naomi."
    Cobalt likes this.
  8. Vanillite

    Vanillite Cat Lady

    Nov 24, 2012
    [[Hey friends! Tomorrow, I'll edit this entry with my actual written post, but I wanted to alert you guys of a rule update: I'd like for us to post in the order that we started in to keep things neat! This means the order will go as: Me, Sachi, Lunar-Peacle, Grelleth && Cobalt! If someone can't post one week, we will skip over them && I will alert the next poster that they can go ahead and post!]]
    Sachi-Shimazu and Cobalt like this.
  9. ID Zeta

    ID Zeta Resident Physicist

    Level 18
    Jan 11, 2013
    ((I suppose I'll be at the end of the rotation posted above, then.))

    The Great Library of Grolden was a grand building unto itself. It stood several stories tall, with many underground floors as well, and aisles of books crammed full with tomes and textbooks filled each level. Here, students sought resources for their studies and scholars debated various subjects. One could find a trove of information on just about any subject in the Great Library.

    Demons, however, were one of the very few exceptions.

    This fact continually irritated one elf, a regular visitor and good patron. He searched and searched for any information he could about demons, even going so far as breaking into the more secure sections of the Great Library, but nothing other than anecdotes could be found. The elf wanted something new, information that could lead to a breakthrough in demon-hunting.

    The elf flipped the page of the book he was reading, a collection of reports regarding demon encounters and attacks. He had seen all the information before - nothing new stood out to him - but he took notes on particular aspects of the encounters, hoping to draw some connections. His pen sat perched in the crook between his long ear and his head. As he reached for it, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

    "You are Veigrus Turmol, yes?" a voice, middle-aged and female, said. Likely one of the many nuns who wandered around Grolden.

    "Indeed, I am," the elf replied quickly without looking over his shoulder. "Do you need something of me?"

    "You are summoned by King Barold," the nun said. It sounded as if she had rehearsed the words before actually saying them. "Please report to Praetus Church for further instructions." She awaited the elf's response.

    Veigrus sighed. He felt close to making a key connection in this studies, but a summons by the King himself could not be ignored. The dark elf flipped his book closed and put it, as well as his notebook, pen, and ink, into his small travel bag. "Very well," he said as he packed his belongings, a hint of annoyance hidden in his tone. He rose from his seat, revealing his true height. He stood head-and-shoulders above the nun, who took an unconscious step back, and he cast a dark shadow over the woman. He turned his head slightly, setting one of his deep red eyes on the woman's face. "I'll get right to it."

    He reached for his cane, an elegantly-crafted metal scepter adorned with a pair of curved blades and a large red gem on the head. He slung his pack over his shoulder and started off. The nun simply watched him leave, unsure of how to react. The dark elf was every bit as intimidating as some people had said.

    Praetus Church was only a few minutes away from the Great Library. Even so, Veigrus walked briskly to his destination. He quickened his pace when he saw a crowd, likely other people summoned by the King, assembled in front and within of the Church. I'm late, he thought bitterly, a scowl forming on his narrow face. The dark elf couldn't pick out any familiar faces among the unusual crowd. He noted a few of the more odd attendees, such as a young Axolotl, a sentient scarecrow, and a brightly-colored individual. The King must have odd tastes, Veigrus thought, his brow raised slightly. The King had yet to make an appearance, so Veigrus leaned up against the stone wall and waited.
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  10. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Evienne turned to the stranger who called her, and blinked. Said stranger was being friendly. As a result, she replied too. "And my name is Evienne. " She smiled shyly at Naomi. "A pleasure to meet you. "

    She had only gotten to Praetus just two days ago, and she hadn't acquainted herself so quickly. Furthermore, she was a little scared of humans still, lest they do what they have done to Gwenllian some years ago.

    Not even the rain could wash away her guilt after five years. The deaths were her own fault, she told herself again and again. However, a chance to redeem herself was presented when she was chosen to become a Baron.
    Sachi-Shimazu likes this.
  11. Vanillite

    Vanillite Cat Lady

    Nov 24, 2012
    [[Tbh ya'll I'm sorry just forget that new rule I added. Post when you can, okay?? If there's ever a time I need you guys to chill on your posting because I need to move the plot or something, I'll let you know!!]]

    It wouldn't be long before the area would soon fill with Barons. Some faces were familiar, others weren't. The unfamiliar would cause Carmichael's pulse to quicken nervously, fingers fidgeting with the silk hem of his robes. He would offer a nervous smile && a dip of the head to those he was unfamiliar with, as he was much too nervous to actually introduce himself. However, Ula was quite the opposite.

    ❝OH!!! So many new Barons! Oh golly, I'm Ula!! It's nice to meet you!❞

    Algae colored optics would dart about all the faces, marveling at all the various facial structures, eye colors && skin tones. Her heart would warm upon spotting Naomi, as it was nice to see another individual with strange skin!! More than once had Ula debated on approaching the dragoness && caressing the scales that freckled her body. Perhaps she would later on, once introductions were out of the--

    Oh gosh, oh golly, he had weird skin too!! It was the color of stone, smooth as a pebble hidden within a body of water. The stoic male was perched quietly against a sturdy wall, merely surveying the area. Didn't he wish to socialize too?? If they were all going to work together, they should get to know each other!! Quickly the faery would put on the brightest of fins, magenta skin radiating as she marched over to him.

    ❝Hey, hey!! Why are you by yourself over here?? C'mon, I can introduce you! Everyone gets excited when they meet Barons that aren't stationed in Praetus!!❞

    Magenta digits would search for the stony digits of the latter, crushing them between her grip as she began to tug him towards the middle of the group.

    ❝Look, look, someone from somewhere else!!❞

    ❝He's not the only one from somewhere else,❞ Ezra mused, topaz optics watching the boisterous faery. ❝Think we've got a newbie!❞

    The individual the scarecrow spoke of was the rather fish-like creature. Perhaps he was a faery? Nah, he had gills. But quickly Ezra would lose interest in the newcomer, as his gaze landed on one of his favorite familiar faces; Kuro Kage. Rather than introduce himself to the new recruit, he'd roughly slap Carmichael on the back [causing the priest to jump in terror], signaling him to take over.

    ❝Yoo, Kuro. .❞

    Carmichael took comfort upon spotting the new, nervous individual-- for it made him realize he was not the only one whom was nervous!! The priest would shuffle over to the Axolotl, offering him a kind grin && a warm gaze. Seeing as Carmichael was always in Praetus, he was in charge of keeping up with the names of new recruits.

    ❝Goodness me, I must apologize for not noticing you sooner, Auxern! I'm Carmichael && I'm sure you're quite confused seeing as you are a new Baron recruit! But alas, don't be afraid, for you are not the only newcomer! There's a faery just over there who's only just joined a few days ago! Her name is Evienne-- Oh mercy me, I've only just realized I've yet to introduce myself to her as well. .❞

    The Priest would clear his throat, hoping to get Naomi && Evienne's attention. He'd also offer a wave to the two non-humans.

    ❝A-Ah, Naomi && Miss Evienne, do you mind joining me over here? We've gathered yet another new recruit! S-Since Evienne is also new, I thought it'd be nice for these two to meet. && Naomi, you probably know what it's like to be a non-human Baron more than I, for obvious reasons!❞ Cue a silly, groan-worthy chuckle. ❝I'd like to--❞

    ❝Y'cin discuss what y'need ta do on th'way to th'castle! We've kept the'king waiting far too long, youngin'!❞

    && So appeared a short, wrinkled dwarf with a salt-n-pepper beard. How he could possibly see through all the wrinkles && hair was beyond Ezra. The scarecrow parted his lips to speak, but was cut off by the dwarf.

    ❝Yis, I'm th'one takin' yer group ta th'king! Now get yer legs movin'! Th'King's gotta lot t'discuss! Ya'll better not be disappointments! I risked my rear t'come out here! 'Course I was forced ta, but that ain't th'point!❞

    Without giving anyone time to respond, the pruney old man would spin on his heel, marching gallantly down the marble path towards the large castle in the distance. How on Earth was he able to walk with all of that armor on?

    ❝He didn't even check to see if everyone was here. Hell, does he even know who all is supposed to come? Isn't Jade supposed to show up? Probably fashionably late as he'd put it.❞

    The gripe would escape Ezra through grit teeth, speaking to Kuro in particular, though loud enough for anyone to respond to. && Someone--Ula-- would respond to him while still attempting to tug around the Elven stranger by the hand as the others marched with the dwarf.

    ❝Ezra, those are bullying words!! Bullying is not nice!! Don't hurt people's feelings! We have to set a good example for the new Barons!!❞
    Sachi-Shimazu likes this.
  12. Grelleth

    Grelleth Sailor

    Jul 14, 2013
    No one seemed to be coming up to Auxern to ask him any questions. They all were too busy talking among themselves. But that was understandable, as the few words he picked out made it pretty clear that they were friends. More people showed up. Everyone seemed so tall and just, better overall than he was. The boy felt small and insignificant as the group grew bigger. He noticed a few people looking at him in confusion, mainly at his gills, but that was all the interaction he had.

    He perked up when they mentioned a "newbie". He looked up to see they were talking about him. Unsure of what to do, he shifted his feet and looked around, taking the the scenery.

    Then someone came over and started to actually talk to him! He seemed rather nice, and nervous, and was about to introduce him to some of the other members of the group when a dwarf suddenly was there, telling everyone that they needed to get to the castle to speak to the King. He swallowed nervously. The King? He was in no shape to see the King! His clothes were tattered and he had been living the past few days in this city as some sort of urchin.

    Everyone started moving. He caught up to Carmichael, since he had been kind enough to speak to him, and walked next to him.

    "Um, how did you know my name?" The Axolotl asked curiously as his footsteps fell in time with Carmichael's.
  13. ID Zeta

    ID Zeta Resident Physicist

    Level 18
    Jan 11, 2013
    Veigrus' eyes were closed, his mind deep in thought. He recalled the day's investigations into demons, thinking over what he'd read. That one incident keeps resurfacing to me, he thought. Might it be-?

    His eyes flicked open at the sound of determined footsteps approaching him. Instinctively, Veigrus' grip on his scepter tightened and he visibly tensed up as the large gem adorning it glowed softly. Thankfully, it wasn't a threat; it was just the brightly-color fairy that caught his eye earlier. The magenta scales that coated her hands and feet shimmered brightly; Veigrus did not find this girl unattractive.

    His expression quickly changed from a contemplative mask to a surprised gawk when the girl grabbed his free hand and yanked him towards the group. Looks, it seemed, were deceiving - this girl had a tight grip! The fairy insisted that he join the group and introduce himself. "Unhand me at once!" Veigrus hissed through clenched teeth. The girl complied, but Veigrus found himself in the center of group gathered before the Church. He felt their eyes boring into him from all angles.

    The dark elf adjusted his overcoat with an annoyed snort and shoved his dully-throbbing free hand into his pocket. "I'm certain there will be time for more formal introductions later, young lady," Veigrus growled, his flustered face covered with a look of absolute fury. His expression softened after a moment. This girl was young and energetic, which made staying angry at her for long difficult. "Assuming there isn't, however, I am-"

    Just then, a haggard old dwarf announced that he was the group was to follow him to meet the King. What he said made Veigrus growl lowly and furrow his brow. This dwarf spoke as if the group was already destined to die. Nonetheless, the dark elf fell into stride with the others as they followed the dwarf to King Barold's castle. "As I said, introductions can wait," Veigrus said, more to himself than to anyone else. Just was does the King have in store for us...
  14. Cobalt

    Cobalt I'M A HURRICANE

    May 17, 2013
    (( I've uploaded Jade's profile, I'd recommend looking! Thanks, friends! ))

    Just as Ezra had put it, Jade was fashionably late. Of course, it wasn't his fault. Felix just kept him in the door, the dog he was. His lover was someone he admired dearly, of course, but there's simply no way he could leave without a thousand goodbyes. Not that it was really a problem for either of them, Jade didn't quite want to go anyway, and Felix, he was a bit clingy when he was tired.

    It wasn't that he disliked the Barons, he thought to himself as he made his way. The nun had already passed him by, saying she had consulted Kuro and they expected him there was well. Kuro was interesting to have around, but he was more looking forward to meeting the new faces he expected there.

    It didn't take him long, he was quick when he wanted to be. He found his way through Praetus easily, and managed to find the group just before they went on their way. He thought he heard a bit of snark from Ezra, and, of course, he couldn't be stood up. With a smirk on his face as he approached, he nodded,

    "Better late than never, isn't it, Ezra?" He smiled, charmingly. "I would've gone with the fashionably late line, but I guess you know me too well." Jade cocked an eyebrow.

    "I wonder what I'd do without him." Kuro deadpanned, to Ezra.

    "Your life would be significantly more boring, that's for sure." He quipped.

    "My life would be significantly better." Kuro rolled her eyes in return. "You know why you're here, don't you?"

    "The king needs us for something, sure." Jade waved her off. "I'm just excited to meet some of our new friends." He said, devilishly. Jade was the type to flirt, but never let anything get carried away. He gravitated to Veigrus, and shrugged.

    "Introductions can wait, but why should they?" He said, whimsically. "It's good to know who you're working with. He looked over. "Jade." He said, holding out a hand. "I figure I should let my last name, wait." He said, poking fun at the elf.

    Kuro had little tolerance for Jade, at times like this. He was a good fighter, and logical when he needed to be, but he covered it up with the annoying attitude he had. She sighed.

    "To this day, I question why I ever let myself be associated with the creepy-eyed freak." She muttered, to Ezra. "I get his heterochromia may make him feel special, but he's not. Really, is not." She muttered once more, making sure she was out of earshot from Carmichael.
    Sachi-Shimazu likes this.
  15. Sachi-Shimazu

    Mar 29, 2013
    The faerie girl looked worried about something, but she couldn't tell what. Oh well, at least she didn't know of her reputation quite yet from what she could see. Naomi smiled, half grateful and half happy that this person was talking to her. "Well, let's be sure to be great friends over the course of whatever adventure we're going on."

    Just as she was starting to get through as a friend, Carmicheal had to say something stupid. She started to twitch, trying to stop an outburst. She couldn't. She took her sword off of her back and threw it in the ground right next to him (which was a fair distance away). "Do you have an issue with me being half Dragon or something!" She yelled at him. Her fist was clenched, almost ready to punch him before she slowly got herself under control. There was a little fire dissipating from around her fist. She was so glad that she had gotten herself under control just before the dwarven escort came around.

    As they started walking, Naomi went to pick up her sword and pulled away from Evienne. After that outburst, Naomi was certain that the faerie would want nothing to do with her. She instead tried to get Kur's attention again. "Hey, Kuro, what do you think this mission will be about? There sure have been a lot of pus called together for this one."
  16. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    As Naomi reacted to Carmicheal calling, both Evienne's hands flew to her mouth as Naomi barked at Carmicheal. What has the poor lad done to her? Nevertheless she calmed down after the escort had arrived.

    Noticing that Naomi had pulled away, she looked on, a little concerned for Naomi's wellbeing. Something else caught her attention, a handful of others seemed to gather around. She could only hope to get to know them soon.

    It seemed like the young lad with gills was as out of place as she was. He reminded her of her little brother, to which she suppressed a chuckle.
  17. Vanillite

    Vanillite Cat Lady

    Nov 24, 2012
    ((I figured we could get some introductions && such out of the way before the group arrived to the castle! So, continue the conversations friends! B) Oh also, I added some more terms to the list of things to know up top! Check 'em out when you have the time!))

    Incoherently, Carmichael would begin to babble. As if she were equipped with a switch, Naomi went from her usual easy-going self, to angry!! The priest would gulp loudly, eyes darting about the various people in which he was walking with, hoping for an escape from the heat. He in no way meant to offend the dragonness– he was quite fond of her, actually.

    ❝H-Heavens no, Naomi! I only m-meant that you may have more in common with him than I, since you aren't human! O-Oh, goodness me. . ❞

    But alas, the fretful priest would be rescued by the newcomer, Auxern! A sigh of relief would escape Carmichael, the nervous expression on his visage replaced by one of relief.

    ❝Oh, I know just about everyone's name– Those who are with the Barons, I mean. Out of all the Barons, I'm the one who's most often in our headquarters at Praetus, so I'm given the names of new recruits! I'd imagine it's all quite baffling for you.❞

    As the two walked, he'd place a hand gently on the younger's shoulder. The priest would offer the warmest of smiles && a gaze filled with encouragement.

    ❝Do you have any questions?❞

    Meanwhile, Ula would continue to swarm the dark Elf, fingers intertwined behind her back as she peered curiously at the latter, fluorescent green optics set on the almost disgruntled-like expression present on his face. Cyan lips would part, tone chipper;

    ❝Oh, no– We've got plenty of times for introductions!! My name is Ula, but I think I already told you that!! I can tell you the names of others, too!!❞

    She would leave his side for a few moments to circle the group, magenta fingers pointing at the individuals she knew. However, she wasn't doing a great job at pointing each person out, so who knew if the Elf even knew who the faery was pointing at!

    ❝That's Ezra, that's Kuro, that's Naomi, that's Carmichael aand– Oh oh, Jade!! Oh gosh, oh golly, I'm so glad you made it in time! Trips are more boring without you, y'know!! Come meet my new friend– he's kinda shy, though!!❞

    With that she would fall back in step with Veigrus, cyan hair tossing about behind her as she walked. A 'whew' would escape her, as she felt as though she had done some reaaally tough work!!

    ❝Yeah, go see the Elf, Jade.❞ Ezra would say before waving his fingers towards the latter. ❝The adults are talking here.❞ By adults, he meant himself && Kuro– && anyone else who might join in!

    The scarecrow would shrug his shoulders, kicking a small pebble forwards as the two walked. Topaz optics would flicker towards the gaze of the female, releasing a sigh as he did so.

    ❝I'm sure whatever Barold wants, it has to do with these demons. That's all we're really used for, anyways. The king's army is used for actual wars and such– Which is kind of shitty, cause we don't get to see much action.❞

    Fingertips would feather over his tunic as he adjusted it over his chest.

    ❝But I'm sure we're less expendable than they are; You can't be an idiot && a Baron, but you can be an idiot && a soldier.❞

    The Crow would turn his head, gaze falling on Jade.

    ❝Although, we do have that idiot. .❞
  18. ID Zeta

    ID Zeta Resident Physicist

    Level 18
    Jan 11, 2013
    The group was rather chatty as it flowed towards King Barold's castle. Veigrus could hear the usual banter that broke the ice, so to speak. Names were exchanged, acquaintances were made. The dark elf took his time sizing up each member of the group individually for a moment or two, though flashes of cyan and magenta distracted him every so often.

    The fairy girl was still eyeing him with the same attentiveness as a young boy who gazed at a fully-suited knight. It seemed she had grown fond of him rather quickly. A small smile crept onto Veigrus' narrow, pale face. Perhaps it was because of her intoxicating energy, her cheerful voice-

    Her uncanny resemblance to his sister.

    Veigrus blinked those thoughts away quickly. Now wasn't the time to be distracted by thoughts of the past. The fairy introduced herself as Ula, and she began to point out and name some of the other members of the group. He caught a few of them, but Ula went so quickly and so erratically that he missed one or two.

    Another man strode up to the dark elf and commented on what Veigrus muttered earlier. He offered a hand and introduced himself as Jade - though Ula had already said the man's name. The dark elf chuckled at Jade's remark after saying his name.

    "Finally, someone with some respect for manners," Veigrus joked as he shook the hand offered to him. "I am Veigrus. I don't anticipate that we'll need to know one another on a last-name basis, at least any time soon." He placed his free hand in his overcoat pocket. Ula had fallen back into step beside him.

    Veigrus noted the brief conversation Jade had with was he presumed were other friends. The more the dark elf looked at this man, the more suspicious he became. Underneath the charm and sarcasm, Veigrus sensed something else, something he didn't think he would like. He wisely kept to himself about his suspicions.

    "So," Veigrus said, attempting to start a conversation, "I assume you and those other two - Kuro and Ezra, I believe they are - are already well-acquainted?" The dark elf gestured to the pair he was talking about, who were muttering amongst themselves. He couldn't hear the conversation, but he could tell what was being said wasn't praise.
  19. Grelleth

    Grelleth Sailor

    Jul 14, 2013
    Auxern nodded at the man's reply. "Y-yeah, it is. I lived alone with just my Uncle for most of my life. This whole place is so big and confusing."

    Carmichael was very kind to him, and asked him if he had any questions. He returned the priest's warm smile with a smile of his own before asking him the first questions that came to his mind.

    "Um, yes, actually. What are the Barons exactly? What do they do? And does the King lead them? What's the King like?" He rattled off these questions quickly. The Axolotl stopped after these few, for he was worried that he had asked too many. Then again, Carmichael did ask if he had any questions, not imposing a limit. And he seemed rather open to giving him answers. He waited for the replies.
  20. Sachi-Shimazu

    Mar 29, 2013
    Maybe it had been wrong to pull away from Evienne. She hadn't seemed to be too scared by her rage moment. Carmicheal hadn't really learnt, but she realized that he was often a bit clumsy with her his words. Maybe she should try to talk to Evienne again.

    "I'm sorry Kuro, I'm going to try and talk to the newbie." She had tried to get Kuro's attention so fast that he hadn't even noticed her before she left. Scatterbrained thought was one of Naomi's traits that people found annoying. She got back over to Evienne.

    "Hey Evienne... Is it alright if I call you Evie? I'm sorry about before, I've had some problems in my past that are kind of like a berserk button if someone brings them up." The Faerie girl seemed to be smiling at something about the axolotl guy.
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