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Jan 15, 2017
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Feb 5, 1994 (Age: 30)

REALLY don't want to write my denouement, but I'm not a fan of hinting things & not delivering on them. Mar 20, 2017


Athlete, Male, 30

    1. Writer4fun
      Writer4fun Mar 20, 2017
      REALLY don't want to write my denouement, but I'm not a fan of hinting things & not delivering on them.
      1. Seprix
        Seprix Mar 20, 2017
        Who/what disappointed you, fam?
      2. Writer4fun
        Writer4fun Mar 21, 2017
        Nothing really. I'm just naturally a man of my word. If Espeon and Umbreon talked about having an egg earlier in the story, I want to show the audience that they will have an egg instead of gloss over it or assume the audience will figure it out.
    2. Writer4fun
      Writer4fun Mar 5, 2017
    3. Writer4fun
      Writer4fun Mar 2, 2017
      Just posted a 12,000+ word chapter. Contained a dream sequence, hype for a big battle, a full 6 on 6 battle, and the aftermath. Never again lol.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Achromatic
        Achromatic Mar 2, 2017
        That's good! It'd be great if you posted it on LV, however! I'd really like to see your fanfic updated here. Could be a personal challenge!
      3. Writer4fun
        Writer4fun Mar 2, 2017
        I do admit I have catching up to do. However, I'm not going to deny you the chance to read it now. It'll be awhile before anyone can see it but since you asked, I figured I'd offer it to you now. Now I begin the task of of getting caught up here.
      4. Achromatic
        Achromatic Mar 2, 2017
        You definitely should! :)
    4. Writer4fun
      Writer4fun Feb 22, 2017
      Working on a new story idea with Latias an important character but I need some cover art of a Latias before I go posting it on FFnet. Does anyone want to put their drawing skills to the test and help me out? I'd be willing to write a one-shot for you in return if you're not willing to do it out of the kindness of your heart. Comment below if you'd be interested. Obviously you'd get credit because I can't draw to save my life. I would greatly appreciate it.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Weedle Enthusiast
      3. Weedle Enthusiast
        Weedle Enthusiast Feb 26, 2017
        If you want me to, I can scan in the second one so that it is better quality than my phone camera. I also won't be offended if you don't want to use these. Sorry I'm late with these
      4. Writer4fun
        Writer4fun Feb 26, 2017
        Don't worry about the timing; I know that life gets in the way. If you could scan it and send it to me in a PM, I'd appreciate it very much and I may use that one. I just have to work on sizing it so it can fit into FFnet's image processor without anything being cut off. Unfortunately, the window they offer isn't that big.
    5. Writer4fun
      Writer4fun Feb 14, 2017
      One of the things I want to be known for around the fanfiction community (if that's even possible) is that I can write M rated stories that aren't smut/PWP. I want to show that you can have lemons in a story without ruining it and even enhancing it. Thanks to the stigma of fanfiction as a whole and the hundreds of thousands of M stories before mine, I have an uphill battle ahead of me. I can't wait to prove so many people wrong.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JadeFox
        JadeFox Feb 14, 2017
        Oooohh... true, I didn't even think about it. :P you have a good goal set in mind, so even if you can't pursue it here, you still can do it.
      3. ClefairyKid
        ClefairyKid Feb 14, 2017
        im pretty inexperienced with reading fanfiction and dont write any, but il come out and admit I read primarily lemons and smut LOLLL was quite surprised to find that those things specifically have terms for them and that they are such a common thing in that area
      4. Writer4fun
        Writer4fun Feb 15, 2017
        There's nothing wrong with reading it. Lemons is a term for anything overtly sexual. Smut is a story that doesn't have a plot (or a plot as dense as a single piece of paper) or the plot itself is to show characters having sex.
    6. Writer4fun
      Writer4fun Feb 2, 2017
      If you're looking for a story about redemption, hut/comfort, "travel the region" themed story based around an Espeon (f), Umbreon (m), and a 21 year old OC (m), take a swing over to Fanfiction.net and find me (same username as here) so you can read "A Second Chance." I just posted chapter 63 today and the story overall is ~90% done. I'll post a few chapters on here in the Literature Library as well. If you want to binge-read or think you'll read faster than I can
    7. Writer4fun
      Writer4fun Jan 21, 2017
      I can't believe I'm almost done with chapter 62 of my story. I could've stopped at so many points and still have a decent story with a decent amount of favorites, reviews, and follows, but it would've felt awkward just ending it at those times. Glad I kept going.
    8. Professor Azelf
      Professor Azelf Jan 15, 2017
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  • About

    <p>I was sent here via fanfiction.net so my username is also my ffnet username as well. I have four stories to my name, three of them are complete while my last one is currently on chapter 63. I'm pretty shy when it comes to new things so I may peek into forums a lot before actually posting but that'll change with time.<br><br>
    Pokémon brings out the best in me, yet makes me shake my head at times. It's been a connecting point for me in elementary school, middle school, high school, college, and still is to this day. I think I'll have a good time here so yeah... mini bio below.<br><br>
    "Are you a boy or a girl?": I'm a boy, Professor Oak/Elm/Birch/Rowan/Juniper/Sycamore/Kukui<br><br>
    Age: 23<br><br>
    Birthday: February 5<br><br>
    Location: Eastern Time Zone, United States<br><br>
    Favorite hobby: watching &amp; playing sports. Prefer basketball, American football, baseball, and Ultimate Frisbee (Ultimate) but will watch/try anything<br><br>
    Other hobbies: playing video games, any game with a 52 playing card deck, reading, writing, going to the gym to blow off steam<br><br>
    Favorite quote: "The road to success is always under construction" -one of my basketball coaches.<br><br>
    Least favorite quote: "You don't know what you have until it's gone"-unknown. I know full well that my life can change for better or worse in the snap of a finger.<br><br>
    First ever video game: Pokémon TCG on the GBC<br><br>
    First Pokémon series game: Silver Version<br><br>
    Favorite Pokémon game of all time: Pokémon Colosseum- great overall concept, competent villains that have decent Pokémon, actually challenging gameplay &amp; boss battles, and the music. Oh man how I love the music! Seriously, Evice is the hardest boss in the entire (official) series.</p>
    <p>My favorite Pokémon list will be one Pokémon per type later on.<br><br>
    So that's all I got unless I decide to update this again. Have a good day :)<br><br>
    Feb 5, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Jan 15, 2017
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    Favorite Pokémon:
    Espeon, Umbreon, Dragonair, Gyarados, Darmanitan, Lanturn


    mp21 (serious), PABLOSANCHEZ#GOAT (when I feel like goofing off)


    Referred Users


    The road to success is always under construction.

    If you're looking for a story about adventure, redemption, hurt/comfort, and most importantly: hope, I invite you to my story. May you find it comforting if you're going through a tough time and need a pick-me-up.
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