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Article Staff Interview - Pari

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Pixel, Jul 25, 2016.

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  1. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Hello Valorians, [member='Aura'] here with this issue of the Staff interview! This month I had the pleasure of interviewing the lovely [member='Pari'], who worked as a Moderator until her recent resignation. My questions will match the text colour you see here, while [member='Pari']'s will be in this colour.

    Let's start with an easy question: who are you?
    im a simple meme farmer, tending to my crops.
    but yeah, I'm Pari, as most of you guys know! Just an average teen livin' the dream with memes bursting from the seams.

    What is your role here on Lake Valor?
    I moderate several subsections of this here forum such as the Roleplay Institute, the Market, the Members' Lobby and Q&A, and Anime & Manga! It's my role to clean them up and keep an eye on things, answer questions about said sections and help out other members when they have questions.

    Why did you choose this role?
    i didnt choose the mod life, the mod life chose me. lol but really when Mod applications were still a thing I applied to be the mod of the RP Institute. I had been on the fence about applying, but it was actually Satix who said I should go for it, and in the end I did. And here I am! RPing is important to me, and when my mod duties expanded to forums like Anime & Manga, they're what I'm familiar with because of my hobbies. Modding is also a way for me to contribute all I can for LV, which has been such an important site in my life.

    Do you enjoy the role you play?
    I do indeed! I enjoy helping out in any ways I can.

    What do you like most about Lake Valor?
    ngl i really, truly considered putting the bee movie script here. so just pretend it's here. But what I really like most about LV are the friends I've made in my time here. LV has given me the opportunity to meet some of the best friends online I've ever had, and I'm so grateful.

    What's the story behind your username?
    My username used to be Pariah, one of my favorite words. I like how it sounds, ahaha. I've changed it a few times but most recently I've settled on Pari, since that's what most people call me anyways!

    Finally, describe Lake Valor in one word.
    memes important.

    On behalf of the writers team, I'd like to thank [member='Pari'] for taking the time out of her busy schedule and answering these questions, and we'll see you in the next edition of the Staff Interview! This is [member='Aura'], signing out!
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  2. ClamEatsCurry

    ClamEatsCurry Resident Clam

    Apr 1, 2016
    If I could make a suggestion about the staff interviews, could it be more of an actual interview? I notice from Satix, Shiro and now Pari that they are all the example same questions like you guys give them a sample template of "fill this out" and we get to see their answers to the same questions over and over. It just seems like I haven't learned much about the staff members of LV from these interviews because they're just answering the same template of questions. I'd like to see more of an actual interview style where they bring up a point (an example being a blog they write, YouTube channel they do, etc.) and then expand on stuff like on that. Even for the LV stuff specifically, Pari in this instance brought up she was the mod of all these different forums. Maybe a follow up question could be something like "What is your favorite thing you've seen in a forum that you moderate?" or something like that. Maybe it's just me, but reading the same set of questions for all three staff members seems kind of bland.

    Don't get me wrong, you guys are doing a great job and we all appreciate you all taking the time to do this writing but I looked at the past three interviews and it looked like you guys copy and pasted the exact same topic replacing the staff member or writers name in a fill in the blank and had people answer a template, which just doesn't feel like an interview to me. So a suggestion I'd like to give is just a more hands on style interviewing process in the future.

    If I'm missing something I'm willing to admit I'm wrong, but at first glance looking at the three most recent staff interviews, that stands out to me immediately.
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    Sanctuary, Wizard, Maantijger and 2 others like this.
  3. Eclipse

    Level 82
    Apr 3, 2015
    Marshadium Z ★★★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★Luxury Ball ★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★
    (My secret has been revealed! Run!)

    I can't speak for Aura personally as I don't know his precise method but I do believe he uses a template that he uses his interviews for. I'll admit that I use one, though.

    How I structure mine is that I have a few core questions that I ask, and then I open up the interviewee to answer other questions of their choosing, which ends up being half of the interview. Granted, the other half of the questions is also drawn from a list I prepared beforehand, so it isn't 100% free-form, though I think picking which questions to answer next is a good idea.
    I also think that in all interviews some questions (like 'tell us about yourself a bit') will be the same across the board...but, that isn't to say that the template stance is entirely defensible. (That is my way of admitting 'Yes, I do this, and I think it has merit, but it's not perfect.)

    I do appreciate you bringing this up, though - I'm technically next in line to publish the next interview, so this is the kind of stuff I want to know before it goes to press. My first instinctive response to your concern is to offer follow-up questions: like see how they answer certain questions, and perhaps go more into detail about things seen in their answers. (Length of the interview isn't an issue - after all, you can't really put a word limit on someone's personality, right?)

    Do you think follow-up questions to their answers would work well? Or maybe something else? Did you have anything particular in mind? Let me know; I want to give interviews that I want you to read and enjoy, and actually get some insight out of. If you think that my being too conformed to a template will make my quality suffer, then I'm not doing a good enough job for you.
    ClamEatsCurry likes this.
  4. ClamEatsCurry

    ClamEatsCurry Resident Clam

    Apr 1, 2016
    I hope it didn't come across as me being rude, this is me just trying to give constructive criticism.

    This is actually the kind of stuff I'm talking about that I personally would like to see. I don't know who's next in line to be interviewed, but say Sanc says he likes to play the drums or something like that, you could ask a question like when did he start or what got him into playing music. That's probably not the greatest example, but that's a general idea of what I'd like to see. I think if you guys did more of that type of stuff it would be more interesting to read.

    By no means are any of you doing a poor ob, but those are some suggestions I can think of that may really help in future interviews to come!
  5. Eclipse

    Level 82
    Apr 3, 2015
    Marshadium Z ★★★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★Luxury Ball ★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★
    It did come off as constructive criticism, yes; I sensed no malintent. Good to know that I'm on the right track, so to speak, in knowing what you're looking to see. I always welcome feedback because I know I'll always have room to improve!
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