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Pokemon Burnout

Discussion in 'Pokémon General' started by Ryan, Feb 28, 2017.

  1. Ryan

    Ryan lasagna bad

    pointy face
    Level 1
    Nov 21, 2012
    Charizardite X ★★★★
    Does anyone else get pretty burnt out on Pokémon after a few months? I love the franchise and the game, but once I stop playing, I usually don't pick it back up for months. It's really hard for me to maintain interest. :(

    If any of you have run into this, what have you done to maintain your interest?
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  2. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    I've run into this problem many times. There are times where I just can't put my 3DS down and play the game hours on end before it slowly tapers to an hour a day and then less and less before stopping altogether. Sometimes a break is needed before you can really enjoy the game again (which happens to be the case with me).

    It's also pretty difficult for me to come back to the game once I've hit the Pokémon dry spell but it eventually comes back once I'm free again. One way for me to come back to the game is to actually restart the game but sometimes even that is not enough :(
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  3. Fizzysoda

    Fizzysoda Valor Lake Cryptid

    (Jirachi Egg)
    Level 3
    Nov 23, 2012
    Soda Pop ★Reaper Cloth ★★★Amulet Coin ★★★
    Ah... my interest in Pokémon has been like a rollercoaster in the last few years. Sure, I love the franchise BUT I usually get sick of playing a new game after 3 months. Then I don't pick it up at all for like a year. When Gamefreak announces a new game, however, I often find myself picking up the last Pokémon game I played to refresh my memory a bit, haha.

    Then again, maybe it's because I play a fresh new Pokémon game almost non-stop after I get my hands on it so it burns out waay more quickly for me. Especially if the game is lacking in post-game content.

    I used to do nuzlocke challenges to freshen things up a bit but it has long since lost its charm for me. Soo... I guess the only thing that maintains my interest is well, more new games and new Pokémon to build a team with lol
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  4. Beffie

    Beffie clear your cache

    beautiful and perfect
    Level 36
    Apr 1, 2016
    Crown of ValorDawn Stone ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Gardevoirite ★★★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    When it comes to Pokémon, I tend to go between playing the games every moment I get and then having no motivation at all. When I come back from the "break," I feel like I enjoy the game more than ever.

    Usually when I hit burnout, I spend my time playing other games in it's place for however long it takes to me to want to play Pokémon again.
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  5. Seprix

    Seprix Patron Sint

    Jan 19, 2015
    @[member="Satix"] It's why I quit, fam! I'm back into it though.
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  6. DecemberWildfire

    Jan 18, 2017
    It's definitely not as intriguing for me as it was when I was a kid. At least, the traditional games aren't. The basic storylines are always the same and I just get bored of training my Pokémon and just all those same principles after so long.

    On the other hand, whenever I start playing the more unique games (mystery dungeon, the GC games, fanmade games, etc), then I often find myself addicted. And because these things so easily become idols in my life, I have to find ways to either find moderation or stop altogether.
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  7. Morgaine

    Morgaine Goddess of Shinies

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 3
    May 1, 2016
    Crown of ValorSoothe Bell ★Heart Scale ★★Ice Stone ★★★★
    Nuzlockes and just taking the break and owning it. Seriously, I have been playing it for 17 years now, nothing is going to stop me from coming back on my own terms to breed or challenge myself.
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  8. Skittle

    Skittle daijoubu

    Level 24
    Jan 12, 2017
    Comet Shard ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★Whipped Dream ★★★★
    That sometimes happens to me too. New game, Pokémon mania. A few moths later... eh.

    But the new games and announcements always get me going again. Puts me in a Pokémon kind of mood :P
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  9. Cadbberry

    Cadbberry Dad: 76.... Or Cad: 76

    (Eevee (KS))
    Level 12
    May 25, 2014
    Marshadium Z ★★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★
    I run into this often, I found after beating sun there was nothing for me, a person who doesn't like to battle, so I just haven't picked the game up pretty much at all.
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  10. Astronaut

    Astronaut Swimmer

    (Mew Egg)
    Level 1
    Mar 2, 2017
    I used to be a really avid competitive battler, and I actually went to official VGC tournaments a few years back. Since then, I haven't really played much at all, and that's been a big disappointment. The Pokémon burnout I've been in has been roughly 3.5 years now. However, I'm trying to get back into it, slowly but surely. Lately I've been trying to play random battles on Pokémon Showdown again, and that's gotten my interest back up despite the RNG hax I've had.
  11. Morgaine

    Morgaine Goddess of Shinies

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 3
    May 1, 2016
    Crown of ValorSoothe Bell ★Heart Scale ★★Ice Stone ★★★★
    Sometimes you need to stop playing one franchise, because too much just puts you off from it. Better to stop, and pick it back up then to play, because you feel like you need to.
  12. Otter Mii-kun

    I'm currently "burnt out" on playing any Pokémon games, particularly since I'm not all that impressed with the changes Sun/Moon brought upon us. On the few occasions that I play these days, I mostly do the Generation I Virtual Console re-releases that I have on my 2DS.

    Never mind that one of the reasons why I traded in my Game Boy (Generations I and II) Pokémon games that I had at the time back in 2006 was because I was so burned out for at least the preceding year or two prior to trading them in.
  13. Jhopthegamer

    Jan 16, 2017
    I've done it loads of times and I usually pick it back up, delete the last progress, and restart the game. I'm gonna try and actually beat Soul Silver now.
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  14. kindred

    kindred Collector

    (Moltres Egg)
    Level 20
    Sep 17, 2016
    i tend to do this way too often. when i first got ORAS, I played it constantly and beat it in a matter of days and then set it down for awhile and am still that way, until the event Pokémon come around and all that. i was also that way with sun/moon except i did do the post game story and beat that and then replayed the whole game again recently and it took me a bit longer this time, about a week or two bc i did other things around the house besides play the game. but i do go through sort of "dry spells" or burnouts of Pokémon. i tend to get very much back into it when they announce new games or events.

    one game i never get tired of is explorers of sky though, i've replayed through that game at least 3 or more times and it never gets tiring. but yeah i understand, burnouts suck and happen to a lot of people
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  15. Strytho

    Strytho Giveaway Enthusiast

    Xerneas Egg
    (Xerneas Egg)
    Level 8
    Sep 10, 2015
    Friend Ball ★★★★Beast Ball ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Lure Ball ★★★★Basic Gary Oak ★
    I get this every once in awhile with breeding. I usual take a few weeks off and step back from it. I then come back and try to do something fun with it. If I have nothing to do in game I usually take breaks every now and again to help prevent or ease it. Pokémon is one of my favorite games, but it isn't my whole life.
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  16. Deltheor

    Deltheor The Demon of Shikoku

    Level 2
    Dec 21, 2012
    Yeah, I run into this quite often, myself. I'm not into competitive battling at all, even though I do like breeding and shiny hunting, but sometimes I don't pick the games up for months, even close to a year sometimes. I still love them, but sometimes I just need something new to keep my interest.

    Usually what I do is take a break for a few months, then go back and start another file on one of my secondary games and play through that just for fun. Helps sort of keep the 'new' feeling without overwhelming me.
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  17. Weedle Enthusiast

    Weedle Enthusiast Resident Weedle Enthusiast

    Best Boi
    Level 1
    Oct 29, 2014
    Crown of ValorDome Fossil ★★★
    You wanna talk burnout? I took a week long break in the middle of Pokémon Sun, and almost didn't pick it back up (I only did for Charjabug, who I'll never evolve). I don't get burnt out on gen 3. I occasionally am not in the mood to play gen 3, but 90% of the time I could happily pick one of those titles up and play for a few hours. But all the other generations I get burnt out on really quick. I have about a week of passion for them and then just want to put them down for a long time.
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  18. GiratinaMissingNo

    GiratinaMissingNo ~Renegade Glitch~

    (Moltres Egg)
    Level 1
    Mar 8, 2017
    I've lost almost all interest in the anime, because it's just too repetitive for me. Sun and Moon is looking good so far, so maybe I can get back into it. The games have always caught my interest, but sometimes I just don't feel like playing them. What really got me through a lot was fanfiction; having that dark twist on my favorite fandom made me so much more intrigued. Now that I'm older, the lightheartedness of Pokémon doesn't really (wait for it) Attract me. Guess it failed I'M SORRY.
    Creepypastas and shipping helped me a lot, because I'm that morbid dirty-minded girl. I also really loved writing my own fics and reading others, and I wouln't be here if it wasn't for fanficion.

    I'm saying, if dark/angsty themes catch you, go for fanfics. Take a break from canon and go into the fandom's worlds for a bit. That's what helped me.
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  19. Arc1Dragon

    Arc1Dragon Just Monika

    Kyurem Egg
    (Kyurem Egg)
    Level 1
    Jan 10, 2017
    Crown of ValorPhilosopher's CowlStaff of VerityTapunium Z ★★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★
    Usually after I finish the main story and catch all available legendary Pokémon and side quests I rarely play after that unless I'm getting an event Pokémon. I still will watch the anime and read/write fanfics but rarely play the games
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  20. ClefairyKid

    ClefairyKid (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

    Dec 15, 2016
    Psychium Z ★★★★Poké Doll ★★Waterium Z ★★★★Ice Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★
    This is definately me, I found my biggest burnout after finishing my livedex in X and Y, but I did break the 1k hours mark so that explains why haha I missed pretty much ALL of ORAS (I have it but still yet to pick it up) and am even now still struggling even with the temptation that is SuMo. My only suggestion is go back to side Pokémon games, read Pokémon stuff/check out Pokémon art to get yourself in the mood, or maybe just play through plenty of other series that are different to reset your brain back out of it first.
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