Hello Lake Valorians! This is where I'm going to post old and new forum signatures and avatars that I have done! I'm unsure if I should start up a shop again but I just wanted to share some of my past projects c: I'd love to hear what you think Avatars Anime Signatures Spoiler I drew the last one and really liked it~ Real Life Signatures Spoiler
I love the avatars and signatures, I just don't know how people do such clean work, it is really amazing! I also love how you do both real life photos and drawn photos, it shows a great contrast between each other.
Thank you so much! It took a lot of practice and messing about before I was happy with the results! I'm really glad you like them Aw, thank you so much!
Neat work! @MayhemMcKoi You should totally enter the Signature Of the Month Competition! It ends tonight in 9 hours so you still have some time! Here is the link: https://lakevalor.net/threads/sotm-1.17485/ Would love to see you enter! Keep up the great work!