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Lake Valor Anime RP Sign Up Thread

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by Seprix, Mar 23, 2017.

  1. Seprix

    Seprix Patron Sint

    Jan 19, 2015
    Welcome to Lake Valor RP!

    In this Roleplay, you are going to be a character based off of yourself on Lake Valor!

    Getting Started
    1. If you have never RPed before, it may be worth your time to visit this RPing Guide created by Deltheor: http://lakevalor.net/topic/17057-lake-valor-rp-guide/

    2. Make a cool character. The character has to be yourself, but obviously incredibly badass! Powers can be over the top and silly, perhaps even overpowered. However, do provide a balance and some weaknesses. You don't want to simply win your battles or be the strongest there ever was! Use the examples provided and the form to help flesh out your character!

    For example, these two fantastic users have thought about what their power would be. They think about all of the implications of what their powers can do. Perhaps they impose some weaknesses. So perhaps they write it down in a word document, like so:

    After all of this is done, they would both fill out a form and flesh out a bit what their character is all about:

    Use this form yourself for your character!

    3. Have fun! This isn't the most serious RP ever created.

    It was a quiet day on planet earth. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Seprix was reading a history book about the rise and fall of the Third Reich. He was just reaching the end when he heard a giant crash in his backyard! Surprised, Seprix went outside to find... a glowing meteorite. Touching it, Seprix became infused with a power he could scarcely dream of. The meteorite then dissolved into nothing! But this was not a unique situation to Seprix. In fact, the exact same thing happened to many other inhabitants of Planet Earth.

    These strange meteorites seemed to find their way to certain select people, from all walks of life. Each meteorite was infused with a different power and properties, always dissolving after imbuing their powers into the person who touched them. What would these new-found heroes do with their powers? Would they use their powers for good? Form alliances? Support their local government? Or would they use their powers for personal gain? Or perhaps to instill a better world through authoritarian rule!

    While all of these dilemmas presented themselves to these select few people, something else was brewing. These meteorites had a purpose, and there was a Great Intellect watching from afar...

    (You may now post your characters and talk about what you might do once the story starts. Whenever talking to other users outside of the story once it begins, please put all comments within parenthesis and in italics, like this sentence.)
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  2. Seprix

    Seprix Patron Sint

    Jan 19, 2015
    I'll start with my own profile.

    Character Name: Seprix
    Powers: Seprix has the ability to stop time. Of course, he also stops when time stops. However, with this ability, Seprix has all of the time in the world to think and plan ahead. Dodging attacks and traps becomes very easy when he can stop time every couple of milliseconds. However, with this ability comes a cost. Seprix cannot fall asleep while freezing time. If he does, the ability shuts off. The experience of time does not stop when time stops for Seprix. If he remains frozen for long enough, he could even completely screw up his sleeping schedule!
    Personality/Facts: Seprix is not a risk taker. He likes eating food in his spare time. Also playing the piano.
  3. HiddenLore

    Time Master
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 36
    Mar 25, 2014
    Crown of ValorPoké Ball ★Root Fossil ★★★Beedrillite ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★
    Character Name: HiddenLore (Dustin)
    Powers: Duplication- can make 2 erfect copies (plus the original) after that all dupes lose 5% strength per dupe, and new dupes are 10% smaller than the last.)
    Personality/Facts: Dustin doesn't like to take risks, but he also hates when desciions take to long to make. He is pateint when dealing with people, but extended social interaction drains him mentally. Finally He has a fondness (some call it a weakness) for pizza, and will eat it anytime he can.
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  4. Getus

    Getus The Senate

    (Kyogre Egg)
    Level 18
    Apr 4, 2016
    Philosopher's CowlReaper Cloth ★★★Psychium Z ★★★★Great Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Character Name: Getus

    Powers: Sound waves - When Getus makes a noticeable noise, such as clapping his hands, he produces a unique sound wave that he can manipulate into a form of kinetic energy. Commonly he does this by snapping his fingers or clapping his hands, the louder the noise the stronger the more potent the energy produced is. This energy can act as a physical barrier, or if used offensively, like a hammer. Alongside this it can attack a person eardrums, temporarily deafening them if potent enough. This is especially effective on those with sensitive hearing. Speaking of, Getus himself was born with sensitive hearing which is why he has taken to wearing earmuffs when using his power, while this reduces the effects he feels, he still feels the effects. Also as he is closer to the source of the noise, the effects would hit him harder if the earmuffs were off. For example, if his power would cause an eardrum to rupture in the person he is targeting, he would feel double the effect.

    Personality: Getus hates loud noises, and by association being in large groups of people. He also loathes when someone touches his ear-muffs. He is generally a lazy individual, preferring to sleep hours away at a time, and when he's awake would rather avoid in strenuous activities such as exercise, combat or even a simple chore of going shopping.
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  5. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Character Name: Peacle

    Powers: Telepathy. Peacle is able to communicate telepathically by sending thoughts to the people she sees. The strength of the message getting through to the person would be at maximum when there is strong eye contact and close enough distance. She can't get a message through when the person is further than a 500 metre radius around her. With this ability, she can send a mass message to many people at once, but it comes at a cost, as one: the more people the messages reach, the more power used; two: she cannot filter who can hear this message and who cannot; and three, it wears her out greatly. This ability comes with another drawback, as while she is capable of mentally communicating with people, she would end up with plenty of audial hallucinations, in which she would probably question people if they said something when they clearly did not.

    Personality/Facts: Usually a more quiet individual, she prefers to be approached rather than approach people. Despite that, she is relatively patient and kind hearted. Peacle also adores music, and because she has perfect pitch, she gets lowkey annoyed whenever a wrong note of a musical piece is sung or played. On the downside, Peacle is constantly paranoid about hearing things, due to her sensitive hearing, and while she loves listening to music through her headphones, she sometimes regrets it as she, before obtaining these powers, already suffer from audial hallucinations when she listen to music too long with headphones. She can also get pretty anxious especially when it comes to making quick or important decisions, which was often why she prefers to stay out of picking sides.
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  6. Seprix

    Seprix Patron Sint

    Jan 19, 2015
    In the next couple of weeks, I will begin the thread. I'm not really sure if sign-ups are going to close or not. I am leaning towards no, but it might get hectic at one point so there may be a limit of players. I don't know yet.
  7. LadySmugleaf

    LadySmugleaf Cries in Poetry

    Dec 31, 2014
    Can I still join in?

    Character Name: Lady Smugleaf, goes by Smug
    Powers: Smug has the power to suspend disbelief, allowing her to appear to do literally anything. However, it is only an illusion, so her antics don't actually effect her or her enemies.
    Personality/Facts: Smug is socially awkward, so she generally stays by herself. However, she wants to be friends but doesn't understand how to make friends, so she just awkwardly lurks quietly. But when she gets over her shyness, she is over the top and very, very hammy. She generally only shows this part of her when she's using her powers to sell her illusions.
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  8. Seprix

    Seprix Patron Sint

    Jan 19, 2015
    Keep em' coming, guys! I'll start this soon!
  9. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Name: Chris
    Power: Cryokinesis. Chris can create ice and snow of his own free will. However, this causes his whole body to constantly be cold, to the point where he will start to melt if the surrounding area isn't cold enough. He is also unable to use his powers in this state, meaning he needs to be cooled from an outside source (someone else's power, change of location, etc.). The powers also caused his hair to turn white.
    Personality/Facts: Chris loves to read, play videogames and watch TV, and has taken an immense interest in music. He almost always has headphones on. He also misses his senpai, which he'll often mutter to himself about.
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  10. JadeFox

    JadeFox Valor Veteran

    Level 1
    Jan 21, 2017
    Premier Ball ★Beast Ball ★★★★Park Ball ★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★
    (Hope I'm not too late to join in!)

    Character Name: Hunter
    Power: Technological manipulation. Hunter has the ability to control technology, and allows him to do animate items like toasters, robots, and more (kinda like Rotom). Since he received his power, Hunter has often had miniature seizures, where his body twitches abnormally in various spots. He cannot, however, manipulate technology if there isn't anything there in the area, and will get tired easily from using his power (since he doesn't really practice it enough).
    Personality/Facts: Hunter is very energetic, and speeds his way through things. He enjoys listening to music and playing video games, although he gets tired of them easily. He is usually an impatient person, though, and sometimes acts without fully thinking things through. He can be a slacker at times, but he does like getting things done. Hunter also has a rather bad sense of humor, often throwing in jokes at the worst times.

    (The only reason my character doesn't have any kind of relationship with my username is because there isn't much to do with it...)
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  11. Aiko

    Aiko Anti-Shadow Weapon

    SS Egg #2
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 36
    Mar 7, 2016
    Lure Ball ★★★★Friend Ball ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Ultra Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★

    Character Name:Tonochi
    Powers:Can summon up to 5 animals(minions) at a time. These minions can fight for her and do other things like let Tonochi ride around on them. The more animals she summons, the more power she uses. If she summons all 5 at the same time, Tonochi will basically be rendered useless. She also can summon 1 animal every 5 minutes and cannot summon the same monster for 30 minutes after the other monster has died.

    Personality/Facts:Tonochi sees life as one big game. Everyone and everything around her are just minor activities until she reaches the end. Because of this, she has a very cheerful and lively personality. She will take on almost any challenge, because she thinks that she can do anything.
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  12. RioluThePsyco

    Apr 12, 2017

    Name: Psyco (Purposely misspelled)

    Powers: Can switch between two personalities at will, a eccentric genius who likes to read quantum physics articles, and a total monster. Not exactly a power, but while in Psyco Mode*, strength and speed are quintupled, eyesight, hearing, and smell are tripled.

    Personality: Eccentric, extremely smart, and has a weakness for sushi crunch rolls.

    * I guess...?
  13. JadeFox

    JadeFox Valor Veteran

    Level 1
    Jan 21, 2017
    Premier Ball ★Beast Ball ★★★★Park Ball ★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★
    @[member="Seprix"] When do you think that we'll start the RP?
  14. Seprix

    Seprix Patron Sint

    Jan 19, 2015
    I'm literally starting the thread right now.
  15. POKE

    POKE Ace Trainer

    Johnny Waffles
    (Moltres Egg)
    Level 14
    Jan 11, 2017
    Premier Ball ★
    Name: Poke, nicknamed Lui or Lee

    Power: power of electricity, Lee is able to absorb electricity from a street pole and use it as his own, he can spam lightning bolts, electricity grenades, electricity missiles, a blast wave that pushes people away, summon lightning and control it, absorb lightning from a storm, absorb people's lives and turn it into electricity, glide on electric wires, hover in the air, summon ice, ice launch himself up, the list goes on, (please read up infamous the game for a full list of powers)

    Another power is if he takes too much damage he looses himself in a rage mode which dramatically makes him stranger in everyway possible.

    Speed is unmatched, able to run on walls and outrun a bullet train, because of his speed his perception of time slows anywhere between 50 and 90%

    Absorbing electricity heals him, even from gun shot wounds.

    He is very good at parkour and can use kinetic energy to lift objects and hurl them at people or things

    Personality: strategist, smart and crafty, weapons expert and gets a feeling of an opponents weakness and strength once fought, energetic and friendly, he risks his life for people and doesn't stab people in the back, trustworthy, focus is unbelievable.

    Weakness: water
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  16. Seprix

    Seprix Patron Sint

    Jan 19, 2015
    So your character has control over both ice and electricity? I'm confused. Also, that is a lot of powers. :P
  17. POKE

    POKE Ace Trainer

    Johnny Waffles
    (Moltres Egg)
    Level 14
    Jan 11, 2017
    Premier Ball ★
    Yeah, haha, the powers is from the infamous game xD

    1 is from MG, the rage mode and speed, I put a lot of thought
  18. Azazel

    Azazel Better count your blessings

    Diancie Egg
    (Diancie Egg)
    Level 8
    Jan 18, 2015
    Character Name: Genji Shimada
    Powers: Genji is like, a ninja dude! Most of his body is cyborg because Hanzo threw him into a meat grinder or something (This is a tumblr joke) In his emo phaze he was in Blackwatch. He likes summoning a nice green noodle dragon.
    Personality/Facts: Genji once rejected his cyborg body, but has since found inner peace with Zenyatta's help :3 Over all a cool guy ladies love him.

    For more you can check his Wiki page!!
  19. Seprix

    Seprix Patron Sint

    Jan 19, 2015
    Is this a real character post? I cannot tell. I know this RP is supposed to be fun, but I'd prefer it if it was an original character. I suppose I should have clarified that in the rules?
  20. Azazel

    Azazel Better count your blessings

    Diancie Egg
    (Diancie Egg)
    Level 8
    Jan 18, 2015
    Ah, sorry! I'll try again :3 I'll do it based on me and not him >w<

    Character Name: Ain
    Powers: He can summon lightning, however, he has a hard time controlling it. This is a cause of much conflict among his friends, who feel it's too hard to try and train him to control it.
    Personality/Facts: Very quiet and self restrained, feels ashamed that he can't be of more use to his friends. Once you get him out of his shell, he can be a great ally and friend.

    Once again I apologize, this is my first time trying this! Thank you!

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