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Jet's Avatar Workshop (moved and revised)

Discussion in 'Market' started by jetwhiskey, Nov 29, 2012.

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  1. jetwhiskey

    jetwhiskey Black Belt

    Nov 22, 2012
    Alright, I've noticed that my workshop in the request forum isn't really getting anywhere, and the fact that I may need pokepoints later on, I decided to remake the topic here and add pricing to it.

    I'm taking requests for Avatars (profile pics), which will contain sprites, so let me give out a pricing list:

    1) The basic price for these will be (with only 1 sprite, text, and background) will be 25 pokepoints. Additional sprites are 5 points each.

    2) If you'd like a recolor of any sprite, like if you'd want a uniquely colored Pokémon in the avatar, then that will be an addtional 5 points per recolor.

    3) I may also do Pokémon fusions, and that will be 10 points, but only if you are satisfied with the fusion. If you give me a fusion to make, and I find that I cannot do it then I will personally pm you to let you know.

    Now for a set of guidelines that should be followed when ordering from my shop.​

    1. When deciding on Pokémon remember that I am only using sprites, so I can only use poses that are available.​

    2. The limit of Pokémon sprites I can use depends on the size of the sprites themselves, so when picking more than one make sure they won't take up more space than maybe 4-5 Charizard sprites. If you'd like certain Pokémon to overlap others then it would make it possible to fit more of them, but I will only do that upon request.​

    3. I am willing to make recolors of Pokémon to your specific desire, as you can see in my profile pic I have a Red Beedrill with green eyes because I like to have unique Pokémon. If you desire a recolor please feel free to ask, but remember if you choose colors make sure to decide on ones that would work well with the sprite...and I am willing to make rainbow and/or psychedelic recolors.​

    4. If you want a trainer sprite in your profile pic I am willing to recolor available ones to your desire, but you must go acquire the trainer sprite for me. For those who don't know where they can be found, the best choice would be at the pokecharms trainer card maker: http://www.pokecharm...m/trainercards/

    5. When figuring out backgrounds, you can search for your own through the web, make you own if you have the ability to, or you can tell me what type of background you like and I'll try to get one that best suits what you're looking for. I can't make promises that I'll find the right one, but if I don't get it on the first try then we'll work at it until we find a background that you like.​

    5. Make sure to be polite when requesting, and to be reasonable when you're making requests. If you get rude I will refuse your request.​

    6. The Most Important Rule Of All! Make sure you read all of the above...this is not a free service, you must PAY for your product before you get to use it. If you don't like the idea of paying for these, then don't ask for one, simple as that. If you use the product before paying I will message you about it, and at first I'll be polite, but if you refuse to pay for it I will report you to the MODS. My prices are cheap, so I don't think anyone should have a problem paying for my services.


    Here's some of the work that I've done so far:​

    Lexi's Lucario​

    My Beedrill - The Swarm Is Coming​

    RedScizor's Blaziken​
    And remember to always have fun!​

    P.S. If you'd like to take a look at the sprites that can be used you can go here: http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/national
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  2. froaking#1

    Feb 14, 2013
    I am proud to be your first customer. I'd like a blaziken like the example at the top. But I want him to be normally colored and in the position of my current avatar, as if he were using a blaze kick.
  3. jetwhiskey

    jetwhiskey Black Belt

    Nov 22, 2012
    Cool, that should be no issue. What kind of background would you want, and would you like any kind of text in the avatar?
  4. froaking#1

    Feb 14, 2013
    Same background as the example, please. I would also like it to say THE EPIC FLAME.
  5. jetwhiskey

    jetwhiskey Black Belt

    Nov 22, 2012
    Ok, will do..might take some time though, seeing as there aren't any sprites of Blaziken in that pose, so I'm going to have to do some serious editing.

    EDIT: I finished it quicker than I thought I would, still took some work though, what do you think? [​IMG]
  6. froaking#1

    Feb 14, 2013
    Looks great. Thanks
  7. Ryan

    Ryan lasagna bad

    pointy face
    Level 1
    Nov 21, 2012
    Charizardite X ★★★★
    Automatic generated message
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