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Last Activity:
Jul 4, 2017 at 2:55 AM
Feb 25, 2017
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I really hate when people have no respect for others. Like, I went to this movie night at my school, and after it was over, everyone left without cleaning up. Myself and three teachers had to clean up their mess and it took a long time. I'm just saying, I wish people were a little more considerate about other's feelings. Mar 3, 2017


School Kid, Female

FrennyDaFren was last seen:
Jul 4, 2017
    1. FrennyDaFren
      FrennyDaFren Jul 4, 2017
      Does anyone here have a "family get together" where you just enjoy some family time and have a HUGE barbecue or something of the sorts? I know my family does... they go way overboard... even if it's just the three of us xD.
    2. FrennyDaFren
      FrennyDaFren Mar 3, 2017
      I really hate when people have no respect for others. Like, I went to this movie night at my school, and after it was over, everyone left without cleaning up. Myself and three teachers had to clean up their mess and it took a long time. I'm just saying, I wish people were a little more considerate about other's feelings.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Strytho
        Strytho Mar 3, 2017
        Unfortunatelly, some people respect no one other than themselves. I hate to tell you guys this but it's a fact of life. Some one will always be there to step on someone else's toes just because it is convenient for them. What matters is what YOU do to show respect. As much as it sucks, if you spend your life worrying about others, you'll miss what's in front of you. As long as you do what you think is right that is what matters and it is all that you can't do. You can't force others to be respectful, but you can lead by example and hope that others follow. We all have free choice and despite how bad this is, you have to respect their right to it. Respect is a double edged sword. You don't have to agree with it, but if you want it from other then you have to follow it.
      3. DoctorFlygon
        DoctorFlygon Mar 3, 2017
        in my school toilets, people often do things like put streams of toilet paper across the cubicles or just leave huge messes, and for the last couple of years i've consistently tried to clean up the messes they leave behind. figure someone oughta do it, and hey, it isn't just sparing the janitors more crap, it's also letting me avoid more classtime if i happen to see it when i go during class. everybody wins!
      4. POKE
        POKE Mar 4, 2017
        I get what you mean, that is annoying to me also, I wouldn't want that to happen to me but it does :( when I play guitar for church during mass right at the end we perform 1 more song just as the father leaves and people start to leave if it's a long song, I know they can leave maybe, probably not yet but they should at least listen to the song that is being played, some do stay around near the end but they eventually leave, I didn't think it's rude now and didn't care before but now I actually care, this post opened my eyes, it really annoys me now acasually xB
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    I'm just a normal human being. (Maybe)
    Last Activity:
    Jul 4, 2017 at 2:55 AM
    Feb 25, 2017
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