Aspertia City was a relatively quiet town since Team Plasma disbanded 4 years prior. But there was a slight difference. Cheren was now married to his friend of 14 years, Bianca. Bianca was the assistant to Professor Juniper and Cheren was a teacher at the Pokémon School. But on the side of being a dad, he was also a gym Leader. Also living in Cheren's home was N, Hugh and Sabrina. All 3 of them had helped Cheren in the past and now helped out with his daughter Mallory or Mal as she preferred. As the sun rose, Mal woke to hear Stoutland barking. "Stoutland, too loud. Way too loud," she muttered. At the age of 11, Mal was very intelligent and very creative. She was getting ready to catch her own Pokémon with her class. As soon as Mal got downstairs she saw the reason as to why Stoutland was barking. Bianca was making a mess of the kitchen with her papers. "Mom! I was sleeping," she groaned. "Mal," Cheren cooly warned. He knew she preferred to sleep in on her only day that she was permitted but he didn't take the tone she was giving. "Look, I know you were enjoying your sleeping, but tonight you can go to bed earlier. Now, what do you want for breakfast? Or are you just going to steal my chocolate muffin?" "Probably the muffin at school. Just want my pinap juice," she muttered. Sabrina chuckled and grabbed 3 glasses since she and Hugh were having one glass too. "Thanks, Sabrina," she responded. "No problem. You sound really tired. Any confessions?" "How long?" Cheren didn't need a confession from Mal. He knew how similar they were. She loved to read. She shrugged. "Mallory. For the love of Arcanine," he began. "It was only a couple extra hours. I was really into my reading. Sorry," she apologized. "Remind me to make sure I check on you," he muttered amusedly. He didn't care that she was reading but he wanted her to be well rested. "Done," Bianca answered and had a sticky note on the fridge. Cheren chuckled and smiled at her. "Hey, don't you have that battle test today?" "Oh no the test!" Mal had completely forgotten about it. "Please tell me you have 1 Pokémon at least. We have a special guest coming for it," Cheren pleaded. "No I don't. I've been so busy studying for the test that your friend said was in his advanced class I forgot to make time," she panicked. "I'll take her right now. How long until she has school?" Hugh wanted to make sure she wasn't late. "You have two hours. Run up to Flocessy Ranch," Cheren answered. Bianca smiled and showed Cheren her Xtranceiver. "Perfect," he chuckled as Mal was already gone with his Lillipup from an egg. He was about to see a surprise happen in his class after Mal took her test.
As Cheren got to school he saw N and Hugh walking up with Mal looking confident. "So?" Mal handed him a Pokéball and all smiled. "Success?" "One Lillipup and one Riolu," she answered. "She even had extra time to train them," N chuckled. "Perfect. Your advanced teacher heard about your blunder. Thank your mom. He laughed when he found out. He said not to focus on his test so much and to enjoy the battle. You'll be using my battlefield," he answered. "Okay," Mal sighed in relief. "Alright, Mal. We'll come back for you tonight if you want to come home right after school," N offered. "Yeah, I would. I'm really tired," she responded. Cheren knew that was very true. His daughter did look exhausted from all her reading. "See you tonight," she dismissed as she walked inside. "You sound different. You okay?" Cheren acted cool and calm around the house but he honestly was a very compassionate and caring guy to his daughter. She nodded and shook her head. "Yes and no?" She nodded at that statement. He pulled her to the side and puleld her into his chest and felt her head hit his arm and it was boiling. "You're warm. Maybe after the battles you should take it easy and take a rest in my classroom," he decided. "But my test," she protested. "Can wait," he finished. Mal looked to Cheren confused. "You're not feeling well. The battles are important. But after that I can explain to your teacher and then he'll understand and let you write tomorrow morning when you get here," he assured. She nodded and then went out to the battlefield to see Bianca at the stand. "Wait we're fighting mom?!" Cheren chuckled and nodded. "Okay, class. Let's start the battles. Nominate someone who you think should start these battles," Cheren greeted. "Mal," everyone shouted. "Okay then. Mal you're first," Cheren decided. Mal was not ready but Cheren smiled and hugged her. "Do it and I'll go get N to bring you home," he offered. She nodded and smiled at her mom.
As Mal stepped onto the challenger podium, she saw her mom smile. "Lillipup come on out!" Within a second she saw her mom's Lillipup in front of her. She knew if she stood a chance she'd have to work really hard. "Riolu! Standby!" She knew that Riolu had Force Palm so it could be a good start. "Begin," Cheren assured. "Lillipup use bite!" Mal knew how to stop that one. "Riolu dodge and then use Force Palm!" Within a moment, Riolu managed to do it, but Lillipup didn't go down. "So we'll have to think smarter. Maybe if we use quick attack it'll end," she mumbled. "Lillipup use Growl!" Mal merely shrugged as her mom did that and smiled. "Use quick attack," she decided. As Riolu made the attack Lillipup fainted. "Lillipup is unable to battle. Riolu wins. The victor is Mal," Cheren decided. Cheren smiled in his head. He knew his daughter was the only girl with a Riolu. So the rest of the class would have to work to win against Bianca. "Well done Mal!" Bianca hugged her daughter and then saw what Cheren saw at the moment of arrival. "You aren't doing to good are you?" "No. She's heading home for the day," Cheren answered as N showed up. He smiled and watched as N picked up Mal and grabbed her bag. Cheren placed a small kiss on her forehead and watched as N took the ill girl home. "Now to prove my point." "How'd she win so quickly?" "Mal strategized. She knew that a lot of people around here used Normal Type Pokémon, so she left for Flocessy Ranch and caught herself a fighting type Pokémon to counter that. Normal type only has that weakness. But I still think you all can win. Who wants to take a try?" Meanwhile back in Cheren's home, N just laid Mal down in her bed. "Uncle N?" He smiled and looked at her. "Why'd it get this bad?" "It's probably because you worked so hard for your dad. You overworked yourself and in turn, caused yourself to be sick. Just rest now and we can work on stuff later," he assured. "Okay. Goodnight uncle," she mumbled as she turned over.