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Challenge: Azelf pwnage (Battle Frontier Event) Win the Jackpot [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)

Discussion in 'Festival Plaza' started by Noctis, May 6, 2016.


Will you please participate in this event?

  1. Yes! This sounds like fun!

    10 vote(s)
  2. No, I'm too scared to play against other players. :(

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Wiso Altred

    Wiso Altred Dragon Tamer

    Level 6
    Nov 6, 2014
    @[member="Reborn"] hold on theree buddy , you cant just commin and bust out 15 wins , i only signed upbfor 10 not 15per

    Joke aside tho , goodjob , im looking forward to seeing how far we can go tho.
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  2. Noctis

    Noctis *this message has been removed*

    Nov 13, 2014
    @[member="Wiso Altred"]

    oooo gettum @[member="Reborn"].

    Jk. =D But you guys can't forget about @[member=❀Bloom❀] too. She's always a force to be reckoned with. =O

    And if this wasn't my event... I'd beat all of you guys! Mwuahahahahaha! >:D
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  3. Reborn

    Reborn Signature Creator

    Aug 7, 2014
    You can still participate even though it's your event surely? And I've got another 5 wins here.

    http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/uu-372406671 This battle ended on turn 2, but under the same logic as Bloom winning her 7th battle I feel this should count as a win. I had KOd his Mega and set up my rocks with my suicide lead and with no fairy on his side my DD mence had a very good chance of sweeping after a DD.

    Edit: Added these to my original post.
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  4. Wiso Altred

    Wiso Altred Dragon Tamer

    Level 6
    Nov 6, 2014
    @[member="Reborn"] edit your first post (with a spoiler included) with replays , your 5 wins wont count if they arent posted correctly.
  5. Reborn

    Reborn Signature Creator

    Aug 7, 2014
    All done.
  6. Wiso Altred

    Wiso Altred Dragon Tamer

    Level 6
    Nov 6, 2014
  7. Noctis

    Noctis *this message has been removed*

    Nov 13, 2014

    That miss at the end tho. D:

    I always thought it was a little strange that a gigantic mammoth in the Pokémon World would be such a glass cannon. XD
    However, we can't forget about the all mighty Wailord Failord. Worst Pokémon in existence. Would use a Magikarp competitively over it R I P.
  8. Noctis

    Noctis *this message has been removed*

    Nov 13, 2014
    I'm finally done watching all of these and writing my evaluations. XD You in the top 3 spots have really been working hard! Here are the results (finally)

    @[member="Endrew Swiftwind"]
    These battles were fun to watch!
    Win #4 counts because you took out the mega extremely fast and had a physical attack that could one shot the Blissey if played right.
    Win 5 definitely counts. Anything over 5 turns count.
    For Win 7, I'm counting that as well. This is because you had such a wonderful start with the setups. Double Toxic Spikes is very lethal. And you destroyed their mega. Mix that with the majorite of Pokémon on their team not being able to counter such hazards probably, I say it was a well deserved FF.
    For Win #18.... I had a tough time deciding whether to count this one or not. Your set up was near perfect for the team had. You also took out Skarmory really fast, too, with a clutch switch. But even so, you both were out of your hazards, not your other Pokémon. However, I'm going to give you a win on this one, because the hazards would be too much for his team.

    Win #11.... I'm not too sure if I count that one. Though Slurpuff was out of the game, the player still had a decent amount of good pokes left. No extremely hard counters.

    WOW. That's a lot of wins. And all of them except for one were won in over 5 turns! Good job!

    However, with that being said, even though you made an awesome play in the beginning, winning on turn 2 is just... too easy. XD Though I definitely see you having the team advantage over this person... I just can't accept it. Too short of a battle. I'm sorry. :( I hope you understand. (http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/uu-372406671)

    @[member="Wiso Altred"]
    LOL Wooooow.... That battle though between you and Reborn! Oh my! :o That's hilarious you two bumped into each other.
    That Win #15.... good lord
    Hm... Win 16 I believe I am unable to count. Unless this person is just bad.... then I can't understand giving up that early. Good prediction on the switch, though, I wouldn't have switched into Houndoom against a fighting Pokémon personally, even I were expecting a fire move. XD

    Rankings 5/19/2016
    Leader: @[member="Reborn"] with 29 wins!!
    Second Place: @[member="Wiso Altred"] with 22 wins!
    Third Place: @[member="Endrew Swiftwind"] with 19 wins!
    Fourth Place: @[member="❀Bloom❀"] with 9 wins!
    Fifth Place: @[member="Bionic Puppy"] with 5 wins!
    Participants who haven't submitted in a battle yet: ​
    Wiso Altred likes this.
  9. Reborn

    Reborn Signature Creator

    Aug 7, 2014
    The battle we had wasn't on the ladder. He sent me a battle request and tbh I had no idea that he was counting it in this event, I know I wouldn't have included it in my replays. If the battles don't have to be on the ladder I could just private battle my friends over and over with them making new alts every time.
  10. Wiso Altred

    Wiso Altred Dragon Tamer

    Level 6
    Nov 6, 2014
    I didnt count it in m replays , thats why i posted it outside of them.
  11. Reborn

    Reborn Signature Creator

    Aug 7, 2014
    Noctis has counted it.
  12. Noctis

    Noctis *this message has been removed*

    Nov 13, 2014
    Yoo thanks for bringing that to my attention though. I accidentally counted it because I have my own personal notepad with specific replays that I tally up.

    ^^; I did count it on accident though.
  13. Reborn

    Reborn Signature Creator

    Aug 7, 2014
    It's fine, I just wanted that to be cleared up.

    Also, I really don't understand why the replay you turned down wasn't accepted while Bloom's 6th battle was. They were both 2 turns long (if you count the 1st turn protect as a turn that mattered then I think that's a bit ridiculous, if anything that turn should have allowed her opponent to scout for which move she is going to lock herself in to and switch to one of their plethora of resists), in which time I had set up hazards breaking any potential sashes, eliminated their mega and killed myself, giving me the chance to bring in one of 5 my set up mons to put in work. The fact that my opponent didn't have any form of priority, salamence DDs on literally any of his mons (except maybe celebi since that lives a +1 Outrage and t waves twice, or a specs porygon-z which KOs me, but I had lucario to switch in to a Tri-attack to scout for an item/check the damage and celebi isn't too much of a threat to the rest of the team). Bloom's battle was seemingly still fairly open to interpretation, with no one Pokémon having no check/counter on the opponents team and no hazards being set. The opponent also had the knowledge of Darmanitan's set, while in my game no knowledge of the sets of the rest of my team was given.

    I see even less reason for Bloom's 9th battle being accepted if my battle isn't being accepted. Practically nothing happened in this game. Cresselia can still function how it would have otherwise, spreading paralysis once Espeon was dealt with and wittling at Pokémon (like Espeon) that don't have recovery. I don't know Bloom's spreads, but from the damage that darmanitan's rock slide was doing you can tell that her opponent is running a very bulky Cress (most likely 252 252 in HP and Def), meaning Cress would have been outsped by Bloom's entire team (assuming Gyarados was running any speed at all), so the only thing that the para would have done is the have the slight chance for full paralysis, which for a mon as bulky as Cress isn't a big deal. The fact that the cress was para'd also means that it can no longer be toxic'd or burned, making dealing with it more of an issue. The battle was just as long as mine, which was the reason mine was turned down, and again Bloom gave away the knowledge that she was scarfed Darm as opposed to LO or band due to the Rock Slide damage on Cress.

    Sorry if it seems like I'm being desperate for wins or whatever, I just don't like double standards.
  14. Noctis

    Noctis *this message has been removed*

    Nov 13, 2014
    It's fine. I can see why these are very concerning to you, as it would be for any event that goes in to winning a large prize.

    However, I do want to remind you that by signing up, you stated that you read everything in the OP. As I do believe that you did read it, I'll just repost a section of the OP into this reply for absolute clear understanding:

    I try my hardest to keep everything fair for those who are really trying to participate in this event. I'm sure you can understand why the rule was implemented, considering that it is very possible to get on a lucky streak against players who forfeit early. Heck, back in the day I remember I climbed the OU ladder from 1000 to about 1400 from users FFing early in less than 3 turns. O_O

    Considering I'm the only one running this event with zero help and I had to review over 60+ battles for this week alone and closely evaluate each battle under 5 turns for every member, it is safe to say that I am definitely trying my hardest to not hold any double standards here. Though your reevaluations are appreciated, I will stick firm to my decisions made. I literally could not see a single reason why a person would give up that early during that battle that you had with only two turns, where as I could easily determine that Bloom's team had a significant advantage over the enemies team considering the only defense walls the team had was nothing but pure physical walls.

    Of course, if the majority agrees to this, I could always take out this rule for the next round of Challenges to come. I can easily see your side of things, and considering that I'm the only judge and it not being a team effort, I can also see how this could be frustrating to participants who are actually trying their hardest to win to have their actual victories determined by a single judge.

    With how you, Wiso, and Endrew have been participating in this event (which I can not thank you guys enough, it really brought a tear to my eye. :'( ) I don't think it's that easy to win 30+ victories (in your case) with pure luck. XD

    Literally the sole purpose of this rule's existence is because I thought that there wouldn't BE that many battles for me to evaluate. Like, to be honest with you Reborn, I honestly thought the winner of the jackpot would have maybe.... 10 to 15 victories total. But since I can see that this is clearly not the case, I will take a poll after this challenge to see how people respond to the removal of this rule.

    And, to be honest Reborn, it was totally my fault for not giving you a better explanation as to why I didn't consider it. "Oh it was only two turns" was definitely not a great reason to discount it and I agree that I should have replied with a better evaluation.
  15. Reborn

    Reborn Signature Creator

    Aug 7, 2014
    I did read through that section of the OP, along with the rest of the OP multiple times and I believe I acknowledged that the replay in question in my original post, but the sentence showing this was lost after some reformatting. I understand why this rule is in place, and honestly I would say that it needs to kept in any future events. However, in terms of deciding whether or not a battle was worthy of a victory, the number of turns should not even be in question, but the advantage that one was over another. Just through the nature of hyper offense, you can gain (or lose) momentum much faster than you would using a more balanced team, meaning it would more than likely take over 5 turns to get myself in to the situation I was in using a more balanced team than it did using a suicide lead.

    If you look at the replays in simple terms, in the replay of mine that was rejected I had both set up rocks and eliminated their mega at the cost of my suicide lead (which for a HO team simply puts me in a better situation) in 2 turns, while in the 1st replay of Bloom's that I mentioned she had only eliminated her opponent's mega, at the cost of breaking Galvantula's sash, meaning it is good for just one more hit/setting up sticky web once at most, which could be removed later, whilst also giving away her Darmanitan set which may have been significant in the long term in the same number of turns as my replay (2+1 dud turn from a Rock slide in to protect). I just don't see how one can think that Bloom's situation vs her opponent was more advantageous than mine against my own. If looking at team matchup, my opponent had literally zero salamence switch ins, and anything that prevented it from setting up I had a hard counter to, while at least from where I'm sitting I don't really see any stand out advantages from either side. Can you please explain how my situation was less advantageous than Bloom's? Because from what I see I had accomplished more in those 2 turns, and what I had accomplished is more valuable in establishing a win condition.

    And in the case of the second battle, there really isn't much of a significant advantage for Bloom her at all. The difference between turn 2 and turn 0 is that Cress is at 95% and Paralyzed, while Espeon is in on Cresselia. I've already stated why the Para wouldn't have been too significant, bar the full para chance which may or may not have been significant, there's no way of knowing, and her opponent most likely would have appreciated any damage on Espeon, making it less capable of switching in to prevent hazards.

    I understand that looking at so many replays is difficult, but it really does seem like you are judging my replay and Bloom's replays to different standards.

    In any future events, I'd be happy to help look over any replays (I know this would mean that I can't take place).
  16. Wiso Altred

    Wiso Altred Dragon Tamer

    Level 6
    Nov 6, 2014
    Hello there , i noticed you were taking about something and im gooing to intefere even if the issue has been resolved by includig my self with a very somewhat-relatable comment

    Regarding 5 turns or less , i dont know the reason behind (5) turns , because while it is true 5 is appropriate because there are 6 Pokémon , which without 6 turns is a forfiet ing eneral , but you also have to overlook ALL forfeits if thats the case , because as Reborn said in Blooms 9th battle , creselia is a wall , and having a full tema on a full team has no predictions what so ever , Imean to have you seen the top ranked uber player? he uses PU! Mons , If you looked at it as a 1 turn FF , youd think ubers would win , but NO! , because ach Pokémon adn startegy put into play can flip the entire game around for each sides favour , i only see a true FF when on one side theres a Pokémon with the power to destroy the remaing (3) or less , for example , a forced forfiet such as a double DD mence agnist a team with no ice shard users is a winning strike , but youd be wrong. , because what if say , the user has a clefable? a x1.5 mence cannot ohko a clefable with earthquake! , and clefable can ohko mence with moonblast(saying that it isnt a odd offensive build) so the mence would drop! , but youd be Wrong Because what if that salamence had Iron tail , but didnt yet show it in the game? an iron tail would ohko the clefable and beat the game! , But youd be wrong. because what if the mences misses? to you that may seem as "pure luck" but using a move with less than a 100% accuracy , you agree to the terms that it one day WILL miss , costing a range of a Pokémon to an entire game , Pokémon has a little bit of strategy in it , and with any strategy game , there is no "predictable" outcome , in Pokémon we created a way to beat 100s with level 1s! , something that if you see yourself without knowing how , seemed very illogical , which is why in future events , i might suggest having atleast 2 people decide a match , because its very easy for one person to mis-decide something because simply thats how he looks at it , but if 2 people see it the same way , its likley that thats how it might pan out , because if one person sees something while the other sees another , youd rethink and find a resolve to prove that this would truly happen , this would clarifiy your judgment and ease the players doubt , which would hopefully prevent these situations from ever happening again.

    side note: @[member="Reborn"] just pulled out his battle replay memo or something , because 45 wins.

    this isnt what i singued up for.

    but today is thecurrent results announcment and tommorow is the end(?) , glhf Endrew , reborn and everyone else!

    Proof: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/randombattle-379788942

    Had i forfieted....
  17. Weedle Enthusiast

    Weedle Enthusiast Resident Weedle Enthusiast

    Best Boi
    Level 1
    Oct 29, 2014
    Crown of ValorDome Fossil ★★★
    So I had intended to play more of a different game tommorow, but looks like I may end up playing Pokémon Showdown for a few hours instead. I'll probably limit myself to 2-3 hours though. I'm excited to see the next theme though.
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  18. engineering class

    (Alolan Sandshrew)
    Level 2
    Nov 6, 2014
    So since this is monthly, will there be a new theme and tier for the month of June??
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  19. Wiso Altred

    Wiso Altred Dragon Tamer

    Level 6
    Nov 6, 2014
    Thats what we presume , but it seems This mounths event has come to a close , now its up to noctis to decide who wins.

    @[member="Bionic Puppy"]
    @[member="Endrew Swiftwind"]
    Its the journey , not the destination.
  20. engineering class

    (Alolan Sandshrew)
    Level 2
    Nov 6, 2014
    O u right, thx!
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