For anyone who wants to try to catch em all, or maybe just a specific few, but has trouble keeping track of what Pokémon they want/need. Also a handy way to have the locations and evolution levels of Pokémon on hand without having two LV tabs open at once. I give you the Living Catcher Dex! This spreadsheet features a column for recording the number of a specific type of Pokémon you've caught (in case you want to catch multiples for the sake of evolution,) a column for the method of catching a specific Pokémon, and a column showing the locations a Pokémon can be caught in. Currently the list contains every Pokémon available on LV. This will be updated once new Pokémon are added. The data comes from the Catcher Dex here in the Safari Zone, so there may be some data that isn't up to date with the reported sightings and known evolutions. For any newly discovered evolutions/locations of Pokémon, report them as usual to the "Report Sightings and Evolution here" thread. If you see any mistakes with the dex, such as typos, just leave a post here and I'll get to fixing it. You can either download it as an Excel file by going to File>Download as>Microsoft Excel or you can make a copy of it by going to File>Make a copy and then giving it a name and selecting the file location. If I make any changes to the original file, you will have to redownload it or add the new information yourself, whichever's easier. Just keep in mind if you use it to keep track of which Pokémon you've caught, you'll have to transfer over your numbers when you download a newer version. I'll post here if I ever update it.
Just a couple quick notes, mostly for myself for future updates. I noticed some things while adding my own numbers to my copy of the dex so I thought I'd share them for clarity's sake. I have Alolan Exeggcute and Alolan Cubone listed, even though those technically don't exist. Reason being, you need to catch a specific Exeggcute and Cubone in order to evolve them into their Alolan forms. They're still exactly the same as the non-Alolan forms so they don't count towards the Pokédex completion. You just need to have at least one Exeggcute and Cubone of either type. I might change this in a future update. It might be useful for me to add a separate chart off to the side for eggs and fossils in the future, since it can be hard to keep track of those without catching duplicates. Maybe the same for event-specific Pokémon and items.
I'll update this eventually, although I might wait a while until more information on the new Pokémon is discovered. Until then, the location information probably won't be very reliable.
The Dex has been updated along with a handy-dandy new section for special catches like eggs, fossils, and event exclusive mons.
In case anyone's wondering, I'm going to continue to add on to this Pokédex, even with the introduction of the Valor Dex. I think it's still handy to have a spreadsheet where you can keep track of what Pokémon you've caught and which you can have open along with another LV tab if you want to reference a Pokémon's location. Of course, the Valor Dex is still a lot more detailed and a lot nicer to look at, so I'd suggest you all check it out if you haven't already. I'm working on updating it to gen 5, but I'll probably hold off on posting it until there's more information on Pokémon locations and the Valor Dex is also updated to gen 5.
The spreadsheet has been updated. Unova Pokémon have been added and the Special Pokémon section has been updated with Crystal Onix and the new eggs.