Same question as the XY topic. What's your favourite city in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire? Why? Do you spend a lot of time there?
I think I still like Liliycove or Slateport the best. Both are towns that lie next to the sea and have a harbor. I dunno why exactly but I like those towns the most.
I spent most of my time at the Battle Resort, it was fun to deal with the trainers around the island and of course hatch eggs. Other than that I spent a lot of time in Mossdeep city, I just liked the way it looked so I would bike around it for fun.
I did so much Wonder Trading in my Omega Ruby game that Lillycove basically became my go-to base city at the start of every day I played. For the lottery. Every single day I was guaranteed at least second prize there from the sheer amount of unique IDs in my boxes. It was also a short Latios flight from where I had my base on Route 120, so that helped.
I really adore Fortree city and Sootopolis city. I would love living in such cities, they, especially Sootopolis, have that kind of myterious feeling to them? Like there are too much secrets hidden.
After a lot of thinking, Lilycove is my favorite Hoenn City. It simple feels the best to me. Very artsy and next to the sea.
I have to say that I love Verdanturf town the best. The music is so beautiful, and Wally lives there for a partial time, which is good enough for me!
Probably Slateport and Fortree, Slateport because is mean the ocean, have beach access and a market that shells some decent things and Fortree simply because is a tree house city, I just think that's cool.
My favourite has to be Fortree City purely for the reason because almost all the buildings are in trees. Not because I spent the most time there or because Winona is my favourite Gym Leader. It's those trees that really draw me in.
I'm with @TheIllusionFox on this one. Verdanturf has the best music. I'm gonna learn how to play it on the piano one of these days. In the original Emerald and in ORAS, it's my favorite little niche.
Lilycove because of it's shops and theme, but I liked the treehouse city too (this is from my remembering based off the originals not ORAS because I didn't get all the way through that yet).