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Filling the Void

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by Morgaine, Sep 21, 2016.

  1. Morgaine

    Morgaine Goddess of Shinies

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 3
    May 1, 2016
    Crown of ValorSoothe Bell ★Heart Scale ★★Ice Stone ★★★★
    Daphne nodded at Tamariel's suggestion as she ducked to scour the pantry, pulling out a few big bowls to mix the ingredients in. She then pulled out her notebook with the different recipes and quickly found her fire-type page and placed it on the counter.

    "Sounds good. When it is time to get started with Virion's food, Nurse Joy will probably be done with the check-up. I will just rush to get him, before we start making the water-type food." The auburn brunette started measuring ingredients while she talked. On occasion, she would look through her notes to see if she remembered the recipe correctly.

    As she worked diligently, she remembered that she would need to see what Virion preferred: Dry, Sweet. Spicy, Sour, or Bitter food. She always had dry berries with her because Lucina preferred them. Daphne turned around to grab some Belue and Wiki berries from the fridge. She would need those later to put in her fox's food.

    "What flavor does Mortis prefer?" She inquired as she poured some water in her bowl.
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  2. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Kirie returned to the Pokémon Centre as she watched Tamariel and Daphne went about with their food, while Aurik and Taidana were at the lounge. She dragged most of her purchased items, Quinzel in tow, and plopped heavily onto one of the empty lounge seats with a heavy sigh. Realising what a commotion she was making, she quickly straightened herself. After asking Nurse Joy for her room key, she went back to her seat nearby Aurik and Taidana.

    Quinzel was curiously looking over at Tamariel's Houndoom, and made a noise as though to say hello.
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  3. Hraesvelgr

    Hraesvelgr Snek in Your Boot

    Zapdos Egg
    (Zapdos Egg)
    Level 21
    Aug 2, 2014
    Trainer Card - Cave ThemeDragon Fang ★★★★Philosopher's CowlWater Stone ★★★Great Ball ★★
    Tamariel had pulled out the things he needed to make Mortis' food and was flipping through his notes when Daphne asked him what flavor Mortis preferred.

    "He prefers spicy flavors he's particular fond of spelon and figy berries." He replied as he pulped some figy berries before adding them to the bowl before taking another look at the recipe just to be sure he had gotten everything he needed.

    "What flavor does Lucina prefer or are you lucky she's one of those that'll eat anything?" He asked while silently hoping Bruce would be one those Pokémon so making food for him would be easier since making new recipes was not always easy.

    Mortis responded to the nidorina's greeting with a stern bark eyeing the poison type the equal curiosity as he started sniffing the air in her direction.
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  4. Morgaine

    Morgaine Goddess of Shinies

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 3
    May 1, 2016
    Crown of ValorSoothe Bell ★Heart Scale ★★Ice Stone ★★★★
    "Nope, no such luck. The little missy prefers dry over any other flavor in the world. Nothing but Belue and Wiki for my madam. Which is annoying, because she barely drinks and she is more prone to dehydration because of it." Daphne looked up to Tamariel and pulled her "annoyed" face.

    Feeling the mixture getting the right consistency, she places it down and pulled out a sharp knife to chop up her berries. She was skilled enough to avoid any cuts and still be very fast about it. Practice really makes perfect in her case. Grabbing the cutting board she quickly dumped in the chopped berries and gave it a stir to avoid big berry clusters.

    "Alright, I think this is about done. So I will probably be going to get Lucina and Virion soon. Want me to get Mortis as well when I go to the counter?" Daphne asked as she stretched.
  5. Hraesvelgr

    Hraesvelgr Snek in Your Boot

    Zapdos Egg
    (Zapdos Egg)
    Level 21
    Aug 2, 2014
    Trainer Card - Cave ThemeDragon Fang ★★★★Philosopher's CowlWater Stone ★★★Great Ball ★★
    "Yes please, if you don't mind that'll be great." Tamariel replied while he tried finishing up the mix.

    In the meantime Bruce had started trying to climb the kitchen counter because he was curious and wanted to see what was going on. First trying to just jump for the edge of the counter which he had no success with as a totodile was not meant for jumping at least not unless it was to get out of water. Looking around Bruce spotted a few chairs near one of the walls and decided to try his luck with one of them. Pushing one over to the counter he then pulled himself up on the seat but not without trying to a few times.

    Tamariel looked amused when the totodile was finally able to look over the counter and see what he and Daphne were doing.
  6. Getus

    Getus The Senate

    (Kyogre Egg)
    Level 18
    Apr 4, 2016
    Philosopher's CowlReaper Cloth ★★★Psychium Z ★★★★Great Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Blinking as he listened to nurse joy call him to the counter, Taidana apologized to Aurik for cutting their conversation short before strolling up to the counter, giving Kirie a tired wave in the process. Smiling gratefully to Nurse Joy as he reclaimed the two pokeballs before turning on his heels and making his way towards to entrance.

    Turning the moment he left the centre, Taidana approached the training fields while looking at the darkened sky with a frown.

    "Weird, didn't think it was going to rain today" Annoyed that his time had been reduced, Taidana quickly released Reiji and Pyro, the latter of which given a cry of outrage at the weather. "I know Pyro, but this'll be quick" Taidana responded to the cry with amusement before turning serious again "Alright, Pyro I haven't had a suitable time to get a feel for your strength so I'm going to do it now. Reiji! Fire punch on the field!"

    With his command said, the Slaking responded dutifully, his fist erupting in flames which he proceeded to slam into the ground beneath him causing the ground to cave inwards and scorch. Lifting his fist from the impact zone, Reiji stared at his trainer thoughtfully as he watched. Taidana's eyes then shifted to Pyro who watched with wide eyes. "Pyro, I want you to attempt the same thing," at this Pyro glanced at his own fist in nervousness, something that Taidana caught, "I don't expect you to match him, Reiji has more physical power than you after all" Grinning at the fire type, Taidana raised his hand in a thumbs up, "No, I just need you to do your best."

    Inspired by his trainers words, Pyro gave out a cry, in the process lighting his fist up and slamming it into the ground but unlike Reiji there was no crater left over, only scorched ground.

    Placing his hand on top on the panting Chimchar's head, Taidana smiled proudly, "You did a great job, you've got some powerful fire there." At this Pyro cried out in excitement before climbing up Taidana's arm onto his head and releasing an ember into the air. Chuckling at his actions, Taidana made eye contact with Reiji who gave a huff and looked away causing Taidana to laugh. "Alright Reiji, time to return, I doubt Nuse Joy would appreciate a Slaking lumbering around the place." Receiving another huff in response, Taidana returned his oldest companion to his Pokéball before returning to the centre. Glancing up to Pyro with a smile, Taidana drawled out "How about we get something to eat?" This was quickly followed by a cheering Chimchar who began dancing on his trainers head in joy.
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  7. Morgaine

    Morgaine Goddess of Shinies

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 3
    May 1, 2016
    Crown of ValorSoothe Bell ★Heart Scale ★★Ice Stone ★★★★
    Daphne just smiled and put away Lucina's batch of food. Not bothering to untie her apron, she quickly scratched Bruce under his chin, before going to get the rest of their Pokémon.

    Nurse Joy was already waiting for her, and quickly handed over the balls, with some general comments about the health of the two Pokémon. She looked around to see where Tamariel's Houndoom was and she found that Mortis was looking at Kirie's Nidorina for some reason. The Nidorina's name was Quinzel, right? She released Lucina, who decided to greet the two other Pokémon in the lobby. Virion just lazed in his trainer's arms, unwilling to lose the warmth and the delicious smells coming from the auburn-haired girl. Spotting Kirie sitting in the lobby, Daphne quickly went to say hi.

    "Hey Kirie, are you all done shopping?" She asked softly to avoid startling the other girl.
  8. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Kirie watched Taidana leave his seat and sighed softly. She heard skmeobe call out to her and turned to the voice, only to find that it is Daphne.

    "Ah, hello Daphne. Indeed I have...I had to make sure my Pokémon don't go hungry again..." Her voice traiked off at the end, still guilty for having to borrow from Daphne's stock of food. "Also I have enough medication to last everyone till probably... Castelia or if Arceus willing...the whole journey throughout Unova if all goes well..." Noticing the apron, she immediately became curious. "...what have you been up to?"

    Quinzel welcomed the vulpine Pokémon as she started to scamper around Lucina, admiring her beauty. She looked between the two canine Pokémon and yelped happily.
  9. TripleAAABattery

    TripleAAABattery Look at my fluff! LOOK AT IT

    (Eevee (K))
    Level 45
    Nov 12, 2014
    (.....guuuuuuys? Im so sorry for holding ya'll up :( The past month and a half, I had serious Wi-Fi issues, and typing stuff out on my phone was way too tough. I'll try to keep up as best I can from now on.))

    As he was ready to explain why he wanted to be a professor, he saw the rest of the group rush in for some reason. When he looked out the window, he saw that it was indeed raining. Why would it suddenl be drizzling outside?

    Aurik overheard Nurse Joy calling Taidana's Pokémon, and the professor apologized for interupting. "It's no problem, I suppose. I'll tell you another time." He said, going back to his computer thinking about what Taidana sai. 'It's a bit tougher than I thought, I guess, doing what he's done...' he thought to himself.

    He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his name being called by Nurse Joy. He closed his laptop and took it with him as he saw his Chespin's Pokéball in the Nurse's hand. "Thanks." He said half-heartedly. As he was turning around, he could feel a piercing gaze from Cloud 9. "All riiiight, all right..." He turned back at the Nurse with a slight smile, saying "Sorry. Thank you, Nurse." in a more meaningful way, before walking away. "Aren't I supposed to be the trainer here?" He said with a smirk on his face.

    He let his Chespin out of his Pokéball to check him, just in case. "Good to go, Ganjo?" Ganjo eagerly nodded his head, although he could clearly smell the treats Aurik bought not long ago in Aurik's bag, still on the bench he was sitting in before, and began to rush at the bag. Luckily for Aurik, he managed to catch him before he go into it. "Oh no you dont! I just used a lot of the money I have for that food."

    Ganjo's attention suddenly turned to Taidana and his Pokémon outside doing their Fire Punches. Easily astonished by this, he wiggled out of Aurik's arms and onto the ground. He wrapped his arm in vines and tried to mimic what Taidana's Pokémon did... only to end up hurting his hand doing it.

    "Ganjo, please don't hurt yourself like that. I know we're in a Pokémon Center and all, but dont use that as some excuse to bother the Nurse..." He said, checking the Chespin's hand. "Hmm... does it hurt when I touch it?" Ganjo shook his head, not really feeling anything that bad. "Interesting... maybe the vines cushioned the impact... that's a creative use of them for sure. Maybe it'd make that impact stronger, t-" He looked at the spot Ganjo punched and noticed the floor was very slightly cracked, suddenly getting a feeling of dread. "...uh... maybe we should go see if there's any place you can stuff your face with food..."

    Very excited about the news, the Chespin almost immediately spots Daphne and rushes over to her and Tamariel, ignoring everyone else, and begins making some gestures to suggest that he's hungry. Aurik and Cloud 9 look on, with the Swablu embarassed about how Ganjo is acting. "Ganjo, cut it out." Aurik called out to him, walking towards him. "Sorry. I guess he's just really hungry or something."
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  10. Morgaine

    Morgaine Goddess of Shinies

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 3
    May 1, 2016
    Crown of ValorSoothe Bell ★Heart Scale ★★Ice Stone ★★★★
    "That is good to hear. I have some medicine, part of being a breeder, I guess. But it is good that we have a backup in emergencies." Daphne smiled gently at the other girl. Seeing that Kirie was looking at her apron, the auburn brunette explained her current attire.

    "Tamariel and I are cooking up some food for our Pokémon in the open kitchen. It was instilled in me during my training not to rely on generic Pokémon food, while it is perfectly fine, it is better to make it yourself. Better adjusted to your Pokémon and it keeps untrained hands busy so they don't mess up." The girl laughed briefly. Looking at her X-transceiver, she hummed to herself.

    "I should be going back to the kitchen. I only needed to pick up Lucina, Virion, and Mortis." Daphne told Kirie.

    Lucina waved with her tails to Quinzel and yipped softly, as not to disturb the other people in the lobby. Hearing her trainer talk about food, the silver fox was ready to go and get some.
  11. Getus

    Getus The Senate

    (Kyogre Egg)
    Level 18
    Apr 4, 2016
    Philosopher's CowlReaper Cloth ★★★Psychium Z ★★★★Great Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Entering the center with drops of rain dripping off him, Taidana gave a glare to Pyro who looked innocently up from inside Taidana coat. Scoffing in annoyance at the Pokémon's actions, the trainer pulled the Chimchar out of the coat and placed him on the floor.

    "Alright, Pyro. You want food? You have to find it, lead me to the kitchens!" Taidana ordered, only to receive a curious head tilt from the Chimchar, who then gave a small cry of confusion. Placing his face in his hand, Taidana groaned, "Smell out the food, Pyro." Understanding now, Pyro quickly climbed up to the top of his trainers head and gave out another cry, pointing further down the center. In response to this Taidana followed where his Pokémon was pointing, all the while hoping he knew where he was going.
  12. Hraesvelgr

    Hraesvelgr Snek in Your Boot

    Zapdos Egg
    (Zapdos Egg)
    Level 21
    Aug 2, 2014
    Trainer Card - Cave ThemeDragon Fang ★★★★Philosopher's CowlWater Stone ★★★Great Ball ★★
    Mortis greeted the ninetales with a bark as it came over and watched while Quinzel admired Lucina before yelping happily at them and Mortis responded.

    "That's okay, but this food isn't meant for grass types so I'm afraid you'll have to wait till your trainer feeds you buddy. Unless is one of those Pokémon that eats everything put in front of it that is." Tamariel said as he pulled some berries out, it was time to test and see if Bruce preferred a certain flavor. He laid the berries out in front of the totodile "Okay Bruce taste each and we'll see if we can find out which flavor you prefer."

    Bruce looked at the berries in from of him; there was a figy, wiki, mago, aguav and iapapa berry nicely lined up next to each other. The totodile studied the berries for a minute like he was debating on which one to pick first before he finally picked the first one, the figy berry. Chewing on it Bruce didn't really dislike the taste but it was certain not his favorite.

    Tamariel followed Bruce's reactions as he tried out each of the berries while taking notes. Bruce didn't seem to like or dislike like the figy, aguav and iapapa berries. He spit out the wiki berry and refused to try another and gestured that he wanted another after he'd finished the mago berry. It made it fairly obvious which flavor his new Pokémon preferred, Bruce had a sweet tooth.

    "Well now that I know what you like and dislike I can hopefully make a decent batch of food in the first try. You'll have to taste it of course to ensure is good enough considering you're gonna be eating it while we're traveling." With that Tamariel started picking what he needed, luckily for him he'd seen his aunt make food for her feraligatr before so he had a general idea of how to start off, Flipping through his notes he made sure he had everything before he started and if all failed he could call his aunt and get some tips he was sure she would be ecstatic to hear his new Pokémon was a totodile.

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