So I have been here for a bit now and I figured it would be a good time to start my ask thread! So ask away my lovelies, I will be on the site daily so you should not have to wait long for a reply. Oh and honestly anything goes, I am not shy about much so go ahead!
Woohoo! A Q&A! I like your title actually XD What is your favourite Pokémon? Are you right handed or left handed? Do you like eating carrots?
Wow that was quick, sweet! - My favorite Pokémon is Kecleon. I adore chameleons and I love Kecleon's design and fun abilities. Kecleon has a fun movepool to play with as well - I am right handed though I have been working on my ambidextrous. - I do actually, I eat baby carrots quite often.
Hey Jey, how goes it today! (I guess that rhymes as well, hooray!) If you could be friends work a gym leader, who would it be and why? What is the funniest movie you've seen? The scariest?
Hey Itz ma boi! I was just listening to the Guzma theme actually, it's like I summoned you heh. - I think I would get along with Flannery, her boundless optimism would help keep me driven and we could hang out at the hotsprings with our Torkoals *not an innuendo I swear*. - Funniest movie I have seen hmmm... it is hard to properly rank them but the first that comes to mind would be Deadpool since I have rewatched it so many times now. - Scariest is a bit of an odd choice I guess but it's the one that marked me the most, Pet Sematary from 1989. I watched it when I was a young teen yeeaaars later and most of my friends found it campy and pretty bad. I found that I reallllly did not like creepy children and had my first night without sleep. I love Stephen King to bits though and I know he would be proud of making me spend a sleepless night after seeing something based on his books. Thanks for asking!
Where is one place in the Pokémon world you'd want to visit for a week and why? What would you do there?
I would love to visit/live in Fortree, the roads on each side of the place are really nice and I would love to have a proper treehouse to call home. My nerdy love for Hoenn is really showing in this thread heh.
What's your favourite water-type Pokémon? Have you ever been skiing? What's the crunchiest food you can think of?
@luxuryluxray - Oooh hard one, so many useful and fun water types. If I had to pick just one though it would be Golduck. I have raised a few of them through out my runs and they are always fun to have around, plus Bye Bye Psyduck is one of my favorite anime episodes and that Golduck is fantastic!. - I have and often actually. My grandpa used to teach alpine skiing to all of the kids in my family. I went every year until from 3 to 15 years old or so. I miss it greatly but it is sadly hard for me to continue with the prices and the transportation needed for it. - Crunchiest food that I can think of and love are Sunchips. Fun questions, thank you for asking!
What would you do if you went to the beach? Which ride Pokémon would you want to have in real life? Do you like coffee?
- Be in the water until I am pretty much a prune. I don't care much for sunbathing so I would just swim all day. - Oooh I guess Charizard would be the ideal, flying is pretty darn handy. - I don't drink coffee but I have a major sweet tooth and use that for energy when needed.
- I have gone through 10 nuzlockes. Of those 4 where themed (Gardener, Sailor, Mystic and Ruin Maniac) 4 succeeded, 4 failed and 2 are in progress (sailor and Mystic). - Favorite ice cream is maple taffy or if not available maple crunch. - Fruit Juice is peach
What do you like about where you live? What do you not like? Have you ever looked everywhere for something, only to find out it was in your pocket or plain sight the entire time? What was your favorite toy/toy line growing up? Do you like sports? If yes, what is your favorite and who is your favorite team? What's the longest you've gone without sleeping?
- I like the proximity to everything, I live in Montreal which is an island so all I could ever need is within a pretty short distance. From zoos to work, all within the same span. What I don't like is the roads here, I don't even drive but even on the bus you can feel how rough they are. - Pretty often actually, my mom used to tell me: "Open your three little eyes for a second and you will find it". Most recently I was looking for my pen and it was behind my ear. - Transformers were my constant request for presents. Specifically the Beasties (Beast Wars in the US) line. - I don't like doing sports (except for the aforementioned downhill skiing) but I don't mind watching it. I have been enjoying watching Baseball highlights with my boyfriend these days. As far as favorite team I would say the Canadians for Hockey since they are my hometown team and I might get pelted with snowballs if I don't mention them. - 48 hours or so? I was at a Live RPG that went on for a whole weekend and could not afford lodging for the night so I slept under the stars. Before I could get to sleep I was caught be orcs and had a rather full night trying to get away. - I love lemonade and berry lemonade even more. - I have, all 3. I like the first one best. - I just started Monster Hunter Stories!
- I like the proximity to everything, I live in Montreal which is an island so all I could ever need is within a pretty short distance. From zoos to work, all within the same span. What I don't like is the roads here, I don't even drive but even on the bus you can feel how rough they are. - Pretty often actually, my mom used to tell me: "Open your three little eyes for a second and you will find it". Most recently I was looking for my pen and it was behind my ear. - Transformers were my constant request for presents. Specifically the Beasties (Beast Wars in the US) line. - I don't like doing sports (except for the aforementioned downhill skiing) but I don't mind watching it. I have been enjoying watching Baseball highlights with my boyfriend these days. As far as favorite team I would say the Canadians for Hockey since they are my hometown team and I might get pelted with snowballs if I don't mention them. - 48 hours or so? I was at a Live RPG that went on for a whole weekend and could not afford lodging for the night so I slept under the stars. Before I could get to sleep I was caught be orcs and had a rather full night trying to get away. - I love lemonade and berry lemonade even more. - I have, all 3. I like the first one best. - I just started Monster Hunter Stories!
42 - That would be Tabby. Click here for her glorious Deviant Art page. - Anything under 3 is fine. Anything above makes me reach for a bottle of Reactine.