Here's a bundle today! Luna and White are the last two Pokémon Bronze caught on Melemelee. These two are polar opposites but hey, those do attract. Luna: She's a very mellow and inteligent Umbreon. Whenever she see's some she likes, she wags her tail lazily. She tends to rely on more status related options as opposed to her teamates, who use brute strength and powerful ranged attacks. Her battle style is playing a game of keep away with her opponents. She'll use a stauts move such as toxic to weaken her foe and then swiftly dodge attacks and get a few small hits in so that she'll drain the health of her foes. However, she's also extremely clever and tricky. She knows that male Pokémon of a canine esq group would try to get her. So, she uses that to her advatage, either using it to get a sneaky attack on them or just getting White Fang extremely jealous and having him go ape crap on some poor soul. She also has grown fond of one of her teamates from how loyal he was, even though the two are completely different in genes (Luna is more night time and White Fang is day time) You could say they have abit of a Romance, though it started pretty one sided (Poor White Fang was head over heels for her when she was a Eevee and he was a rockruff) White Fang: Loyal, ferocuoius, and swift. White Fang is effecient at being a wolf. Having a great sense of smell and a body built like an ideal wild wolf, he is no one ot mess around with. As a Rockruff, he was much more friendly and adorable. He didn't look like he could even harm a cutifly. But now, he makes Houndoom howl for mercy. The one thing that didn't chnae from his growth was his sense of loyalty and energy. Whenever he see's Luna or Bronze he tends to wag his tail at the speed of sound, which is an attribute that stuck with him. White Fang is mostly social with Pokémon he knows and has fought alonside of. However, he's extremely protecitve and paranoid. He really reflects what a wolf would be like when you build a close bond with one. "My human" he'd say as it begins to growl at the a date you brought home XD These two have grown quite close ot eachother over their journey and have always stuck together. Luna has White Fang wrapped around her paw. He even tried changing his sleeping patterns so that he could spend as much time as possible with Luna. While it was almost painful to sleep through the day, it was worse to see Luna be so uncofrmatble during the day. She'd always tries to find shade. He did find much joy seeing Luna be so active and happy as she basked in the moonlight. It almsot remdiend him of a less hyper version of himself as a Rockruff. Anywho, these are the newest revisions. I hope you enjoyed them and if you liked my little bit of writing here then let me know. *seriously, I need the reviews...*
A lot of people are going "Nobody cares, Arod". But I'm the one who votes Bigjaw x Night Wing as a joke. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME BYE (runs)
I wonder who did that. Maybe it was some loser who thinks he’s cool cause he mains Charizard in super smash bros