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Meet Your New Sister Oreburgh

Discussion in 'Literature Library' started by CharlieWeasleyfan, Apr 24, 2017.

  1. CharlieWeasleyfan

    Shiny Roggenrola
    Level 1
    Jan 24, 2017
    Trainer Card - Cave ThemeRocky Helmet ★★★★★Staff of VerityExp. Share ★★
    As another morning in Oreburgh passed, Roark and his little sister Julia were packing. Like Roark, Julia had the reddish brown color hair and cordovan color eyes. But she had her hair short so she could work in the mine with her brother. But recently he had been dating an out of region girl who also loved Rock type Pokémon. Olivia of the Alola region was Roark's girlfriend.

    It was a typical morning in the Oreburgh Gym. Julia woke up and looked at the schedule. They had to supervise the gym today. "Roark wake up. Time to go supervise the gym," she sighed.

    "No," he answered.

    "Excuse me?! It's our job. So it's our responsibility to supervise!"

    "I made plans with Olivia. So it's just today that you're on your own," he explained.

    She sighed and nodded walking over to the Gym. She was used to Roark saying it was a one time thing. But it never happened. As she got to the gym she sat at the desk and watched as Olivia and Roark went into the mine. 'I get you're his girlfriend Kahuna Olivia of Alola. But if you don't go back to Alola and leave us be for a bit I will make you.'

    5 challengers arrived in an hour and she managed to only lose to 2 of them. "You did very well today. Here's the Coal Badge in recognition of your strength," she chuckled.

    "Wow! Thank you Miss!"

    "No problem. Also, take this TM. It's a favorite here at the Oreburgh Gym," she chuckled. She handed over Stealth Rock and smiled. "This TM contains the move Stealth Rock. Any Pokémon who knows this move will surround the opposing team with rocks and any substitutions will get hammered with it," she informed.

    "Amazing! Thank you very much," he anwered.

    "You're welcome. Have a nice journey," she replied.

    As she saw the Gym was ready to close she saw Roark just coming out.

    "Hey Roark can you take the Gym tomorrow I just," she began.

    "No sorry. I can't. Olivia and I are going to Alola for the weekend. So it's all yours," he answered.

    "Fine. But you owe me," she answered.
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  2. CharlieWeasleyfan

    Shiny Roggenrola
    Level 1
    Jan 24, 2017
    Trainer Card - Cave ThemeRocky Helmet ★★★★★Staff of VerityExp. Share ★★
    As the weekend arrived, Julia watched as Roark flew off for that period of time. She had arranged for no gym battles on Saturday. Sunday she didn't care about battles. But she just wanted Roark to spend more time with her and less with Olivia. For once Julia had time to spend with her Pokémon. Her Cranidos was always free around the house. So as she sat down and read she played with her Cranidos a bit.

    She was going to call her brother but decided not to. As she was about to go clean her room there was a knock on the door. She went to it and it was their gym's receptionist. "What's wrong?"

    "One of the Fossil Pokémon escaped!" She groaned and grabbed her Pokémon and ran down to where there was signs of destruction.

    "Who authorized restoration while the foreman is out of town?!"

    "The foreman himself," they answered.

    "Roark is so dead when he gets home!" She threw her Cranidos out and saw it was some Sunkern. "Can this get any easier?! Cranidos! Quickly knock these guys down by using flamethrower on full power!"

    In no time all the Pokémon fell down and were returned to Pokeballs. "Thank you Miss Julia," one of the miners responded.

    "No problem. Come get me if there is anything else," she answered.

    Meanwhile in Alola, Roark was having the time of his life. He had no idea about what was happening. But by the time he got to his communications towards his sister he had missed 16 calls. He sighed and called back. "Roark thank goodness! We've had a lot of problems," she breathed.

    "I don't care. You're the gym leader this weekend! This is your job!"

    "Yeah but stuff that the foreman authorizes is your job! Your fossils attacked us today. Can't you call them off?"

    "Sorry Julia too behind. Now I got to go. Olivia's waiting," he answered and then hung up. Julia groaned and laid down. She had no support with Roark. Olivia had clouded his brain.

    "Let me know when you and I can go back to the way things were," she muttered to herself. She knew Roark had kind of been the grown up one so he hadn't fallen in love. He was to fall in love but not to the point where she was forgotten.

    She took a deep breath and saw Byron and their mom come inside the house. "Hey," she greeted.

    "Where's Roark? He had said he was planning to talk fossils?" Byron questioned.

    "Gone. His girlfriend took him to the Alola region. Hang on," she groaned before turning on her phone and calling Roark again.

    He saw but merely ignored it. "Well?" Their mom was getting concerned.

    "He's ignoring my calls. We had 3 fossils attack today, 10 gym battles awaiting so I went on my days off to do it. Then I had to do paperwork that he never showed me how to do! I'm starting to get a little angry at him and his girlfriend."

    "He'll be home Sunday right?" His mom was concerned.

    "Sometime Sunday," she answered. She knew it was probably going to be late at night. But she never said anything about it. She wanted her brother to at least trust her. So she just took a deep breath and fell asleep for the first time in the day.
  3. CharlieWeasleyfan

    Shiny Roggenrola
    Level 1
    Jan 24, 2017
    Trainer Card - Cave ThemeRocky Helmet ★★★★★Staff of VerityExp. Share ★★
    As Olivia and Roark arrived home, they saw Julia passed out on the couch. She had just finished 12 gym battles, dealing with 20 fossil Pokémon and doing some paperwork for the foreman. She had gotten home only an hour before Roark did.

    "Julia wake up," Roark ordered. As their mom saw him trying to wake her she slapped his hand. "What the Arceus mom?"

    "Your sister has barely slept all weekend. Saturday she was supposed to be a kid but no. You left her alone. Friday night Fossil Pokémon escaped, she had 5 gym battles in an hour. She got to sleep for 4 hours and then was woke up for her next gym battle. She finished 8 battles and then 20 fossil Pokémon escaped that day. She had to round them up and then moved onto the 4 battles that were waiting. Roark she called you a lot. Your paperwork was overwhelming her. So she persevered. She should have rested a lot more than what she did. Leave her to sleep."

    "I never knew."

    "Go sit down and think about that."
  4. CharlieWeasleyfan

    Shiny Roggenrola
    Level 1
    Jan 24, 2017
    Trainer Card - Cave ThemeRocky Helmet ★★★★★Staff of VerityExp. Share ★★
    As Roark saw Julia wake up she merely ignored his presence and went on with her day. She had a few gym battles and she didn't care

    "Sis," Roark pleaded.

    "Roark leave me alone. I'll talk to you tonight," she sighed.
  5. CharlieWeasleyfan

    Shiny Roggenrola
    Level 1
    Jan 24, 2017
    Trainer Card - Cave ThemeRocky Helmet ★★★★★Staff of VerityExp. Share ★★
    As Julia calmed down, Roark saw her eyes were blazing with anger. "Is she here?"

    "No," Roark assured.

    "Good. I want you to stop seeing her," she warned. Roark's face flashed to anger.

    "You can't tell me who I'm permitted to see and not see! Julia you're only a child!"

    "Yeah I'm only a child! A child doesn't do what I do! I'm supposed to be the part time gym leader! But it seems as if all you do is shrug off that job! Do I even matter to you anymore? Or am I a thing of the past?! A fossil of people you cared about," she snapped.

    "Julia I-," Roark stammered.

    "I don't want to hear it. Do what you want. I'll do what I normally do. Cover your shifts, do your job and handle your responsibility. But whatever. Go do what you always do. I'm done caring," she answered and slammed her door.
  6. CharlieWeasleyfan

    Shiny Roggenrola
    Level 1
    Jan 24, 2017
    Trainer Card - Cave ThemeRocky Helmet ★★★★★Staff of VerityExp. Share ★★
    Roark was still on the couch when morning came and he was shocked. He had never seen his little sister so upset. Julia merely ignored him though and went into the gym. She waited all day with no challengers.

    But as she left she felt someone snatch her up from behind. "Let me go!" She kicked viciously and tried to attack her captor.

    "Purugly use Hypnosis!" In no time Julia was met with the face of the cat Pokémon and sleeping from it's Hypnosis.

    Meanwhile, Byron and his wife were at home waiting with Roark for Julia to come home. "The Gym usually closes up by now. Julia should be through that door any moment," their mother assured. But she too was getting worried.

    "I'll call her in 20 minutes if she still isn't home," Roark assured.

    "Do you think she'd pick up if she saw it was you?" Byron and him had a long talk while Julia was gone.

    *Hours ago*

    "Dad I don't know why she got so angry at me. She's never been like that," he sighed.

    "Son, she's had a lot on her plate recently. She's never had her whole day booked full. So she's a little angered she doesn't have her big brother to fall on when she needs him," he explained.

    "I've been a bad big brother to her. She needed me and I was more concerned about Olivia and I," he breathed in shock.

    *Back to in the now*

    As Roark and Byron saw dinner and half an hour pass with no return of Julia they got scared. But finally a clue as to what happened slapped them in the face. Cranidos came back alone and in his mouth was Julia's bandana and communicator. "Julia's bandana is always on her neck. Her communicator would never be dropped unless she was scared from behind," Roark breathed.

    "Something's very wrong," Byron shakily breathed.

    "I'll go get the miners and we can begin a search party," Roark answered.

    He now more than anything wanted to get his sister back home safe and sound.

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