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Near death situations

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by BiohazardSr, Jul 14, 2015.

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  1. mweep

    mweep The Roaming Legendary

    Aug 7, 2015
    I was sitting on the windowsill of the second story. Window was open. I leaned... and fell. All I broke was my tailbone and my pinky toe on my left foot, but they tell me it could have been my head or my spine. I remember instinctively curling up into a ball, and I guess that saved me.
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  2. Maantijger

    Nov 23, 2015
    There's been a few when my body temperature has reached dangerous levels. The highest was when I was around 10, during Christmas Eve my fever was at around 43C (109+F). I was even hallucinating and murmerling incoherently in my bed. We didn't have the most fun Christmas dinner the next day, hehe. A few years had a 41C fever, but we HAD to have our passport photos taken that day in order to get those in time before a trip a couple weeks later. Basically, I got fed a daily dose of meds at once right before we left and had to take my picture while I was literally drugged up beyond belief. Looking back it, was actually pretty humorous. My mom and sister still joke about it too >_> Thankfully everyone who's posted here has survived their ordeals as well.
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  3. ✯Ho-OhLugia✯

    ✯Ho-OhLugia✯ Pokemon Masters

    Dec 12, 2014
    I ate a grape once, and swallowing it caused a burning sensation to swell up my throat. I couldn't breathe, I realized. No matter what I tried; water, calming down or even breathing through my nose, it wouldn't work. I was crying because I thought I would suffocate and die, but my airways opened up, and I was able to breath again!

    So many times have cars almost hit us! There was once that a car literally flew over our car, and once, we drove past a man who was waiting to turn left, only to have us blocking his way (it was our turn). Then, he decided to take revenge and hit us with his car! Luckily, my dad switched lanes and sped away from him, and then he stopped (maybe when he realized that there were kids in the car). That was scary; I will always look out for dark green cars in case it was that man.
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  4. Wizard

    Wizard Do you feel it? The moon's power!

    Level 2
    Jan 18, 2016
    I once had a freaky experience while hiking alongside a cliff (I know, cliche). Some of the rocks that I were walking on gave in and I almost fell off the cliff, but I caught the side of the cliff with my walking stick, and my friends pulled me off. Needless to say, that scared the crud out of me. The only thing that went through me head was, "I'm going to die." Quite the scary situation, but I somehow got through it.
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  5. Azazel

    Azazel Better count your blessings

    Diancie Egg
    (Diancie Egg)
    Level 8
    Jan 18, 2015
    When I was younger, a group of bullies chased me into oncoming traffic. Thankfully there must have been good drivers because no one hit me. I just ran away and on home.
  6. Reckless

    Reckless Won't take the easy road

    Jan 11, 2013
    Yeah, I had one of these. Thanks to huskies, no else.
    Went husky mushing in El Tarter, Andorra, with my aunt. It was snowing pretty heavily when we got off at the peak, and the track you guided the huskies along was full of twisty turns. Basically, I took a turn a bit too late, and pre-teenager me nearly got flung off the sled and down the side of a steep, forested hill. So thanks, huskies. You were real sports back then.
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  7. Wyxamex

    Wyxamex No Man

    Feb 15, 2016
    My favourite one is something I accidentally caused myself during swimming class. We had to go underwater to swim underneath a floating mat of about 2 meters long - perfectly doable, except I'm really bad at estimating distances. About 20 meters further, I finally realized that no, I wasn't going to drown and I was able to go above water again. It was pretty silly and my chest hurt for a few minutes after because of the lack of oxygen, but in the end I did get my swimming certificate =w=b
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