Hey I have an Old sea map shiny mew on Alpha Sapphire I would be willing to sell for some Pokepoints. This will be an auction style thread. The only current information I have (off the top of my head) is that it is level 100, it is shiny, it is EV'd in HP/Def/Speed and it has Softboiled and Psychic. It is fully legit and can be used online, it has a japanese name and I traded it for my Shiny Dragonite. I will post more information when I can get on my 3DS. Bidding starts at 50 Pokepoints. Please bid in at least 5 Pokepoint increments. Instabuy: 800 Pokepoints If this has no interest I will just nuke the topic.
Yeah this is still going I will set a closing time of 17/09/17 7pm BST. I will also be available around that time to trade it.