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Pokémon: The Song of the Elements (IC thread)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by WavePearl, May 16, 2016.

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  1. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    Michelle shook her head. "I go to training ground" and she disappeard
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  2. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 31
    Nov 22, 2012
    @[member="Shady Pirate"];

    The training grounds is a large building, where warriors of every stripe can hone their skills or challenge others to battle.

    There are several different wings for different weapon types--besides you, the only visible occupant is a blonde haired ranger on the archery range, taking some practice shots as a Fennekin looks on.

    Nearby the training grounds, you can hear a flute playing a mystical melody. While the performer is half decent, some airy and slightly flat notes are clues that he--or she-- is still learning the instrument, but knows this song fairly well.

    You see a noticeboard detailing the rules of the training grounds--while most of the ground rules are fairly familiar (fight fair, agree on rules with your opponents, training weapons and protective gear must be used, and so on). A map is underneath the rule list, showing you where all the different training areas are
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  3. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    She looked around, she wanted to try out the archery. She wasn't a hunter but feltlike it couldnhelp precision for her abilities as a rogue. She took a bow nd arrow , and stood next to the blond girl, and did the same as her
  4. Pokémist

    Pokémist Trashcan

    smol heart
    Level 1
    Nov 28, 2015
    Tapunium Z ★★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    As Michelle was gone, Annika went to market place she decided to go as well. "Lets go" she said and start moving. She turned to look Leon who was standing. She stopped and waited for him to move.
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  5. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    "Okay," Leon nodded. "Let's go."
    Suppose Michelle would be better off on her own for now, he thought.
    Eventually, Leon walked with Ashley to Vivita's marketplace. Compared to Argenta's market, it wasn't as impressive, but it was at least modest. It was moreover very, very, quiet.
    It wouldn't hurt to see the general store for what goods they have, he thought. Plus, I wonder if there are any ingredients for pie I can bring along.

    He turned to Ashley. "I'll be at the general store. Want to join me? Otherwise, we can meet up later in in this spot. The shops don't see that far off from each other."
  6. Pokémist

    Pokémist Trashcan

    smol heart
    Level 1
    Nov 28, 2015
    Tapunium Z ★★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    Ashley looked at marketplace. She didn't got any time to visit other places in Argenta so it was enough for her. "Hm..i think i will go to general store but first i will visit alchemy shop. I will meet you, at the same spot or maybe at general store. " She said. She started walking towards alchemy shop. 'I think i am not good enough at making friends, but from my experience, friendship is important if you have to work as a team' she thought. "Ah..there is alchemy shop"she said to herself. Standing in front of shop she looks here and there looking at the colourful potions present there.
  7. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    "Very well. I'll see you at the general store or outside, if you're not there," Leon said. He pulled his bag onto his shoulder to straighten it and walked into the shop.
    He examined the inventory. Sure, their goods didn't compare to SBC's, but they were at least usable.

    "Hello, my friend," he asked the storekeeper. "May I ask where I could get ingredients to make pie?"
  8. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 31
    Nov 22, 2012

    "Hello!" the alchemist smiles as he sets a few potions out on display. While it doesn't have near as much of a variety as Argenta, it at least has the basics, and some unique potions and charms.

    Vitiva Alchemy Shop

    Ruby Potion of Life-25 G
    Sapphire Potion of Magic-25 G
    Emerald Potion of Cure Poison-50 G
    Topaz Potion of Cure Paralysis-50 G
    Diamond Potion of Light (cures blindness)-50 G
    Heart Charm-100 G for 5
    Sense Charm-50 G
    Braviary Charm-50 G
    Sneasel Charm-renders the holder invisible for a short time-75 G

    @[member="122 Generation"];

    Vitiva's general store is notably smaller than Argenta's, but it still has basic supplies at a cheaper price than one would find in the city.

    Vitiva General Store:

    Packed Lunch: 50 G each
    Camp Gear: 60 G
    First aid kit: 50 G
    Torchsticks: 50 G for a bundle of 5
    Arrow crafting kit: 60 G

    "If it's pies you're looking for, there are meat pies and fruit pies in every packed lunch." the shopkeeper tells you.

    @[member="Shady Pirate"];

    The blonde haired ranger notices Michelle's form and winces. "Would you like some help getting the basic stance?" she asks.
  9. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    (I think I forgot to mention that Annika was at the food shop but I'll have her move elsewhere XD)

    Annika suddenly felt that she had entered the food shop at the wrong time, so she decided to move on to another shop instead. Looking at the general store, she decided to go there instead, hoping for food. Waiting in line, she noticed Leon was there and stood behind him. She was pretty hungry at this point in time, but she waited. When she heard the shopkeeper discuss about pie, her eyes lit up.

    Being rather petite, she has to tiptoe to see the other things present blocked by Leon's height. Trying to see, she uses her magic of wind to float up slightly. Unfortunately, it didn't reach beyond Leon's shoulders and it didn't last long enough for her to gauge a proper landing. She landed on the floor with a thud and a squeak. Getting up, she rubbed her head. "Owh..."
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  10. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    Applying the principles of economics as taught by Sapphire Bay Company managers, Leon was not surprised that the prices of goods here were less than that of Argenta's market. What he hadn't counted on nor expected was that they were a LOT cheaper than Argenta's goods! They were half the price! Unbelieeeeeevable!
    I suppose that demand is a lot, and I mean a LOT, less than that of Argenta's, Leon thought with a mental laugh. Demand never ceases to amaze me, since it's the reason the price of goods here are cheaper, relatively.
    With the pies in mind, Leon also considered buying the packed lunches, but he would have to consider heating them as well, which meant cooking them over a fire.

    Leon didn't buy anything, but he made a note to self to add some of these things to his shopping list. As well, he needed to buy some tinder at Meralda when the group had the time.
    "Thank you for your time," Leon said. "I may come back to buy some things."


    The sound of a bump, followed by a short squeal of pain, caught Leon's attention. In fact, it happened right behind him.
    Leon whipped around, and only to see the familiar platinum blond hair only Annika would have. She was just struggling to get up.
    How did that happen? What... Leon thought.
    "You alright?" he said, as he extended a hand to her, but with an attempt to suppress a laugh. "What was that about?"
  11. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Annika looked up to see Leon, and took his hand. "Yeah, I'm okay." She sheepishly chuckled as she got up. "Was hungry. Food shop didn't seem to work so I came here." To further accentuate her current state, her stomach growled. Already embarrassed, she looked back to Leon before saying. "I'll join you guys later~" as she went ahead to purchase a packed lunch for herself and everyone else.
  12. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 31
    Nov 22, 2012

    (you have 800 G left--if I somehow fudge the math when calculating gold counts for you guys, please tell me and I will fix your gold count accordingly)

    "Here you are." the shopkeeper smiled as he gave Annika the bag of four packed lunches. "Going on a long journey?"

    He smiles as he he hears the faint sound of a flute coming from the training grounds. "You would do well to find Ash and Serena if you're going on a long trip--they know this area well. Ash takes his fighting skill as seriously as his flute playing, and Serena, our resident ranger, rivals the sage in her knowledge of Pokémon and lore.

    He then catches himself. "Oh, listen to me ramble! I would stay and chat all day, but I have the shop to attend to."
  13. Pokémist

    Pokémist Trashcan

    smol heart
    Level 1
    Nov 28, 2015
    Tapunium Z ★★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    Ashley looked at the potions he stated. "Can i have sneasel charm potion please" she said. "Can i ask you, what does ruby potion for life does?" She added. Dhe was curious to know about it and it sure looks something interesting and helpful.
  14. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    She sure can work a appetite. A quick one, Leon thought. He watched Annika receive the four lunches from the storekeeper, after payment of course.
    "I'll stick around for a bit more," Leon said back to Annika. Seeing that Ashley still hadn't arrived at the store yet, Leon went around examining the merchandise. He looked at the first aid kits and the camping gear. Apart from the slight amount of dust layered on top, everything appeared to be in good shape. It was only a matter of time before he had to go and come back again.

    There was also the prospect of gathering more information from this 'Serena' as well, hence the storekeeper's words. But Leon thought it would be more appropriate if he met up with others to do so. True, he was tempted to buy more pies, but he brushed off the thought.
  15. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    Michelle looked ag her and smiled. "That would be great"
  16. WavePearl

    WavePearl Believer in Possibilities

    (Shaymin (Sky))
    Level 31
    Nov 22, 2012

    (you have 925 G left)

    "These ruby potions are meant to heal small to medium sized wounds." the alchemist explained as he took Ashley's payment. "Other types can heal more dire wounds."

    @[member="Shady Pirate"];

    "Okay...right handed archers hold the bow with the left hand, and vice versa." the ranger explained. "So with your weaker side toward the target, stand at a right angle to the target, with the tips of your toes against an imaginary line pointing at the center of the target. Your feet should be shoulder's width apart, straddling the shooting line." She demonstrated the pose as she spoke, allowing Michelle to see what it looked like.
  17. Pokémist

    Pokémist Trashcan

    smol heart
    Level 1
    Nov 28, 2015
    Tapunium Z ★★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    "Oh i see" she said. "Sir,i will come here later.Thank you for your time" she continued. She keeps potion in her small bag and walks towards the spot where she said to meet Leon after exploring. 'Hm...that potion was good but i think i am done for now' she thinks. After some time she was on the same place little outside of marketplace where Leon and Ashley splitted up. 'I have to wait for Leon. Taking another thought, what would be Lysandre doing with that harp. We have prevent him from getting that harp or whatever his wvil plans are will become true' she thought.
  18. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    It didn't take long before Leon was back outside. Given Ashley still hadn't arrived at the general store as agreed, Leon was patient, but he figured she just wasn't going to arrive at all. Promising himself he would come back to buy some goods, Leon walked out of the general store. He found the blond-haired Ashley standing in the spot where they had agreed to meet up in the first place, and he approached her.

    "I thought you would have gone to check the general store," he said to her. "Got someplace in mind? I'm told there there's information about Pokémon a certain 'Serena' would know about, at the training grounds."
    The sound of a flute melody interrupted his thoughts. As fortune would have it, it was coming from the direction of the labelled training grounds.
    "Do you hear that?" he said. Not waiting for Ashley to respond, he began walking. "I'll be heading over there."
  19. Pokémist

    Pokémist Trashcan

    smol heart
    Level 1
    Nov 28, 2015
    Tapunium Z ★★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    "Hey wait! I am also coming" she said while running to catch him up. "Sorry, i didn't arrived at general store, actually i forgot about it." She continued. When they reached there, Michelle was trying archery and next to her was a blonde who was guiding her to throw an arrow. Ashley runs near Michelle with a big smile on her face. "Can i try it please" she said excitedly. She forgot that Leon was also there, all her attention was to bow and an arrow and sweet melody that was ringing in her ears. That was beautiful, devine. It was very pleasent.
  20. 122 Generation

    Level 101
    Dec 22, 2014
    So Michelle is here too, Leon thought.
    "Well, fancy seeing you here!" he greeted Michelle.
    As he examined the training grounds, he took note of the sign with designations of different training areas. Among them was, as he could see Ashley enjoying herself there, the archery range. As Ashley approached the blonde standing there (a trainer, Leon guessed, but it might be this 'Serena' the storekeeper told him about), Leon watched Michelle keep trying her skill with the bow.

    Whilst Michelle was concentrating on the bow, and Ashley waiting on her try, Leon went over to pick up one of the training bows.
    When was the last time he had used a bow? Not since his days as a ranger for the Sapphire Bay Company. Sure, Leon could remember the number of times he carried one as an observer, but at least the Company had him go through a training session on how to use it.
    But that was a while ago. Would he have to fire one again?
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