Hey There! I'm glad you took a minute to check out this link. Below is the first chapter to my ongoing written story, and i would like for you to give it a read. If you like what you've read, please continue to read on via the following link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9651885/1/Pokemon-Adventures-Soul Feel free to give it a Like, Follow and/or a review so i can continue to thrive as a writer. Enjoy! Pokémon Adventures Soul Chapter 1: So it Begins... Prologue: My name is Soul. I grew up with no mother, since she died giving birth to me. My father was the only family I had for a while, but as a kid I was thankful to have him at all. My father was an assistant to the great Prof. Rowan, and he helped do research on Pokémon Evolution. He vowed to take care of me after my mom passed away, and of course he promised to show me the "wonders" of Pokémon through his research. Then a funny little accident occurred when I was only seven years old. He got caught in a giant explosion while trying to save people's lives during the Team Galactic Attack in Veilstone City. He was doing research on the legendary Pokémon, Palkia and Dialga, in a nearby laboratory, when everything started going out of control in the Galactic building. He died a hero, as he rushed over from the laboratory, trying to save as many civilians and Pokémon caught in the inferno as possible. I was too young...too weak to do anything. I will never forget that feeling of helplessness, unable to run in after him. To help him. What got me even angrier, was that the man who caused the explosion and created the problem wound up getting away. Though the Sinnoh region was saved from a major disaster, thanks to the legendary Pokédex holders Platinum, Diamond and Pearl, I was now left motherless and fatherless. I had no relatives to stay with, and I was pretty much left in this world, completely alone. Prof. Rowan took me in under his wing, to honor my dad or out of pity; I don't know which. Guess he just felt like he owed my old man or whatever. So I moved to Sandgem Town, near his central research facility. The other kids in town and school thought I was a "freak", since I technically lived in a science lab. So eventually I grew accustomed to not having friends, and I decided that I didn't need people. I stayed away from them, only going to school and back to the lab to study hard, and maintain my grades and athleticism on my own. I was a genius in school, unrivaled in any sport or contest, reaching a far more advanced intellect than any of my peers. They mocked me for being such a loner, and eventually moved on to become trainers or breeders, or whatever it was they studied to become. However, I stayed behind, deciding that in order to become a great trainer, I had to learn as much as possible about Pokémon from a man who studied them for pretty much his entire life. * * * It was a cool, windy night. I was standing in the midst of Route 201 with Professor Rowan by my side. We were studying the Pokémon in the area, logging their daily routines into one of his new Pokedexs; just trying to experience the daily life of the Pokémon that lived there. Studying the Pokémon was meaningless to me; I already knew all their attacks, their movement patterns, and all their abilities. I memorized these different Pokémon's abilities when I was only 9. Prof. Rowan thought it'd be important to see how they "maintain natural order and peace among each other," which was another thing I truly didn't care for. We had been out in the field the entire day, just watching the Pokémon live their lives, as a family...a family I was barely able to experience. I may not have said it, but deep down, I was jealous of the Pokémon. All the Pokémon seemed to live freely and happily. Running and playing with their young, and even interacting with each other in complete harmony. "Soul, I believe that's enough observation for today, can you give me a basic synapse of what we have witnessed?" Prof. Rowan asked. I let out a sigh, "The Pokémon here learn how to coexist with one another through some sort of "team effort." Take the bidoof and the shinx for example," I pointed at the shinx cubs and baby bidoof walking to two separate dens, "The bidoof and bibarel help the shinx and luxio obtain water and fish to eat, since shinx and luxio are electric type Pokémon, large amounts of water shorts out their power temporarily, making hunting for fish difficult. And in exchange for hunting the fish for the shinx, the luxio and shinx gather berries and other herbivore related foods for the bidoof. They work together to make ends meet and live happily among one another." Prof. Rowan nodded; he looked quite pleased with my response. "Now, what observations have you made for yourself? What do you think?" he asked. This was a personal question, he wanted to see how I think, and feel about "working together" with others. As he asked that question, I began to understand that we were not out here for studies. Well, not completely. He wanted me to understand companionship, and the power of a bond with people. "Hmph...my observation is this: Pokémon live together and help each other not out of kindness or respect, but out of necessity...Survival of the fittest, if you will" I began. Prof. Rowan looked puzzled, "Oh, do go on" he responded. "It's simple," i said coldly, "if you have something I need, and I have something you need, we will work together to get what it is we want...as long as it is necessary and/or unavoidable, for example..." I pointed in a direction away from the bidoof and shinx, looking at the spinarak and staravia. "The staravia sometimes hunt the spinarak, but the ariados sometimes hunt the starly. They pick at each other's young as a form of natural order. It seems cruel of course, but it is a necessary evil; the natural balance of life" I said coldly. Prof. Rowan let out a deep breath. "You are very right. Soul," he stated, making his way back toward Sandgem Town, "However, the balance is there for a reason. This is why Pokémon evolve; they evolve so they can grow not in just physical form, but to mature their mental and spiritual state as well! Their bonds to their families, friends and their homes are crucial. In order to protect said young, they fight and adapt. Do you see? Working together and protecting something you care about ARE the epitome of life itself," He turned back to look at me, "Without this, a trainer; no, a living SOUL cannot grow into the being they are meant to become." "Hmph..." I grunted, as I began to follow Prof. Rowan back home. As we walked back home, we began to talk about the evolution of poliwag, and why it had two different final stage evolutions. We tend to debate and compare theory quite often. Prof. Rowan is very much like a new dad, and I respect him as such, even though we are completely unrelated. As we finally arrived in front of the lab, after a short walk, Prof. Rowan stopped short at the steps. "Soul, I have taught you everything I know about Pokémon. It is time you started your journey. You must travel the land and learn your own way, and come up with your own ideals." He said. As much as I knew he was right, I did not want to leave. I didn't want to go until I was absolutely sure I had learned all I can about Pokémon and battles. "...do you think I'm ready?" I said coolly. Prof. Rowan laughed, "Soul, you have memorized all of my research and theories on Pokémon, and you literally understand the science of it all. You even mastered research on the entire Pokémon population of the Sinnoh region! You are more than ready," He said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded, and we walked up the stone steps, and into the lab. Prof. Rowan lead me into his Research and Development room. It was a huge white room, with many bright lights, and many machines that kept track of data on different Pokémon. There was a single, but large brown desk in the middle of the room, covered with many blueprints and schematics. Prof. Rowan usually kept the three starter Pokémon for the "top three" students from the official Trainer school, which is located in Jubalife City, in this room. He flipped a couple of switches on the wall, and I could hear all the machinery booting up and printing many papers. We walked over to the center of the room, and Prof. Rowan took a step behind the desk. He unlocked a safe, hidden underneath the desk, and pulled out a glass capsule containing a single Pokéball. "You have been studying this Pokémon for months. I can imagine you have learned a lot about it, and it has learned a lot about you. It is an extremely rare Pokémon to find, especially in its special coloring, a perfect choice for you to start your journey with!" Prof. Rowan said, opening up the capsule. He took the Pokéball out of the capsule, and handed it to me. I took the ball from him without hesitation, and held it in my palm. "A poor walker, it often falls down. However, its strong pride makes it puff up its chest without a care. It usually lives along shores in northern countries. Because of this, it's a very skilled swimmer, and it dives for over 10 minutes to hunt," I said, reciting the Pokédex entry for a Piplup. "Proud, strong, and loyal. A perfect fit for a soldier," I said coldly. I tossed the Pokéball into the air. With a puff of smoke, the ball opened up, revealing a specially colored piplup. The piplup sat on the ground and began rubbing its eyes furiously, chirping madly, as though angered from being awoken out of its slumber. "You may not need it, but take this anyway," Prof. Rowan said, handing me a Pokédex. "I'm sure you have memorized all the recorded entries from Kanto, Johto and Hoenn as well, but you can use it for an edge in battle against powerful foes. Use it wisely and never lose it!" he said with a stern face. Piplup looked up at us, with a confused glance. "Piplup..." I crouched down to look it in the eyes, "From here on out, we will watch each other's backs. We will grow a strong and formidable team. Together, we'll take the league down, and anyone who gets in our way." The piplup eagerly stood up getting completely riled up with my motivational speech. "I need a leader, someone to take command when I am not around; who can lead with an iron fist. You will be named Emperor, the commander of our team." Prof. Rowan nodded, "I'm going to bed, shut off the lights behind you," he yawned, as he left Emperor and I behind. I stood up, and looked down at Emperor, "Tomorrow morning we gather all our needs, and set out. We will become the best." I held out my hand to Emperor. It nodded, and gave me its wing and we shook on our oath. I placed his Pokéball on my waist, "Well, now that is settled, we need to get some rest before we move out..." I yawned, as we left the laboratory. We ran up a flight of steps, headed to my room to get some rest. Tomorrow was a big day.