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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Scary Story(Thuner and brsajo)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by Thunder, Oct 28, 2015.

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  1. Thunder

    Thunder The Alolan Archer

    Apr 19, 2015
    This is a 1x1 between me and @[member="brsajo"]. It is based in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon world but a completely new area, with new destinations.​
    I am a Duskull called Mickey and brsajo is a Litwick called Timmy. We were both humans but somehow came into this world, just like the real PMD games. ​
    Let's start!​
    Mickey was feeling sick, he felt the coldness of the water surround him, he was freezing. He tried swimming towards the shore, once he began to swim he noticed something, his arms were no longer long, brown and muscly, they were small and coloured grey. He jumped onto the shore but when he jumped, he didn't come back down, he floated in the air, like some sort of ghost. He looked at his reflection in the water, he saw a face, covered by a skull. He screamed but no proper words came out, he spoke in a different language,a Pokémon language.
    "I'm a Duskull!"
    If we were humans in the world he is in, we'd have heard nothing but some creature saying his name! Mickey gasped so many times. He was speechless, even more so when a Litwick washed onto the shore, the Litwick woke up and gasped and began to panic, Mickey asked for a name, the Litwick said Timmy, they began to converse about what had happened.
    After becoming good friends, Mickey and Timmy went to town to see what they could do. They came to a town called Effrayant Town, Mickey, who was good at speaking French, realised that "Effrayant" meant spooky in French, this gave a bad vibe to both of them. Surprisingly, the townsfolk were lovely people and the mayor's advisor gave the two a place to stay with other homeless Pokémon.
    After a few days of living at the Open House, as it was called, Mayor Absol came to visit them, saying they were intelligent, perhaps the most intelligent in town. They had a long talk and Ma Absol said that to continue living here, they'd need to do something for the town, just like everyone else! The Mayor said they could go into neighbouring dungeons and retrieve stolen goods, the pair do this for a few weeks and get paid a fair amount.
    One day, the lights in the town go off, a Spiritomb breaks into the Open House and shouts.
    "Everyone in this town, is in danger!"
    No one believes Spiritomb so it leaves. A few days later, Mickey and Timmy notice things happening in the dungeons, ghost Pokémon keep popping out of nowhere, the dungeons keep changing shape, gangs of Pokémon appear and people start to get hurt. Effrayant Town goes into total lockdown but Mickey and Timmy don't make it in time and are stuck in the woods.
    They learn to fight, lean how to use their powers to the full extent.
    Now their journey begins, they'll go into dungeons, new ones and old ones, risking their lives so the town becomes safe again.
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  2. brsajo

    brsajo Girl Boss Baby

    Level 16
    Dec 31, 2014
    Timmy wanders around a clearing in the woods, looking at all the trees.
    "How do you think we could get back into spoopy town, Mickey?" He asked, "There don't seem to be any gaps in the wall or anything as far as I can see."
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  3. Thunder

    Thunder The Alolan Archer

    Apr 19, 2015
    Mickey shudders, even though he was a ghostly Pokémon, he was shivering with fright!
    "I d-don't know Tim. I th-thi-think we're gonna have to wait it out!"
    As he spoke something passed by and attacked a tree, Mickey looked at it closely,
    "A Zoroark!"
  4. brsajo

    brsajo Girl Boss Baby

    Level 16
    Dec 31, 2014
    "A Zoroark?"
    Timmy looked around, making his flame a little brighter so as to see better in the darkness.
    "I don't... see... Oh! A gummi shake! Purple too! Mick! It's our favourite flavour!"
    Timmy creeps over to the illusion, unaware of Zoroark's ability.
  5. Thunder

    Thunder The Alolan Archer

    Apr 19, 2015
    "Timmy, no!"
    Just before Timmy takes the shake, Zoroark reverts back to it's normal form and growls at Timmy, it gets ready to pounce and attack Timmy.
    "Timmy, I'm coming!"
    Mickey jumps in between the two and uses Shadow Ball on the Zoroark, Mickey runs with Timmy, who is slightly injured.
  6. brsajo

    brsajo Girl Boss Baby

    Level 16
    Dec 31, 2014
    Timmy checks his injuries.
    "Uh, Mickey... I'M MELTING! Just kidding, I'm a candle heheh. Thanks for saving me!"
  7. Thunder

    Thunder The Alolan Archer

    Apr 19, 2015
    "Dude, candles are made out of wax, you could melt but you're not, at the moment anyway! You gotta be more careful, Tim!"
    Mickey made it very clear that there was darkness out here, maybe a bit too much darkness. They had lost Zoroark but what else would be looking for them, just what would attack them next?
    Mickey and Timmy screamed, a figure came out the shadows, it was a Shuppet.
    "Hehehe, sorry about that guys, I just like scaring people. Say what are you Effrayant Town goody-goodies doin' out here, this outland here ain't right for your kind, I'm Shuppet by the way, probably the nicest guy around these here parts! Again, sorry for scaring y'all!"
  8. brsajo

    brsajo Girl Boss Baby

    Level 16
    Dec 31, 2014
    "Oh! A friendly one! So what're you doing out here?"
    Timmy was confused and intrigued. He thought all Pokémon outside the town were feral, but this one was just playing games!
  9. Thunder

    Thunder The Alolan Archer

    Apr 19, 2015
    Mickey greeted himself, Timmy did the same, the three Pokémon began to converse.
    "Do you know anywhere we can stay, Shuppet?"
    The Shuppet nodded and told them to follow him.
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