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RP: The Robotic Flareon of Mau City

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by FireLucario, Jan 23, 2017.

  1. FireLucario

    Aug 16, 2013
    That actually made him speechless. She is a headless Pokémon? He looks back at her and could barely see it. "You're a headless Pokémon too? I must admit, I don't exactly see it." He looks back to where he was walking as he had thoughts of his own about this new information. Summer sure seems to be full of surprises, he thought as they reached the entrance to the eastern district, which had a more medieval design due to one of the city's roots.
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  2. Sugar

    Sugar Pokemon Coordinator

    Deoxys Egg
    (Deoxys Egg)
    Level 1
    Sep 25, 2014
    "You're the first one to know about this. But can you keep it a secret; I'd rather not have anyone else find out and have them run me out of the city for being 'different'. From one headless Pokémon to another." The eastern district looked much more historically advanced than the true medieval ages. Summer was about to wander off and eplore the city for herself, but thought better of it. She'd much rather eplore new places with someone else.
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  3. FireLucario

    Aug 16, 2013
    "Will do. I'll keep it a secret for you, count on me." He said as he started the tour in the eastern district. "This is what could be dubbed as the middle-ages district. See, one of the city's roots was medieval stuff. I don't know everything, but from what I've heard, a new blacksmith for this district showed up to take Tarou's place."
  4. Sugar

    Sugar Pokemon Coordinator

    Deoxys Egg
    (Deoxys Egg)
    Level 1
    Sep 25, 2014
    "Sounds like my kind of place. I could strengthen my Steel type moves here...that sounds like a capital idea to me. I might visit the blacksmith sometime & see what I can get out of that." Once again, Summer felt like running off to see what she could find, but for the second time, thought better of it.
  5. FireLucario

    Aug 16, 2013
    Russel looked at Summer again. She seems excited about this district. "Hmm...well, I suppose I can follow you to where you want to go. I just don't want to leave you alone for both what you just told me about as well as what Tarou and I learned when you met her." He was sure that straying off from a tour would be a faster way to satisfy her and they could move on to the next district. However, the Flareon wanted to stay by her side for the two reasons she has told him about.
  6. Sugar

    Sugar Pokemon Coordinator

    Deoxys Egg
    (Deoxys Egg)
    Level 1
    Sep 25, 2014
    Summer pondered the situation for a few moments befor issuing a little challenge. "Okay, tell you what. If you can keep on pace with me, I'll stick beside you. However, if you can't, I get to eplore the district all on my own. Sound fair to you?" Summer was adept at running & has almost unparalleled speed according to others, but she had two left feet and couldn't run five steps without tipping ovoer herself. Ever the oxymoron, she still wanted to give it a try.
  7. FireLucario

    Aug 16, 2013
    "So you want to race? Okay, I can do that. I'm not going to be at my best with my robotic leg, but I don't want to lose!" He seems to be very competitive right now. Normally, it's not in his nature to be competitive but since Summer is both a headless Pokémon and someone he didn't want to lose sight of, he didn't want to lose!
  8. Sugar

    Sugar Pokemon Coordinator

    Deoxys Egg
    (Deoxys Egg)
    Level 1
    Sep 25, 2014
    "I'm actually a bit scared that I won't come out on top in this one, but I much moroe confidence that I'm going to win, so be careful, I won't be going easy on you." Summer was fired up and ready to get started. Her legs were ready to run at the speed of light & her body was ready to feel the burn.
  9. FireLucario

    Aug 16, 2013
    Russel got into a crouching position. Even with this challenge, Russel was nervous. he wants to win. Once they seemed ready, Russel looked at the Mega Lucario. "Ready? I'm not going to hold much back, you know."
  10. Sugar

    Sugar Pokemon Coordinator

    Deoxys Egg
    (Deoxys Egg)
    Level 1
    Sep 25, 2014
    "If you're ready to lose, I'm ready to win. No way I'm holding back on a newbie. Count to three in your head and first one to the brick wall will be declared the winner." Summer got into her running position before counting slowly to three in hear head before taking off, almost like lightning into a dead sprint.
  11. FireLucario

    Aug 16, 2013
    Russel counted to three in his mind and took off as well. He was running pretty fast, but with his robotic leg, he's not exactly at full speed. He was able to keep up to an extent but he is lagging behind a little after a minute or two of the race starting.
  12. Sugar

    Sugar Pokemon Coordinator

    Deoxys Egg
    (Deoxys Egg)
    Level 1
    Sep 25, 2014
    Summer had the brick wall in her sights and also had a firm lead on her adversary. She managed to touch the wall & stop her body in time, but her right leg slid along the ground and right into the wall while still at full speed & right as she felt the impact, she knew that she was very badly hurt.
  13. FireLucario

    Aug 16, 2013
    Russel could see Summer fall when she slipped and that instantly encouraged the Flareon to rush over to her side as fast as he could. "Summer! Are you OK?!" He asked in high concern after finally reaching her. She looked like she was in a lot of pain to him, and he had no idea this would happen from a race!
  14. Sugar

    Sugar Pokemon Coordinator

    Deoxys Egg
    (Deoxys Egg)
    Level 1
    Sep 25, 2014
    Summer was facing to the side when she fell and could ask only one question. "Is my leg facing in the right direction?" She hoped that she hadn't fractured her leg, or something much, much worse. The pain was far too much for her to move & hope this didn't require any surgery, which was her worst fear.
  15. FireLucario

    Aug 16, 2013
    "..." He looks at her leg and he froze. "Ummm...I don't think legs are supposed ta go that way." The leg was in a direction that it was not supposed to go. "Summer, I don't know what to tell you, but...you might have broken a bone or two. I'll get help though." He used the telephone feature on his collar to call the city's emergency line to get Summer to the hospital.
  16. Sugar

    Sugar Pokemon Coordinator

    Deoxys Egg
    (Deoxys Egg)
    Level 1
    Sep 25, 2014
    "Oh jeez, not again." Summer had tears streaming down her cheeks while she was on her hospital bed in the ER. She still hoped that she wouldn't have to have surgery, or even worse, an amputation. "You're going to be okay Summer, you'll pull through no matter what happens as a result of this."
  17. FireLucario

    Aug 16, 2013
    Russel was quickly following the Mega Lucario and was very worried when he wasn't allowed to go into the rooms. He waited outside in the halls, pacing back and forth, even going so far as to call Tarou to his location to help support Summer in her time of need.
  18. Sugar

    Sugar Pokemon Coordinator

    Deoxys Egg
    (Deoxys Egg)
    Level 1
    Sep 25, 2014
    Several hours had passed while Summer was checked on & she kept hoping that the end result wouldn't hamper her ability to walk in any way, shape, or form. If she lost the use of her leg, how would she stand up to the Pokémon that took her here in the first place? Summer's future was hanging in the balance & she was hoping the result would be positive.
  19. FireLucario

    Aug 16, 2013
    The good news is that after some surgery, Summer gets to keep her leg. Bad news is that the Mega Lucario is now bedridden in Tarou's home with a cast on her leg due to her breaking the bone. Russel was by Summer's side when they reached Tarou's place and had Summer lay down on the spare bed in the guest room and he felt extremely guilty about it. So guilty, in fact, that he didn't really say much.
  20. Sugar

    Sugar Pokemon Coordinator

    Deoxys Egg
    (Deoxys Egg)
    Level 1
    Sep 25, 2014
    Believe it or not, when Summer lay in the bed, she was actually smiling at the sight of her injury. "That's really something, isn't it? See, if I was a human, this would be nothing moroe than a papercut...now those hurt a ton. I guess I shouldn't have been running that race in the first place, cause I have two left feet & sometimes my legs keep moving after the rest of me stops." Summer was actually making some sense out of her curent situation.

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