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Event Sigilyph's Haunted Art

Discussion in 'Valor Archive' started by BZRich64, Sep 30, 2021.

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  1. BZRich64

    Late For A Date
    Level 20
    Jun 12, 2017
    [​IMG]Sigilyph's Haunted Art[​IMG]
    I recently began investigating the ruins of an ancient civilization that once inhabited the area of Lake Valor long before even the Hisuians called this land home, when I stumbled upon an ancient tomb. I knew as soon as I laid eyes upon the crypt that I had gone where no mortal was ever meant to dwell and that I should turn back, but my hubris got the better of me and something... compelled me to open the tomb. And now, thanks to my mistake, an ancient Sigilyph of power far beyond what its modern counterparts possess has imposed it's will upon the Lake. The only way to appease this ancient Pokémon is to satiate its hunger with a sacrifice. A sacrifice... of art! Any who would help protect our home from the Sigilyph's wrath must create a work of art each day for the month of October to contribute to the sacrifice required to ease the beast back into it's eternal sleep. Fortunately, the Sigilyph does not seem to care for the medium or the quality, so try to contribute as much as you can in any way that you can. If we can give it enough, we may be safe.


    • Any medium is acceptable for this event, and you don't have to stick to the same medium for the whole month.
    • After posting here to show that you are entering the event, submissions should be posted in your own thread in the Art Corner. You can either make a new thread for your submissions or use a pre-existing art thread.
    • Make sure to add a link in your post here to the thread where you will be posting your submissions (you can edit your post to add the link if you post here before making your thread).
    • You are free to interpret any of the daily prompts in any way you want. While the prompts were picked with a Pokémon theme in mind, your art does not need to be Pokémon related.
    • Everything created for this event must follow Lake Valor's general rules and guidelines (no NSFW or offensive content).
    • You can also feel free to share the art you make for this event on social media if you want, with a link back here or at least mention the site. There's no extra prizes for doing so, however.
    Daily Prompts
    1. Meeting
    2. Adventure
    3. Forest
    4. Monster
    5. History
    6. Ranger
    7. Sea
    8. Mystery
    9. Leader
    10. Bug
    11. Battle
    12. Bonds
    13. Sky
    14. Dragon
    15. Frontier
    16. Field
    17. Day
    18. Night
    19. Mineral
    20. Ability
    21. City
    22. Cards
    23. Performance
    24. Evolution
    25. Legend
    26. Affection
    27. Cave
    28. Trading
    29. Cosmic
    30. Memory
    31. Parting
    30-31 Submissions: 500 PP + Oktoberfest Winner's Medal '20
    15-29 Submissions: 300 PP + Oktoberfest Participants Medal '20
    1-14 Submissions: Oktoberfest Participants Medal '20​
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    #1 Sep 30, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2021
  2. Gazi

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 9
    May 27, 2018
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Legendary Triforce ★★Reaper Cloth ★★★
  3. Cherry3Fairy

    (Eevee (S))
    Level 11
    Jun 23, 2017
    Black Glasses ★★★★Red Orb ★★★★★Water Stone ★★★Deep Sea Scale ★★★
    I might try to do this. Do I need to draw in order? I mean, can I draw something based on the prompt of day 30 for day 1? Then, draw the prompt of day 3 for day 20?
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  4. BZRich64

    Late For A Date
    Level 20
    Jun 12, 2017
    You can if you really want to. You can also do multiple prompts in one day if, for example, you missed a day and want to catch up, you can do so.
  5. BZRich64

    Late For A Date
    Level 20
    Jun 12, 2017
    It would appear that I made a typo on day twelve's prompt. It was supposed to say "bonds" but I accidentally wrote "bongs". I have now fixed it in the original post. Anyone who already did the typo prompt will still have their entry for that day count.
    (I also double-checked the rest of the prompts and that appears to have been the only typo.)
    #5 Oct 12, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2021
  6. BZRich64

    Late For A Date
    Level 20
    Jun 12, 2017
    I have finally started uploading my sketches for this, which you can find here.
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