So here’s how this game works: Person 1 posts a single word from a song. Person 2 has to think of a lyric that uses the word, and they give a word for the next person, and so on. Rules: -Songs and words must be in English. -No inappropriate songs/lyrics. -Song title and/or artist is optional. -Don’t look it up, it ruins the fun. -If you can’t think of a song that uses the word, then say “pass”. Person 1 then has to share a lyric using the word they gave, and gives another word. Spoiler: Example 1: star 2: Hey now, you’re an all star. Desert 1: pass 2: Never gonna run around and desert you. Sleep I’ll start us off with move.
Make some noise, hear the beat! Feel the rhythm from your head to your feet! I challenge anyone to figure out where that song came from, heheh... Speaking of challenges, the next word is "figure"~
And the climate has been changing, and soon it's gonna change more; And we'll figure out all of the details in climate change court. The next word be September; very easy, no?
And I know this is I know this is the truth 'Cause I've been staring at my death so many times Next word I'm looking for is "fix."
Work it, fix it, rock it, move it, crack it, smack it, feel the beat. Do any of you have a song with the word "antioxidants"?
(I mean, you made the game, so... anyway I shall also bend the rules slightly and use an educational song hehe) It's how the moon keeps spinning so close to the earth; while the earth spins happily Around the sun with its super-humungous mass, creating powerful gravity... next word: remedy~
When the night keeps you from sleeping Just look and you will see That I will be your remedy the next word is: hold