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The Tarots RP

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by Aiko, Sep 11, 2016.

  1. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Amaryllis turned back to the group to see more people interacting with each other.

    It was up till this far she studied the abilities of her fellow Tarots. Selan so far hasn't revealed a trace of what she could do. Meanwhile Nerus handles lightning, Drake handles fire and Arisha controls metal and lies undetected. Her own powers were rather frowned upon, or would drive people crazy, even though she had the best of intentions.

    "My name is Amaryllis, or Ryllis if it's too much of a mouthful. I suppose it's safe to reveal to likeminded people of what I might be able to do, even though this isn't...pleasant conversation. I can talk to the dead and telepathically to people far away, albeit visible range. Tis the power of the Moon tarot. I'm not too sure about showing my powers, but just in case we need to rely on each others' skills in battle... "

    She focused on Selan who was reading a book. Projecting her thoughts onto the girl, she chose her words carefully.

    'Won't you get dizzy from reading in a moving vehicle?'
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  2. Aiko

    Aiko Anti-Shadow Weapon

    SS Egg #2
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 36
    Mar 7, 2016
    Lure Ball ★★★★Friend Ball ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Ultra Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    (sorry if this is really sudden and inconsistent, I would just like to get things moving.)

    Chapter 2:War​
    The carriage had pulled up to the hotel/castle. The two groups had dinner and slept. The day for war was upon them. Both sides where ready. The two war generals approached each other. "The kingdom of Sefal, will you surrender?" The Sefalian general said nothing, and thus, the war began. But there was something wrong. This was less of a war and more of a slaughter on Nuhan. Men left and right are being slaughtered. The tarots must find eachother and find out why this is happening!
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  3. Captain Comet

    Captain Comet Fallen Star Baby

    Shiny Space
    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 27
    Sep 8, 2016
    Basic Gary Oak ★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Jaw Fossil ★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Drake got lost immediately. There were crowds of people all around him running from Sefal's army. He was trying to make his way against the current, going about an inch or two every few seconds. Eventually, the crowds started to disperse, being replaced by soldiers on horseback. One came right up to him and attempted to simply trample him with the horse.

    Drake reacted before it could happen, and raised a small wall of fire in front of him, startling the horse and knocking the soldier off of it. The horse then ran of, leaving the soldier alone with Drake.

    Drake stepped up to the soldier quickly, his hands cloaked in flames. The soldier crawled backwards desperately, not taking his eyes off the Tarot. He managed to get back to his feet, and started to run off to the rest of his squadron. But not before Drake launched a blast of fire into his arm.

    The soldier, with one arm that as now completely burned, yelled "They have a Tarot!" as he fled back to the main line.
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  4. Getus

    Getus The Senate

    (Kyogre Egg)
    Level 18
    Apr 4, 2016
    Philosopher's CowlReaper Cloth ★★★Psychium Z ★★★★Great Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Crouched behind a rock, Nerus watched the battlefield with narrowed eyes. The slaughter of his fellow country men... It was sickening. "I have to do something." Pushing away from the rock and pulling his bow from his back, he quickly notched an arrow and took aim. Calming his breath, he selected his target and let the arrow fly into the chest of a horse rider that was charging towards him. Now with the rider taken care off, Nerus leaped to the side while avoiding the charging horse in the process therefore giving him the perfect opportunity to jump onto it and take control.

    Riding it further into the battlefield, Nerus selectively took out multiple targets in an attempt to lessen the slaughter of his allies but to no avail. Eventually he was surrounded by several Pike wielding soldiers. Giving out a sigh, Nerus slowly dismounted the horse and let it run off, keeping his calm gaze on the troops surrounding him.

    Grinning although it was hidden behind his metallic mask, Nerus raised his hands up in a surrender position, "Now fella's, I get it. War and all that, but how about you let me just leave?" The attempted jab by pike caused Nerus to grit his teeth in irritation. "Don't say I didn't give you a chance." A buzzing radiated from his person as sparks of electricity began to cover his body giving him a bluish glow. Seeing the sudden appearance of the sparks, one of the soldiers began to yell out a warning, "Taro-!" Only for it to be cut off by a screech as the former sparks exploded off Nerus in a small storm of lightning, cutting off any chance of escape for the Sefal soldiers.

    Panting as he began to stumble away from the scorched ground, Nerus launched an elbow into the nose of a passing Sefal troop and grumbled as the shout of Tarot began to pop up accompanied by bursts of flame. "It's just constant annoyances at this rate."
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  5. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    Roy took a step onto the battlefield and took a deep breath in. The usual smells were their; blood, steel, and beasts. Not a great thing to smell, but it was the apart of the trade. He couldn't see it, but he knew the soldiers around him were giving him looks of distrust. Whether it was because he was blind, a tarot, or perhaps even both. Roy did not care though, for that wasn't required of him. What he focused on instead was the battle at hand. He got in a wide stance and concentrated his breathing. In, out. In, out. In, out. In... and on his last breath in, he drew in a lot of air and held it. He brought his hands to his face and made a funnel around his lips. He let the air out of his lungs, and from it a thick cloud of hornets emerged onto the battlefield. They danced around Roy in a tight circle, and mimicked his movements. With a few spins he set the swarm loose, and they engulfed the arena. Amidst the cloud of bugs, fighters could be heard in great pain, horses could be seen fleeing without their riders, and the continuous buzzing could be heard. The soldiers around Roy began to look at him in slight awe, but minor fear as well. Roy yawned and walked fowards
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  6. Cadbberry

    Cadbberry Dad: 76.... Or Cad: 76

    (Eevee (KS))
    Level 12
    May 25, 2014
    Marshadium Z ★★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★
    Aurora looked terrified, doesn't want to be out on the field again, wants to curl up and hide. People are bumping her, crowding her, kicking her, just forgetting the small little girl on the field. She tries to give her self a little leverage but still gets bumped and pushed around and elbowed in the face. She finally just lets it happen and looks around, as she finally can see the battle she watches Roy blow all the hornets onto them like no big deal. She was scared very much of his power and how he nonchalantly just murdered many men. As he walked forward she saw one man take aim with a bow, she quickly leaped into the air, hooked her bow together and took aim from the better vantage point and shot him with her bow. She felt like she was covered in blood, a cold sweat ran over her, knowing she just murdered again, this time more on purpose. She landed next to Roy, voice a little shaky, "W-watch out Roy, there is a corpse in front of you..." She looked out on the battle field and pointed at multiple soldiers and let them just float upward quickly before snapping and letting them slam back from the sky and into the ground. "We wanted to move forward, yes?" she smiled slightly, trying to stay calm.
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  7. Captain Comet

    Captain Comet Fallen Star Baby

    Shiny Space
    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 27
    Sep 8, 2016
    Basic Gary Oak ★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Jaw Fossil ★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Drake saw the cloud of hornets tear through what was at the front of their attack. They advanced toward him, fast. He simply stood his ground, spreading his feet about two feet apart, and watched them come. After a few more moments, he closed his eye, created a small flame in between his hands and in front of his chest, and inhaled deeply. He stepped forward, thrusting his arms and hands forward while grunting his exhale. From this motion, the flame that was only the size of a mouse not even a second earlier erupted forward in a large concentrated blast, buring through the swarm almost instantly.

    When the flames dissipated, only a few hornets were still flying around, not able to kill without the rest of their army. Drake looked at where the swarm was, then looked down toward the one who created it.

    "That's the thing about warming insects." he said to Roy. "Dangerous together, but without their horde, they can't do too much under normal circumstances.
  8. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    Roy listened to his hornets make quick work on the field. The sound of the battle was so loud he didn't even notice the Nuhan archer take aim at him. Within an instant he felt the wind from an arrow from behind go zipping by and plant itself in the man. "What the fu- Oh. It's you. Aurora right? Thanks" he gave her a nod, and then a look of concern when she spoke. He could tell she was scarred. "Go easy kid. Take a knee if you need it. I can sit here if you need to alright?" he said to her in a calm voice. "The battle has just be- what the fuck!?" he said aloud as he felt an intense ball of heat and then silence from the swarm. "Where the hell did the hornets g- oh right. They have Tarots. Greeeeaaaaat" he thought to himself. He heard the stranger speak for a bit and smirked. "Hey now, that's some pretty good wisdom fire crotch. Got anymore?" he said to the man. He stepped in front Aurora and snapped his fingers. From the ground a dire wolf emerged from a beam of light. He grabbed his two kamas and got in a defensive stance
  9. Fantasma

    Fantasma ♃☿♄

    (Cubone (Alolan))
    Level 1
    Sep 19, 2014
    Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    As Jose walked in the battlefield he saw a small squad of Nuhanese soldiers charging towards him, he quickly took off his right glove and with his left hand pulled out his sword and rushed towards the group soldiers, with his right hand he weakened their armor and he then finish them with his sword, a small sloud of carbon dust of what used to be the soldiers armors covered area, after the dust settled only one man was standing, his sword was dripping blood and his surroundings were filled with dead bodies.
    Jose then sighted and started to look around him, only death and destruction as far as his eye could see "This doesnt makes sense, this is not a war anymore this is a massacre". Suddenly a enormous fireball filled the sky. "WHAT THE HELL!?" he said in a loud voice as the fireball slowly dissipated in the sky, he then saw both Aurora and Roy near where the fireball used to be, so he rushed towards them both.
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  10. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    A hooded Amaryllis walked amongst the dead Nuhanese soldiers, murmuring a silent prayer. Seeing how aggressive the Sefalian troops were, she begun to make her way forward.

    "Feeling sorry for your dead comrades? Why don't I make you join them?!" A group of Sefalian soldiers taunted as they charged onward with swords and pikes.

    Annoyed, she swung her axe in a large arc, fighting them off albeit with some difficulty. In the end, she managed to get through As she watched their bodies fall, she muttered a silent prayer. She then found and took control of a fallen ally's horse, clearing her way further down the battlefield, towards what she seemed to see an angel, a blind guy, Drake and that one man who killed Nuhanese soldiers. Instead she veered another direction, moving further forward, leaving several wounded in her trail.
  11. Morgaine

    Morgaine Goddess of Shinies

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 3
    May 1, 2016
    Crown of ValorSoothe Bell ★Heart Scale ★★Ice Stone ★★★★
    "Don't you know it is rude to leave without saying hi first? You should work on your manners." An ice wall rose to block the way of the female axe-user. Enya jumped on the wall with a sinister grin on her face. Her cloak was tattered and ripped in several places, but she was unhurt by the ravages of the fight. Spinning her dagger with her right hand, the silver-haired woman summoned a wave of ice spikes to impale a few Nuhan soldiers that were too close for her liking.

    "You are quite proficient with that lovely axe of yours. How about we dance for a bit?" Her grin grew smaller as she heard the yells from the Nuhan soldiers that she had hit with the spikes. Bla, Bla, Tarot User, flee on site, monster. She raised one hand to the fastening of her cloak and pulled it off. She was well aware that having a bare stomach and back would paint a target on her. But if you can make ice armor in a flash, who needed the cover?

    "It has been some time since I fought someone that knows their way around a weapon."
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  12. Aiko

    Aiko Anti-Shadow Weapon

    SS Egg #2
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 36
    Mar 7, 2016
    Lure Ball ★★★★Friend Ball ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Ultra Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Selan ran around the destructive battlefield looking for injured soldiers. There where too many, this was less of a war and more of a slaughter. There where so many dead bodies, and Selan blamed herself for them. She looked for someone, anyone that she knew. Finally after walking through the massacre for what seemed like forever, she finally came across Ryllis, and she was fighting someone else. "R-ryllis! Please! We need to stop this, its no longer war! Please don't kill that person!" She pleaded to Ryllis while tears streamed down her face.
  13. Heavenly

    Heavenly Just Smile!

    Apr 17, 2015
    Tali sprinted around the battlefield, making her way through groups by jumping over them or avoiding them completely, making sure to not hurt anybody. She knew this wasn't going to be some war. All it was is death and murderous. There was no good intent behind this to her, and it was very unfair to the Nuhans. They were being slaughtered by the Sefalian soldiers, with no chance to fight back well. As she went around, she noticed Enya sitting atop an ice wall. It seemed she was taunting someone...or getting ready to fight another Tarot.

    Tali ran as fast as she could to them, before having her revolvers appear in her hand from the darkness of the shadows on the battlefield. She noticed the other Tarot right away; an axe-user it seemed, one that could very well take out someone if they felt like it. Noting Enya, she knew that that she if she was to make the wrong step she'd be dead. She also didn't want to fight the other Tarots regardless; they were the only ones who could figure this out. Tali looked over at the other Tarot, before charging up two shots in both of her pistols. She fired, exploding the ground in front of the Tarot who had been joined by some ally, causing a big enough dust cloud to hide her and Enya. She shot a few foot holes into the ice wall, before climbing onto it.

    "Enya, we don't have to fight them. We have to go, now, and find the rest of the Tarots. If we can get this fighting to stop, maybe we can figure out what's really going on here together. You can very well see as much as I do this is no war. This is a slaughter of innocents. There is no pride about this." Tali said, holding her hand out. "We gotta bolt before that axe-user notices we're still here. Come with me Enya, please."
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  14. Morgaine

    Morgaine Goddess of Shinies

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 3
    May 1, 2016
    Crown of ValorSoothe Bell ★Heart Scale ★★Ice Stone ★★★★
    Hearing the shots, Enya breathed a sigh of relief. Tali was nearing and it looked like she would be able to make a clean escape with the younger girl. The ice-user made use of the distraction to create a dome of white ice around the two Nuhan tarots, effectively trapping them, but leaving them unhurt.

    "Enya, we don't have to fight them. We have to go, now, and find the rest of the Tarots. If we can get this fighting to stop, maybe we can figure out what's really going on here together. You can very well see as much as I do this is no war. This is a slaughter of innocents. There is no pride about this." Tali appeared next to her and Enya heard the pleas from the younger Tarot-user. She was right. This war was no war. More and more Nuhan Soldiers fell to the Sefalian army and she hadn't even had that much of a hand in the fighting. Her confronting the axe-user had been her first true action, besides having to defend some big shot idoits.

    "We gotta bolt before that axe-user notices we're still here. Come with me Enya, please." The silver-haired woman nodded to Tali before whipping out her hand to create some razor sharp spikes around the dome of ice.

    "I know where the rest of our Tarots are. They are together, which makes it easier for us." She grabbed Tali's hand with a nod.
  15. Getus

    Getus The Senate

    (Kyogre Egg)
    Level 18
    Apr 4, 2016
    Philosopher's CowlReaper Cloth ★★★Psychium Z ★★★★Great Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Sprinting through the battlefield towards where he saw the burst of the flames, he pulled out two arrows from the quiver on his back and held them in a reverse grip, 'Well no one can say I'm not creative when I need to be' Nerus thought to himself as he used the arrows to remove two Sefal soldiers from his path. Just as he was getting ready to leap towards the source of the flames he caught the glimpse of a wall of ice appearing in the battlefield towards where he saw Ryllis heading. Cursing under his breath, he glanced between the two positions and made his choice.

    Spinning on his heel, slamming his elbow into the temple of a passing soldier as he turned, Nerus shot forward with lightning starting to coat his arms as he traveled. Slowing as he got a glimpse of Ryllis and Selan, Nerus glanced at their opponents only to gawk in surprise as his fellow Nuhanian's were hidden from sight by a dome of ice. 'I don't remember any of them two being able to do that...' It wasn't until he noticed the other two, most likely Tarots not that he thought about it, begin to flee did he realize who was at fault. Narrowing his eyes in anger, Nerus began to follow with lightning beginning to coat his body giving him a boost of speed, 'Don't worry you two, I'll get you out of there.'

    Cancelling his cloak of lightning as he overtook his two new enemies, Nerus stopped in front of them and summoned two bolts of lightning in his hands that he proceeded to launch in their path, causing the ground in front of them to explode into dirt and rubble and giving him enough time to summon two more bolts. Giving the two tarots a piercing glare, Nerus growled out, "I suggest you free my companions back there before I force you too."
  16. Heavenly

    Heavenly Just Smile!

    Apr 17, 2015
    As Tali leapt off the wall with Enya and they started making their way over to the other Tarots, an explosion of lightning happened in front of them, leaving a small hole in the ground. As the small smoke cloud cleared, a man had been in front of them. He looked over at them, and it seemed he was charging another attack. It seemed like he was most likely here for his allies, as he was someone she never saw before. She put up her guns, before he commanded them to release his allies. Tali gave him a stare in the eyes, her black eye piercing his gaze. She looked at him, before pointing her gun at the ice dome and shooting a bullet, blowing open a small hole in the ice dome, enough to break it down with help.

    "You can break it open on your own, I gave you a start. We're not here to fight. You know as well as we do this war is nothing as it seems. We're going to go meet the other Tarots. If you want this slaughter to stop, I'd suggest you hold your pride and get the other Tarots and meet us. You will most likely be able to find them if you see the powers going off. I'd suggest doing so, I wouldn't want to have to blow a hole in someone much bigger than me." Taliyah said, before a darkness started surrounding them. Taliyah used her magic to hide her and Enya whilst they took off towards the others, leaving a hole of light large enough leading to the ice dome for the man.
  17. Getus

    Getus The Senate

    (Kyogre Egg)
    Level 18
    Apr 4, 2016
    Philosopher's CowlReaper Cloth ★★★Psychium Z ★★★★Great Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Gritting his teeth at the gun wielders words and method of escape, that he would never admit looked just as cool as he cloak of lightning's entrance, Nerus allowed the bolts of lightning to fizzle out of existence as he began to trek towards the dome holding his allies. As he charged up electricity around his fist the words she spoke to him floated through his mind, 'More to the war huh? I suspected but I thought I was just paranoid.' Drawing back his fist he gave a shout of frustration as he slammed it into the dome, the electricity giving it extra piercing power, and shattered the front of it creating a doorway out. Just as he began to slink away towards where he last suspected Drake to be, he froze up as he thought back to what was spoken to him. Turning almost mechanically towards Selan and Ryllis, Nerus pleaded/asked them "Do... Do you think I'm prideful?"
  18. Captain Comet

    Captain Comet Fallen Star Baby

    Shiny Space
    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 27
    Sep 8, 2016
    Basic Gary Oak ★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Jaw Fossil ★★★Galladite ★★★★
    "Fire crotch? Seriously?" Drake said. Secretly though, it did annoy him a small bit.

    "I'll give you some credit for that Dire Wolf though, Hornet Head." Drake move his foot back slightly and put up his fists in a fighting stance, waiting for the canine to come to him.

    He started heating up his hands, but prevented them from catching fire.
  19. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    It all happened so fast Ryllis' mind reeled.

    An ice wall had been conjured by a really beautiful silver haired lady, to which she'd admit, which startled her horse so bad it shook her off that she fell. Hard. Grunting as she attempted to make an attack, she was then confronted by Selan, who had been begging her not to fight. Before she could make an attempt to answer that however, they were thrown backwards a little by the explosion caused by the bullets. Looking back up at the spiky ice dome created, Ryllis' first thought was to make sure Selan stays unharmed.

    A buzz of electricity told her that Nerus was nearby, as she grabbed a hold of Selan's hand and made a run towards him. She barely caught a glimpse of the other Tarots, seemingly, escaping, as she tried to register Nerus' question, as well as some of the discussion between the gunslinger, the ice queen and lightning man.

    "Don't think that matters now. We better find the others." were her only words. She had a little change of heart after her brain became deep fried from so many things going on, or could be just that she got hit hard on the head from that fall.
  20. Fantasma

    Fantasma ♃☿♄

    (Cubone (Alolan))
    Level 1
    Sep 19, 2014
    Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    Jose rushed where Roy and Aurora where, when he got there he pulled out his sword and went next to them. "Are you two allright?" he said in an agitated voice, he then saw the burned hornets all over the place, "Hornets? So this was what created that fireball", he then got into a offensive stance. "And I guess he is the one who made it", he then looked right at Drake.

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