Go go go. Pineapple pizza. Eugh. I've tried it, I really have. Just can't get it. Makes me feel sick.
I haaaate stews. Like, I refuse to eat them since they look like a soggy mess of nooope. And whenever we cook em here they usually contain lamb meat which I hate as well.
Yeah pineapple pizza is up there as pretty bad, but the worst would probably be that canned rotten fish shit that is popular in some Scandinavian places. Take rotten fish, put in can, GENIUS. How revolting.
I don't believe rotten fish is caviar though - caviar is fish eggs. Gross food? Hutspot. It might be as Dutch as it gets, but it's gross. Just gross. Who invented that stuff anyway? oh wait, I know the answer to that question...
As far as what I've been forced to try, its strawberries. Buuuuuut I'm sure I'd hate many variations of fish more
Never had caviar but no I probably wouldn't like it. It's not the same as what I was referring to though.
I hate oranges and citrus, the smell alone makes me gag, get headaches, and my throat feel closed. It is not said to be allergies but it feels like it. Also seafood, it is so gross looking and I just couldn't eat the little fishies, sushi is raw fish so it is also very gross and I couldn't bring myself to eat a RAW piece of meat.
So... am I the only one who loves pineapple pizza? I really hate cheese heavy foods myself... (Pizza not included.) I'm such a child...
No, you're not alone, I'm here. I'll have to echo Cadberry on the sushi; fish just shouldn't be eaten raw, it needs to be cooked.
WOAH WHAT'S WRONG WITH PINEAPPLE PIZZA! IT'S DELICIOUS HELLO? The worst food I've ever eaten is anything with bittermelon in it. BITTERMELON, BITTER IS IN ITS NAME. It's disgusting and I don't understand how anyone can stand the taste of it. It's supposed to be good for you, but if it makes me feel awful, no thank you.
Slams hands on table, but ONIONS ARE SO GOOD!?? I can't eat anything without onions. Black licorice is the worst though. It's got?? Such a weird taste please help
I hate all licorice.I also hate Mustard,sushi,Wasabi and i HATE ham.i can't stand the texture of Ham.
It taste good but those Sees candies with a misery filling, I wanna know what I am putting in my mouth first so to get a mystery box of fillings can be scary and gross to someone as picky as me.
I threw up the first time I tried olives. The saltiness and texture are just too gross. Anything covered in mustard is also revolting to me.
COCONUT NOOOOOO get awaaaaay closely followed by raspberry, the most devilish of flavours for fooling me into thinking its going to be strawberry and then BAM that tang blehhhh