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Two Worlds, One Crisis [Luna x Aura]

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by Pixel, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    "Luna, why did you come here? It's dangerous, they're planning-"

    "Hush, child. Don't spoil her surprise." A voice taunted from the darkness, one that Kuro recognised. It was that same Hypno, and he had back-up.

    "Well well, if it isn't little Lunaura Eclipse. But I guess you've grown since we last met, and my what a specimen you are! Beautiful and powerful; I don't think any of my underlings could take you on in a fight..." he sneered, before turning to Kuro.

    "But he can."

    It took a mere milisecond for Hypbo to use his powerful Hypnosis, and Kuro didn't have a chance to fight it. His eyes went a dull red, losing their pupils and becoming lifeless.

    "Come here, my boy." Hypno ordered. Kuro stood up and walked to stand beside him.

    "I obey your every command, Master." Kuro mumbled.

    "There's no way to break this trance; not even killing me will trap him in. There are only two options; fight him until he regains his senses, or surrender and I'll set him free. It's your choice." Hypno taunted.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  2. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    Lunaura flinches when she sees Kuro in the Hypno's control. She clenches her fists and looks down in defeat as tears are in her eyes. "Fine.. Just don't hurt him and let him go..." She says for she doesn't want to hurt Kuro nor see him get hurt.

    Hypno smirks. He knew Lunaura doesn't want to hurt Kuro for being his mate. Besides, he never wanted to hurt Kuro to begin with, he and his organization aren't monsters. "Very good," he says as he releases Kuro from his control. He then looks to Elgyem. "Get this Lucario back to the forest of destruction," he says to the alien psychic-type.

    Elgyem nodded as he places his hands on Kuro's shoulders. And soon, he uses teleport and he and Kuro disappeared.

    Hypno then turns to Lunaura with a smirk. "Now then, let's get on to business," he says, but then sees that something a in amiss with Lunaura. For he also knew, she also came here looking for answers like Kuro did. "I see you have questions," he mentions

    Lunaura, while still having tears in her eyes, glares madly at Hypno. "Yes, and I'd like to get some answers," She says with anger. Suddenly, a capsule falls and she is suddenly trapped. She starts to break free from it, but sees that it's not working.

    "All questions will be answered in due time, but first, we shall go to a different room and "chat,"" Hypno replies as he and some psychic types use their psychic abilities to carry the capsule Lunaura is in.


    Elgyem arrives at the entrance of the forest of destruction with Kuro. He then let's go of the Lucario and hovers up so Kuro can't reach him. "And don't try to come back!" He says to Kuro and vanishes.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  3. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Kuro helplessly tried grabbing Elgyem, with no avail. He clenched his fists and bared his fangs, feeling anger rise within him. With a tremendous roar, a burst of darkness spurted out from under him, enveloping him. If he had his menu up, he would see that his Shadow Infection was now surpassing 100%. Without even thinking about it, he teleported back to the cell he was just in. The Elgyem was still there.

    "Hey! What did I just say! Don't come ba-" he yelled, before stopping dead. Kuro had stabbed it through the chest, its green blood covering the pure white blade. But it didn't stay there for long, turning into black dust that circled around him.

    "Lu... na..." he managed to say, trudging through the hallway to try and find her. What he didn't know was what he had just done. He had activated his Balance Breaker. This technique combined the powers of light and darkness, and was embodied in his Sacred Sword. The weapon was pure light, and could pierce any material, while anything that touched the blade was turned into black dust that circled around the user, making them more powerful.
  4. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    Lunaura continues to glare madly at the Hypno after he and the other psychic-types had placed her capsule down in a machine. "Just to let you know, I will get out of here," she vows as she starts to punch, kick, and do all sorts of moves to break out of the capsule.

    The Hypno watches her struggle and chuckles. "Good luck," was all he said. He then turns to a Luxray and Elektross. "Begin," he orders.

    Lunaura suddenly sees the two electric-types using their electric moves at a device and sees that it's running now. She suddenly starts getting attacked by some blue electricity and tries to hold in the pain so she can find a way out. But then, the pain became too great; and so, Lunaura starts to shout in pain.

    Hypno suddenly looks at a strange sphere like crystal as it suddenly starts to show something in someone's point of view. But what shocked Hypno the most, is the environment! Everything was... gray. Some stones and water drips are floating in midair, the water isn't flowing, not even the sun is out! It's like time itself has... stopped. But he can worry about that later! Right now, he has to watch the crystal to find it!
  5. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Kuro continues to travel through the area, no other Pokémon crossing his path for a while. Then, the Marowak from earlier rounds a corner, shocked to see Kuro there.

    "Hey, I thought we banished you from here!" he yelled. Kuro just glared at him, making the Marowak feel uneasy.

    "H-Hey, what's wrong with you?" he stammered.

    "Lu... na..." Kuro mumbled, before decapitating the Marowak. His head tumbled to the floor lifelessly, before it and his body turned into the black dust. There was a lot more than when Kuro killed the Elgyem, and it only made the swarm surrounding him bigger and more violent. He continued to trudge forward, unaware of anything he was doing.
  6. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    The ditto saw what happened to Marowak and looks shocked. He quickly runs off and finds Hypno still watching the crystal. "Boss!! Th-that Lucario is coming! And he killed Marowak!" he says to Marowak.

    Hypno looks completely shocked. Kuro has come back and is possibly here to take Lunaura! They need to stop him befo-

    "Young one... you are a hero..."

    Hearing that different voice, Hypno tries to see what's on the crystal despite the blackness and ignoring Lunaura's screams.

    "You have saved the creator's mind and you don't know him..."

    "You had come from the future... and yet... you are not from this world..."

    "Your time has not come for you to leave... you still need to meet the creator..."

    "He needs you... and you need him..."

    "I will give you another chance to show my gratitude to for saving this world..."

    Hypno sees the crystal starts to show a long white foot, but is back to black. She saw it!! Now to find it's location, but it just shows a beach with an Empoleon and Liepard. He glares madly and walks up to the capsule and bangs at it once. "That creature!! Where is it?!" he shouts at Lunaura since he's loosing his patients.

    Lunaura's screams had died down as she still tries to stay consscious during the talk. She then feels Hypno bang at her capsule, but ignores him as she still tries to stay conscious. She looks at the exit and then sees someone walking. "Ku... ro..." she mumbles and hoping that he heard her, but then lost conscious.

    Hypno tuns and suddenly sees Kuro. He eye narrows at the Lucario. "You," he mumbles as he gets ready for battle.

    The Luxray stopped his thunderbolt to get ready to battle Kuro. The ditto hides in the shadows before Kuro sees him and transforms into an object that fits the environment.
  7. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Kuro didn't hear Luna call out to him, nor see her in the capsule, but he could feel that she was there.

    "Lu... na... Luna... Luna. Luna. Luna! Luna!! LUNA!!! LUNAAAAAA!" he screamed as the dust swirling around him entered his sword. The weapon, now a mixture of white and black light, doubled in size to the point where Kuro was forced to use two hands to hold it. He had also Mega Evolved, despite not making contact with his Mega Stone. Hypno held his ground, but Luxray looked as if he'd seen a ghost.

    "Stay away from there, my master is-" he began, but was stopped when the sword was plunged into him, skewering him from one side to the other with room to spare. In an instant Luxray's body was turned into the black dust and absorbed by the sword, it being more black than white now.

    "Give her BACK TO ME!!" Kuro bellowed, his eyes wide with anger and crazed rage.
  8. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    The Hypno now looks scared. The way Kuro took out Luxray is something he'd never see. From the look on Kuro's eyes, he won't stop until he achieves his goal not even his hypnosis can work on him. And, Hypno does not want to loose anymore members. So, calmly and slowly, Hypno steps aside so Kuro can get to Lunaura. He then looks to Elektross. "Stop the machine and release the subject," he says calmly, but looks to Elektross with a look like he's serious. He wishes he had a plan, but he doesn't

    Elektross sees the look on Hypno and stood there while using thunderbolt. After a few seconds, he stops using thunderbolt which stops the machine. Elektross also opens the capsule and gets Lunaura, who's still unconscious, out and places her down for Kuro to see. He then moves back for Kuro to see.
  9. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Kuro saw Luna in front of him, but it didn't make him change back. With surprising speed he stabbed the sword to his right, just missing Ditto who transformed back to normal and dodge the sword. Then Kuro swung it back around, the tip resting on Hypno's neck.

    "Why are you here?" he asked, pushing the sword a bit so the tip pricked at Hypno's skin, showing that he demanded an answer.
  10. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    "Humph," Hypno replied shakily. "If you want to know that badly, we're here to try and take over a world. We just happen to be here by accident," he replied. "Now if you don't mind, take your "mate" and leave. We didn't kill any of your companions. The least you can do is leave peacefully without killing another one of us," he added.

    The ditto quietly, but quickly leaves the area.
  11. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Kuro lowered his sword, it disappearing the moment it hit the ground. His eyelids fluttered for a bit, before he fell as well, disappearing before he hit the ground.

    Kuro woke with a start, his body experiencing unimaginable pain. That's when he realised he was back in reality.

    "Kuro! You're awake, thank goodness!" Asuna cried out from the doorway. She was holding a big roll of bandages and some towels.

    "What's all that stuff for?" Kuro asked, trying his best not to faint from all the pain. Asuna's eyes quickly darted down Kuro's body, but she didn't say anything. Kuro looked down his chest, and was shocked to see large bruises all over his body, some of them with fresh blood trickling out. His arms were suffering the same fate.

    "That ability, the Balance Breaker, it did this to you. All of your abilities in that world come from your past experiences, and that one is an amalgamation of your purest and most wicked memories. But, it has a price... These bruises just suddenly appeared on your body, and you freaked out. It was so odd, you were awake in this world, screaming and crying out for Luna, but ever time I peered into the orb, you'd also be there, in that controlled state. It wasn't until a few minutes ago that you stopped, so I quickly went to get these to clean you up. It seems the VGear noticed your bodily changes and auto-logged you out. But enough about that, let's get you cleaned up."

    Kuro just stared blankly at Asuna, her words going over his head. Except for one detail; that he was conscious in both worlds at the same time. He felt like that was important somehow, like it meant something, or cleared up something he didn't know, but then the pain kciked back in and he doubled over, Asuna rushing to his aid.
  12. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    Lunaura suddenly awoke and sees that she's still in the lab room. However, she's still experiencing great pain all over her body especially her head. She suddenly sees things going black and tries to awake since she's hearing voices.

    "S-sir! The Lucario disappeared!"

    "I know... that Lucario is indeed- Wait! Now the subject is glowing!! And she's-"

    THat was all Lunaura heard until she lost conscious again.
  13. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    It was now the next day, Monday, which means Kuro had to return to school. His condition was getting better, but Asuna still wrapped him in 3 layers, just in case.

    "Y'know, now that you're going back to school, there's someone you need to talk to." Asuna said as she gave Kuro his packed lunch for the day.

    "I know, I know..." he sighed, remembering the way he had unintentionally upset Amber. He gave Asuna a quick hug before making his way to school.

    When Kuro finally found Amber, it was recess. They had the first two classes together, but she had avoided him. He saw her talking to a group of other girls not that far from him. Now was his chance.

    "Amber, can I please talk to you?" he called out. Amber turned, seeing Kuro made her face change to one of slight fear, before she started to walk away. Kuro followed her. Then she began to run, and he did too. Even though he was in immense pain, he managed to catch up to Amber, grabbing her by the wrist. They were behind the school now, with nobody around.

    "Amber, please... I just want... to talk..." Kuro huffed, out of breath.

    "The teachers said you had suffered from CIS, and that you were one of the few children who lived through it. They said you'd be a bit odd, and that your view on reality might be scary. But I took the job. I promised myself I'd be your friend. I thought we had something going..." Amber said in a soft tone.

    "Amber, I-"

    "Why? Why did you say that? If you weren't interested, you could have just said so! How am I supposed to believe that you're more in love with some Playboy bunny creature than a real human being? She doesn't even exist!" Amber yelled, tears forming in her eyes. Kuro didn't get angry. He felt sad for Amber. She had no idea what it was like. So, to explain himself in the best way possible, he untied his tie and took off his long-sleeved shirt, which he had never worn before, to show Amber his torso and arms, which were covered in bandages. Fresh patches of blood slowly appeared, but the thick layers of bandage kept them from leaking out. Amber covered her mouth in shock.

    "Kuro, you're... What happened to you?" she gasped. Kuro put his shirt back on.

    "I got these, in this world, trying to protect Luna from danger in that world. My life, Amber, is affected by both worlds. I understand that you have, or had, feelings for me, but you need to understand that there's already someone else I love. Besides, I... may have feelings for you too." Kuro explained, blushing at the end. It had been hard to come to terms with it, but he realised that he also had feelings for Amber. He felt the same as when he realised he loved Luna, but it was also different, like Luna didn't exist to him. It was an odd feeling.

    "You have feelings... for me?" Amber stammered.

    "Yes, and for what it's worth, since I'm leading two lives that are separate but intertwined, I guess we could... go out together."

    "But what about that Pokémon? Aren't you two mates? And you've got kids, right?"

    "Yes, but that's in that world. There I'm Kuro, amazingly powerful Lucario and creator of the universe. Here I'm just Kuro, 17 year old shut-in. To me, the Kuro there and the Kuro here aren't the same person. So if you want to go out with me, then... let's do it."

    Amber idn't now what emotion to show, so she ran into Kuro, wrapping her arms around him. He could feel wounds opening all over his body, but he didn't care. He was glad he could make Amber happy. He knew it'd be tough to go out with Amber and be Luna's mate, but he would make it work.
  14. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    Lunaura feels like she's regained conscious, but at the same time, she feels like her eyes are still shut and is floating a bit.

    "They have found me..."

    Lunaura hears a voice, but tries to see who it is, but is having difficulty seeing who it is.

    "You must do everything in your power to prevent them from getting to me. If they do then they can get to the creator's world and take control of it."

    Lunaura feels confused. This creature can really do that? But how? As far as she knows, Kuro can do that...

    "Will you help protect the creator's mind and portal?"

    Lunaura looks surprised and tries to nod, but she couldn't move.

    "From what you are trying to say, I'm assuming you agree... You're so loyal... I pity you, human from the human world."

    Lunaura suddenly looks shocked. Human from the human world?! Does that mean-

    "Yes. You are indeed from the human world. The same world the creator lives. You were such a little one when it happened. You and your parents have been abducted by strangers who somehow managed to enter the creator's world. These same strangers used some sort of knowledge to get you and old family to the creators mind and sent you all to the future the creator felt. Thanks to you, you have helped the creator feel that there is hope for the future which also helped him live more in his condition. And now, it is time he must use that feeling to stop this organization from taking over the human world."

    Lunaura takes in all the info this creature told her. She knew something was different about her, but wasn't expecting it to be like this...

    "Now, I must return you to the creator's world. Your children are worried."

    Lunaura remembers that she left without saying anything. But soon, a question comes to her mind. "Who... are... you?..." she manages to say. She heard silence for a few moments but then a small quiet chuckle.

    "Let's just say... I am a friend."

    That was all Lunaura heard until she feels herself floating down slowly.

    Soon Lunaura manages to open her eyes and sees she's in a cave. She looks around slowly, but looses conscious once again.
  15. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    After their little discussion behind the school, Amber took Kuro to the nurses office after his wounds opened, but he refused to let her see his body so she sent both of them home early. By time they reached Kuro's house, a long walk due to his slow incapacitation, the blood had started to seep through his bandages, and onto his shirt. Asuna wasn't surprised when she opened the door to see him in such a bad condition.

    "Come on, let's get you washed up. Amber, why don't you take a seat in the lounge and make yourself comfortable?" Asuna suggested, walking Kuro over to the bathroom. Amber nodded, walking to the lounge and taking a polite seat on a large sofa. Despite the apartment looking a bit small from the outside, it was actually quite roomy, and the scarce amount of furniture in the room made it look bigger. There was one sofa, the one she sat on, against a wall, with a smaller seat to its left and a flat-screen TV to its right that took up nearly all of the wall space. The TV sat on a low cabinet that held a game console, controllers and games, a DVD player and DVDs, a TV box and a few identical remotes. In front of the sofa was a low, rectangle coffee table, which was glass on the top and wood on the rim and legs. Next to the TV, closer to the front door, there was a tall cabinet with a few pictures and statues inside, but Amber thought it'd be rude to go looking around. Asuna rounded a corner, heading from the hallway to the kitchen.

    "I'll just put on some tea." She smiled.
  16. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    To everyone's surprise, Lunaura has been unconscious the entire time for the past days! She appears to be going through ssome sort of coma. But this isn't any ordinary coma. Instead of a sleepless dream, she is seeing memories of her past just before she and her parents had arrived at Kuro's world.

    One event shows how her family would spend time with her and would always try to get her to speak, but she never did since she was too shy and scared to speak. Although that didn't surprise her since the first time she spoke is when her parents died and that was the last time she did until she met Grovyle when she was 10.

    Another event shows her celebrating an event with a tree covered in all sorts of colors and strange boxes underneath them. It looked almost identical to what Kuro did when he returned.

    And finally, the scene that caused her to live in this state. A wave of energy came around when her parents took her out to go camping and it transported them to a lab... There, she saw two creatures, one that she recognizes as Hypno and the other appears to be a dragon of some sort...

    The rest... was how she lived. Along with all sorts of events she knew too well: Surviving a destroyed future with Grovyle and Celebi, traveling back in time and changed to a Pikachu, meeting Empoleon and their adventures, taking out Primal Dialga to save time or in this case saving Kuro's future, disappearing in front of Empoleon, brought back to life, raising Manaphy, betrayed by Empoleon, living alone for 2 years, meeting Kuro, killed Empoleon, started another family with him, and everything else until this very day...
  17. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Asuna walked back in to the lounge, carrying two cups and a pot of tea. She placed them on the coffee table, and served Amber.

    "So, you know about Kuro's injuries?" Asuna asked.

    "Y-Yes, he showed me at school, after I yelled at him... But I only saw the bandages." Amber said, whispering a little.

    "Uh huh. And did he tell you how he got them?"

    "He said he was protecting his mate, in that other world..."

    "And what else did he tell you?"

    "He said that he has feelings for me, and that he'd like to go out with me, but that he still loves and will be with his mate."

    "I see. Well, he should be out of the bath soon, you can speak with him further then. In the meantime, would you care to watch some TV?" Asuna asked.

    "That'd be lovely, thank you." Amber smiled.
  18. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    Kichiro continues to watch Lunaura as Natasha and Hikaru are outside with Ophelia and Melody. He knows that everyone said she'll be fine a wake up soon, but it still doesn't help calm down. He feels like something happened to Lunaura to make her in this state. Everyone tried to find Kuro, but then thinks he may have returned a few days ago for perhaps someone needs him in his world. He just hopes that his father won't abandon Lunaura for someone else in that world he lives in... Kichiro has seen many male Pokémon in this world to try and get Lunaura to be their lover when Kuro left six months ago, but she turned them down. He sighs as he continues to watch Lunaura sleep in her coma.
  19. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Amber slowly walked to the bathroom, knocking on the door. It was open so she took a peek inside, only to see Kuro climbing out of the bath. She slammed it shut, pressing herself against the wall as she took deep breaths, a deep blush dominating her face.

    "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" she stammered. But Kuro wasn't phased. He just opened the door and leant on it, which revealed that he was wearing some type of underwear, almost like shorts, that was made of a wetsuit material.

    "I was bathing in what was essentially a pool of my own blood. I'm not going in there without being protected. Besides, I need you help..." Kuro said, looking away as he took his turn to blush. Amber stood up and walked into the bathroom, Kuro closing the door behind them. He sat on a chair, his back hunched over. Then he pointed at a bottle on the sink.

    "Rub some of that on your hands, then rub it into my wounds. It'd do it myself, but-"

    "Relax, it's fine. I'll do it." Amber smiled, getting the bottle and squeezing a bit of the paste onto her hands. As she rubbed it around to cover her hands, she noticed it felt gritty, and smelled a bit off. But she started rubbing it in anyway, Kuro making a set of sharp hisses.

    "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! A-Am I rubbing too hard?" Amber said apologetically.

    "No, it's supposed to hurt. Just ignore me and keep doing it..." Kuro said through deep breaths. It was obvious this was hurting him a lot, but Amber believed him, and kept rubbing in the bottle stuff.
  20. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    Kichiro suddenly hears Lunaura deep breathing and groaning. He also notices tears and beads of sweat coming out of her. She then starts tossing and turning rapidly. Kichiro panics since he didn't know what to do!! Just before he could go get help, he sees Lunaura stop and is still asleep. He wonders what that was all about...


    Lunaura finally awakes a bit and looks around as she sees what's around her. For some odd reason, she sees a lot of red colors. This is sort of reminding her when she was a Raichu and sometimes as a human... wait a minute! Lunaura suddenly looks at her hands and gasps loudly. Human hands?!! How can this be?! To prove more of her theory, she looks around herself more and sees the really long orange-yellowish hair mix. The same long sleeve yellow shirt and yellow skirt. It's true! She really is a human! But where is she? When Lunaura sees and touches the walls, one side is solid rock and the other is wood.

    "Hey you!" Lunaura suddenly hears a voice. She turns and sees something that's shocking her more! There is another human! A living human! She then sees this stranger pull out a sharp object and points it at her. "Give me everything you have!" he demanded. But, to his surprise, Lunaura didn't budge and glares at him. "Do you want to die?" he questions.

    Lunaura glares more at this stranger and growls despite the confused look on the stranger's face. "Do you really think that thing is going to scare me?" she asks as she continues to glare.

    The man now charges at Lunaura in an attempt to grab her so he can threaten her, but then sees that she dodged it. He then noticed her eyes are bleeding!! She needs- The stranger was suddenly kicked at the face and lands on to the ground.

    Lunaura took this opportunity to run out of the area to find the others. However, she then stops as she sees strange objects coming at her fast. She starts running away from it, but then sees another one coming at her too! So, she tries to get away from it as well. She then sees another heading towards her, but she has no where to run. But to her luck, the objects stopped moving all together as the lights shined on her. Lunaura blinks and took this moment to look around. She sees all sorts of things she's never seen before: objects with round legs, lights flickering down to up and so many humans staring at her. "Where on Arceus am I?" she mumbles to herself. She also hears strange noises coming from the objects with people yelling at her. Why on earth are they yelling at her?

    "Hey, miss!" Lunaura hears someone say. She turns and sees two men in blue clothing with head wears and strange gold objects on them. "Lady, you shouldn't be out here in the middle of the streets! You could have gotten hurt!" one of the men said.

    The other man noticed Lunaura's eyes and is shocked. "Ma'am your eyes are bleeding! We need to get you to a hospital to have them checked!" he says to Lunaura.

    Lunaura eye narrows at these people. What on earth are streets and hospitals are for?! Thinking they're suspicious, Lunaura crosses her arms and glares at them.

    "Hey, this girl has got an attitude," the second man whispers.

    The first man glares at Lunaura. "Miss, we are saying this again: Come with us to the hospital or you'll be put under arrest," he threatened Lunaura.

    Lunaura didn't budge. This only made the men more angry as they start putting their hands in their pockets. Lunaura didn't have time to mess with them! So as quickly as she could, she charges at the strange men and kicked them away as hard as she could and runs off.

    One of the men pulled out a device and spoke to it. "Attention all unites! We have a runaway female with long bright orange hair on the loose! Find her and put her under arrest!" he says through the device.

    Lunaura kept on running. She hopes to find at least a hiding place pretty soon.

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