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Two Worlds, One Crisis [Luna x Aura]

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by Pixel, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Amber smiled sweetly.

    "Regardless of where you came from, or who you are, if Kuro loves you then you must be something truly special." She said, before standing up.

    "Come on, I think he should be left alone now. Why don't I introduce you to some of the things we use in this world, like chairs." She giggled.
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  2. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
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    Lunaura nods, but looks back to Kuro for she's still not so sure if Kuro wants her to leave or not. "I''ll be here when you wake up," she says quietly to Kuro as she lets go of his hand and follows Amber.
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  3. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    "OK, so this is called a couch. You sit on it, like this." Amber smiled, doing a little demonstration.

    "It's much more comfortable than sitting on the floor. That big thing over there," she said, pointing to the TV, "Is called a television, but we usually just say TV. It's an electrical device that lets you watch lots of different things, like the latest news, funny things, things for kids, things for adults... Anything you could think of, you can watch it right here." Amber said with a nod.

    "Oh, and we can listen to music on it too! Would you like me to put some music on?" Amber asked.
  4. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    Lunaura looks around the area. She's still confused with all of the things Amber is showing her. She sort of understands the couch, but needs more time with this "TV" object. She then hears about music and flinches. "Um, no thank you... Kuro already shown that to me... I... don't really like music," she says to Amber as she scratches her own ear a bit. Thinking about music makes her ears hurt a bit.
  5. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Asuna turned the corner, listening to what Luna said.

    "Oh, I've got music you'll like. I heard what music he played when you were in that forest, those are my favourite songs. While Kuro was infected with CIS, I stayed and took care of him, and since I was alone a lot, I played music to pass the time. I guess, subconsciously, he heard them." Asuna shrugged, grabbing a TV remote from the coffee table and fiddling with it. Eventually she found what she was looking for, and she played it. But it wasn't music. The TV showed a slideshow of forest scenes, while typical forest sounds played.

    "We call this "white noise". It's when you get a sound from the world, man-made or natural, and you play it for no particular reason. A lot of people use this to help them sleep, but I think it'll calm you right down. A nice cup of tea, good white noise and a lie-down, that's all you need to feel calm." Asuna said, smiling.
  6. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    Lunaura listens to this "white noise" and feels a little relaxed. The noise also reminds her of back home in the Forest of Destruction. She then hears Asuna speak again and gets confused with one item on the list. "What is this... "tea?"" she asks Asuna as she looks to her.
  7. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Asuna smiled and poured some into a tea cup for her, handing her the saucer and cup.

    "It's a drink that's made with boiling water and dried leaves. These leaves are specially grown, and are usually called "tea leaves". After the leaves are picked and dried, they're crushed and put into little bags. Then we go and buy the bags, and you just boil the water and dip the bags in. The water brings out the smell and flavour of the leaves, and that's how we have tea. It's very natural, but be careful; it's very hot."
  8. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    Lunaura flinches when she touches the cup before Asuna warned her. She accidentally drops the cup, but uses the saucer and cup to catch most of the on to the table, but the rest had touched her face on to where officer Taro scratched her at and flinches in pain as she places her hand where the burning is at and sees more red on her hand than before thanks to her eyes. She's assuming it's blood. She's surprised that she didn't feel it stinging her until the tea touched it. She then remembers the situation and looks down in shame. "I'm sorry... I spilt the tea..." she apologized to Asuna and Amber.
  9. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    "Don't worry, accidents happen. Come on, let's get you cleaned up." Asuna smiled, leading Luna to the bathroom. Kuro was still in there, same as when Luna and Amber had walked out earlier. Asuna looked over Luna, and sighed.

    "Your clothes didn't get dirty from the tea, but they're still dirty... and smelly. Why don't you take them off, and I'll find you something else to wear while I wash them?" Asuna suggested, studying Luna's body size and type to see if she had anything for her to wear.
  10. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    Lunaura eeye narrows at Asuna in questioning about the water and in suspicion about her clothe looks alight to her. She crosses her arms and thinks a bit to herself.
  11. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Asuna made a picture frame with her fingers, scanning up and down Luna's body.

    "Well, none of my clothes will fit you, that's for sure... I think Kuro's got a pair of old jeans your size, from when he first came back. And I'm sure he's got a shirt you can borrow. As for your... breasts, I think I have a bra that'll fit you. Either that you let those puppies go free, whatever floats your boat."

    Asuna put her hand out, making the "give it to me" hand sign.

    "Come on, take 'em off. And no arguing, I'm technically your big sister. And sister don't disobey sisters. Remember that, sister." Asuna smiled.
  12. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    Lunaura eye narrows still and takes a step back. "Forgive me Asuna, but I'd rather have these clothes on for they make me feel comfortable... So, I'm afraid I'll have to say no," she says to Asuna with a sigh. Even though Asuna says she's a sister to her, Lunaura still feels like she's not part of the family.
  13. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Suddenly, Kuro began to stir. Asuna saw that Luna went to move towards him, so she stuck out her arm, and held up her hand. Kuro blinked unevenly a few times, before his eyes were in sync and he blinked a few more times. Then he sat up and turned, facing the two girls. Asuna lowered her arm and smiled, exiting the bathroom. Kuro looked up at Luna, his face slowly going red, but he didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say. He just stared at her, letting the blush take over.
  14. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    Lunaura looks to Kuro and blushes a little when she sees him looking at her. She smiles a little as she sat down and looks to Kuro. "Hey Kuro," she greeted as she continues to smile a little. "Did you get a good sleep?" she asks as she hopes he's feeling better.
  15. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Kuro nodded in answer to both questions, finding himself unable to make eye contact with Luna. He felt so nervous he thought he was going to throw up, or pass out, or both. But why was he nervous? He wasn't nervous when he stopped her from attacking that policeman, but that's because his body was filled with adrenaline. He wasn't nervous earlier, but he was basically half-dead and now had a feeling that he wasn't in fact telepathic. Then he realised that this was the first time that Kuro, in his normal state of mind, had seen Luna in her human form. She was here, in his reality, like the had discussed mere days ago. It was as if fate wanted Kuro's wish of having Luna with him all the time came true. He wanted to do so many things with her, being in love with someone as a Pokémon isn't like being in love as a human, especially when you have human standards.
  16. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    Lunaura starts to get worried when she sees he's not making eye contact with her. She gently has her hand to Kuro's and continues to look at him. "Is something wrong?" she asks Kuro with worry.
  17. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Kuro was about to shake his head, when Asuna walked through the door, holding a set of fresh clothes for Kuro.

    "OK Kuro, here are your clothes." Asuna smiled, putting them on the bench where the sink was.

    "Luna, I'm going to ask once more; you can get undressed in here, and-" Asuna said before she stopped, letting out a stifled laugh as she watched Kuro's eyes dart up and down Luna's body, his face growing darker as if it were possible, and a slow trickle of blood coming out from his nose.
  18. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    Lunaura blinks at Asuna's sudden laughter in the middle of her sentence. She looks to Kuro and sees more red on his face coming from his nose. That's strange, she didn't hit him and he appears to not be injured, Perhaps it's the fever Asuna mentioned. She sighs as she looks around for another one of those things Amber used on Kuro's forehead. She luckily finds one and uses it to get the blood off of Kuro's nose. Once it's off, she stands back up and looks to Asuna. "Asuna, I really don't know why you want me to undress. I am perfectly fine and well. I just need to find the river you were at to get the water to wipe off the scratch on my cheek," she says to Asuna. It's obvious now that Lunaura has no idea what Asuna is trying to say. For, the only time she's ever taken her outfit off is because of her growing, or if there are wounds on her body that her clothes are covering. Although, if her outfit was taken off, there will be a bunch of scars all over due to being attacked by Primal Dialga and there wasn't that much medical help where she was.
  19. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Asuna raised a questionable eyebrow.

    "River? Where we found you there's no river. That's just where the old..." Asuna stopped, and covered her mouth in shock.

    "Luna, sweetie, you need to take off your clothes now." She commanded as Kuro suffered from another blood nose. "You weren't walking in a river, you were in the sewers. That's where human waste goes after we finish using the toilet..." Asuna sighed.
  20. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    Lunaura became even more confused. What on earth is a toilet? She doesn't know why Asuna is making a big deal out of it. All Lunaura needs to do is find a cleaner river and cleanse herself there. "I do not know what's the deal Asuna, but I'll just go find a cleaner river and cleanse myself there. There should be another one close by if you guys live around here," she says to Asuna and unaware that Kuro's nose is bleeding again.

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