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What is a game you enjoy that others don't?

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Katanaeyegaming, Sep 30, 2021.

  1. Katanaeyegaming

    Katanaeyegaming #FEARTHEWYVERN

    Level 44
    Feb 6, 2015
    Poké Ball ★Potion ★Oran Berry ★★Thunder Stone ★★★Helix Fossil ★★★
    What it says in the title.

    Dark souls 2: I still hate the DLC but the base game is pretty good looking back from my most recent playthrough.

    Pokémon B/W2: Why don't people talk more about this gen? It honestly baffles me.
  2. Infernostar

    Level 20
    May 4, 2018
    Legendary Triforce ★★
    Uhh....Gen V is the best Gen, and its usually considered one of the best ones in the discord here.

    Personally I love Skyward Sword in spite of peoples issues with its linearity or Motion Controls, but at least HD alleviates the latter.
    Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright specifically, didn't get/finish the other 2. Some people just despise Fates, and from a story point I can kinda see why, but the gameplay is great so thats all I really need
  3. DuoM2

    Groudon Egg
    (Groudon Egg)
    Level 18
    Jul 7, 2019
    I've been very active in all facets of the Pokémon Community and yeah, a big, big portion of the fanbase says BW/BW2 is the best. The only exceptions are like super super casual players who say XY is the best. There's obviously a lot of individuals who say different, like you can find someone who likes just about any game in the main series the most, but that's just the most common answer you'd get in any portion of the community - XY for any overly casual communities, BW/2 for the rest.

    Anyways, I don't know if this fully counts, but the New Super Mario Bros games are probably the closest I'd get that I can remember. I've played all but NSMBDS and a lot of people say they think the games are good on a purely objective point, but soulless next to each other and subpar games because of that. I can see where they're coming from with that, I felt nostalgic for NSMBWii when playing NSMBUD two years ago which is a terrible compliment to give it, but the games are a fun time at their core and that's all that should matter. I can agree with a lot of complaints these games get; they're too generic, a change in at least artstyle would have been good if not something else structurally, and we got way too many in way too short of a timespan. At their core, though, these games are all very well-built and are a simple, enjoyable time, even if they could have been a whole lot better.

    I'd also like to defend all of the "bad" main series Pokémon games for kind of a similar reason, the main layout of a Pokémon game will always be fun because of the diversity of teams making every run different and the amount of very approachable self-imposed challenges. I know I've said all of this in the Discord recently, but I'd take even my least favorite main series game over most other games that exist. None of them are truly awful, and none of them will be unless something happens on the level of "there's only 30 Pokémon total."
  4. Wizard

    Wizard Do you feel it? The moon's power!

    (Decidueye (Cupid))
    Level 113
    Jan 18, 2016
    I will echo the posts above me and say that BW2 is amazing and quite easily my favorite Pokémon game. Anyways, onto my entry!

    Star Wars Battlefront (2015) had mixed reception at best. However, I adore the game and had a ton of fun with it when I used to play on Xbox One. It certainly lacks a lot of what gives Battlefront its identity and it only covers the original trilogy/Rogue One. However, the maps, few in number as they may be, are quite fun and the star cards can provide for some interesting variety. The heroes also include some unique choices. I still miss playing as Director Krennic. I prefer both Battlefront II games to this one, but this was still an awesome game for me.
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  5. Mizumanta

    Mizumanta Black Belt

    Celebi Egg
    Level 21
    Aug 14, 2021
    Zatch Bell: Momodo Battles

    No one knows about it or plays it or whatever, but i love it.
  6. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    Umm, I thought more of people close to ya
    but I add Kingdom Hearts, I love the game. But my husband isn't fond of it at all. He likes to watch me play and rage but that is all
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  7. Neb

    Neb Cosmog Enthusiast

    (Flabébé (O))
    Level 12
    Nov 4, 2018
    GS Ball ★★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Poké Ball ★Potion ★Oran Berry ★★
    The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword is probably the number one game I like that others can't stand. The game has a lot of flaws, but my nostalgia towards it makes me enjoy its positives more. Even without my bias the excellent dungeons, music and story really carry this title. If you don't mind the backtracking and linearity I think there's a lot to like here.
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  8. Kecleon

    Kecleon Mod Crew

    Ace Wings
    Level 54
    Sep 16, 2014
    Blue Orb ★★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★
    Okay, so this might seem blasphemous to say, but hear me out.

    Mighty No. 9 is actually not that bad of a game. Is it lacking in both polish and quality level design? Absolutely. Would I rather pick any of the actual Mega Man games over this one? Any day of the week.

    But at its core, the game actually functions pretty well, and it has a pretty unique mechanic involving buffering the opponents with your blaster and dashing into them. It adds a nice risk/reward system to an otherwise average Mega Man-like experience. If you can snag it for cheap, like I did, then I would say to go for it, especially if you're a Mega Man fan already.
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  9. Pirate Captain

    Pirate Captain Nightmare Tala

    Level 29
    May 22, 2013
    King's Rock ★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Castelia Cone ★★★Basic Gary Oak ★Darkinum Z ★★★★
    I love skyward sword. Its my fav zelda on the wii.

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