So, I'm curious what they're going to do next in the Pokémon anime. After the Necrozma arc, all that there really is left to do is Ash's Poni Island trials, Team Rainbow Rocket maybe, the Ultra Guardians catching the rest of the Ultra Beasts, and the Pokémon League. I'm curious what you guys think the next arc is gonna be in the anime. I personally think they're going to go with Team Rainbow Rocket next. Not sure if they'll have just the regular Team Rocket change its name entirely, or if the Matori Matrix is going to become Team Rainbow Rocket, or if the team is going to be from an alternate universe like it was in Ultra Sun and Moon. It would be pretty cool to see alternate versions of Jessie, James, and Meowth. I wonder if the versions of them from a universe where Team Rocket rules the world would be more cunning and successful or just as incompetent as the original trio. Idk. What do you guys think? And, if you think the next arc of the anime will be something entirely different, what do you think it will be and why?
It could be more pointless filler, like half of Alola season 1. Regardless, I hope Guzma actually shows up at some point. I think maybe Giovanni would try to get Rainbow Rocket to happen, but nobody will agree because the trio of Jessie, James, and Meowth helped in their downfall in the anime. Guzma would try, but Giovanni would refuse him, and since there's nobody else, Giovanni does the alternate universe thing. Guzma would help Ash, blah blah blah.
I'm honestly surprised Guzma hasn't appeared already. Nor has Plumeria, and she was one of my favorite characters in the game! Surely Team Skull has more teams than the Container Store Bunch as I like to call them
Yeah... I just want to see our boi one last time. The three grunts they keep reusing can't even hold a candle to Plum and Guzma.