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Roleplay Institute Rules

Discussion in 'Creative Zone' started by Pari, Sep 16, 2014.

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  1. Pari

    Pari poyo

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 9
    Jul 31, 2014
    Hi guys! I know you love to roleplay, so if you want to have the best experience possible, please make sure to abide by these rules! They are here so you can have an enjoyable time roleplaying. These rules apply to most of the sections in this subforum!​
    1.) All Lake Valor rules apply.
    2.) 5 is the number.
    To make a roleplay, you must have at least 5 posts. This is to try to prevent people from signing up, making a roleplay, and then leaving, never to return. It shouldn't be hard, there are plenty of places to post!
    3.) Creators have the final say as long as it is reasonable.
    The creators have the final say in their roleplay. If they say you cannot join for a reasonable explanation, then you cannot join. Keep in mind some roleplays may have rules on literacy and length of posts. (However, if you think the creator is being unfair please message the current moderators and they will look into it.)
    4.) Make sure your OOC is clear.
    OOC is out of character. You can do this using any of these: {}[]()
    5.) No god-modding/power playing.
    Your characters are your own to control, no one else's, and you must not control someone else's characters. Try not to create overpowered characters either, and give people time to react in situations such as fight scenes.
    6.) Length and grammar.
    Certain roleplays will have certain requirements, such as adv/lit. Generally, if you have decent grammar and spelling, you will be fine! And if roleplays have a length requirement follow that as well.

    7.) Keep it PG-13!
    Nothing above, please. This applies to romance, violence, and to some extent swearing.
    8.) Stay up to date.
    Try to keep up with what's happening! Especially if you're just joining a roleplay. Try to read back to see what has happened so far. However, we know that can be overwhelming, so don't be afraid to ask anyone in the roleplay for a quick recap!
    One on One:
    -All above rules apply unless stated.
    -When looking for a partner, please use the "Looking for a 1x1 Partner" thread.
    -Do not jump into someone's one on one uninvited. Politely message one of the two if you are interested in joining, but generally, it is best to find a partner to make your own.
    Short Format:
    -Remember that you will not get any PokéPoints from here, and posts will not count towards your overall post count.
    Character Profiles:
    -Creators of roleplays, make a post here and this is where forms can go. Keep all characters for one roleplay in one thread, please.
    If you have any other questions please contact the current mods of this forum!​
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