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Movies you would never see, ever!

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Banshee, Feb 5, 2013.

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  1. Banshee

    Banshee Pokémon Professor

    Gregg the Egg
    (Odd Egg)
    Level 3
    Dec 5, 2012
    Exactly. What movies would you never be caught dead, watching? You either think the movie is pointless or stupid. Over-rated and dumb? Too scary or too violent? Fans kill it for you?

    I personally would never be seen watching;

    Hunger Games. I'm tired of hearing about it, STILL X__x It doesn't impress me either.

    Twilight movies. I think it's a bit over-rated and silly in my opinion. Grant it, I hear the books are better, but me being not overly fond of vampires in the first place, I'll never even touch that fandom.

    Any of those "red neck" movies where they get a kick out of doing the most insane, stupid, stunts and think it's hilarious. I kind of find them very pointless. >>;
  2. Oim

    Oim Banned

    Nov 22, 2012
    Uh, a lot really. I would like to say Twilight but I have been forced to watch the first one a few times a couple of years ago. It was pretty awful. They've pretty much destroyed vampires. As expected, Twilight has spawned countless imitators who are trying to cash in on the whole sensitive teen romance vampire thing, hoping that alienated young girls in the "changing times" of their lives will connect with them and shell out the cash. But then I'm not the intended market anyway, so I guess it's no surprise.

    I really have no interest in most comedies cause they are all "hurr hurr sex and drug humour hurr". Cheap laughs, don't find them funny. Like all of those American Pie sequels and spin-offs, I hate that shit. I will probably never see Ted because in my opinion Seth MacFarlane just tries way too hard with his humor these days.

    Oh, and I will never see that new movie made about how Osama Bin Laden was killed, ever. Two hours of American military propaganda. No thanks, I don't think so.
  3. PokeMaster1

    PokeMaster1 Dragon Tamer

    Nov 24, 2012
    Twilight, nuff said.
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  4. Ashe

    Ashe Silly

    Nov 21, 2012
    I actually saw the first Twilight movie before everyone got hyped about it. It was filmed in my state so everyone was like "oh oh we got to watch this!" But I don't like it cause of the fandom, It's just a boring movie. I was suspecting like a thriller type movie since its vampires and such but it was dull and the romantic bit bored me xD So after that, I'm not watching the rest of the sequels.

    I never got interested in the hunger games either. It looked rather stupid so I just never bothered xD

    I'm not a fan of "chick flicks" or any dating movies, so adding those to the list.

    There's a lot more since I'm not really a movie person. I mean I haven't even seen the popular titles these days. Oh well :D
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  5. bubbie

    bubbie Sassmaster

    Dec 30, 2012
    This. ALL OF THIS. i've actually beome reeeaaallly disenfranchised with most of the movies hollywood rolls out with nowadays. there's just nothing appealing to me. i'd rather read a book.
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  6. Banshee

    Banshee Pokémon Professor

    Gregg the Egg
    (Odd Egg)
    Level 3
    Dec 5, 2012
    Yeah I'm not really for a lot of the comedian movies, or any movies that are all "Sex is funny! Drugs are hilarious!" stuff like that just makes me turn my head and walk away. I'd rather be watching other things. I'm kind of one of those people who prefer "clean humor" over "dirty humor."

    I'm also not a big fan of Drama or romance movies. Some of them are just so cheesy. And as for drama? I have to deal with that on a daily basis. I'd rather watch something that makes me happy or leave reality for 70 minutes haha.

    Anything dealing about reality is not interesting for me at all. Documentaries about presidents and things like Osama and such. Blegh!

    Things like these make me want to watch the channel that we have that has those brightly colored bars and a long "Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep" for hours.
  7. Snivinerior

    Snivinerior Poké Maniac

    Dec 28, 2012
    It's like you're me. We exactly think the same... Twilight s*cks. It's just a damn boring movie, and the fandom isn't making it any better. Hunger Games? What's so special about it? Fighting for survival? Love Story in between? Hello? Originality and creativity please... And drama/dating movies really bore me to death.
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  8. Banshee

    Banshee Pokémon Professor

    Gregg the Egg
    (Odd Egg)
    Level 3
    Dec 5, 2012
    Haha, I know right? I'm not one for those kind of movies. XD They just don't appeal to me.
  9. tacoroach

    tacoroach Collector

    (Odd Egg (S))
    Level 1
    Nov 23, 2012
    I'm not a big fan of action movies to be honest. I saw the first Transformers movie back in the day and I couldn't tell which robots were good and which were bad. When a fight scene is a half hour long, I just lose interest. Not to say Transformers wasn't good, it's just I wouldn't go out of my way to see the sequels.

    Also, spoof movies. I feel like if I wanted to go watch a spoof, I would go to Youtube. Spoofs in the form of a full length movie is just killing it I think.

    Military type movies too. I've never liked the military culture in real life let alone something exaggerated like in the movies.

    I also saw Bridesmaids a few months back at a movie party that I attended. I wish I hadn't. Any movies that are similar I really don't want to see. I just didn't find the humour in it and the plot was terribly dry.

    I do find some documentaries interesting though! Like, documentaries about interesting things though. Like, about food and art and things that generally interest me. I think that's just how documentaries are. You have to find ones about things you are interested in. Kinda like books. You wouldn't read a book about Military weapons if that wasn't your type of thing(unless it was assigned for a class. >_<).

    I'm generally really judgmental when it comes to movies. I probably dislikes about 80% of movies that I see. I'm willing to try out movies though so I can't really just dismiss entire genres because of a few rotten tomatoes except for the few mentioned above.
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  10. icelovebunnies9

    Mar 4, 2013
    I watched both Twilight and Hunger Games, and let me tell you. Hunger Games bored me to death! I couldn't even understand why so many people were willing to watch it! Twilight was a bit of an 'eh' for me. I just don't like all the...inappropriate stuff. xD But, it was kind of boring. I am also not willing to watch any sort of horror movies (of course if I had the choice to when I get older). I'd die from the horror.
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  11. node6

    node6 Bug Catcher

    Mar 13, 2013
    I don't like
    - teenage drama/dating/love movies and series (first I thought I was too young, now I think I am to old; maybe they are just stupid.)
    - extreamly cheap series and soap operas
    - Rowan Atkinson movies and the corresponding humor. I just can't laugh about it.
  12. Shayminlover123

    Level 27
    Dec 30, 2012
    Twilight. I'm not into Vampire/Romantic movies
  13. Potatrobot

    Potatrobot Resident Potato

    Jan 8, 2013
    I could be expected to say Twilight, but I've seen two movies. Granted they set the bar so low it could snag a limbo dancer's toes, they are funny if you try to think of them as spoofs, and imagine what the actors are thinking as they play the parts.

    I would never see Project X. That kind of lifestyle makes me want to kill myself so that I don't have to endure the embarrassment of being of the same race as the people who follow it.
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  14. Pixel2

    Mar 13, 2013
    Spring Breakers, and Gangster Squad. Gangster Squad frankly looks awful and unappealing to me, and Spring Breakers, well, I've only seen the cover of the movie but it looks awful :/
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  15. Tomatketchup

    Tomatketchup Black Belt

    Mar 2, 2013
    Masters of the Universe aka He-Man the Movie.

    He-Man in a pink corvette. </3
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  16. Fleck

    Fleck Sailor

    Mar 25, 2013
    I'm not much of a movie guy at all, can't seem to find any movies that I actually like.

    Or I'm just really picky. But in general, "chick-flicks", teenagey stuff (True, I'm the upper end of the intended audience, but whatever they throw out I find to be really idiotic), cheap humor movies, cheap movies in general, uhm, and everything else.

    I do however, enjoy Studio Ghibli movies. some of the few that I like.
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  17. Madaraki

    Madaraki Poké Maniac

    Apr 12, 2013
    See, I might have said Twilight...

    But for the fact that I saw all the movies in one marathon last weekend. There's a cluster of people that runs movies every Friday and every now and then we watch some real stinkers (dubbed "Rage Night") and relentlessly mock them throughout (a la MST3K)

    So last weekend we watched Twilight. It's actually pretty funny when you overlay a Bella-Edward conversation with the audio from the Blazing Saddles campfire scene.

    So unfortunately I have seen Twilight.

    Something I'll never see then?

    The High School Musical movies.
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  18. Fluffy_Eevee

    Fluffy_Eevee Black Belt

    Mar 23, 2013
    I will never watch
    • Star Wars
    • Titanic
    • E.T.
    • James Bond
    Never ever. I just don't like it!
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  19. Hemlock

    Hemlock Camper

    May 23, 2013
    Rom coms. If I end up in a room with one of them playing, I just get really angry and shouty because most (if not all) characters featured in rom coms are absolutely too imature to be in any sort of relationship. The "drama" is usually super contrived and could be fixed if the characters just respected each other enough to actually TALK ABOUT THEIR PROBLEMS. These movies are extra annoying, because relationship tropes from these movies seep out into real life, and then people wonder why their relationships are miserable and unsatisfying (and then they invite you to their wedding and you're like "plz no").

    Also bro movies about bros being bros or whatever (eg: Project X, The Hangover). If I see that kind of thing, I'm just like "ok ur drunk wel done go home now."
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  20. Nocturnal

    Nocturnal Collector

    Mar 17, 2013
    Nutty Professor... or Half Baked. lol
    I see them as I scroll through Netflix all the time. god no.
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