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What's your name?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by LostSpirit, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. LostSpirit

    (Oddish (J))
    Level 21
    Aug 5, 2014
    What's your name? Lalala.

    What's your real life name? Have a story behind it? Do you even like your name? If not, what would you change it to?

    My actual name is Tammy. It's an okay name, but it's really basic. Funny story, my mom named me after looking in a book and according to her, it's supposed to mean "perfect". However, I looked it up. It means "palm tree". It's nothing special, but hey. I don't have any better names in mind.
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  2. 8542Madness

    Apr 6, 2014
    My name is Marcus. I actually really like my name. It means "warrior" which I think is pretty sweet. I was named after Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Emperor. He was known as the last of the Good Emperors of Rome, a man of great wisdom and honor. I think those are pretty admirable traits, and I'm really happy to share his name.
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  3. Megarai111

    Megarai111 Elizabeth 3rd

    Dec 23, 2014
    My real name is Sanne! It's a very common Dutch name and it means "lily".
    ..my friends all have names with a very cool meaning and I'm just some flower... T_T

    Anyway, I like my name a lot. I feel like it fits me.
    ..that's all there is to it. No special story behind my name or anything. Kinda boring, but oh well.
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  4. Cadbberry

    Cadbberry Dad: 76.... Or Cad: 76

    (Eevee (KS))
    Level 12
    May 25, 2014
    Marshadium Z ★★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★
    My name is Katelyn though I go by Katie. My parents picked it because they couldn't think of anything else so it became Katelyn. I don't really like my name but I dont have any backups so Katie it is, though I do like it when people call me Kat.
    Online though Cad or Cadbberry is my alias so please don't use my real name <3 Thank you
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  5. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    My real name? Chris, or Christopher to be more specific. Not sure where it came from or what it means, but I don't really care.

    But do not call me by my name online if you value your life. Or else, Christopher might be known as "he who angrily throws kunai with perfect accuracy". You've all been warned -_-
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  6. ✯Ho-OhLugia✯

    ✯Ho-OhLugia✯ Pokemon Masters

    Dec 12, 2014
    My real name is Hiro Hamada Mary Lyn. Though please mind the space in my name! Funny thing is, I never knew my name had a space in it until early this year. I kept yelling at everyone for putting a space in it before, then I looked at my birth certificate and saw the space! I feel like a new person now and I value that space with every second of my life. Well, that's exaggerating it. Anyway, I was named after the Virgin Mary, and my parents decided to put Lyn at the end to make the name feel more complete! And what a wonderful decision that was! I love my name and I would never, ever change it, though I do not mind being called Hiro, Link, Silver, Dark Pit, or more commonly as Lugia.

    My twinnie's name is Elena and it comes from my amazing auntie's name. She wouldn't mind being called that online, but she and I are more widely known as Ho-Oh and Lugia! (We're legendary).

    I think our names are very unique, as you wouldn't find two twin girls with those names!
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  7. Reborn

    Reborn Signature Creator

    Aug 7, 2014
    My name is James. I don't really have any stories behind the name, except that my parents were originally thinking of naming me William but thought that people were going to call me Willy and didn't like that idea (William is still my middle name though :P)

    I don't really care what people call me, online or in real life. I probably would prefer people call me my name in real life since I'm used to it but yeah I don't really mind.
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  8. Aiko

    Aiko Anti-Shadow Weapon

    SS Egg #2
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 36
    Mar 7, 2016
    Lure Ball ★★★★Friend Ball ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Ultra Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    My name is Athena.

    If you don't know, Athena is the goddess of war(and maybe crafts or something I think I read that somewhere once but idk) and my parents were just kinda like "lol k kid let's name her Athena" That's literally word for word what they said to me when I asked them why they chose my name.

    Fun fact: I would've been named Anthony if I was a boy.
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  9. Wizard

    Wizard Do you feel it? The moon's power!

    Level 1
    Jan 18, 2016
    I'm named after John from the Biblical New Testament, and I almost always go by John. However, my full name is Johnathan. It is a slightly unusual spelling of the name, but my parents really wanted to spell it that way, I'm still not certain why, and it's because of this that people almost always spell my name wrong, it seems.
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  10. brsajo

    brsajo Girl Boss Baby

    Level 16
    Dec 31, 2014
    My name is Bradley. I don't mind being called Brad or Bradley, and most people use them interchangeably anyway. I didn't know the meaning before now, but according to Wikipedia, it comes from an English surname:
    "Bradley is an English surname derived from a place name meaning "broad wood" or "broad clearing" in Old English. Like many English surnames Bradley can also be used as a given name and as such has become popular."

    In year 8, I managed to convince someone that my name was Dennis for a good few weeks before they noticed people calling me Bradley XD
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  11. LunarRabbitPikachu

    LunarRabbitPikachu Angel of the Moon

    (Eevee (J))
    Level 13
    Oct 23, 2014
    Moon Ball ★★★★Poké Ball ★GS Ball ★★★★★Mario Mushroom ★
    My real name is Ashlee. In a dictionary/online research, my name means "meadow of ash trees." I don't really pay attention to it that much. :sweat: At first my mom wanted to name me Elizabeth, but my dad prefer Ashlee instead. As time went on however, everyone, even my parents, call me Ash based off of the main character in Pokémon, Ash Ketchum; plus, I also got into Pokémon a lot when I was young. :P But yeah my real name is Ashlee, but some people call me Ash. I actually like my name since it's something I'm use to for a long time.
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  12. NekoPantera

    NekoPantera PKMN Breeder

    Mar 8, 2015
    My real name is Gwenn and appearently it means moonprincess. Don't know if that's true, but that's what my parents told me. I'm pretty happy with my name.
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  13. Weedle Enthusiast

    Weedle Enthusiast Resident Weedle Enthusiast

    Best Boi
    Level 1
    Oct 29, 2014
    Crown of ValorDome Fossil ★★★
    My name is Derek. It has a few meanings, but those weren't part of the choosing. I like my name, but that is a result of having it for 17 years. There isn't a story. I think my parents just liked the name
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  14. Rayquaza

    Rayquaza School Kid

    Oct 9, 2014
    "A feminine form of Alexander meaning defender of men, used in Britain since early 13th century; it became popular after the marriage of the 1863 marriage of future King Edward VII to Princess Alexandra of Denmark."

    My name's Alexandra, yup yup. I don't really pay much mind to it though, I usually go by Alex too so. >u< The meaning's pretty cool though.
  15. Northwind's Call

    Aug 15, 2014
    My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to-- nah, gotcha.

    My name is Nicholas, though I go by Nic (with no k, thnx). "Nicholas or Nikolas or Nicolas or Nickolas is a male given name, derived from the Greek name Νικόλαος (Nikolaos), a compound of νίκη nikē 'victory' and λαός; laos 'people', that is, victory of the people." --Wikipedia. That's pretty neat, I guess. Winning is fun.
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    FireSpartan5, LostSpirit and Wizard like this.
  16. Azazel

    Azazel Better count your blessings

    Diancie Egg
    (Diancie Egg)
    Level 8
    Jan 18, 2015
    It's Mary
    But just call me Haku or Yuri :P
  17. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    My name is Ninna.

    It's special since most of the time the name is spelt as Nina. It was a suggestion from my mum's sister to add an additional n. The name Nina [since there aren't many Ninna's I'm gonna go with that since it is the base name to mine] could mean Fire or it is the name of a "Babylonian or Assyrian fertility goddess who was identified with Ishtar. She was the patron goddess of the city of Nineveh. Her name was written using a character representing a fish surrounded by a character representing a house." [behindthename].

    Also my mum really liked the name.
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  18. Morgaine

    Morgaine Goddess of Shinies

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 3
    May 1, 2016
    Crown of ValorSoothe Bell ★Heart Scale ★★Ice Stone ★★★★
    My real name is Ciska which is a very uncommon name in the Netherlands. But I was named after Franciscus of Assisi, the saint parton of animals. (Could this have extended to the digital monsters known as Pokémon?)

    I prefer to be called Sia as it also pays homage to my middle name Anastasia.
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  19. ~Nova~

    ~Nova~ Birby Friend

    Apr 30, 2016
    My name is Rachael. My parents picked it because one of them knew a nice person named Rachael, so, yeah.

    The one thing I hate is when people forget the second 'a'. YES, THAT IS ALSO A WAY TO SPELL IT, BUT NOT HOW YOU SPELL MY NAME! Seriously.
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  20. Teddybear2345

    Teddybear2345 Which is cooler, to be cool, or uncool?

    Apr 13, 2016
    Rage Candy Bar ★★★Bicycle ★★Razz Berry ★★Reaper Cloth ★★★Slowpoke Tail ★★★★
    Real name: Edward

    Been trying to persuade peeps to call me Teddy as a nick. One of the many nicks of Edward actually.
    I love my name, but anyone that knows it, always says it is so "British" lol

    I was named after my grandad (dad's father), so it holds some value to me, in that regard.
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