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Challenge the Leviathan

Discussion in 'Question & Answer' started by Reckless, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. East

    East Look to the Stars

    Nov 14, 2014
    Will you talk code to me?

    What is the real reason that Flowey is winking at everyone?

    Who is the best electronic artist: Stonebank or Mr. Fijiwiji?
  2. Reckless

    Reckless Won't take the easy road

    Jan 11, 2013
    *waits to see @[member="Gengar's Grin"] roll his eyes* It's ITV's Jekyll & Hyde, the thing with the guy with blueish eyes that's been sorta dominating my sig and avy for the past few weeks, ahah. I think it's as good as sliced bread, once you get over its hammyness and cringy fight scenes. Person Of Interest is also a fave of mine.

    All the time. *tips fedora*

    It's up to something snoopy. It should be reported to the snoopy police.

    I'd have to go with Fijiwiji as I haven't heard of the other one before.
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    East, DIO and LunarRabbitPikachu like this.
  3. East

    East Look to the Stars

    Nov 14, 2014
    What is your favorite usergroup bar? (Con+, Admin, League Member, etc)
  4. Reckless

    Reckless Won't take the easy road

    Jan 11, 2013
    Dev rank was the prettiest one I ever had, I'll admit. I probably would like League Member a bit more too if the color was more like darkcyan than the kinda pastel green it is now.
    East likes this.
  5. Pitmore

    Pitmore Mild Internal Pain

    Nov 6, 2014
    If I punched you, what would happen?

    Are you obessed with Jekyll?

    ...OR HYDE

    Are you having a bad time?

    Did you not get that question above?

    Am I getting annoying yet?

    Whats your best way to say bye?

    Whats the best thing about Christmas?
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  6. Reckless

    Reckless Won't take the easy road

    Jan 11, 2013
    You'd either RKO me or I'd get mad.

    Me? Obsessed? Never. Hyde is cool beans, however, compared to a tentative Robert Jekyll.

    Hmm? No.

    Well you've done nothing to annoy me thus far, so no.

    "Talk to you later" or "See ya around."

    Gaming and chill. :)
  7. Eclipse

    Level 82
    Apr 3, 2015
    Marshadium Z ★★★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★Luxury Ball ★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★
    :: Which kind of code do you find easiest to work with (HTML, PHP, SQL, XML, or any of the others I don't remember)?

    :: How often do you use a thesaurus, if at all?

    :: When embarrassed or scared, do you go into hyding?
    Reckless likes this.
  8. Reckless

    Reckless Won't take the easy road

    Jan 11, 2013
    Well I'm glad to say I'm now at a point where I'm comfortable working in several languages (though I've barely used XML). Each of the languages I know have their own bits of special syntax and stuff, so it's hard for me to say outright which one I find the easiest to work with, and will also largely depend on the task I need to get done. If it's a web thing, HTML is more than likely going to provide less hassle than debugging PHP for me, and I certainly prefer C# to Java and regular SQL over T-SQL any day of the week.

    Fun fact: during my last two years in school I used to keep a thesaurus and a dictionary in my schoolbag, and spend at least an hour or two each day looking stuff up in it during periods where the rest of my year had French classes to sit and I was allowed to stay in the library as I had taken Spanish instead. Now whenever I'm attempting a piece of writing, I usually look to a thesaurus several times. I still own the pocket sized one I used a few years back, and there's also two large editions sitting on a shelf in my room. :)

    *Chuckles* Of course, when you got burnt so hard you just gotta defer to mister cool mcgee.
  9. Sugar

    Sugar Pokemon Coordinator

    Deoxys Egg
    (Deoxys Egg)
    Level 1
    Sep 25, 2014
    Oliver Sykes or Matt Tuck?
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  10. ✯Ho-OhLugia✯

    ✯Ho-OhLugia✯ Pokemon Masters

    Dec 12, 2014
    What is the origin of your username (it isn't Final Fantasy, isn't it? When I watched the Smash trailer with cloud and saw a water dragon called Leviathan, I thought of you:))?

    What is your favourite means of transportation?

    Are you a mornings person?
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  11. Reckless

    Reckless Won't take the easy road

    Jan 11, 2013
    Sykesssssssssssssssssssss. 8)

    I think I've been asked this before, but I'll say it again nonetheless. A few years back I had a username on this since defunct site wherein I went by RagingLeviathan, which I in turn came up with whilst browsing Kyogre's bulbapedia page. :)

    Plane or train, I love 'em both.

    Nuh-uh. The struggle is real trying to get up at 8am. More of a night owl.
  12. Strytho

    Strytho Giveaway Enthusiast

    Xerneas Egg
    (Xerneas Egg)
    Level 8
    Sep 10, 2015
    Friend Ball ★★★★Beast Ball ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Lure Ball ★★★★Basic Gary Oak ★
    Are you familiar with leviathan from the megaman zero series and model L from the megaman zx series?
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  13. Maantijger

    Nov 23, 2015
    Not sure if anyone's asked this before but is your username based on the mythical sea creature or the almighty tyrant king?
    If you could change the color scheme of any Pokémon, which one would you change and to what?
    Do you have a favorite brand of cookies?
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  14. Eclipse

    Level 82
    Apr 3, 2015
    Marshadium Z ★★★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★Luxury Ball ★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★
    The answer is 3 posts ago.

    To return back:

    :: What is something you see as frivolous, but most around you don't see it as such?

    :: How much willpower do you have when it comes to sweets?

    :: How snazzy do you look in a tie? (It doesn't matter which kind of tie.)
  15. Eru Iluvatar

    Eru Iluvatar Poké Maniac

    Nov 26, 2015
    Do you like your world?
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  16. East

    East Look to the Stars

    Nov 14, 2014
    Where does Leviathan reside whilst not on LV?

    Why do you like Skylanders so much?
  17. ShiroLugia

    ShiroLugia ✂ No Longer Human.

    Aug 7, 2014
    How good would you consider your health? Fragile or strong?
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  18. Reckless

    Reckless Won't take the easy road

    Jan 11, 2013
    Nosir. I've never looked at that series before, though I've always wanted to, but have nooo idea where to start.

    Considering I was looking up Kyogre at the time, it's probably the mythical sea creature version.

    Hyuk. That's a tough one! I guess I'd have to say change Greninja's colour scheme to its shiny variant permanently. I like that version wayyyy more than the original colour.

    As it happens, I do! They're called Nougatelli Cookies and I used to be able to get time for real cheap in a shop next door to me until it went kaput. I think there's a shop in town that still sells them, however.

    Dressing up dogs in outfits. The family thinks it's the cutest thing ever; whereas I'm like, 'Why'? 'Tis an utter waste of money.

    Quite a bit, I would say. I had more of a sweet tooth as a child, but that kinda stopped when I hit my teens.

    Somewhat snazzy, I'd like to imagine, haha. I mean I was forced to wear a tie for all of what you Americans would probably call high school. Seven long years of getting killed by teachers if I so much as loosened the tie's knot a small fraction, haha.

    So far, my world is quite comfortable, with nice arrangements all around. Years past I would've complained about certain aspects of it, but now, things have relaxed enough that, as I've just said, allows me to live comfortably. For the time being, anyway. Who knows what'll happen in 2016.

    More than likely on Tumblr or Skype. Or else gaming on a console.

    Eh, I guess I'm simply so taken by the series' core concept; instantaneous switching of an ever growing roster of characters. Wanna swap out your skeleton knight for a boomerang-throwing crocodile? No problem, we got you covered! Or how about you go from a gremlin gunslinger to a stealthy elf or a shield wielding fire lion? Never fear, we got that too! Granted the latest game (Superchargers) is reallyyyy riding that gravy train, the previous game (Trap Team) is probably one of my all-time favourites (There's sooo many characters to play as!). Some mightn't get the series' appeal, but for me, with its cute graphics, easy difficulty and capacity to let you play as whatever character you want is a great stress reliever for when you simply want to sit back and enjoy a few hours gaming. :)

    I'm tentatively gonna say it's the middle of the road-ish? I won't say it's strong because I've had a nagging cough since sometime around september that is slowly going away, and I've been getting these aches and pains on occasion that part of me is thinking can't be natural. Compounding this is hereditary issues, with all kinds of nastiness known to run in the family that's got me hella worried. Sadly, I'm not old enough to take certain medical tests (which is so much bullshit because my mom was able to get a certain test done when she was 21 too, but they've since bumped up the min. age to 24), which could've allayed my fears, but at the same time I'm not so fragile as to be benched by a mild cold or let an injury sideline me unless it actually inhibits my movements for a time (i.e., walking). So yeah, tis neither good nor bad for want of a better way to describe it. ><;;
  19. East

    East Look to the Stars

    Nov 14, 2014
    Would you consider yourself to be athletic?
  20. Sugar

    Sugar Pokemon Coordinator

    Deoxys Egg
    (Deoxys Egg)
    Level 1
    Sep 25, 2014
    If you had kids, would you want them to grow up respectable or smart?

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