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Dear Anonymous

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Sheep, Jan 18, 2015.

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  1. DIO


    Legendary Egg
    (Groudon Egg)
    Level 12
    Sep 14, 2014
    Dear Anonymous,

    I hate you. More than I hate anyone else. Hopefully you're the only one I hate this much, because this is a huge burden.

    You belittle me. You undermine my confidence. You keep me from trying new things because I'm not confidant enough or think I'm good enough. Just when I think I'm okay, you bombard me with my own uselessness and all the fuckups I've had over the years. I keep trying to move past them, but you won't let me. Yes, I get it, I don't live up to expectations. You don't have to keep telling me that and reminding me. You've made me fear taking responsibility and when I do you make it difficult to complete it. I get it. You hate me just as much as I hate you.

    But one day, I swear I'll rise over you. Your influence over me will be vastly diminished, and I'll finally be free from you. This I vow.
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  2. Crest

    Crest Hex Maniac

    (Articuno Egg)
    Level 5
    Jan 3, 2013
    Dear Anonymous,

    It hurts me to see you so sad. The way they've been treating you lately is unfair, and it really hits home because of how much I can relate to being hurt by those around you. But it worries me even more that you've been having those thoughts again. I would be absolutely devastated if anything were to happen to you. I've told you this so many times, but I've been too shy tell you again out of fear of making you feel guilty, and I really wish I knew of a better way to make you smile other than offering comforting words and hope for the future. Fear not, though! I'll try and think of something... eventually. Even if nobody else may be listening, I'll still be here for you when everyone else isn't, and I'll save you from your troubles if you give me some time. I'm not very good at these types of things, but it never hurts to try if it means being able to help someone else. But please stay safe in the meantime, and refrain from making harmful decisions that will affect not only me, but yourself and your future. You're not much younger than me, but you're still young; you don't know how life will turn out if you don't give it a chance! I felt the same way you did less than a year ago (and still do, really), but I'm at least trying to stay strong. Not just for me, but for someone I love more than anything: you.
    Hang in there...~
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  3. LostSpirit

    (Oddish (J))
    Level 21
    Aug 5, 2014
    Dear Anonymous,

    You give me hope that I can change. You've done so much to change yourself into such a strong person who defend yourself from the emotional bullying of others. You've done so much to boost your own self-confidence and have given me so much hope that I can do the same. Thank you for being such an inspiration. Thank you!
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  4. East

    East Look to the Stars

    Nov 14, 2014
    Dear Anonymous,

    I tell you every day that you make me happier than I've ever been in the few years I've been alive. I tell you how beautiful you are, how much I love being with you and spending time with you. Learning who you are is one of the greatest experiences I've ever had.
    This is still one of the hardest things I've ever had to express, but I sincerely and unconditionally love you.

    And I don't give a damn who knows it.
  5. Azazel

    Azazel Better count your blessings

    Diancie Egg
    (Diancie Egg)
    Level 8
    Jan 18, 2015
    Dear Anonymous
    Sometimes I feel like you don't appreciate the help I give you.
  6. Pari

    Pari poyo

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 9
    Jul 31, 2014
    dear anonymous,

    it's snowing! i remember how much you loved the snow. we still have that picture of you playing in it, i think. i hope we do. i know i still have that cute picture of you when you were younger on the fridge, and i'm never gonna take it down. i miss you, and i love you.
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  7. Steamlined

    Steamlined Jack of all trades

    Sep 20, 2014
    Dear Anonymous,

    I'm sorry for cutting all communication with you. But when the time eventually came and I moved even further away, I knew we wouldn't be able to see each other for a long time, if ever. I didn't feel comfortable with internet chatting. As for why that is, I couldn't tell you if I tried. All I know was that day when you kissed me on the cheek was a special one, and I'll forever remember it and cherish it, I just knew it wasn't meant to be, and I didn't want to use the internet to give me false hope.

    So, what I'm asking is for you to forgive me. I'm sorry it had to be this way. But thanks. Thanks for everything - It was good while it lasted. I'll miss you.
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  8. Achromatic

    Achromatic #TeamMagikarp

    Eevee (KS)
    (Eevee (KS))
    Level 17
    Nov 21, 2012
    Deep Sea Scale ★★★Deep Sea Tooth ★★★Star Piece ★★★★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★
    Dear Anonymous:

    I've been waiting for you to come on and talk, which isn't something that I've felt in a long time. It's weird. I'm glad though!
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  9. LostSpirit

    (Oddish (J))
    Level 21
    Aug 5, 2014
    Dear Anonymous,
    You make me feel bad about myself. You seem to be unreal. Perfect in a way. You're beautiful, more than you can even imagine, so stop trying to change yourself into something you're not.
  10. guest

    Dec 18, 2014
    Dear Anonymous,

    You're amazing and I hope you never forget that. If you've yet to realise it, I hope you do soon. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world.
    Please stay strong and keep smiling, no matter what.
  11. Xarn

    Xarn Sponsor

    Level 56
    Oct 30, 2014
    Dear Anonymous,

    Being betrayed by you wasn't expected haha! Who would imagine that people suck that much like you?. You were close to me, now you threw it all to the trash saying things behind my back and don't caring about how I would feel about it. It is just disgusting, thinking about you and knowing that after all my effort to make you feel secure, to make you feel special and to try to help you grow , simply make this rancor grow more and more. I hope you do well in the future, because I won't be doing nothing for you anymore. Lying, betraying and forgetting about the persons that take care of you haha! Just go, go out and feel how is have to do the things by yourself. I will remember this and I won't be giving opportunities so easily again.
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  12. ShiroLugia

    ShiroLugia ✂ No Longer Human.

    Aug 7, 2014
    Dear Anonymous,

    I still think about you a lot, more than you know. I lose sleep over you, silly! I skip meals because of you too. You always come to my mind when nothing else does. I'm still thinking...and waiting....and hoping. I know you want me to give up, but I'm stubborn as hell! I'm really sorry about that too..I don't want to suffocate you or anything. I'll do everything I can to make sure you stay happy. Please come back! Even if you don't love me, let me love you. There's so much I want to say and do with you... You make me really happy! Let me make you happy too.
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  13. Azazel

    Azazel Better count your blessings

    Diancie Egg
    (Diancie Egg)
    Level 8
    Jan 18, 2015
    Dear Anonymous
    I've accepted that I'll just be alone for the rest of my life. No one cares about me.
  14. Achromatic

    Achromatic #TeamMagikarp

    Eevee (KS)
    (Eevee (KS))
    Level 17
    Nov 21, 2012
    Deep Sea Scale ★★★Deep Sea Tooth ★★★Star Piece ★★★★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★
    Dear Anonymous:
    I wish I could meet you just to call you a prick, because that's honestly exactly what you are...People aren't toys that you can just play with, learn some humanity please! I feel sorry for anyone that has the displeasure of knowing you in person.
  15. Sheep

    Sheep Supporter

    Xerneas Egg
    (Xerneas Egg)
    Level 10
    Jan 11, 2014
    Dear A,

    As soon as you fix your sleep schedule it falls back into atrocity again in a few days. Come on, I miss talking to you. :'(
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  16. Pari

    Pari poyo

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 9
    Jul 31, 2014
    Dear Anon(s),

    Stop calling me that. It is not a name I like. The boy you ship me with is not someone I would ever get with (sorry dude). It has been this way since the second day of school and if I didn't want to get sent to the principal's office I would speak up because I am tired. Tired of all your shit, tired of sitting and listening to your interruptions and distractions while I'm trying to learn and pass. I'm tired of being belittled with a fake name and an awful pairing that started because of a mistake and someone trying to steal my gum.
    At least, if you're going to treat my like crap in one class, treat me like crap in all the classes we share. But I get it. You just want to look cool in front of your friends.
  17. guest

    Dec 18, 2014
    Dear Anonymous,

    I find myself wondering if I've done something to wrong you, growing paranoid over the little things that would usually go unnoticed. Did I upset or offend you somehow? I want to ask but at the same time I'm worried about what you'll say, or if you won't say anything at all.
    Perhaps keeping quiet is the better option. For now at least.
  18. Achromatic

    Achromatic #TeamMagikarp

    Eevee (KS)
    (Eevee (KS))
    Level 17
    Nov 21, 2012
    Deep Sea Scale ★★★Deep Sea Tooth ★★★Star Piece ★★★★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★
    Dear Anonymous

    Why did ya have to go? Come back! Please </3
  19. Azazel

    Azazel Better count your blessings

    Diancie Egg
    (Diancie Egg)
    Level 8
    Jan 18, 2015
    Dear Anonymous
    I'm feeling ok today, but I feel like I'll have to start over again. I've been having these awful mood swings and likely everyone hates me now. I don't blame them, I hate me too.
  20. ShiroLugia

    ShiroLugia ✂ No Longer Human.

    Aug 7, 2014
    Dear Anonymous,

    I keep trying to run away from these thoughts I have about you, but it seems I keep going in circles, huh? Whenever I get the chance I think, and write about you... Write everything I wish I could say. I know what's good for me, I mean, I know it would be best for me to stop and move on but... I can't. At least not yet.

    Maybe I have some sort of false hope you will tell me differently...But that's not true is it? That's just me being selfish. And needy. You make me feel like I made a mistake. I'm being torn apart and you can't even see it. I feel like I'm drowning, desperate for you. I don't know what to think or say anymore....

    Maybe I really did make a mistake. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
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