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Dear Anonymous

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Sheep, Jan 18, 2015.

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  1. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Dear Anonymous,

    It's been a year since the accident. A lot has changed since then. I had been your primary caretaker from the beginning and I had to juggle that responsibility with that of my studies. I always rushed home so that I would be there in case you needed anything. It was alright until you were fed up with the situation and threatened to commit suicide which led me to having an emotional breakdown in one of my classes.

    It took a long time but I forgive you for yelling those words at me because you are important to me. I want you to live a long and prosperous life, to see me grown up with my own family to care for. I love you very dearly and I pray that you hold true to your word, your promise to me that you would not commit such an act.
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  2. DIO


    Legendary Egg
    (Groudon Egg)
    Level 12
    Sep 14, 2014
    Dear Anonymous,

    I'm terrified for the future. You won't be around me next year and honestly I'm scared of being alone without anyone I really trust beside me for the first time. I know you won't be far and I know how to get to where you'll be living next year, but I'm terrified you'll end up just like the rest of my friends- distant with me being worried about talking to you because I'm afraid of inconveniencing you. You're my oldest friend, and I'd love to have a friendship with you like our parents share. But I'll probably fuck it up, like usual.

    I wish I knew what you really thought of me. You support me in public when we're around your friends, but I'm constantly wondering what your real thoughts are of me. Because that's the kind of person I am, insecure and afraid. I wish you could tell me to my face if secretly you despise me, that you only deal with me because you have to and it's expected of you, if I'm just a waste of your time. But odds are you won't, and I'm not about to let the potential powder keg detonate.
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  3. Prosecutor

    Nov 19, 2014
    Dear Anonymous

    I know you have a romantic interest in me, but I'm here to tell you that I'm not interested. Life would be a whole ton easier if we were just friends, so please do not pursue this any further.
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  4. Azazel

    Azazel Better count your blessings

    Diancie Egg
    (Diancie Egg)
    Level 8
    Jan 18, 2015
    Dear Anonymous

    Can you stop downplaying all of my accomplishments? I never know now if anything I do is worth anything.
  5. Prosecutor

    Nov 19, 2014
    Dear anonymous,

    I have had the time of my life since meeting you. You are one of the coolest people that i have ever met and I really want to thank you for being so friendly :).
  6. Azazel

    Azazel Better count your blessings

    Diancie Egg
    (Diancie Egg)
    Level 8
    Jan 18, 2015
    Dear Anonymous

    How is mom's actions my fault? She chooses what she does, I can't magically predict what she'll do. Stop blaming me for everything.
  7. LostSpirit

    (Oddish (J))
    Level 21
    Aug 5, 2014
    Dear Anonymous,
    My head hurts. You spin me around and play with everything around you, and it just confuses me. Why do all these things for the sake of being cool? Just leave me be, and be yourself.
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  8. Achromatic

    Achromatic #TeamMagikarp

    Eevee (KS)
    (Eevee (KS))
    Level 17
    Nov 21, 2012
    Deep Sea Scale ★★★Deep Sea Tooth ★★★Star Piece ★★★★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★
    Dear Anonymous:

    Try not to worry so much! They honestly don't deserve how much worrying you do for them.
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  9. guest

    Dec 18, 2014
    Dear Anonymous,

    I really like you, but I don't think I can tell you or do anything about it yet. I'm near certain that it's one-sided and telling you would just cause you bother, but I want to be selfish and tell you anyway.
    It's frustrating.
  10. Sheep

    Sheep Supporter

    Xerneas Egg
    (Xerneas Egg)
    Level 10
    Jan 11, 2014
    Dear A,

    You're holding me back. I wish you would just leave me be because I don't want to be like this.
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  11. Pari

    Pari poyo

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 9
    Jul 31, 2014
    dear anonymous,

    i know you think you're worthless, that you're trash, that no one likes to talk to you. i know you think you're annoying, that everyone just puts up with you because they don't want to hurt you. stop that. you're not annoying, trust me. it's okay to talk to people, they won't be bothered. if they are, they'll tell you. i know you need assurances now and then, too often for you to admit, actually. here's one. i hope you see this, and read it over and over again. you're not irritating. maybe you get a little excited yeah, but really, who can blame you? i know a long time ago you told me that holding on to what you love is how you keep going. so don't get down on yourself if you think you're being too excited or too annoying.

    it pains me knowing that when you say you're fine, it's just a façade.
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  12. Megarai111

    Megarai111 Elizabeth 3rd

    Dec 23, 2014
    Dear anonymous,

    Do you blame me if I tell you I'm still afraid of what's coming up? I know I won't be seeing you a few times per week in the next year anymore. And honestly, I don't know how I'm going to live without you. You have kinda saved me, and you're probably the main reason why I'm still sitting here. What am I going to do, as soon as I have lost you, next year? :'(
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  13. YouHoney

    YouHoney Snow wanderer

    Nov 6, 2014
    Dear anonymous...

    We have gone thorough a lot together. The moments i was cripled you carried me. Times you were sick i took care of you. We have fought, loved, hated, cried and messed things up together. I want to thank you for being that person form me... or were. I wish to get you back. Our differences are over and we are adults now. Just... we should be sorry. You are the Yang to my Yin. I am the Dark and you the Light. Im sure we will talk again... and be like old times... my short friend.
  14. Achromatic

    Achromatic #TeamMagikarp

    Eevee (KS)
    (Eevee (KS))
    Level 17
    Nov 21, 2012
    Deep Sea Scale ★★★Deep Sea Tooth ★★★Star Piece ★★★★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Dragon Fang ★★★★
    Dear Anonymous:

    It worries me that people like you exist in the world. You're like a giant man child...well, more like a man baby that is so sensitive to everything out there. I honestly hope that you can grow out of it since really you should have already...
  15. LostSpirit

    (Oddish (J))
    Level 21
    Aug 5, 2014
    Dear Anonymous,

    Well, it just got really awkward. I mean how could it not when you asked me out? I'm sorry I rejected you, but I'm just not attracted to you. Please just stop liking me, this is really making everyone awkward. Let's just be friends.
  16. Sheep

    Sheep Supporter

    Xerneas Egg
    (Xerneas Egg)
    Level 10
    Jan 11, 2014
    Dear A,

    That didn't go so bad so I've my fingers crossed. Hope I didn't seem too silly to you.
  17. Pari

    Pari poyo

    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 9
    Jul 31, 2014
    dear anonymous,

    sorry to be such a pain in your ass. who knew one little thing would lead to this, right? i'll try to cut back since you're probably annoyed by now. i like you a lot but i doubt you feel the same way, and i doubt you ever will.
  18. LostSpirit

    (Oddish (J))
    Level 21
    Aug 5, 2014
    Dear Anonymous,
    I hate you with every fiber of my being. You lie, you never depend on yourself, use cheap tactics to get people to trust you. Overall, you're just annoying. Shut up, and go away. No one needs you if you're going to act this way.
  19. Cay

    Cay Ultralight Beam

    Aug 24, 2014
    Dear Anonymous,

    This has gone too far. Get out of my life, please. I've been so patient with you. I've tried to help you. It hasn't worked. You feed off me and all of my friends negative emotions, and you try to guilt trip me into being your friend. You've made me and her feel like shit, and I'd appreciate it if you'd stop. Get help. See a therapist please. We don't want to hear about your pain any more. I liked you, but now I see you're a little shit! I don't say that about a lot of people, but I do not like you. At all. Please take your issues off of the internet. You're not a victim.
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  20. Halcyon Storm

    Halcyon Storm Joking motive

    Level 11
    Sep 25, 2013
    Dear Anonymous,

    I'm sorry to say it, but you really annoy me. You're always angry at me for doing things wrong, but you never explain to me how I could do it better. What, you expected me to be perfect right from the beginning? I know you're a hard worker, and you do your work perfectly fine, but as a mentor you really suck. Of all people, I have to work with you, and that just really annoys me. The others are all really nice and funny guys, but you always stay so serious. It's like you don't have any sense of humor! Just try to smile a bit more, that would make work a lot less of a pain, for both you and me.

    Oh and by the way, pull up your pants, nobody is interested in your crotch. Thank you.
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