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Hoenn: After Death

Discussion in 'Literature Library' started by proxy.qtz, Feb 3, 2013.

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  1. Pokechu

    Pokechu Hex Maniac

    Level 1
    Jan 14, 2013
    "OOO! Is this good cop bad cop?", Pikachu asked, as he pulled out a toy gun with darts and started shooting them around the room.
    "BOOM BOOM BAM! WHATS DEE SCORE? AM I WINNING?", Pikachu said. He had continued until he had used all of the darts 10 times. "Yee! I havent broke anything yet!", Pikachu exclaimed.
    "Anyways, should I use wish on Anubis? It might not do anything, but still, its worth a try!", Pikachu said, as he ran around the gym. "I bet you cant beat me!", Pikachu said, just as when he had tripped over his poffins.
    "But, anywho, since this unintelligent scientist only gave me this "shrinkable" speed boat, I think ill try to find a nearest safepoint, while you guys do your secret agent plan! Does any 'Mon wanna come? Pikachu said.
    "Oh, and whats your secret agent plan! I wanna play secret agent!", Pikachu said, as he pulled out a lazer. "CANT RUN AWAY NOW!", Pikachu exclaimed.
    "Buuuut seriously, should I use Wish? I cant go until you say yes or no, because I dunno if I should. Do you know?", Pikachu asked.
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  2. Banshee

    Banshee Pokémon Professor

    Gregg the Egg
    (Odd Egg)
    Level 3
    Dec 5, 2012
    Hoodoo just floated there in awe as she watched the Pikachu pull out a ton of different things out of her bag. She just kept pulling stuff out! It was like a never ending stream of items. "Um, no thanks dearie~" The Mismagius said to her. She wasn't hungry at the moment so it was best if she didn't force herself to eat.

    Anubis awoke and she turned to him. "Rise and shine, pumpkin pie~" Her voice was cheerful to the Lucario who seemed ready to jump into gear. He even started off towards the door. "Ooo I've never been in a Zeppelin before. This will be exciting~!" She swirled around in the air a couple of times before she simmered down.

    Mei-Xing had fallen over, which caused Hoodoo to look over. Not to laugh, but to see what had happened. Another Ghost Pokémon appeared, trolling like usual. It was a Gengar. Hoodoo popped up from behind Voodoo. "You're name is Voodoo? My husband is named Voodoo as well~" She said. "But, he's not a Gengar though. A Banette is what he is. Hehe~" She then floated away from him. "I'm Hoodoo. Nice to meet you!"

    She heard Anubis make his way to the door and she looked over. The guy shouldn't be walking about but she wasn't going to object. After all, if someone doesn't want to relax, why should he? She's in no position to tell him what to do~ Hoshimi had shown up to help out. And Zero had tagged along for the ride. "Well long time no see you guys~"
  3. Trainer_Ebony

    Jan 18, 2013
    "H-hey" Zero replyed, still twitching on the ground abit before shaking it off.
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  4. proxy.qtz

    Feb 1, 2013
    Anubis looked down from the great Beartic's shoulders at Zero. "Hoshimi, is this little one with us? Also, that Pikachu is beyond hyperactive. Is there any way we could get it to slow down? I'm afraid that once we get on the Zeppelin, it may break something. It's a relatively delicate piece of machinery for all its advantages. Ah, take a left turn, and then a right turn. Good." Pointing to his home, over on the left, he said, "That's the one. the one with the monstrous telescope on the roof. I've been doing the math, and the crater hole above us will be just large enough to fly the zeppelin through. Any chance that you can help me move the zeppelin parts to the grassy area near the Pokémon center? I can get it up and running there."
  5. Pokechu

    Pokechu Hex Maniac

    Level 1
    Jan 14, 2013
    "Oh, I just really like poffins. Their taste is just so creamy, and also dreamy!", the Pikachu said, whenever Anubis said he was beyond hyperactive.
    "Although, you are right;I might break something, if I have my toy gun out!", Pikachu said afterwards. Pikachu then sat down, and continued putting his goods into his pouch.
    It had taken him a hour, but he finally put it up! "Phooie, now that im all out of energy, im bored.", Pikachu said, as he pulled out a pencil and paper and started to play Tic-Tac-Toe with himself. "This seems corny. Any 'Mon wanna join me?", Pikachu asked, holding the pencil and paper. "No? Okee den!", Pikachu said, as he pointed to a corner.
    "That corner... Im sleeping there.", he said, as he walked there and curled into a round fluffball and went to sleep.
  6. Trainer_Ebony

    Jan 18, 2013
    Zero looked at Anubis and sighed. "Its not so grassy anymore. The entire area, including the zombies there, should be ashes by now."
  7. proxy.qtz

    Feb 1, 2013
    Looking to Zero, Anubis rolled his eyes, replying, "Perfect... Now, if we can just get the zeppelin set up, everything will be fine, and we can get out of here. Hoshimi?"
  8. Pokechu

    Pokechu Hex Maniac

    Level 1
    Jan 14, 2013
    Just as the Pikachu woke up, he stood up and asskkkkeeedd....
    "Soooo, what happened in the little amount of time I was asleep?"
    "Something about a Zeppelin? Sounds fun!"
    Pikachu soonly said, "Well, im bored, I guess im going to fly for a bit!~", and soonly, he walked out and tied balloons to his waist and took off!
    "Wheeeeeeeeeee!", Pikachu said, just as when a wingull had popped his balloon.
    "Nuuuuu!", Pikachu exclaimed, as he was going down. Pikachu had landed in the middle of...
    No where.
    "Easy peasy!", the Pikachu thought, as he tied more balloons to his waist. "Going up!", Pikachu said, as he flew up, but.....
    got stuck in a tree.
  9. Trainer_Ebony

    Jan 18, 2013
    Zero sighed. "Need help with the escape ship?"
  10. proxy.qtz

    Feb 1, 2013
    Anubis looked down at the little Charmelon and asked, "Can you even lift it? It's extremely heavy equipment."
  11. Banshee

    Banshee Pokémon Professor

    Gregg the Egg
    (Odd Egg)
    Level 3
    Dec 5, 2012
    Hoodoo giggled at how the Pikachu was so excitable. To her, she thought of the Pikachu as being a youngster. Maybe. It even reminded her of her own two children--wherever they may be. She was certain that her lovey-dovey still had them in his hands and everything was going to be okay. So she wasn't all that worried about it.

    She floated over to Anubis and followed him for a ways. She stopped behind him, having been rather quiet the entire time, it wasn't a surprise that they didn't know she was there. Finally she decided to speak up, seeing Anubis questioning the Charmeleon's strength.

    "You know, I could quite possibly help lift things too. I do have some psychic abilities. They come in handy~" She floated around them, showing them that she was there. She also noticed the Pikachu being stuck in the tree. But she figured that it would be for the best that he stayed there. Not because she was being mean, but more so because they could keep an eye on him. And he wouldn't get into too much trouble~

    "Dearie, do be careful." She finally said to the Pikachu.
  12. bubbie

    bubbie Sassmaster

    Dec 30, 2012
    Deacon folded his arms over his chest and headed outside with the rest of the crew, keeping an eye on the area in case any walkers decided to show themselves. He rolled his eyes as he watched the Pikachu bumble around and was curious to see what this zeppelin would be like, but he was hesitant to help. After all, if he wanted to, he could leave whenever. However, he did quite like the Mismagius who was going about, teasing and taunting the others. She shared his cold, black sense of humor. He flew up to a roof top above the immediate area and kept a look out over the group.
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  13. Trainer_Ebony

    Jan 18, 2013
    (little? lucario arnt that much taller than a charmeleon '.')
    Zero met the Lucarios eye, an irritated twitch showed for a split second. "My trainer worked mostly in fighting types. I trained strength with Machamp, speed with Blaziken and endurance with Hariyama. I was with them every day, so I should be fine"
  14. Pokechu

    Pokechu Hex Maniac

    Level 1
    Jan 14, 2013
    When as Pikachu was stuck in the tree, he heard someone say "Dearie, do be careful."
    "Oh! Thanks so much mysterious Pokémon that I dont know who said that!", Pikachu said, as he thought of ways to get out of the tree.
    Way 1: Jump down.
    Thoughts:Afraid of hights; auto fail.
    Way 2: Balloons
    Thoughts:Would pop.
    Way 3: Walkie-Talkie
    Thoughts: I lost the other one. Id probably talk to the dead.
    Way 4:Sleep and hopefully fall and still not wake up.
    Way 5: ??????
    Just as the Pikachu had ran out of ideas, he got bored. "Phooie, this is boring. I should had packed something like a propeller hat.", Pikachu thought. Pikachu had been up there for a few minutes until he decided to.....
    Considering Pikachu doesnt like to be bored, he jumped.
    "Yee!", Pikachu said, as he fell. He, luckily, managed to land on his feet, and the first thing after doing so was....
    "I hassa fly back! :<", Pikachu thought, as he pulled out some balloons, and flew back to the other Pokémon.
    "Did anyone see me get stuck? Who was the Pokémon that said be careful?", Pikachu thought. "Oh well, Ill find out soonly~!", Pikachu thought, as he finally arrived, and then just came in and sat down. Pikachu had learned one thing today; dont trust trees for anything other than oxygen. Trees are evil! Also, he should tune it down a notch. Even though he knew he wanted to do so much stuff, he shouldnt; it could get him stuck in a tree. "I might kick it down a notch....or just not be as hyperactive. Maybe just very very active..."

    Fun fact: Did you know I got the balloon idea from Snowpack Park (WiiWare game), and PokePark?
    SnowPack Park balloon case: Its a game where youre suppose to care for penguins, and to find some, you need to go to their habitat, by flying by balloons. ouo
  15. Trainer_Ebony

    Jan 18, 2013
    (never played Pokémon snap, sushi?)
  16. Pokechu

    Pokechu Hex Maniac

    Level 1
    Jan 14, 2013
    (nope, sadly, planning on getting it soon, though! c:)
  17. proxy.qtz

    Feb 1, 2013
    (ebony, i'm sitting atop a beartic. it's all about relative size. also, sushi, if pikachu could be a little more on topic, that would be great.) "If we could all focus on the issue at hand, we're going to need to get out of here, relatively soon." said Anubis, gently nudging Hoshimi, to signal a need to get back down. "I'll need to get my gear from inside my house, and we'll need to get the zeppelin parts to the clearing."
  18. Banshee

    Banshee Pokémon Professor

    Gregg the Egg
    (Odd Egg)
    Level 3
    Dec 5, 2012
    Hoodoo waited for a response but nothing came from either Lucario or Charmeleon. So she decided to wander back over to Deacon. He was fun to talk to~ She looked back to the others. "Have fun boys~" She teased as she floated on over to Deacon who had made a home for himself on top of a rooftop. Seeing this, he looked like a giant dragonfly-gargoyle, watching over the city. Like a guardian.

    "Keeping an eye on the city, are we, Gargoyle?" She floated up to him, by his side. She too looked around at the city before them. "I think the atmosphere could be better. Maybe add a couple more zombie mobs over in that corner. And a couple more fires over there. Although the city could use a couple more destroyed buildings and more people fleeing from them. . . Oooh!!! We could use more blood splatters on the walls, or zombie body parts scattered across the streets, and maybe some mentally disturbed Murkrow pecking at the fallen zombies. Don't you think? I think it would make this place look a lot nicer."

    She paused for a moment and turned to him. "Too bad I wasn't a Smeargle, I'd paint this. It may end up going into a historical book for kids of the future to reflect on~ Oh how our wonderful ancestors created such a most, delightful monster attack ever. I would be proud to be a part of this~" She giggled.
  19. Trainer_Ebony

    Jan 18, 2013
    (do it sushi, tis fun :D)
    (ah, forgot that. still, post is the same. the twitch was for questioning his strength. :P so is he helping or not? '.')

  20. proxy.qtz

    Feb 1, 2013
    (I can't control you. Help, if you wish. :))
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