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LV Fanfic signup thread/idea deposit!

Discussion in 'Creative Zone' started by Megarai111, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. Sachi-Shimazu

    Mar 29, 2013
    In Story Name: Nyaa-chi Shi-Meaw-zu (Thanks Aura for the last name)

    Appearance: A golden retriever at times and a skinny, kinda tall-ish, lame guy who wears t-shirts that reference random things.

    Characteristic: A dog witch (similar to Soul Eater) who insists he is a cat. Can switch between a humanoid and animal form at will depending on his mood. Also, really affectionate to everyone... Also thinks he is a vampire.

    Special Traits: Attacks with mushroom based magics (see Blair's Halloween Cannon attack in Soul Eater (Yes I'm a weeb (Praise Studio Bones (FOUR BRACKETS!!!)))) I was thinking about it last night, Mush-Mushroom Hallows Eve Bomb?

    Preferred role: Whatever the hell you want

    Other things: I'm the adopted pet of everyone, also my character knows you mentioned I am Number Four previously in teh story and will cry at some random point because of the ending f the most recent book.
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  2. Manaphymajic1999

    Apr 19, 2015
    - In-story name: Umbra Tenebris (duh)
    - Appearance: Long Black Trenchcoat, long black hair that hangs over left eye, wears interchangeable camoflaged cargo pants (depends on location)
    - Characteristics (e.g. personality) : Smart Ass, sarcastic, narcissitic, and very dirty minded
    - Special traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you can do) : A set of Daisho, which are a Katana (Long sword) and a Wakizashi (short sword) mounted in a set. Coat can stop swords but only if hit in the right spot.
    - Preferred role: That, is up to you
    - Other things: He is male, just so you know
  3. Getus

    Getus The Senate

    (Kyogre Egg)
    Level 18
    Apr 4, 2016
    Philosopher's CowlReaper Cloth ★★★Psychium Z ★★★★Great Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    - In-story name: Kit
    - Appearance: As the name implies he takes on the form of a small fox. The fox's fur has a mostly burnt orange colour with a blue spiral going around his entire body up to the tip of his tail. His snout the tip of his ears are a greyish colour and he has the cliché crimson eyes.

    Kit also has a more humanoid form he takes every now and again (This is to your discretion) the form is just a small child that keeps his ears, tails and eyes. His hair is also the same colour as his fur, the rest is for you to play around with or make it generic.

    - Characteristics: Kit has a playful personality and the best way to describe him is as a prankster. He enjoys jokes and messing with people's lives. (He's the type of character that would get involved in a tense situation to mess it up just for a laugh) I key trait of Kit though is his multi-personality, at random times (Commonly when his power acts up) He can become angry and frustrated, lashing out at whatever's nearby verbally and on the odd occasion physically.

    - Special traits: Kit is primarily a hand-to-hand type of fighter, preferring to fight in his fox form due to its small body and agile bone structure. His favorite move though is using his tail to trip his opponents and then goading them from afar.

    His special ability though is a developing one he can't control, and is a key aspect in his personality and something I think you could enjoy. At random times, roughly 10-20 seconds apart Kit will swap locations with an object or person either roughly the same size or mass if not smaller than him. (Meaning he can do this with people, rocks and things like tables but cannot do it with mountains, tree's and buildings)

    - Preferred role: I honestly don't have a preferred role, I'd rather you decide how this would fit in if at all, but if I had to pick I would like to him a side character that pops up every now and again to mess with either the Moderators or the Musketeers.

    Hope I gave enough information, and you'll feature Kit in your story! If not, oh well.
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  4. Apawn

    Apawn Modern Gen 2 Artist

    Level 49
    Oct 1, 2014
    Shiny QuilavaQuilava
    Seems chill

    - In-story name: Heraga Gaw
    - Appearance: Has brown, not very well kept hair and black clothing (Shorts and T-Shirt), with the exception of his socks, which are always White with two strips of Blue. Looks, in the shape of his body that is, like a pawn chess piece (fatter as you look down). Tends to hold his custom sphere chess piece.
    - Characteristics (e.g. personality) : Very Shy, tends to keep to himself as well is often forgotten in a big group, introverted and quirky
    - Special traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you can do) : His signiture weapon of choice is strangling his enemies with his Old Person Sock Puppet, Gawn, and choking them to death. Can win any game of chess and talented mimic.
    - Preferred role: N/A
    - Other things: Madly in love with his Senpai, Lady Smugleaf (If I can do that)
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  5. ~Nova~

    ~Nova~ Birby Friend

    Apr 30, 2016
    derp, sorry, ignore me.
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  6. Aiko

    Aiko Anti-Shadow Weapon

    SS Egg #2
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 36
    Mar 7, 2016
    Lure Ball ★★★★Friend Ball ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Ultra Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    (is this thread ded? Should I not post in it?)

    - In-story name:Tonochi
    - Appearance:Short brown hair, a black trench coat over a purple frilly dress. Tall brown boots.
    - Characteristics (e.g. personality) : She likes being the center of attention, so she is a magician(not the real kind of course). She loves to mess with people and make people mad.
    - Special traits (e.g. weapon of choice, any special tricks you can do) : Can juggle bottles for long periods of time and do other "parlor tricks" like swallowing fire, card tricks, and bad jokes.
    - Preferred role: However you see fit
    - Other things:Likes to get drunk(if that's allowed)
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  7. Arc1Dragon

    Arc1Dragon Just Monika

    Kyurem Egg
    (Kyurem Egg)
    Level 1
    Jan 10, 2017
    Crown of ValorPhilosopher's CowlStaff of VerityTapunium Z ★★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★
    I don't know if you're still doing this but here is my character

    In Story Name: Arc

    Appearance: Male, Tall, Has brown hair. Blue Eyes and has glasses. Wears normal clothes and a blue dragon styled jacket.

    Characteristics: Usually a nice person. Likes to mess around with friends.

    Special Traits: Weapon of choice: sword is his main weapon but also knows how to use a bow. special tricks: If you're including magic and things like that he is able to shapeshift into a blue and gray dragon.

    Role: Any role except for antagonists

    Anything else: pm me if you need a anything else
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