Seeing how we do have some Monster Hunter Rise players here, why don't we attempt to hunt together? As I write this, I know that there are three, possibly four hunters that are skilled hunters (and when I mean skilled hunters, I mean we're HR7 and up). I know that I'm willing to help raise HR, and we can get more materials and zenny! God this is so cheesy. I just want to see if there is anyone who's willing to hunt with other LV members. Just state that you have MHR and want to hunt with LV members. Anyways, Happy Hunting! And yes, this does tie into LV Game Night.
Sadly I don't have a switch at the current moment but when I get MHR you can bet your ass i'll be playing it
That is completely okay, as I know that some of us also have World/Iceborne, as well as 4U. I don't know the stats of how many of us have 3U, but I would say that this thread is for about all the mainline Monster Hunter games. I don't have Riders though.
I do have World in my PS4, and so does Hrae, though his PS4 is becoming a brick and it should not be trusted in the long run, and I hope that someday he can get a PS5.
I'd be up for playing at one point if I have time, I got Rise, World/Iceborne on both PS4 and PC, 4U, Gen, GenU. I also have 3U for 3DS but it only have local play support sadly.
I may as well revive this. Been playing since 4U (I really sucked at that game btw), and can currently play GU, World (PS4), and Rise. I am pretty deep into postgame content in at least one account for all of them (meaning my HR is in the hundreds) In case yall are curious I mainly play Charge Blade in all of them, but I also play: Long Sword in GU Dual Blades in GU and Rise Switch Axe in World and Rise Great Sword in all of them Hunting Horn in World Lance in Rise I'm willing to play any weapon with the exception of the two bowguns. I'm getting a bit off topic but yeah I can play rise lol
Okay, I'm reviving this thread, because I feel like we can do a Monster Hunter hunting party. We can do Low rank, High rank, and Master rank in MHR:Sunbreak. Any of us can help others attain higher ranks, and help with the story quests. We can talk in the discord about setting it up.
I'll sign up for some hunts once I get my switch battery changed. That's the only thing stopping me from doing more than just watching YouTube and Twitch on my switch.
Changing the Switch battery didn't seem to do much good, but the one in it shouldn't be on its last legs now. SW-45520-9548-7984 if anyone wants to add me anyway.
Did someone say Monster Hunter I've finished the story of Sunbreak now in Rise but am open to just continued hunts, if people need an extra just ping me in the discord.
I know I'm late to the party but I got MH Rise Sunbreak on my Switch a few weeks back and it is my first mainstream MH game. I haven't even finished the main story (I'm at the part where I'm going to hunt the Thunder dragon (I forget her name)). And I mainly use the light bowgun. But I'm only really available 10pm-1am EST on Wednesday - Friday and 2pm-1am for Saturday - Tuesday.