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Paint Bucket

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by Smooshie, Mar 2, 2015.

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  1. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }

    Abby gave a hesitant wave before hiding behind Daniel whereas Kaylee and Aster stood beside their companion, staring at her with unblinking eyes.

    Daniel almost violently flinched back when the Swablu pecked his cheek; a bird's version of a kiss. He briefly touched his cheek, his scowl dimming slightly before he took the woman's notes. He took a moment to scrutinise her handwriting before actually reading it. He blinked in understanding as to why this lady had been lost for a couple of hours.

    "I'll take you there. You'd never be able to find it before nightfall at this rate. Come on," he stated before walking further down the alley, his Pokémon following him.
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  2. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Octavia Portillo // Tavia
    {Female} {24} {Nephelai, Linus, Leia, Fritz}

    As a woman, her first instinct was to just snap at him "And I hope you are not just secretly a creeper who takes advantages of women walking down these alleyways alone...". However, she decided to keep that thought aside. This man was taking time out of his probable busy schedule to rescue a poor sod like her wandering around in such a place.

    However, the reaction he sported to Nephelai's actions definitely humoured her a little, bringing out a chuckle. That was just Nephelai's charm. She was very happy-go-lucky, that she is able to bring smiles to everyone's faces.

    While she noticed not all of his Pokémon were giving a welcome, she didn't take it to heart, since she was a stranger after all. Adjusting the straps of her bags and holding her canvas, she noticed he was holding one as well.

    "Uhh...mister...do you draw?" She ventured a conversation amidst the silence.
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  3. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }

    He looked at her for a moment before he focused back on the path. He took a turn to the right before answering vaguely, "Sometimes."

    It's not a known fact in the community that he sketched or painted. He was known to know the history of the craft but not the craft itself since he did his best to hide as much as possible. Colleagues wouldn't find a speck of paint on his clothes or charcoal stains k. His finger tips or nose because he made absolutely sure that none could be seen.

    The only ones who knew his skills of art - and the reason behind it - was his elderly parents. Arceus bless their patient souls. He missed them but he figured that they were enjoying the hot springs in Hoenn.

    "So," his turn for a question, "what're you doing in Altamore?"
  4. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Octavia Portillo // Tavia
    {Female} {24} {Nephelai, Linus, Leia, Fritz}

    "On a holiday. I needed some sources of inspiration, as well as maybe a break." She followed him as he made a turn. "It's nice to see that you draw as well."

    When she felt that silence was going to probably blanket them, she suddenly asked before she could stop herself.

    "Say, mister. How many times have you gone through this maze?.....sorry, that I am asking so many questions..."
  5. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }

    "Yeah well, not many people know about it so keep it to yourself. Also," he turned to look at her, "enough with the mister! I don't think I'm that much older than you!" He huffed before taking another right then a left.

    "I've lost count. That tends to happen when I don't care enough or if I've done it too many times."
    Lunar-Peacle likes this.
  6. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Octavia Portillo // Tavia
    {Female} {24} {Nephelai, Linus, Leia, Fritz}

    Pursing her lips, she just managed a nod as she followed closely behind, Nephelai having to take her throne atop Octavia's head again. She did not want to aggravate his already gruff self, and all she just wanted was to unload all her baggage and have a nice meal with her Pokémon. It was a shame she could not bring Fritz out on this vacation, for he would not be accustomed to the climate and probably narrow spaces if she were to let him out for fresh air.

    "I see. Apologies. Then I believe names should be appropriate. My name is Octavia. Or Tavia if you prefer."
  7. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }

    "Oktavia," he tested, "Nice name. I'm Daniel and here we are," he said, pointing ahead where the hotel's blue sign was. Further back was the hotel itself. Kind of a weird place actually, most tourists would pick the ones near the main canals or a bit away or towards the end of the canals.

    "So I'll leave you to your vacation. Have a nice time and all that hoo-haa," he stated, picking up Abby who was in the typical pose of 'pick-me-up-please'.

    He poked her in the cheek which she imitated back at him with a coo.
  8. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Octavia Portillo // Tavia
    {Female} {24} {Nephelai, Linus, Leia, Fritz}

    "Thank you very much, Daniel." She bowed a little towards him before she finally entered the hotel to register and check in. Once she got to her room, she put her things down and laid on the bed. The room was a tad small, but it was cosy nonetheless. After laying down for a while, she stood up, rearranged her things and went to take a nice shower.

    Nephelai chirped happily as she explored her new surroundings.
  9. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }

    Alrighty then. "Let's go home guys! And hopefully avoid Mrs Brighton," he mumbled at the end, he really disliked that woman. The group made their way home, Aster and Kaylee sprinting back and forth, racing between the alley as they waited for Daniel to catch up with Abby sitting comfortably on his shoulders.

    He sighed in relief as he spotted his apartment building and quietly made his way up, Aster and Kaylee taking note of his behaviour and copied it. They quietly walked up the flight of stairs and he quickly opened the door and ushered them all into his home before closing the door. Mission success!

    He placed Abby onto the floor while Aster and Kaylee raced to the kitchen, probably to quench their thirst from their vigorous activities earlier. He released Tony who snuffled and picked up Abby who protested a bit before quieting down. "Watch them, Tones. I need a long bath," he bumped his shoulder against the croc who saluted, a grin on his face.
  10. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Octavia Portillo // Tavia
    {Female} {24} {Nephelai, Linus, Leia, Fritz}

    A nice long bath was what she needed for the time being. The boat trip had wearied her a little, and the adventure in the maze certainly did not help out. Once she was done, she dressed up in a copper brown button down blouse and dark brown capris. With a towel to her hair, she went to the window to bask in the scenery of the city. It was primarily a sea of roofs from her angle, but just some distance beyond the alleys she could see the statues of Latias and Latios, the main gateway to Altomare.

    Taking out her canvas, she started to sketch the scenery to kill some time before having a meal.

    She had also let out Leia and Linus, as they were checking the surroundings out. The Leafeon was looking intently at the movements of Octavia's hand as she sketched the outline of the views, whilst the Linoone was sitting on the window sill. To her annoyance, Octavia mocked a scolding tone. "Linus, get down from there, you'll fall!"

    This being said, she had left the window open for some fresh air to come in as she drew. At her words, Linus sprinted away from the window and invited Leia for a game of tag. Watching her Pokémon playing around, she couldn't help but smile.
  11. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }

    He stretched out, causing the water to splash over the edge a little. He frowned at it absentmindedly, meh, the floor mat will soak it up. He thought back to the incident earlier and sighed. It wasn't unwelcomed, helping someone was no big deal but the actual physical pain he felt was a huge ass deal. He scowled be forcing himself to pull himself out of the tub and pulling the plug out.

    With a quick rinse, he climbed out of the bathtub and onto the floor mat. He scrubbed himself dress and put on his clothes before walking out. He hung his wet towel on the line, in his balcony to dry it. He clapped his hands, "Alright guys, time for food!"

    His rag-tag team cheered as he pulled out their dishes and set them in the correct places and the team dug in. He smiled fondly as he prepare a cup of coffee.
  12. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Octavia Portillo // Tavia
    {Female} {24} {Nephelai, Linus, Leia, Fritz}

    After gathering just a bag containing her valuables, she, alongside her Pokémon, made their way to the hotel café for a meal. It was not very crowded, she noticed. After her order, the waitress, a plump brunette lady in her forties, returned with her meal and some food for the Pokémon as well.

    "Say, madam. What inspired the architecture from this place?" Octavia inquired.

    "Well, it is not in my department to say exact exactly what, but my great grandfather told me it had been built around the 16th century. Back then, the focus was on sculpture and grandeur. Of course, nowadays there were suggestions to modernise this place a little by enabling more roads and vehicles. But we all greatly refused. After all, it's a heritage of Altomare. "

    "It goes without saying. I hardly think the streets are big enough to accommodate cars and the like. " Octavia chided, which made the waitress laugh as well.
  13. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }

    With a hot cup of coffee, Daniel pulled out his sketch book and placed the items on his desk which was pressed against the wall. There was a scene in his head that needed to be drawn or else he wouldn't be able to get some actual shut eye which would make a horrible day tomorrow, he thought with a frown. He looked at the clock, it was only 17 05 hours and that left enough time.

    He opened his sketch book to a new page, picked up a pencil and got to drawing. Just a few more pages, he noted absentmindedly as he went through the motions, his pencil dancing on the page. A few more pages, a completed sketch book and then he'll stuff it in his studio which wasn't too far away from the main park.

    He'd also have to buy a new one, he mused.
  14. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Octavia Portillo // Tavia
    {Female} {24} {Nephelai, Linus, Leia, Fritz}

    Unknownst to their trainer, Linus and Leia were playing tag in the seemingly empty cafe, whilst Nephelai was nipping at the rest of her food. Octavia was sipping away at her drink, thinking about what she would have to endure if he had not showed up. He definitely was not the friendliest, from her first impression, and surely quite secretive. However, given he looked rather exhausted and having to deal with a stranger, it would be no surprise he acted thus.

    Taking out her sketchpad, she started drawing the cafe's scenery and her two beloved Pokémon. The waitress came over and took a look.
    "It's beautiful!"

    Octavia turned to the woman and averted her eyes. "Ahah..thank you. If...you like, you may have a seat, miss...." Octavia squinted at the name tag. "...Renata."

    Renata laughed heartily. "My, my, it's a first to be offered to sit down by a customer." She took a seat next to Octavia and watched her draw.
  15. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }

    Daniel continued sketching, the picture slowly coming to life as the dragged on. By the time he dragged himself out of his zone, he noted that that the piece was done. He stared at the whole scene and he was pleased with the out come. He nodded to himself before he felt his pants being tugged on.

    He looked down and saw Abby, eyes shining as she motioned to his sketch pad. He smiled and showed it to Abby, who gave a small chirp. It was of a little girl with a Swablu sitting atop her head, dozing off in contentment.

    Abby touched the paper before she looked back at her companion, she was always amazed that he had such talent but could understand his reasons why he chose not to share this ability of his. He placed the sketchpad away, leaving it on the table as he stood up.

    "Alrighty then," he stated, stretching, "time to clean you guys up. Let's start with Abby!" He exclaimed, picking up the little Ralts who shrieked in shock! Gah! No, bath time!!
  16. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Octavia Portillo // Tavia
    {Female} {24} {Nephelai, Linus, Leia, Fritz}

    "So where are you from?" Renata asked curiously.

    "I'm from Solaceon Town in Sinnoh, actually, but I grew up in Verdanturf Town in Hoenn." Octavia replied with a smile.

    "Ah, I see. It's rare for tourists to pick a hotel this deep inside the city."

    "I guess it is a change of pace, methinks." Octavia then stood up, packing her belongings. "I shouldn't intrude any further, for I feel I am taking up a seat for long. Have a nice day!"

    "Likewise, miss..."


    "Right. Take care, Miss Octavia!"

    Renata waved at her before going back into the kitchens. Octavia gathered her team around her and they took a walk around the hotel, looking for nearby places, and also purchased a map.
  17. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }

    Daniel laughed at the cries of Abby, who was thrashing - albeit weakly - in protest to being soaking wet. He wrapped a towel around her, being careful to avoid the tub of water, and pulled out of the bathtub and onto the floor mat. "There there now," he soothed, gently wiping the pouting Pokémon, "that wasn't so bad now."

    He gave Abby a pat on the head before letting her skip away from the bathroom. She was the only one that needed a bath, the others only needed a wipe down and a bit of brushing for Aster and Kaylee. "Kaylee! Come here," he shouted, prepping the brushes and cloth.

    The Delcatty came forward, gingerly avoiding the wet spots before sitting in front of him, chest puffed up. "Yes, you are a very pretty girl," he nodded, "time to make that fur shine, darling."
  18. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Octavia Portillo // Tavia
    {Female} {24} {Nephelai, Linus, Leia, Fritz}

    "Nephelai, Steel Wing!" Octavia called.

    "Vulpix, Fire Blast!"

    She had never thought that she would be challenged to a battle by a local trainer. Having never battles for some time, she was having a time of her life. This trainer was a young girl of around ten years old, and her enthusiasm was definitely there.


    "Quick attack!"

    With the boy's comment, Vulpix knocked the Swablu from her position in the air. With a few flaps, Nephelai made her way back up to face her opponent.

    "Peck again!"

    "Tch, fire blast again!"

    The subsequent fire blast caused Nephelai some pain, but her attack landed. The Vulpix recoiled to the damage, but stood back up, only for a few seconds before falling back down. The girl gasped in horror as she ran towards the fallen Vulpix.

    "Your Pokémon is really durable, I must say. " Octavia commented. "Sorry about that, here's something to make him feel better." She fished out a revive and handed it to the girl, who took it, but shook her head.

    "No, I want to know how are you so strong!" Her horror struck face turned to that of enthusiasm.

    "Ahah...I'm not that strong...Battling is not my strong suit, but I have battled a few times before..."

    "Wow, is there any tips to teach?" The girl sat down next to her Vulpix and applied the Revive on her.

    "I guess I can say, that you have to train a lot, but you cannot learn from me just telling you."

    "Aww...okay..." Her face fell as she stroked the Vulpix's fur, and Vulpix almost purred.

    "But don't give up. You have a good Pokémon, and she likes you a lot too." Octavia reached towards the Vulpix and petted it.

    Unbeknownst to them, Nephelai was aglow. The glow bought their attention for a moment, before it ceased. The Swablu was no longer there anymore. Instead, in her place was a large blue phoenix with cottony wings and White cheeks.

    "Oh A-Arceus!" Octavia gasped as she walked towards the bird. The girl's eyes lit up in glee. "Wow, it's amazing!!"

    The now grown Altaria hummed as Octavia stroked the bird, smiling gently. The younger girl approached her and basically sank into the cottony texture of her wings. "It's so fluffy, oh my gosh!!!"
  19. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }

    Daniel was satisfied with his team's cleanliness he settled in for the night. Abby was situated beside him, as she had claimed the spot from the beginning, Tony on the carpeted floor in front of his bed and Aster and Kaylee sleeping further down the bed, tangled together.

    There were no dreams that night for him which he actually preferred over the nightmares and vivid dreams he suffered growing up. The alarm woke him up and there was no headache to greet him in the morning which he was very happy for. He got ready; taking a quick shower and having breakfast with his companions before he picked a simple green button down shirt, vest and slacks.

    "Come on then," he stated, his messenger bag on his shoulder, "it's Monday so that means we're off to work." Tony grunted and Abby sighed before they both retreated into their pokeballs. Aster and Kaylee, on the other hand, walked out after him. No one bothered him as he made his way to work, scowling.

    He entered the museum and walked into the office, placing his bag onto his assigned desk.

    "Hey! Welcome back, Dan! How was your break?"

    "Fine, so what's the schedule? Am I touring the place first?"

    "Yes you are my disgruntled coworker!" exclaimed Jeffrey.

    Don't get Daniel wrong, Jeff wasn't such a bad guy just too much of a happy camper which is not what Daniel wants to deal with this early in the morning. "Wonderful," he deadpanned.
  20. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Octavia Portillo // Tavia
    {Female} {24} {Nephelai, Linus, Leia, Fritz}

    After the satifying walk, and that Nephelai was now an Altaria, Octavia chose the moment to take a well deserved sleep. As she dressed to get to bed, Linus and Leia were already snuggled up in the middle of the bed. Nephelai was sitting at the edge of the bed, falling asleep.

    "Oh, you guys!" She laughed as she messed around with them a little before they fell asleep eventually.


    Daylight came, and Octavia blinked blearily. Linus and Leia were snuggling close to each other, and Nephelai was singing what seemed like a morning call. "Morning, everyone."

    To Octavia's call, Linus and Leia turned to her and pounced on her, nuzzling her, before she led them all into the bathroom for a bath.
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