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Paint Bucket

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by Smooshie, Mar 2, 2015.

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  1. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }

    Daniel made sure he looked impeccable before he walked to the reception area, adjusting his uniform - a simple white shirt with plain black slacks and a bright blue tie - and making sure his badge was prominently on display. He loved the history and art of Altamore, especially the glass art! He absolutely gushes about those pieces since it is one medium he could never get the hang of.

    Aster was walking beside him, his head held high and a pleasant bounce in his step. The rest of his team were tucked away in their pokeballs since the museum had the policy of having only one small Pokémon out if necessary, and for Daniel it was definitely necessary due to his 'unfortunate condition' that results in sudden episodes in decreases of health. He was just lucky they allowed him to continue working with his condition.
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  2. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Octavia Portillo // Tavia
    {Female} {24} {Nephelai, Linus, Leia, Fritz}

    The shower session was enjoyable, to the four of them at least.

    After her shower and dressing up, Octavia had to address a complaint from the client staying in the room next to hers, for they were making too much noise. Apologetically, Octavia offered to pay for her 'neighbour' 's breakfast.

    Linus and Leia had their heads bowed as Octavia helped them to dry up. Nephelai had taken a flight outside of the window. Octavia could only hope that the Altaria would not land on someone's head and soak said person's head.
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  3. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }

    He arrived at the reception and saw a large group of children with a few adults. Ah, school trip. This he can handle. He put on a friendly smile and approached a young woman with a somewhat anxious expression. She wasn't that tall and a little cubby with strawberry blonde hair cut into a bob.

    "Hello and welcome to Altamore's museum," he greeted pleasantly, shaking the woman's hand, "I will be your tour guide. My name is Daniel O'Malley. Feel free to call me Mr. Dan."

    The woman blushed, a nervous smile on her face. "G-good morning Mr. Dan. I'm Sherry Sanderson We're from Altamore Elementary, the main branch. There are four teachers, myself included, and eighteen students."

    He nodded before he also shook hands with the other teachers who introduced themselves while giving Miss Sanderson a careful glance. She must be a new teacher or this was her first field trip. Maybe both.

    He clapped his hands, attracting the attention of the children who were paired up, "Alright! Let's get this tour started yeah?"

    The children responded positively before he led the group into the first hall.
  4. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Octavia Portillo // Tavia
    {Female} {24} {Nephelai, Linus, Leia, Fritz}

    After paying, she took out a map from her bag, and examined any interesting locations.

    "Hmm...I'd like to visit the canals, but...let's see what the museum has to offer."

    Linus and Leia cheered as they circled around her feet. Octavia walked to the entrance of the labyrinth, and swallowed an upcoming gulp. She can do this. She can do this.

    Taking a heavy step, she trudged into the maze once more, because Daniel would not miraculously appear to save her this time.

    Not that it mattered too much to her. She was just a tourist to him. No more, no less.
  5. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }
    He was grateful that the children this time were well behaved and were actually interested in Altamore's history. He grinned as he explained the story behind the piece titled, 'Reflections in the wind' which shows a wonderful view of one of Altamore's narrow canals, the waves lapping the walls as there seemed to be an invisible presence flying through although you could see a simmer of light reflected off the entity.

    His audience was hanging onto his words as he shared the details, complimenting the artist on their choice of colour for the reflective light. Aster was seated by his feet, his two-pronged tail swaying in contentment. So far, none of the children have tried to pet him so he was a happy camper.
  6. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Octavia Portillo // Tavia
    {Female} {24} {Nephelai, Linus, Leia, Fritz}

    On her way through the maze, Octavia looked up as Nephelai served as the airborne guide. Linus and Leia were playing tag with each other, rolling around, chasing each other.

    It was then Octavia realised she forgot to bring her sketching equipment. Sighing, she ran back to the hotel to retrieve it before continuing her way through. This would take yet another long day.

    However, with thanks to Nephelai's keen eyes (no pun intended), they managed to get out of the maze and started making their way into the museum. Upon arrival, Octavia couldn't hide her amazement.

    "Oh my Groudon!" She exclaimed, but she hoped no one could hear, or just take this as a normal reaction. The architecture, the paintings, everything looked like Arceus-sent gifts!

    She allowed Nephelai to roam outside, as she allowed Leia to stay by her feet. Linus was called into the Pokéball, for fear he would run into any artifacts, given he has not the best sense of direction in the world.
  7. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }
    Daniel was just as happy as the children when they reached the end of the tour which was to say somewhat drained but still joyous from the experience. He loved working at the museum since he didn't really have to memorise every story behind a painting or statue and he was to give a group five to ten minutes to a hall or small room before grouping them together and showing them another room.

    "Alright kids," he called out, "the end is here but before you leave and visit the museum's gift shop, could you do me a small favour?" he asked, pinching his index and thumb finger close together. The children reacted positively, some of them positively beaming at him, which was adorable. He really liked this group, much better than the ones from the Northern branch; now those were spoilt rascals.

    He pulled out a stack of papers from the desk - they were back at reception - and handed them out, "Could you fill out this survey? It would help the museum and myself if you answer truthfully," he explained with a smile.

    The children took out their pens or pencils and started to fill it out, whispering to their friends as they compared experiences and answers. He was pretty happy with how the whole trip carried out. Then a teacher, Miss Sanderson he recalled, approached him, a shy smile on her cherub face.

    "Thank you so much, Mr. Dan! You've made the tour so interactive and interesting," she exclaimed happily, her face positively glowing with joy.

    He smiled back at her, rubbing the back of his neck in a moment of bashfulness. He hardly ever got that kind of feedback from adults. "It was my pleasure, Miss Sanderson. The children were very well behaved. Are most of the students from the main branch this well behaved?"

    "O-oh," she stammered suddenly. She seemed more nervous all of a sudden. "Um, well, this grade has been well behaved for the trip, h-however some of the older students may not be as well behaved," she stuttered, her brown eyes looking down and to the side.

    "Well, there's no need to be apologetic for students who aren't here," he patted her shoulder lightly. Miss Sanderson really needed to work on her confidence if she was to avoid being known as a pushover teacher. Before the shy woman could reply the students started giving their surveys back to him.

    He thanked them individually, causing a few of the girls to blush cutely, and even spoke to a few who had a few more questions on the history of Altamore. He then stacked the papers properly and handed them to Mrs. Steerling behind the desk before he pointed to the museum's gift shop.

    "It's been a pleasure having you all and feel free to visit whenever you feel like it," he stated, waving goodbye to the big group.

    "You seem to be in a good mood," Mrs. Steerling mused, a sly grin on her wrinkled old face. He huffed, crossing his arms.

    "Well, the whole group were well behaved and that's already cause to be happy."
  8. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Octavia Portillo // Tavia
    {Female} {24} {Nephelai, Linus, Leia, Fritz}

    Her trip through the museum was rather uneventful, as she admired a painting here, a sculpture there. It was then she saw Daniel speaking to a group of children, before the children were led away and Daniel walked down a different direction. She noticed that Daniel was wearing a uniform. Did he work here too? It surely wouldn't be a surprise given he was a native of Altomare (or is it Altamore?).

    Octavia had wanted to go over to say hello to him, but she decided to cease her approach. He was likely busy, and it was not like she had any business to do with him anyways. She distracted herself by looking at a painting over the skyline of Altomare in the past.

    Since he was indeed working at the museum...and she a tourist...she could ask him about things like the history behind the paintings and so far. Linus looked at Octavia's thinking face and nudged her calf, before he took off in a sprint towards Daniel to get his attention.

    "Linus, no---oh Arceus...." Octavia slapped her forehead with her own palm.
  9. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }
    Daniel pushed himself off the reception counter and grinned at Mrs Steerling. "Well," he mused quite happily, "it is time to say farewell..." he trailed off when a long object darted in his peripheral view. He was surprised to see that it was a Linoone. Did the person not know that there were restrictions on allowing your Pokémon out within the museum.

    He crouched down and welcomed the Pokémon, albeit with some confusion, "now where did you come from?"
  10. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Octavia Portillo // Tavia
    {Female} {24} {Nephelai, Linus, Leia, Fritz}

    Linus nudged the welcoming hands happily and pointed his snout at Octavia who was still near the paintings. Turning back to Daniel, he gave a happy cry. Leia on the other hand stayed by her owner's feet.

    Mentally hissing at herself, she made a move towards Linus, secretly planning to cook Linus in soup for dinner that evening. Spying him, she scooped the protesting Linoone into her arms.

    "I'm sorry, he just...I... he...I..ughh...." she groaned into her palms, running out of even feeble excuses to back up for her inability to control her Pokémon. "I'm sorry, sir. I don't know what came over me...or him...I know you're busy, but I didn't think he would just..."

    She was beyond caring if she was making a spectacle of herself in front of him, all she wanted to make sure was that he got the apology needed.
  11. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }
    "Hey, hey," he stated, standing up, "it's no trouble. The only trouble would be that there's a rule of having only one Pokémon out of their pokeballs when you are inside the museum."

    He glanced at his watch and it was still early. "Do you want a tour of the museum? I'm currently free to do so."
  12. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Octavia Portillo // Tavia
    {Female} {24} {Nephelai, Linus, Leia, Fritz}

    After apologising one last time, Octavia called Linus back into his Pokéball. Leia on the other hand, gave her a little angry hiss for doing that to her fellow friend, to which Octavia gave an apologetic look. If apologies were gold, she'd be giving them away like free water.

    "Oh, no problem at all. But I really don't want to trouble you. I can help myself fine. " Octavia was secretly glad someone was able to show her around. It was not pleasant to be lost in foreign places, and she regretted not asking any of her friends to come along to Altomare with her.

    Leia looked at the other Pokémon at Daniel's feet. A fellow Eeveelution. She studied the other cautiously before looking up at her mistress, as they were about to go on a tour in the museum.
  13. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }
    "You'd be doing me a favour by letting me show you the exhibits," he stated bluntly, giving the Leafeon by her feet a glance before looking back at the tourist, "that way, I get to stay out of the back room and suffer the chatter of my co-worker."

    He gestured to the exhibit nearest to them, a simple oil painting of the Altamore gates during sunset, "Shall we?"
  14. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Octavia Portillo // Tavia
    {Female} {24} {Nephelai, Linus, Leia, Fritz}

    "O-of course! " Octavia followed Daniel, her eyes momentarily blinded by the painting in front of her. Her mmouth was agape with wonder. "It looks magnificent, the suitability of texture and colours fleshes out the scenery nicely. "

    Leia, at her feet, shook her head in disbelief for having such a master. In the meantime, she looked out for the Espeon by Daniel's feet, hoping to catch his eye, maybe a friendly hello?
  15. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }
    They travelled further into the museum, Daniel explaining the stories behind some of the pieces. Aster stayed firmly beside him, giving the occasional glance at the other trainer's Pokémon but feeling no desire to actually interact.

    "So, how are you finding Altamore so far? And how long do you plan on staying, if you don't mind my asking," he finished quickly, resisting the urge to rub the back of his neck.
  16. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    (Sorry for double posting, my internet spazzed out)
  17. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    (I've a feeling we should standardise the spelling for Altamore or Altomare. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Alto_Mare According to Bulbapedia it's altomare ^^; )

    She nodded at his explanations, eyes twinkling in interest and enthusiasm.

    "It's quite pleasant. I'd like to stay awhile. " Octavia smiled brightly in response, as she looked to him before looking at other exhibits. "A breath of fresh air, an array of new sights, a chance to meet new people. "

    Leia frowned at Aster's behaviour and decided not to probe any further. She looked around at other exhibits, also wondering where did the Altaria go.
  18. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }
    He nodded, "Different can be good, sometimes it'll help spark something even better that might even change your whole world." They both walked around the exhibitions. They stopped at a painting, it showed a large wave and a bright white ball heading towards it.

    "Altomore has changed through the years, there was an incident a few years ago that had the water leave the city. There was a huge tidal wave that was stopped by a great orb of white light that saved the city. They say that one of the Legendary Pokémon that guards this city had sacrificed its life to protect this city, as it was suppose to do."
  19. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Octavia Portillo // Tavia
    {Female} {24} {Nephelai, Linus, Leia, Fritz}

    "Oh my, that seems very interesting~! And the legendary Pokémon is...one of the two statues at the entrance of the jetty?" Octavia asked in curiousity. "L-Latio, was it?" She had shamelessly showed a local that she hadn't done enough homework about Altomare other than the fact that it was quite a recommended destination spot.

    Leia growled in disapproval at her mistress' antics. Sure, Octavia was a little too bubbly at times, but that did not cater an opportunity to look stupid. Again.
  20. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Daniel O'Malley // Daniel
    { Male } { 27 years old} { Abby, Aster, Kaylee & Tony }
    Daniel paused for a moment. The entrance of the jetty? He thought about it, frowning slightly. Was it the statue on the pier in front of the jetty's usual loading spot? Because that was one of the few places with the statues of Latios and Latias.

    "Ah, perhaps," he gave her a reassuring smile, really it was to be expected from tourists, "At least you got part of the name correct. They are Latios and Latias. There are usually a pair that guards the city but no one knows much else about them. We rarely catch glimpses of them and they are most secretive," he shrugged, there was nothing he could do about it. He was just a museum guide.

    "Shall we continue?"
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