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Tixmity Application

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by Smooshie, Sep 29, 2015.

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  1. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Welcome to the institution of Magicks and Mayhem!​
    There's a lot going on right now, so we will review you application as soon as we can.​
    The youngest student allowed into the institution is 10 years old while the oldest is 17 years old.​
    Application form:​
    Personality traits:​
    Physical Description: (Do not attach a photo here, you must describe them)​
    Physical reference: (You may attach it here; link form)​
    Starter Pokémon:​
    Type alignment:​
    Preferred House:​
    Sample text: A paragraph of your character doing something​
    Starter Pokémon choices are:​
    ~ All generation starter Pokémon
    ~ Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi and Pichu​
    ~ Murkrow, Hoothoot, Pidgey and Fletchling​
    - All starter Pokémon begin at Level 5 - ​
    *New rule: All applications must be completed before submitting
    The institution would also greatly appreciate any contribution towards the staff section.​
    (The staff are NPC, there only to help further the Rp along)​
    Staff Application​
    Name: ​
    Gender: ​
    Professor of:​
    Type Alignment:​
    Brief Personality/Background:​
    Please note: The institute would prefer to have experienced students (roleplayers) apply. One's grammar must be correct, in past tense and responses must be medium to long length.

    This is also the place to talk to the headmaster and other users outside of the roleplaying forum. Any concerns? Any questions? Please feel free to ask and we will do our best to respond promptly.

    Headmaster Galahad
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  2. shinygiratinaz

    shinygiratinaz Boats Against the Current

    Dec 18, 2013
    Name: Ellie Bast
    Age: 13
    Gender: Female
    Personality traits: Ellie is rather shy, often either lapsing into silence or speaking far too much when around other people. But when she's with somebody she trusts, like her Pokémon, she's energetic and creative in her ideas and work. She worries constantly about her grades and upcoming tests, to the point that her worries often become self-fulfilling. Because of her worries, she's quite gullible and easily pressured, and she has very little self-esteem. She is most at peace when she has order and a schedule, and breaking that schedule brings her a lot of stress. She's also definitely not a fan of breaking rules, and while she will do so if pressured, it'll fill her with guilt and worry.
    Physical Description: She's rather pale, with dark brown eyes under silver rimmed glasses and dark brown hair tied back in a long, low braid. She wears a white blouse and dark purple blazer, with grey slacks and dark purple fuzzy slippers.
    Physical reference: None yet, may try to draw her soon though
    Starter Pokémon: Fennekin (named Trixie if that's okay)
    Type alignment: Fire
    Preferred House: McAllister
    Sample text:
    Ellie sprinted down the now near-empty hall, shedding pieces of paper left and right from the mess of notebooks in her arms. Trixie ran just behind her, jumping into the air to snatch up the papers as she gave her trainer an annoyed yip.
    "Oh, I'm sorry Trixie!" Ellie gasped, trying to hold her books tighter and only losing more papers, "But it's the first day! I can't be late to my first class like last year! Everybody's gonna laugh at me!"
    Trixie gave a muffled bark in reply, her ears flicking in sympathy, before her look of annoyance came right back when she had to jump to snatch another page. The two slid over the marble flooring and around a corner before banking into a doorway and skidding to a halt in the entryway.
    "We made it!" Ellie cheered, before she noticed that she was currently standing in front of the entire class. Her face beet red, she quickly looked down and shuffled to the back of the class. She took her seat with a sigh, hiding behind her notebooks.
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  3. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    Name: Jeffrey Nyxia
    Age: 12
    Gender: male.
    Personality traits: Jeffrey is a loner. Plane and simple. He dislikes being in large groups, preferring to do his own thing. He is however a loyal and caring friend if you can crack the shell. He is also known to have a dark side when angered, which is not easy to do. In his anger he becomes a dark and cunning person. He is also known to have a cute side that is the opposite, though no one has really seen much of it...
    Physical Description: this boy has a different appearance some view as cute, others as threatening. He has average length of a navy blue color. He has one chocolate brown eye, that being his left. His other eye is damaged, turning black instead of brown, and almost always covered with a medical eyepatch. He wears rather casual outfits, typically an orange hoodie with long khakis. He can also be seen spotted in an orange and black jacket, along with black jeans.
    Physical reference: will add later.

    Starter Pokémon: treeko
    Nickname: Hanagami
    Gender: Female

    Type alignment: Grass and Water
    Preferred House: Alnwick.
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  4. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    Name: Wynne Bradley

    Age: 14

    Gender: Female

    Personality traits: Wynne is a cheerful individual. She, however, has a habit of being late for anything. Mostly due to the fact she spends too much time playing with the birds. When given a task, she would go to all lengths to accomplish it. On the other hand, she is quite an airhead, often in her own head space, especially when she starts doodling or sketching away. She has a dangerous habit of sitting on rooftops, while sketching or conversing with her Hoothoot. Her grades are relatively average, but good enough to be given a level of credit.

    Physical Description: She has sandy brown hair, usually in a messy upward ponytail and fair skin. Her eyes are a tinge of brownish-gray. Usually wearing the school uniform with Calliwell colours, if not just a beige blouse and brown knee length skirt. Her shoes usually consist of white calf length socks and brown Mary Jane shoes. http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M211d2fd261069eccffe5cc0db1b9c112H0&pid=15.1&P=0&w=300&h=300

    Physical reference: (To be added)

    Starter Pokémon: Hoothoot (Nickname: Tawny (female))

    Type alignment: Flying

    Preferred House: Calliwell

    Sample text:

    Wynne was sitting on the rooftop while looking at the bright morning sky, her sketchbook on her lap. Tawny was perched on her shoulder, asleep. The girl's eyes were fixed upon the birds flying across the sky, and a smile broke across her face with a content sigh. "How I wish I was a bird, to freely roam the skies, no chains attached--"

    Her reverie was broken by the sound of the chiming school bells. It could only mean one thing. ​
    "Oh Arceus, we're late!" At the outburst, Tawny gave an annoyed hoot, as Wynne scrambled about to get her things while getting to the nearest window. Both girl and Pokémon hurriedly bolted down the window, while accidentally letting loose a roof tile sliding off into the ground. ​
    As she made a mad dash for the classroom, students were already pouring out of the doors. Fortunately, she managed a glance of the blackboard, and made a mental note to study for that topic, provided she didn't get distracted again.​

    (I hope this is alright)​
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  5. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    Congratulations Miss Ellie Bast and Miss Wynn Bradley and a warm welcome to Tixmity, School of Magicks and Mayhem! ​
    The school is currently on holiday so now would be the best time to relax and please be patient as we get our school in order.​
    We would also advise that you keep an eye out for any updates here and on our main thread.​
    [We need to wait for more students to join]​
    Unfortunately Mr Jeffrey Nyxia your application has been rejected.​
    Thank you and have a wonderful day!​
    [ @[member="shinygiratinaz"] , @[member="Kitsune"] , @[member="Lunar-Peacle"] ]​
  6. Kitsune

    Kitsune Fox Demon of Illusion

    Sep 21, 2014
    That was a WIP. Probably should have mentioned that. Sorry. If you still wish to reject me let me know.
  7. Smooshie

    Smooshie Feebas Enthusiast

    Level 27
    Oct 31, 2014
    *New rule: All applications must be completed before submitting or else the application will be rejected.​
    You may attempt another application, @[member="Kitsune"]​
    [And I completely forgot to add my own character, whoops!]​
  8. PROJECT: Glaceon

    PROJECT: Glaceon PKMN Breeder

    Nov 26, 2015
    I'm.... scared
    Last time I tried to join an RP.... well, it's been a very long time, if that's any clue to what happened, but I think I'm ready to try again. (the necroposting rules are a bit unclear for the character apps, so I'll just try anyways...)

    Quick note: If you find any mention of a person named Morgan in there, ignore it. I changed the name of the character halfway through the writing of this post and may not have changed all the mentions.

    Application form:

    Name: Alexis Storm

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Personality traits: Alexis is.... well, very shy. She almost never talks to anyone, and when she does, she's still very quiet, being barely audible. She's diligent and smart, and spends a lot of time in the library, doing various things. She doesn't take much time for her assignments, she usually finishes them way ahead of time and starts preparing for tests way in advance. She doesn't have many friends, but she appreciates it when someone takes time to talk to her, though she does get slightly annoyed when someone is too invasive or just doesn't leave her alone. She doesn't like being alone, but she likes peace and privacy. She wants to help when she sees someone in trouble, be it homework or danger, but tends to freeze up about such pressure. Despite all this, she still manages to smile and laugh when applicable, holds a strict code of honor and keeps believing in herself. Her appearance and the fact that she spends most of her time away from sunshine started a rumor about her being a vampire, but it never caught on. She suffers from severe social anxiety.

    Physical Description: Pretty tall, about 174 cm (dunno what that is in imperial). Has short, blonde hair and grey-blue eyes, very pale skin, a few freckles around her nose, which is a bit sharp looking. She has large canines, similar to fangs. She has three different sets of the school uniform, and almost never wears anything else, though she does have jeans and a matching jacket for casual use.

    Physical reference: Don't have one right now.

    Starter Pokémon: Snivy

    Nickname: Anima

    Gender: Male

    Type alignment: Dragon and flying

    Preferred House: Ravenclaw McAllister

    Sample text: Alexis rubbed her head as she made her way down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Anima had woken her up rather rudely this morning, clearly eager to go to Herbology class. She arrived at the Great Hall, carefully making sure there was no one watching the door, and entered.

    After breakfast, she made her way to Herbology, Anima cheerfully following up, and running ahead of her to greet its friends there. Out of the two of them, her Pokémon was clearly the more social one. Even though they weren't the first there, they were still early, and Alexis used the time for her breathing exercises, which she did frequently to mentally prepare herself. Herbology was one of her more difficult classes, since she couldn't get herself a seat in the back of the class and had to stand next to someone. She was snapped out of her thoughts as someone screamed and Anima jumped on her shoulder. The origin of the shout was one of her male classmates, a rather handsome young man. He was staring at the Snivy, which just glared smugly back. A bruise on his face the shape of a Snivy's tail was clearly visible. Alexis was left without hope as Anima jumped off her and ran away, leaving her and the other student staring at each other.

    I decided that some staff would be useful

    Staff Application
    Name: Lawrence Thomson
    Age: 37
    Gender: Male
    Professor of: Potions
    Pokémon: Seviper, Umbreon
    Type Alignment: Poison and Dark
    Brief Personality/Background: Lawrence is a very normal, if very by-the book, man. He follows rules to the letter, and cannot even understand the concept of breaking them. He's very friendly, however, and helpful, and is willing to aid any students that are struggling with his classes. He comes from a lineage of mages, was raised peacefully and caringly by both his parents, graduated twenty years ago with very high marks and eventually returned to teach. A pretty boring man, all things considered.

    I don't feel ready to post this.... but I'll do it anyways..... here goes >.<
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  9. mweep

    mweep The Roaming Legendary

    Aug 7, 2015
    Application form:

    Name: Gansey
    Age: 14
    Gender: Male
    Personality traits: Self-confident, slightly arrogant, doesn't make friends well. On the inside, actually quite insecure, he hides behind a shell/shield of bluster and bravado so people don't see him for who he is. He feels exposed, feels like everyone will hate him. What Gansey want is a good friend, but he can't find one, and he struggles to approach people. He wants someone who will be friends with him, and not the airs he puts on. But he's too shy to act normally, so he believes that he will never find a friend. However, he is generally fairly popular, though the group of people that gravitate to him aren't usually the people he would like, he puts on an act for them anyways. He likes acting because he can be someone else, and spends a lot of time reading novels for the same reason. Gansey started hiding behind fake emotions at a very young age, and is thus very good at it. There's almost no way to tell what he's actually thinking or feeling. Normally he just stays under the radar, or tries to, but ends up in the center of attention because of the people who associate with him, as well as his lax personality. However, when Gansey starts working on a project, or sets his mind to something, he keeps at it feverishly, almost obsessively, not stopping until he's done.

    Physical Description: Gansey is tall, standing at 181 cm, with dirty blond hair. He wears it fairly long, about shoulder length, in a ponytail most of the time. Sometimes he just lets his hair down and ties a bandanna around his head. Gansey is decently fit from lifting heavy objects around the stage since he does so much theater, and likes to take jogs every other morning or so. His eyes are a stunning grey color, marbled with veins of lighter blue/grey. Gansey wears a school uniform(assuming there is one), but that's as formal as he gets. Assuming robes, he just throws them on over some jeans and a grey t shirt. Assuming other uniform, he typically doesn't bother to wear a tie or straighten his collar, and the clothes he wears always look a bit ruffled. Most mornings, he doesn't respond well to anything, and often looks half-awake until lunch. At this point, his hair is a mess and usually just tied back with a bandanna, and his clothes are rumpled.

    Physical reference: [Currently not applicable]

    Starter Pokémon: Murkrow
    Nickname: Grishante
    Gender: Female

    Type alignment: Dark
    Preferred House: The House of McAllister

    Sample text:

    Gansey sat crouched over one of the tables in the common room, the only light source a single flickering candle. The boy's hand worked furiously, quill scratching quietly on the curling roll of parchment. He wrote quickly and without interruption, stopping only three times: twice to dip his quill in the inkwell again, and once to scratch out a passage.
    When it was complete, Gansey wiped his quill on a sheet of scrap parchment and shoved it back into his bag, followed by his inkwell and parchment roll as he cleaned up the table. He scanned the paper quickly, gaze sliding across the many lines of his slanted script. Satisfied, the boy carefully rolled it into a tube and slid the parchment into a scroll case, shoving the tube into his too-small satchel.
    When he raised his eyes, they were lined and tired, but the burning fire of those grey eyes still remained. With a quick puff of air Gansey blew out the candle, carrying it with him as he ascended the stairs to the boy's dormitories. His feet sounded lightly on the stone steps, a quiet tip-tap tip-tap above the silence of his sleeping House.
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