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The Veil

Discussion in 'Literature Library' started by BiohazardSr, Sep 8, 2015.

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  1. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE CONTINUING. This is not actually a suicide note. I am not thinking about committing suicide. Please do not worry, the inspiration behind this all was I was wondering what my note would be like at this current point in time. If the current stresses got to much. They are nowhere near that though. If you are thinking about it, please get help from others before you do.

    This poem is long, therefore it will be sectioned up into chapters which will probably be posted irregularly. Thank you @[member="shinygiratinaz"] for being a great editor for this.

    If this is read
    I'm probably dead
    Hopefully, not to soon

    My neck on a wire
    Or by someone's ire
    Most likely my fault too

    Why? You might be asking
    Who? You're probably wondering
    The fault all lies on me

    My answer will be vast,
    And written in the past
    So for now we'll let it be

    This is MY last note after all;
    My mind and heart shall speak true
    So dear ones, both big and small
    I want to speak about everyone one of you

    My life, my heart, my fucking mind
    All have been altered by those listed
    For better or worse, through the daily grind
    I end it all so twisted

    To give you a glimpse of my self doubting mind
    Each description will not be named
    You may think your bio is easy to find
    But nobody's doubt is tamed

    Shall we begin?
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  2. Absolute Zero

    Absolute Zero The second seal

    Level 19
    Mar 17, 2015
    Smart move, putting that disclaimer at the top. Would have gotten kind of tense in here otherwise.

    One clever thing I noticed in this poem (which may have even been an accident, in which case you're so clever you're doing it even if you're not trying) is your choice of metering. First half is four stanzas of three lines each, second half is three stanzas of four lines each. And still, with the unmatching number and length of stanzas, you have made available a very clear halfway point. There's even a nice thematic shift at that point, like you have two separate serial poems that mesh so well together. The first half-poem is me asking what I'm reading and why, second half-poem is you telling me what I'm reading and why. It all paints a very pleasing and cohesive image.

    I really only have one and a half small complaints here. First is that the sixth and seventh stanzas both make use of the same -ind rhyme back to back and both use "mind" in that rhyme. I understand this is all about a psychological pain and mind is a necessary word, but using it to almost rhyme with itself kinda threw me off a bit. Second, the half-complaint, is in the sixth stanza, my "fucking mind". I totally understand the choice of words to add impact to the pain and difficulty of it all, but some readers might see it as a cop-out easy way to add more emotion. I for one would have done something like "my own mind" or "my singular mind", something to emphasize the "mine, mine, mine" you have going on. "These are my problems, not yours! Sure, the word choice makes my problems seem a little smaller now, but I'm making sure you realize that they're not yours or anyone else's, but mine alone". But that's just a half-complaint, a stylistic choice to be made by the poet.

    In a way, despite the stresses and misery that go into motivating something like this, I'm still looking forward to the subsequent entries. Keep up the good work, unless you don't feel the urge, in which case... that's also good?

    (sorry if you don't want comments in the thread, I'm okay with you getting a mod to delete this if you don't want comments here)
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  3. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    Naw man it's cool. I like your points and compliments even though I don't understand a lot of the things you are saying. I should probably clarify/explain a few things. I am not a poet, or even a story teller. This is a first for me, and even a bit of a surprise that I would suddenly do this, but I found the urge and the words. I'm surprised I still have the ability to continue it. Usually I'll start and then stop, not even able to force myself. But yeah. Something else that should be said is that one of the reasons I wrote it and it's written like this is because it's helping with my stress. It probably won't have much of a proper structure or wording. The way I write it, and the words I use are how it felt most comfortable and relieving (if that's the right word to use). Now don't worry, I'll definitely make it sound the best I can, but it's probably going to sound improper. However I will keep in mind what you said. Thank you kindly for the words
  4. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    The first of which I speak of
    Seems misguided most
    Behind the bright exterior
    Hides a worried ghost

    A level of cleverness
    Rivaled by a few
    Yet only celebrates others
    Which leads him askew

    Walking towards greatness
    Where he will explore the sky
    But still kept grounded
    By himself through others eyes

    Quick to praise others
    To the point of exhaustion
    Yet hides his own feats
    For the fear of corruption

    To the one with little pride
    My last words to you
    Fret not on pleasing the most
    Walk in your own shoes

    Have faith in your own willpower
    And march to spot one
    You've proven yourself to us
    Now stand up and run

    Don't be stalled by my passing
    I took an easy path out
    I paid the 30 silver
    But don't you follow this route
  5. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    The second one chosen
    Lays lost in fables
    Led by envious lust
    They're not quite stable

    With false tears and ire
    She tears into all
    When a problem arises
    Someone will fall

    These words I have written
    Mark her soul wicked
    Although her intentions
    Are much less twisted

    Motivated by love
    But blinded by greed
    Her heart is tied to him
    Never to be freed

    Many despise her
    Fearing puppets on strings
    Many are blinded
    Seeing only a fling

    The solution to be learned
    From this dead man's advice
    Let go of your desire
    Or else pay its price

    Your beauty will bring many
    So fear not of spite
    Make sure of their intentions
    You'll find one who's right

    And the veil has been lifted
  6. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    The third of those written
    One known to excel
    His body is stubborn
    His head is as well

    He bends not for others
    Like an elder elm
    But if there's one stronger
    He'll be overwhelmed

    Unable to adapt
    Or just unwilling
    So all his problems
    Are self fulfilling

    Yet with all that grit
    Lies a warm heart
    A wonderful soul
    A work of art

    And like a sculpture
    Of flesh and bone
    There's still more to chisel
    Out of this stone

    With every challenge
    The shape is made
    Then given detail
    With a little aid

    And soon, perfection
    Cleaned of all dust
    While I'm in the dark
    Left there to rust
  7. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    The next to walk in
    I find her puzzling.
    Some call her lovely;
    I call her troubling.

    The puppet master,
    Holding strings without ends;
    With marionettes,
    That I don't trust as friends.

    Or a spider queen,
    Weaving your web of lies;
    Entangling all,
    Using us like lost flies.

    Whatever the case,
    I suspect nothing good.
    A hidden motive,
    A viper in a hood.

    With looks of disdain,
    And a critical tone,
    Yet not towards others;
    Reserved for me alone.

    And with all that spit,
    I call her a friend still,
    For doubt still haunts me.
    Should I wish her ill will?

    While I tie my noose,
    I see all my mistakes;
    Did my mind blind me?
    Did I cause my disgrace?

    And the veil has been lifted
    ✯Ho-OhLugia✯ likes this.
  8. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    While I continue to fail
    In both body and mind
    There's one all but forgotten
    The worst to leave behind

    Greatness in both soul and wits
    I'm glad to call her friend
    She tried to save me from sin
    Until the very end

    Filled with compassion and pride
    With a touch of hardass
    And she is quick on the draw
    From a tongue spilling sass

    However she is human
    And therefore far from perfection
    Because some she gives too much
    And others can't find affection

    When with those who are loyal
    She'll give them her all
    To the point of exhaustion
    And risking a fall

    When next to those she abhors
    She speaks with malice
    Vicious in both words and tone
    She's viewed as callous

    Despite her strong emotions
    I will love her still
    For her smile kept me warm
    And bolstered my will
  9. Ryan Smith

    Ryan Smith Animation Writer

    Jul 28, 2013
    I'd like to point something out for you.

    If the title of any work of literature makes me want to check it out, it's box-office material. I usually don't read much and I skip maybe 99 of 100 titles. Yours was in the 1% that got my attention. I didn't know what I was about to read, but that title is brilliant. :)
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  10. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    There's only one man
    That rivals the third in pride
    But instead refutes
    All his flaws in others eyes

    Excusing his faults
    Claiming them to have been just
    When given critique
    He responds with disgust

    Surrounded by fools
    They put him high on a stand
    Obscuring all help
    A twisted tomb made of sand

    Buried far beneath the surface
    Where he hides from his mistakes
    But not locked away forever
    For patience is what it takes

    Those pillars in the sand
    Will soon be nothing but dust
    But those who keep loyal
    Stay sturdy through time and rust

    They act as a paved road
    To assist in his travels
    But only he may walk
    And then trudge through the gravel

    Step by step and every movement
    The sand begins to settle
    And while you start your flight
    I fall like a spring petal
    ✯Ho-OhLugia✯ likes this.
  11. mweep

    mweep The Roaming Legendary

    Aug 7, 2015
    This... is art. This is beautiful. It's like a fragile wire stretched taut to the point of breaking, like a delicate glass sculpture on the verge of tipping.
    I... strange as it is, this has provided me with inspiration for my own life.
    Thank you... for sharing your words
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  12. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    Thank you kindly for the comment. Not gonna lie, I wasn't expecting this kind of reaction, but I dig it. As I've said before, I'm not the poetic type, so to this kind of reaction to my work is very lovely
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  13. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    Even the darkest minds
    Have a hidden light
    But for some souls it's why
    I'm losing this fight

    The intention for good
    Can lead you to hell
    Their purpose was to guide
    But that's why I fell

    He who tried for order
    Put rage in my head
    Then tried beating it out
    But fanned the flames instead

    She who wanted control
    Put chaos in place
    A conscious turned maelstrom
    But a smiling face

    In the eye of the storm
    Holds a boy in tears
    For those who surround him
    Are his greatest fears

    And so today I stand
    I'm speaking to you
    Still drowning in sorrow
    Still a shade of blue

    My love for you is forced
    Designed and imposed
    But these thorns are still sharp
    On this plastic rose
    ✯Ho-OhLugia✯ likes this.
  14. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    Fire burns strong
    And it glows for man
    A tool for life
    Making art from sand

    Using his skills
    He always survives
    Still marching on
    To see the sun rise

    Fate found his goal
    And shields him from loss
    Until the end
    Where he'll drown in doss

    Fire burns strong
    And can engulf men
    A dual edged sword
    A path to the end

    Irony is cruel
    And for some it's grim
    All things have a price
    So his skills betray him

    His body breaking
    The timer ticks away
    With an unknown end
    So let's count down the days

    Fire in a man
    Symbolizes his soul
    Stays strong from his will
    But burns quicker than coal
  15. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    The Final Stand

    If this is read
    I'm probably dead
    Now free to roam the stars

    A bullet to the head
    The floor painted red
    But now I'll wander far

    A life full of spite
    My soul is without light
    But my name will live on

    This story is now closed
    A book full of woes
    But my tale shall see dawn

    "Why stop it here?"
    My light is away
    "Why not get help?"
    I will never say

    I've reached my stop
    A journey full of climbs and falls
    My path was rather short
    And I hear my final call

    I leave this world to you all
    The people I've loved and feared
    For I'll still see your smiles
    Behind this veil of tears
  16. Iridescent Isabelle

    May 1, 2016
    You asked me to read this so here we go.

    The rhyming scheme changed between the first post and the rest. Like Zero said, it was smart to use the shift in metre to also make a twist (or was it the other way around?).
    You seem to use rhyming half of the time. Sometimes stuff rhymes, sometimes not. I'm still undecided whether this was meant to be or not. But that's okay. The reader is never supposed to know all what was meant. Own interpretation is important, too.

    It was really smart to use the scheme of the first set also in the last.

    All in all: your language use is gorgeous. For a couple posts, it seemed like you were listing people, yet I was not sure who it is. I've read the reactions people had to your work. If you wished to, you could write really inspirational work, to encourage those who feel neglected, depressed, or otherwise alone. Your language would be perfect for that. Occasionally, I saw glimpses of the hope you could install in this poem already.

    Great work. Keep on writing.


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  17. Pokémist

    Pokémist Trashcan

    smol heart
    Level 1
    Nov 28, 2015
    Tapunium Z ★★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    I am not going to pick out your good and bad because i am not good at writing as compared to that greatness and hence does not have any right to say something. Whole poem is great and ending is awesome. You really did the great work. Awesome!
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