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First Gen Shenanigans

Discussion in 'Other Pokémon Games' started by Pixel, Dec 27, 2015.

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  1. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    OK, so it was announced that, on February 27th, a bunch of stuff relating to the 20th anniversary of Pokémon will be released. This news has only been for Japan so far, but it is expected to make a release internationally.

    First up, we have a set of four Nintendo 2DS consoles. There will be one for each version of the game, and each console will match the colour of the titular Pokémon game pre-installed onto it. Much like the ORAS 2DS bundle, these consoles will be made of clear plastic, allowing for a cool, techy feel to the console. Each console comes with one version of the first generation Pokémon games, a theme featuring sprites pasted onto a background of the colour matching the console, and a special Mew event for XY and ORAS as well as receiving a ticket for a Mew event in their copy of Pokémon RGBY. The Pokémon Blue 2DS bundle is exclusive to Pokémon Centers in Japan (for Japanese customers) and comes with a special disc featuring all the Pokémon cries when pre-ordered. The file size for each of the titles is 11MB, or 88 data blocks using the consoles' data storage method.

    Next up, as mentioned above, there will be a Mew event for XY and ORAS, which will be coupled as a serial code with copies of RGBY bought as console bundles. It is unknown if this event will be released separately or if it comes with digital downloads of the games when bought regularly from the eShop.

    Finally, a faceplate for the New Nintendo 3DS has been announced that is themed around the first generation games. It is a whirte faceplate with the spritework from Pokémon Red and Green.

    EDIT: According to [member='thunder2910'], who read it on Polygon's Facebook page, there will be a re-printing of all the first set Pokémon cards. However, there is no hard evidence as of yet, so this is just a rumour.

    All information was sourced from Serebii.net
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  2. LostSpirit

    (Oddish (J))
    Level 21
    Aug 5, 2014
    Ahhhhhhhh! I'm so excited for the 20th anniversary!

    Also, I'm super into that first gen stuff so I'm ecstatic!
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  3. Absolute Zero

    Absolute Zero The second seal

    Level 19
    Mar 17, 2015
    20 years? Huh, I guess that does sound just about right.

    I'm not about to buy one of the 2DS, but I might pick up one of the non-yellow games from eshop.

    I think I might have a legit Mew from somewhere... but I am totally doing everything in my power to get another! I just hope I don't have to push a truck...
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  4. Megarai111

    Megarai111 Elizabeth 3rd

    Dec 23, 2014
    February 27th? Aww damn, why couldn't they do it two days before that, that would be so much better for me...
    Yeah! Pokémon's 20th birthday! I totally forgot about that.
    Sounds like Japan's getting some pretty sweet things. I hope they do events like that outside Japan too!
    I also look forward to playing one of the remastered Kanto games. That would be my first time playing through the region (aside from Heartgold. No, I have never played FireRed or LeafGreen).
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  5. thunder2910

    thunder2910 Black Belt

    Dec 20, 2013
    I saw it on Polygon's facebook page, apparently they're reprinting the original TCG for Japan, it would be cool if they did that for the rest of the world, if this is news is actually true o3o
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  6. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Isn't everyone? The fact that they're finally releasing an actual Pokémon game on the eShop is just so hype~ I've even been playing Pokémon Crystal on my phone to get used to that Gameboy feeling, but not to spoil any Gen I shenanigans I run into.

    Yup, 20 years. Since the Japanese release, of course, but 20 years nonetheless. I think the 2DS is marketed at young children, since it doesn't have 3D, and they're starting to follow a pattern now. So far, every main-series Pokémon game to be release on the 3DS (XY, ORAS and now RGBY) have been coupled with the 3DS, and since themes were introduced, have come with an exclusive theme based on the game. This makes sense, since children like flashy things, and they also tend to lose game carts, so the games are pre-installed to make their, and their parents', fears of losing games time and time again non-existent. They haven't actually said how the Mew event would work with the Gen I games, but it says you get a "ticket", so I'm assuming it's either an in-game Mystery Gift or they've coded in a ticket for a new area in-game, that can be accessed by the SS Anne, that takes you to where you can catch Mew. But the Mew for the 3DS is only being distributed on one day, February 27th, which makes it seemingly a Wi-Fi event, since it'd be impossible to stock multiple gaming boutiques with enough codes to supply thousands of Pokémon fans in just one day.

    Yeah, Japan often gets exclusive merchandise. You could go and buy it, but unless you can read and understand Japanese, it's pretty worthless to go and buy a Japanese gaming console :sweat:
    But yeah, I'm excited to play them too! I've played Red and Yellow before (so I'm getting Blue), and I've played both FireRed and LeafGreen, but those were all on emulator. This is, technically speaking, a real experience!

    OK, thanks for that! Since that comes under what I define as "First Gen Shenanigans", I'll add it above and credit you. I'm pretty sure it's true, because you're not the first person I've heard say it, but I'll still put a disclaimer
  7. Strytho

    Strytho Giveaway Enthusiast

    Xerneas Egg
    (Xerneas Egg)
    Level 8
    Sep 10, 2015
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    FINALLY I can reclaim my blue version. I might get the others too though just so that I can trade back and forth. I wonder how much these'll cost though. Hopefully not the $40 I paid back in the day.
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  8. Pixel

    Pixel Aether Child

    Level 16
    Nov 16, 2014
    Ice Stone ★★★★Lucarionite ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Decidium Z ★★★★★Galladite ★★★★
    According to various results from Google, they'll be about $10 each. This seems to make sense because they're not like other VC releases. I know for a fact that any game I've already downloaded for VC does not have multiplayer functions, but this one does, and I think it might be the first. I'm even inclined to say that it's not a VC release, but a port with updated features.
  9. Hraesvelgr

    Hraesvelgr Snek in Your Boot

    Zapdos Egg
    (Zapdos Egg)
    Level 21
    Aug 2, 2014
    Trainer Card - Cave ThemeDragon Fang ★★★★Philosopher's CowlWater Stone ★★★Great Ball ★★
    I'm really looking forward to this, I wanna replay the first games so badly but I need a ton of batteries for my old brick before I can play 'em again and I also don't remember where I put it lol.
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  10. ✯Ho-OhLugia✯

    ✯Ho-OhLugia✯ Pokemon Masters

    Dec 12, 2014
    Hmm, finally, I can play one of the Generation 1 Games! I wasn't born around that time so obviously, I couldn't play them, and I was too young to play Fire Red and Leaf Green. Other than HeartGold/SoulSilver, this will be my first experience to the authentic Kanto region!
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