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The Tarots(Character Sign up and Discussion thread)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by Aiko, Sep 6, 2016.

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  1. Aiko

    Aiko Anti-Shadow Weapon

    SS Egg #2
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 36
    Mar 7, 2016
    Lure Ball ★★★★Friend Ball ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Ultra Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Hello and welcome to The tarots! This is a role play about people that have gained special powers from Tarot cards! If you are in possession of one of the 22 tarot cards, you will have magnificent powers! The two kingdoms Sefal and Nuhan have been neighbors for generations, but suddenly, Sefal attacks Nuhan and they are now at war. It is up to the Tarots to stop the war and find out why Sefal attacked Nuhan!

    Everyone will have one Tarot card and if a tarot card is already taken, no one else can have it. I know there are a lot of cards, it is just so there is variety, if a lot of people want to join (10 or more) I will change the story around a little. For any powers that you decide,I will have to check them to make sure they aren't too overpowered
    The Fool-Can control Ice and make Ice spells-Taken by AzurAurora
    The Magician-Can control Fire and make Fire spells
    The high Priestess-Can Use healing spells-Taken by Tonochi(me)
    The Empress-You can decide the power
    The Emperor-You can decide the power-Taken by Fantasma
    The Heirophant-You can decide the power
    The Lovers-You can decide the power
    The Chariot-Can control the Earth and make Earth Spells
    Strength-Is really strong, can also talk to animals
    The Hermit-Can control Lightning and make lightning spells-Taken by TheeDrGetus
    Wheel of Fortune-Can control ice fire lightning and earth, but is unable to decide which is used (If you pick this, I will explain in detail of how this works more)-Taken by Baroque
    Justice-Has lightning fast agility, is also able to detect the presence of anyone is a room
    The hanged man- Can levitate and make other people float-Taken by Cadberry
    Death-Can Summon 3-4 beasts(you can decide what this means) that can attack
    Temperance-Can paralyze someone for long amounts of time, is also able to read someones mind
    The Devil-Can breathe underwater and is invincible to flames-Taken by toxic
    The Tower-Can become invisible for an undetermined amount of time
    The Star-Can teleport anywhere in their sight
    The Moon-Can talk to the dead, can talk to people from long distances-Taken by Lunar-Peacle
    The Sun-You can decide the power
    Judgement-You can decide the power
    The World- You can decide the power

    [SIZE=12.6667px]Full name:[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Nickname: [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Currently lives:[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Weight: [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Hair color:[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Eye color: [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Weapons/Offensive equipment:[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Items/Defensive equipment:[/SIZE]

    Full name: Selan Masari
    Nickname: N/A
    Gender: Female
    Birthday: March 29th
    Currently lives: Nuhan
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 125 pounds
    Hair color: Black
    Hairstyle:Curly, Long
    Eye color: Blue
    Picture(if needed):http://imgur.com/Yw3JyDw
    Weapons/Offensive equipment:A broadsword
    Items/Defensive equipment:Light armor
    Personality: Shy, quiet, dismissive, nice once she knows you
    Likes:Food, animals, cute things
    Dislikes: spicy things, death, fire
    Strengths:Can get really focused, almost too kind
    Weaknesses: close Combat, Fast Reactions
    Card:The High preistess
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  2. Morgaine

    Morgaine Goddess of Shinies

    (Litleo ♀)
    Level 3
    May 1, 2016
    Crown of ValorSoothe Bell ★Heart Scale ★★Ice Stone ★★★★
    Full name: Enya Xanda
    Nickname: Nya
    Gender: Female
    Age: 22
    Birthday: May 25
    Currently lives: Sefal
    Height: 5'7" or 170cm roughly
    Weight: 65 kg
    Hair color: Silver
    Hairstyle: braids that lead into a high ponytail
    Eye color: icy blue

    Weapons/Offensive equipment: Twin daggers, Hinode and Higure
    Items/Defensive equipment: Leather knee high boots that are reinforced. She wears gloves to protect her hands from getting cut by her own daggers and wears durable clothing that is hard to be cut.
    Personality: She is a bit cold, but likes to test her skills. She respects strong fighters and those that stand up for their beliefs. She cuts as well with her tongue as with her blades. But if she likes you she is very protective.
    Likes: the night, the stars, the sound of the wind howling, the sounds of rain
    Dislikes: poisonous plants, berries and mushroom spores

    Agile fighting style, harder to hit
    fast reactions
    Can manipulate Ice
    Can make durable shields from the ice

    Long ranged fights
    Fire, it makes her ice melt
    Very heavily armored opponents, daggers aint work well against that
    Card: The Fool
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  3. Getus

    Getus The Senate

    (Kyogre Egg)
    Level 18
    Apr 4, 2016
    Philosopher's CowlReaper Cloth ★★★Psychium Z ★★★★Great Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Full name: Nerus Noxious
    Nickname: Double N or Mad N
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Birthday: August 15th
    Currently lives: Nuhan
    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 65kg
    Hair color: Black with a stripe of blue down the middle
    Hairstyle: Long hair down to his waist that starts flat until it begins to spike up at the back of his head to his waist.
    Eye color: 'Electric' Blue
    Weapons/Offensive equipment: Uses a bow that can be considered mechanical in looks. The bow is made out of a metallic substance that is colored red, which can be straightened out into a staff that allows him to battle close range, despite preferring attacking from long range. Also he uses arrows that allow him to conduct lightning, using them to get his ability from point a to point b. A common strategy he uses is by covering his arrow in lightning, firing it then allowing the lightning to discharge into multiple small spears that scatter in all directions.
    Items/Defensive equipment: Has armor plating on his shoulders, elbows and knees as well as gauntlets and boots on his hands and feet. These also act as offensive as he can combine them into his fighting style. Also as a precaution he has a metallic mask covering his lower face. Otherwise he wears clothe-like gear.
    Personality: Considered as a wild card because of his unpredictable personality he can appear exuberant outside of conflict but can be calculating and manipulative when some form of conflict appears, either physical or mental. Nerus is also rather possessive of his gear, especially his bow. This, combined with his low attention span outside of battle (which can lead to him day dreaming outloud) has made some give him the name "Mad N"
    Likes: His weapon, training, Lightning, Food of all kind and adventure
    Dislikes: Traitors, those that attempt to touch his equipment with his permission, people who are pro-war and laziness.
    1. Has fast reflexes
    2. professional in spear or staff combat, and long range archery
    3. control of lightning (Able to use it as simple bolts or manipulate it into various shapes and wrap it around his body to give himself a speed boost (This also harms him in the process) or around his arrows to create surprise assaults
    4. can think of a plan on the fly and
    5. great accuracy.
    6. Manipulative in the way that he will play with his opponents mind to make them lose focus
    1. Earth, due to it's ability to dull the effects of his lightning if not block it altogether.
    2. While calculating in combat he can still be impatient.
    3. Combatants faster than him, little as they are due to his control of lightning.
    4. Has no qualms about using his own body as a weapon, leading to potential injuries.
    Card: The Hermit
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  4. BaroqueGrimoire

    BaroqueGrimoire The Aureate Sorcerer

    (Mew Egg)
    Level 1
    Sep 6, 2016
    Blue Orb ★★★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Dawn Stone ★★★★Gardevoirite ★★★★Star Piece ★★★★
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Full name: Valentino Castiglioni[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Nickname: Len[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Gender: Male[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Age: 20[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Birthday: September 18th[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Currently lives: Sefal[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Height: 1.78 m[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Weight: 66 kg [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Hair color: Brown[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Hairstyle: Wavy, reaches to shoulders and bangs cover both eyes[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Eye color: green[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Weapons/Offensive equipment: Dual wielded steel Chakrams "Hope" and "Despair", and a large crystalline halo-like ring floating behind or around him (can rotate like a circular saw and conduct elemental magic).[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Items/Defensive equipment: Durable armour plating on shoulders, chest, and shins. [/SIZE]Wears durable clothing underneath his armour. He also dons leather gloves as well, but only for the sake of appearance. The floating ring, too, can be used to block attacks, albeit only from certain angles.
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Personality: Due to his ability to unpredictably use any one of four elements, Len has been shunned by his native village. This lack of interaction with people combined with constant elemental instability has caused him to develop a form of multiple personality disorder, leading to erratic behaviours and conversations with his other "selves". All of them glorify Fate as the Goddess that protects them. Regardless, he is very loyal to his allies.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Likes: Sweets, Pain, Tea, Blood, Magic[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Dislikes: Boredom, repetitiveness, manipulative people [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Strengths: [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Can use 4 types of elemental magic[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Good reflexes [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]knows how to move about quickly on all fours[/SIZE]
    Apt at both close combat and long-range battles

    [SIZE=12.6667px]No control over which element is used.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Tends to argue with himself a lot[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Has trouble planning ahead[/SIZE]
    sometimes a bit feral and lacks understanding of others' emotions

    [SIZE=12.6667px]Card: Wheel of Fortune[/SIZE]
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  5. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    (Something mucked up my bio so here it is again)
    Full name: Amaryllis Del Bosque
    Nickname: Ryllis
    Gender: Female
    Age: 20
    Birthday: October 10
    Currently lives: Nuhan
    Height: 167cm
    Weight: 55kg
    Hair color: Hazel brown
    Hairstyle: Short and wavy, down to the shoulders
    Eye color: Dark grey
    Weapons/Offensive equipment: A silver battle axe with a long handle, but the blade shaped to cut both wood and skin alike. The blade forms a crescent shape.
    Items/Defensive equipment: Leather boots, vest and gauntlets. Black gloves only when in battle and using her axe.
    Personality: A hard worker, she gives her best most of the time, though sometimes when it's something she's very much against, she would just do it "for the sake of getting it done". She however, has a poor attention span meaning she cannot focus on something for too long without falling asleep Enjoys the respite of naps, as a result, she usually keeps to herself. However, she is open to making allies when the need arises, and would gladly put her best foot forward. Prefers animals to humans for company. For her fellow Major arcana comrades, she sometimes refer to them as their card names. Often looks out for others' wellbeing.
    Likes: Night time scenery, Naps, nighttime walks, books, nocturnal animals, forest scenery.
    Dislikes: Sour foods, Loud noises, crowds, disrespectful acts to the dead, people who are manipulative, bright lights
    1. Good night vision and navigation skills
    2. Can communicate with the dead/far away
    3. Firmly loyal to her allies.
    4. Can strategise to an extent. (Not quite battle strategy, more so to positioning and locations.)
    5. Intuitive in a way.

    1. Not the best reflexes in a battle that isn't one-on-one
    2. She can get wary about people's perception on her ability.
    3. Tires easily when using her ability more than twice a day. (the further a person is or the longer a person has died, the harder it is for her to establish communication)
    4. Poor attention span.
    Card: The Moon
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  6. Fantasma

    Fantasma ♃☿♄

    (Cubone (Alolan))
    Level 1
    Sep 19, 2014
    Trainer Card - Cave Theme
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Full name: Jose Hierro[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Nickname: N/A[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Gender: male[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Age: 24[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Birthday: April 4[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Currently lives: Sefal[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Height: 1.80 m || 5'9[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Weight: 64 kg[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Hair color: brown[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Hairstyle: short spiky hair[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Eye color: brown[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Weapons/Offensive equipment: A sword named "Santa Maria" , its grip has the chape of a cross and it has a "squaring the circle" symbol engraved on the blade on both sides.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Items/Defensive equipment: He can turn his body into Iron.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Personality: he is a cold and calculative man, is hard for him to express love or affectance but [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]he will do whatever it takes to protect his allys. He is a careful person but when he gets angry he can be really impulsive and do things he will later regret doing.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]He likes to learn new things and want to know more about the cards. He will do whatever it takes to accomplish his goals and he will stand forwhat he believes until the end.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Likes: Exploring, his sword, magic[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Dislikes: liars, when people dont follow the plan[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Strengths:Agile, Fast Reflexs, lightweight armor, master swordman. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Weaknesses: can be impulsive in his actions, cannot use his ability while made of metal, his armor its his own body so if it gets damaged he also gets hurt.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Card: The Emperor - (Transforms organic matter into iron and transforms metal into carbon by touching it with the hands, once something is transformed it cannot being turned back to its original form (the only exception to this is the body of the user) )[/SIZE]
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  7. Cadbberry

    Cadbberry Dad: 76.... Or Cad: 76

    (Eevee (KS))
    Level 12
    May 25, 2014
    Marshadium Z ★★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Mewnium Z  ★★★★★
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Full name: Aurora Miu[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Nickname: Aurora[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Gender: Female[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Age: 19[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Birthday: December 4th[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Currently lives: Sefal[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Height: 4' 9"[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Weight: 84 pounds[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Hair color: Light Blue[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Hairstyle: Longer outgrown bob [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Eye color: One eye blue, one eye purple/lavender[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Picture: [/SIZE]http://toyhou.se/541793.aurora-miu
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Weapons/Offensive equipment: Can clip her two arm feather wings together into a bow and launches feather like arrows.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Items/Defensive equipment: No defensive armor, has to stay at a distance to launch arrows and if she does get in a stick situation she floats herself away.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Personality: Really bubbly and teasing like, does her best to put a positive spin on everything though she can quickly turn everything against herself [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Likes: Nature, Birds, People, Jokes, the Spotlight[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Dislikes: Conflict, negativity, storms[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Strengths: Quick, strategic, positive, floating [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Weaknesses: Weak in hand to hand combat, can break down on her self easy, can't handle extreme stress, when allowing others to float sometimes they dont come down and she blames her self for those losses[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Card: The Hanged Man[/SIZE]
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  8. Toxic

    Toxic Idk I'm bored

    Lugia Egg
    (Lugia Egg)
    Level 3
    Nov 21, 2012
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Full name: Katsu Hatoyama[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Nickname: Kat[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Gender: Male[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Age: 19[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Birthday: December 1st[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Currently lives: Sefal[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Height: 6'1[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Weight: 160 lbs[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Hair color: Dyed purple with black streaks[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Hairstyle: Long hair. Hair is parted to the left side and covers his left eye.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Eye color: Brown[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Weapons/Offensive equipment: Katana. He likes to come up behind enemies when approaching them.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Items/Defensive equipment: He doesn't have a defensive weapon. He much prefers holding only one item.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Personality: Very loud and obnoxious. He might seem quiet at first, but once you get to know him he'll start to show his loud side. Do not anger him as he will attempt to execute you.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Likes: Action films, sushi, chicken, cute girls.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Dislikes: People who think they know everything, being told what to do.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Strengths: Very quick, able to climb up walls, smart[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Weaknesses: Doesn't get along with people that well, takes a while to use ability.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Card: The devil[/SIZE]
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  9. ShireHime

    (Meowstic ♀)
    Level 54
    May 16, 2016
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Tapunium Z ★★★★★Crown of Valor
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Full name: Arisha Kaguyomi[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Nickname: Aris[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Gender: Female[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Age: 19[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Birthday: September 17[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Currently lives: Nuhan[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Height: 5'7[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Weight: 59 kg[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Hair color: Pastel Pink[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Hairstyle: Loops from each side of her hair come out, and wavy, slightly curled hair flows through her shoulders and the back of her neck.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Eye color: Royal Blue [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Weapons/Offensive equipment: A chain or a whip that is found at her waist. Using her abilities, she can extend it further.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Items/Defensive equipment: She isn't a fan of any heavy armors as it hinders her flexibilty, so she just has her clothing.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Personality: She is a cheerful girl, but sometimes she could be judgmental to other people. She usually acts elegantly like nobles. She is also very vengeful, especially if someone takes away someone she cares about.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Likes: Meteor Showers, stars, desserts, food, clothing, metal and animals[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Dislikes: Beasts, people who act bossy, a person who is not alert to their surroundings, and uncooperative people[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]1. Can make her chain extend using her abilities.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]2. Quick, flexible, nimble and agile, and is quite skilled in hand to hand combat.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]3. Always trusts and cares about allies.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]4. She can lie so much that lie detectors always fail when she lies[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]5. Can use any metal around her[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]1. Easily distracted if an ally gets injured.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]2. Her emotions sometimes hinder her critical thinking.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]3. Since she trusts her allies so much, she cannot bear the thought of someone backstabbing her.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]4. She is not the smartest girl on the universe.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]5. She cannot control a lot of metal at the same time.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Card: The Empress (Can control metal around her, evident by how she uses her chain. Her powers can also turn metal into carbon when touching it, and she could also turn whatever she touches into metal. She can also easily lie to people without them doubting that she is lying)[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px](I made the abilities close to The Emperor card since they're pretty much the same)[/SIZE]
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  10. Aiko

    Aiko Anti-Shadow Weapon

    SS Egg #2
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 36
    Mar 7, 2016
    Lure Ball ★★★★Friend Ball ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Ultra Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Just a heads up, character sign ups are closed. We are still waiting on the 10th and final person to post, but no one else will be accepted into the RP.

    Also, the RP thread is up! It includes the lore and this is where we'll be roleplaying.
  11. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    Well since Baro is out, I guess I'm in.

    Full name: Roy Flynt

    Nickname: Roy
    Gender: Male
    Age: 26
    Birthday: December 31st
    Currently lives: Sefal
    PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Roy is a tall lanky man. Rough look of him: http://imgur.com/a/rduG7
    Height: 6'3"
    Weight: 170 lbs
    ESC: He is in fact blind. In order to become the person he is, he has trained to use his other senses to help him through this world. That and some help from his summons. The mark of his Tarot lies on his forehead in the form of a red triquetra
    Weapons/Offensive equipment: He fights primarily with his summons, but he is fully capable in using his dual kama's "Mercy and Malice". For a little added reach the blade can be folded out into a long hilt schimatar.
    Items/Defensive equipment: Lightly armored in his shins and forearms, however his primary defense method his his ability to move quickly and nimbly
    Personality: Roy is our boy a very relaxed sort of man, borderline lazy. He will do what he is told and what is necessary. Other than that he'd much rather just take a nap where he can. He can be kind and sweet when you've earned his respect, but usually he's a bit snarky.
    Likes: Naps, PB&J's, monkeys
    Dislikes: Tight spaces, old people, raisins
    • Heightened hearing, smell, taste, touch, etc
    • Nimble and fairly quick
    • Loyal
    • Summons beasts to aid him
    • Has a small pet monkey he usually has summoned to help him do stuff
    • Calm in most situations
    • The monkey has pants
    • Claustrophobic
    • Low motivation
    • Has issues playing nice with others
    • A glass cannon
    Card: Death (I have slight plans with this that I'd like to go over with @[member="tonochi"] )
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  12. Heavenly

    Heavenly Just Smile!

    Apr 17, 2015
    Full name: Taliyah Fread
    Nickname: Tali
    Gender: Female
    Age: 13
    Birthday: November 9th
    Currently lives: Sefal

    Height: 5 ft. 3 in.
    Weight: 93 lbs.
    Hair color: Dirty Blonde
    Hairstyle: Long hair, reaches down a little bit below neck. Usually not tied, sometimes in a pony tail for certain missions though.
    Eye color: Right eye is a bright yellow, left eye is an extremely dark brown (almost appears black).

    Weapons/Offensive Equipment: Double revolvers made out of magic, appear to be silver with a six-barrel design. Bullets made of light and dark. (Explained in Card.)

    Items/Defensive equipment: Arm gauntlets thick enough to stop a blow from a sword or a knife, only defensive equipment.

    Personality: A modest but calm and collected girl. She's stepped up to what her card means and has quickly matured over a course of a few years. Although kind and usually unwilling to hurt something, she knows she has to do what is best for others. If this includes killing a person, she will go to those bounds.

    She has a more tactical based mind then anyone else. Although she can quickly think in combat, she usually likes to step back if she can and figure out her opponents so she can take them apart. She will assist her allies in anything, as she feels a sense of loyalty. Even though she may be the youngest of the Tarots, she will do whatever is needed to prove herself.

    Likes: Animals, all that is in the day and night sky. her allies, planning things out
    Dislikes: Betrayal, brashness, hurting innocent people, unnecessary death

    -Small and mobile, able to move quickly and avoid things quickly
    -Good aim. Not entirely perfect, but she knows her way around with her weapon
    -Understanding and matured faster than most people would
    -Has a tactician-focused mindset, doesn't like to blindly rush in
    -Has neutral effects against all other magic forms, bullets aren't affected by normal armor.

    -Not trained in hand-to-hand combat at all
    -More susceptible to being hurt when not careful
    -Still very young, is judged a lot for this and can get agitated over it
    -Hasn't fully mastered everything about her, prone to a possible mistake

    Card: The World
    Taliyah is able to control what can be best considered as the essence of light and darkness. With this power, she is able to use magic to conjure up revolvers that shoot bullets made of these two aspects. The strength of the bullets are determined by where she is, so if she is outside when it is bright and sunny, her Light bullets will be stronger, and vice versa with darkness. Although she is unable to illuminate a room, she can cause a small area to become darker (similar to if it was being covered by a thin black mist.)
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  13. Captain Comet

    Captain Comet Fallen Star Baby

    Shiny Space
    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 27
    Sep 8, 2016
    Basic Gary Oak ★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Jaw Fossil ★★★Galladite ★★★★
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Full name: Draco Kellen Harana[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Nickname: Drake[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Age: 22[/SIZE]
    Gender: Male
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Birthday: October 30th[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Currently lives: Nuhan[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=12.6667px]Height: 5'10''[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Weight 70kg[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Hair color: Black[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Hairstyle: Long, front is normally swept to his left[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Eye color: Fiery red[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=12.6667px]Weapons/Offensive equipment: Mostly uses hands and flames, but also has a knife with a six inch blade in a sheath on his left side.[/SIZE]

    Items/Defensive equipment: Has gauntlets on both of his forearms and the backs of his hands. Technically he has them or hand-to-hand combat, but they end up doubling as blockers due to the strong, heatproof metal they're made with. Also carries a pouch filled with rock candy with him, as it is calming to him to chew it.

    Personality: Is ([SIZE=12.6667px]ironically) pretty cool-headed. Is also mature, and isn't easily distracted or aroused by things a guy normally would be. He is very in tune with his emotions, to the point where he can somewhat control which ones he shows. Because of this, he is very passionate, be it about his beliefs, friends, or the like. He can get riled up at times though, to which that passion will show up again and if he gets angry enough, will involuntarily release a blast of intense heat from his body in an attempt to relieve it.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12.6667px]Likes: Rock Candy[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=12.6667px]Dislikes: Underground, water[/SIZE]

    -Is extremely fast and mobile
    -Mature (explained above)
    -Has fully mastered his normal abilities

    -Passion can sometimes cloud his judgement
    -Can't swim

    [SIZE=12.6667px]Card: The Magician[/SIZE]
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  14. Lunar-Peacle

    Lunar-Peacle Of Moonlight and a Thousand Eyes

    Sep 9, 2014
    (Will edit this post when I see fit if we have something to discuss about. Want to mention about the coffins deal but since I have no discord atm I just thought that I have to make a notice just in case.)
  15. Captain Comet

    Captain Comet Fallen Star Baby

    Shiny Space
    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 27
    Sep 8, 2016
    Basic Gary Oak ★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Jaw Fossil ★★★Galladite ★★★★
    Eh, I don't have access to Discord at the moment anyways.
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