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Torn Between Type (Sign Up & Discussion)

Discussion in 'Roleplay Institute' started by CGStryker, Oct 10, 2016.

  1. CGStryker

    Sep 12, 2016
    Hello there. Judging the fact that you clicked this and are therefore interested, allow me to explain. This roleplay is about 18 kingdoms, the 18 Pokémon Types, at war with each other, with the last faction standing being given a wish from the gods to shape the Pokémon World in their image. You are a warrior from one of the armies. What will you do? Who will you side with? What do you believe in? Who will win? That, my friend, will have to be answered by yourself, your allies, and your enemies.

    Please, no humans or legendaries/mythicals, along with any Grandmasters [Who shall be explained further below]. You can be whatever Type you want, and side with whichever Type you want, but be wise about it. Not many will be afraid to end your life if you're assumed to be a traitor. Dual Types are treated differently, as they could be a spy from either side, and CANNOT side with two types, only one.

    The Rules: You can control another's OC with permission, and character deaths can happen if they allow it. Other than that, nothing new. No requirements for spelling and grammar, just don't be terrible at it. I'll control the Grandmasters. Once a Grandmaster is killed, (Which I'll allow if you can actually beat them.) that faction is out of the game, although the individuals may flee to another group if they wish, or continue as a freelancer.

    Normal: Led by Grandmaster Wigglytuff, a peacemaker on good terms with most kingdoms, the Normal Type belief is simply peace, and nothing more.
    Fighting: Led by Grandmaster Machamp, a proud fighter in hand-to-hand combat, the Fighting Type belief is that only the strong will survive, and the weak are easily eliminated.
    Flying: Led by Grandmaster Noivern, a deceptive yet rightful leader who lies for the good of the kingdom, the Flying type belief is for the concept of Type to be eradicated.
    Poison: Led by Grandmaster Drapion, an analyst and liar able to easily persuade people, the Poison Type belief is that Poison is right, and anyone who resists is dead.
    Ground: Led by Grandmaster Krookidile, a thug and a gangster with no concept of fairness, the Ground Type belief is that good is as bad as bad is good, and morals mean nothing in the long run.
    Rock: Led by Grandmaster Tyranitar, a warrior who believes in chivalry, the Rock Type belief is that the world is tainted, and is destined to be purified.
    Bug: Led by Grandmaster Pinsir, a silent yet brute leader who intimidates his opponents, the Bug Type belief is that the weak have power over the strong through numbers and willpower.
    Ghost: Led by Grandmaster Gengar, a cunning and obviously evil leader with no concern for any other Type, the Ghost Type belief is since that everything is destined to end, kill everything and speed up the process.
    Steel: Led by Grandmaster Metagross, a thoughtful and tactical master and a lone wolf, the Steel Type believe is that solitude is key, and everyone is to do what is intended of them.
    Fire: Led by Grandmaster Arcanine, a fiery and tyrannical ruler with a passion for battle, the Fire Type belief is that power is everything, and anyone with lesser power is fit to serve to powerful.
    Water: Led by Grandmaster Kingdra, a strict and knowledgeable king who keeps his composure, the Water Type belief is that no matter what, the world will become worse, and that the universe will reset someday.
    Grass: Led by Grandmaster Liligant, a graceful and insightful mistress who is very skilled in combat, the Grass type belief is that the Pokémon have destroyed themselves and their planet, and should be reborn anew as a second chance.
    Electric: Led by Grandmaster Raichu, a childish and innocent soul that improves morale tenfold, the Electric Type belief is that ignorance is bliss, and that the war should never have happened.
    Psychic: Led by Grandmaster Alakazam, a cynical philosopher with a ludicrous IQ, the Psychic Type belief is that individuality is flawed, and one type of perfect Pokémon is necessary for harmony.
    Ice: Led by Grandmaster Glalie, a cold and ruthless king who is rarely merciful, the Ice Type belief is that life is short, and immortality and indifference will eventually lead to perfection.
    Dragon: Led by Grandmaster Dragonite, a gentle giant of immense power, the Dragon Type belief is that what makes a person isn't power or strength, but heart, and the bad shall die.
    Dark: Led by Grandmaster Zoroark, a manipulative and satanic dictator, the Dark Type belief is that life is meaningless, and everyone should die.
    Fairy: Led by Grandmaster Togekiss, a sweet and caring queen, the Fairy Type belief is that fighting is pointless, and joyous harmony is perfect.









    1. Rilessa the Eevee [Tonochi]
    2. Alex the Delcatty [TheSignOfLibra]

    1. Yamato the Hariyama [HerbZ]

    1. Comalia the Yanma [Weavile Sly]




    1. Ilbis the Volcarona [BiohazardSr]


    1. Sehkmet the Mawile [shinygiratinaz]

    1. Lasaruz the Infernape [random noob 67]

    1. Jack the Piplup [Jhopthegamer]


    1. Damon the Lanturn [Triple AAA Battery]




    1. Neroe the Weavile [Weavile Sly]

    1. Bethel the Sylveon [Dusty]
    2. Flora the Floette [CattyNeko]

    Not too long ago, Pokémon of all Types lived in harmony with one another under the rule of the Gods, who in turn themselves served the highest god, Arceus. Now, one day, everything changed. No one knew why he did it, but he did it. He and his subjects appeared before the mortal Pokémon, and changed the foundation of the world. He said that 18 Pokémon, each of a different type, would be chosen and given power over their Type and would represent their Type in global warfare, and that the winner would be given the power the recreate the world in his or her image. Now, everyone knew that this was surely insane, but they had no way of stopping him or convincing him, and he'd easily eliminate them if he refused, so all they could do was sadly prepare for the worst, and fight. Time passed, and the war only got worse. What was once being forced to fight one another grew into mercilessly slaughtering others for their cause. Luckily, no kingdoms had to face the wrath of their entire civilization being wiped out, but many casualties occurred. As of now, war doesn't seem to be letting up in the slightest, and a winner has yet to be decided...

    Good luck, and may the best Type win.
  2. Captain Comet

    Captain Comet Fallen Star Baby

    Shiny Space
    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 27
    Sep 8, 2016
    Basic Gary Oak ★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Jaw Fossil ★★★Galladite ★★★★
    (Just a fair warning before I put my OC, rhis might get flagged or something as it looks more like a game-type thing rather than a full RP.)

    Name: Comalia

    Gender: Female

    Species: Yanma

    Personality: Comalia is a very free-spririted and adventurous girl. She loves flying around and exploring, but knows not to go places she isn't supposed to go. She is very kind and friendly, but can be serious when needed. However, she does tend to hold a grudge sometimes, and may also get into certain moods where she just wants to be left alone and will lash out very easily. She is also embarressed about several things about herself, and tries to keep things such as her sexuality and the reason she has her ribbon a secret.

    Accessories: Only a deep purple ribbon tied to her left antenna. It is about a 1'7" long, with about 7 inches making the knot. Nobody but her knows where it came from and why she still has it, and she has never talked about it, instead just avoiding the subject when it comes up.

    Faction: Flying

    Sexuality: Homosexual

    Other: Has a certain weakness for Casteliacones and Lava Cookies.

    (By the way, you might want to announce this in both our Discord server and the LV one (in the Roleplay channel) if you haven't already. That way, a lot of members will see it at once on the LV sever, and Taku and Chaos will see it on ours.)
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  3. shinygiratinaz

    shinygiratinaz Boats Against the Current

    Dec 18, 2013
    This looks really interesting. :o I'd love to join!

    Name: Sehkmet (or just Sehk)

    Gender: Female

    Species: Mawile

    Personality: Sehkmet is a warrior who speaks relatively little, especially in large groups. When alone or with a very small group, though, she opens up a bit. She loves humor, but is absolutely terrible at telling jokes, which does not stop her from trying when she does speak. She is brutally honest, and while she cares for others she won't spare their feelings or hesitate to speak her mind if she is asked. She is stalwart in her loyalty to her typing and to Grandmaster Metagross, and will not back down from a serious fight to defend her beliefs even if it would result in serious injury for her.

    Accessories: A faded pink scarf that's far too big for her and ends up being wrapped around her body like a sweater a lot.

    Faction: Steel

    Sexuality: Ace/Aro

    Other: She has a habit of storing small things in the jaws on the back of her head, and it's not uncommon to see her pull a book or other small object out of them.
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  4. Captain Comet

    Captain Comet Fallen Star Baby

    Shiny Space
    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 27
    Sep 8, 2016
    Basic Gary Oak ★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Jaw Fossil ★★★Galladite ★★★★
    @[member="shinygiratinaz"] I'm sorry, but could you explain what you meant in the sexuality part?
  5. shinygiratinaz

    shinygiratinaz Boats Against the Current

    Dec 18, 2013
    Oh, yeah sure! Ace/Aro stands for Asexual/Aromantic. It basically means they're not attracted to anyone of any gender. I probably shouldn't have written that shorthand, sorry. :sweat:
  6. TripleAAABattery

    TripleAAABattery Look at my fluff! LOOK AT IT

    (Eevee (K))
    Level 45
    Nov 12, 2014
    oooooo, I think I saw this idea earlier. I think I'll do it.

    Name: Damon

    Gender: Male

    Species: Lanturn

    Personality: Damon is a Pokémon that always worries over every little thing. He worries about his teammates, he worries about everything that could go wrong in a battle, he worries when he sees a tiny little crack in a wall, he worries when someone steps on a pebble the wrong way, and more. As such, he often comes off as a coward to some Pokémon, but that isn't true. He will do anything to help the well-being of his nation as best as he could, even in the middle of a tough fight. When he's not worrying over every little thing possible, he's gathering... coins. While he's able to fight if forced to, he prefers to use his healing abilities, as his nation has recently been suffering a lack of healers.
    Accessories: His flippers are completely wrapped in bandages except at the tips of them. He's not hurt, but he likes the feeling of them.

    Faction: Electric

    Sexuality: Straight

    Other: In secret, he doesn't believe that the type he's allied with will last long at all. Part of this is because of his worrisome nature, but he's just not confident at all.
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  7. Dusty

    Dusty Banned

    Sep 18, 2016
    Name: Bethel


    Species: Sylveon

    Personality: Bethel is straightforward, but tries to be a caring Pokémon when she can. Sometimes she can seem grough, especially to new-comers to the faction but once she opens up she values friendship. Loyalty is extremely important to Bethel, and she does not forget wrongs despite a part of her that urges forgiveness. She never rushes and is extremely defensive to the Fairy cause, though she does not believe in striking out against the other Types like certain newer Fairys do, and instead believes in fierce, hard defense only when necessary. However, sometimes she is too slow to react to things and inflexible.

    Accessories: Bethel has two small metal hoops through the end of each ribbon, and on the end of them lightweight spiky balls to slightly raise damage when slamming into other Pokémon.

    Faction: Fairy

    Sexuality: Straight

    Other: Somewhat known among the Fairys for standing still when some other Pokémon would move (and some ran). Loves to eat Tailow eggs.

    {QUESTION: Can we have more than one character?}
    {QUESTION 2: Can we control random NPCs of our faction type?}
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  8. CGStryker

    Sep 12, 2016
    @Dusty: (Answer 1: As long as you leave space for potential others, then you're fine.)
    (Answer 2: Yes, just not Grandmaster. Troops or civillians are whatever you want, but only characters here have significance.)
  9. BiohazardSr

    BiohazardSr My name is Sid. Sid the Bard

    May 23, 2015
    Name: Ilbis

    Gender: Male

    Species: Volcarona

    Personality: Ilbis is a fatherly figure for the faction. He cares deeply for the younger members, and his close friends, but doesn't coddle their every move. True to his name, he is a bit defiant to his leader, and harbors anger towards Arceus. He feels as if this is all just a game for the gods, and we are their toys. When fighting, he uses his large size and speed to get the better of his opponents. His long life shows in the battle, as he is a capable fighter.

    Accessories: He has a ring made of branches at the base of each horn/antenna/feeler thing

    Faction: Bug

    Sexuality: Straight

    Other: Likes to tell stories of his past adventures
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  10. Aiko

    Aiko Anti-Shadow Weapon

    SS Egg #2
    (Dialga Egg)
    Level 36
    Mar 7, 2016
    Lure Ball ★★★★Friend Ball ★★★★GS Ball ★★★★★Ultra Ball ★★Cooler Gary Oak ★★★★★
    Are spots still available?




    Personality:Rilessa is very happy. Since her faction belives in peace, she is considered overly excited. She loves learning new things and meeting new people. She understansa boundaries and doesn't want to harm anyone in anyway. she loves food and gets very excited whenever she even sees it. People are also scared of Rilessa because she is able to evolve into so many different types.
    Accessories:She has a blue bandanna around her neck and a teal bow on her right ear.



    Other:Her favorite type of food is sweets.
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  11. ShireHime

    (Meowstic ♀)
    Level 54
    May 16, 2016
    Dawn Stone ★★★★Love Ball ★★★★★Comet Shard ★★★★Tapunium Z ★★★★★Crown of Valor
    Name: Flora

    Gender: Female

    Species: Floette

    Personality: Flora is a very positive girl, and as a member of the Fairy faction, she believes that warfare isn't the answer to everything. However, she is ready to fight, if it is necessary. Although Flora is a happy-go-lucky girl, others usually stay away from her, because she could sometimes bring trouble to others. When fighting, Flora uses flashy and dazzling moves in hopes to blind her opponents, leaving her an opening.

    Accessories: A pearl pendant on her neck can be easily seen.

    Faction: Fairy

    Sexuality: Straight

    Other: Flora likes to go on adventures, especially those that require helping other Pokémon in need.

    (Question! Can we evolve our Pokémon or does it stay at it's current species till the end of the story?)
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  12. CGStryker

    Sep 12, 2016
    @CattyNeko: Yes, you can evolve. Just PM me when you want to and I'll help you from there.

    (I think I've drawn this out for too long, so the RP shall be going up pretty soon!)
  13. random noob 67

    random noob 67 Bug Catcher

    Oct 29, 2016
    (Are places still available?)
    Name: Lasaruz

    Gender: Male

    Species: Infernape

    Personality: Lasaruz is a battle-hungry able fighter, and believes that to prove himself worthy of power, he must chase it, and ignore all other distractions, people or otherwise. Lasaruz isnt very loyal, though he does believe in pitching his tent closest to the person who can help him the most.

    Accessories: A necklace from which a single sharp tooth dangles, and a skull tattoed above his right eye.

    Faction: Fire

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Other: Athletic and flexible
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  14. Captain Comet

    Captain Comet Fallen Star Baby

    Shiny Space
    (Palkia Egg)
    Level 27
    Sep 8, 2016
    Basic Gary Oak ★Rage Candy Bar ★★★Jaw Fossil ★★★Galladite ★★★★
    (@[member="CGStryker"] After a bit of consideration, I've decided to make a second character, if I still can.)

    Name: Neroe

    Gender: Male

    Species: Weavile

    Personality: Neroe is very cunning and manipulative. He a master of both stealth and speed, so he can take opponents out quickly if they don't see him coming. He has a certain way with words, and can craft very believable lies in almost any situation, both to help him and/or hurt others. Also has good hearing thanks to the feathering ln his ears. But, he can't take too many hits, due to the small stature of his species, who are built for speed, not defense. This is why he relies so much on using his speed to not get hit.

    Accessories: Has two pairs of hoop earrings. One is black (darker than his fur) and has the Dark-type symbol decorated on it, and the other is blueish-white with the Ice-type symbol on it. He interchanges these depending on the situation.

    Faction: Dark, but shares views with the Ice faction as well. He will lie to Pokémon from other factions about which one he's actually in, hence the two sets of earrings. His ultimate goal is too merge the two into one faction and destroy the other 16. He also has a desire to rule, but no real way to get to that point right now...

    Sexuality: Straight

    Other: Has been kept in the dungeons of the Normal, Fairy, Bug, Flying, and even his own Dark factions, due to how dangerous he is. The Fighting faction also believes he was killed by one of their generals.
  15. HerbZ

    HerbZ PKMN Breeder

    Level 1
    Dec 31, 2016
    Might as well give it a shot!

    Name: Yamato

    Gender: Male

    Species: Hariyama

    Personality: Yamato is very talkative, he likes to share stories from his journeys, and he also loves to joke. He is friendly, caring, and loves to take care of children. But when there is time to be serious, he can get really serious. When someone is annoying him, Yamato is pretty harsh for this person, and does a lot of things to also annoy him/her. He travels usually alone around the world trying to find a way to meet Arceus to ask him to stop this war, and because he loves to look at the beautiful sceneries.

    Accessories: Big bagpack, ropes, big mechete, russian hat, some pots, flint and tinder, bandages, big coat and a scarf.

    Faction: Fighting

    Sexuality: Straight

    Other: nothin
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  16. TheSignOfLibra

    TheSignOfLibra School Kid

    Jan 10, 2017
    Name: Alex

    Gender: Female

    Species: Delcatty

    Personality: Even as a Skitty, she was a defiant, brave, and a bit reckless thing. Her goal is to have some words with Arceus himself, and they will not be pretty. The war devastated her family when she lost her brother to a battle and she blames Arceus for the war, and if she won, she would create a world of peace, and is willing to do what it takes to be the strongest if it means an end.

    Accessories: An opal necklace, given to her by Cole, her brother.

    Faction: Normal

    Sexuality: Straight

    Other: She has a little hideout just in case her faction fails.
  17. Jhopthegamer

    Jan 16, 2017
    I'm a newbie, and I wanna give this a shot so here I go!

    Name: Jack

    Gender: Male

    Species: Piplup

    Personality: Born as an only child, Jack had a pretty decent life. His dad, Sawyer (Empoleon) was high in the Water Government and his mother, Clara (Prinplup), and many people liked him. He is a very positive person and he loves to eat. You could call him a prankster whenever he's with his best friends, a Squirtle named John and a Marill named Lauren. He is also optimistic about things, something that is looked down upon in the Water Kingdom because of their beliefs. He wants to buy a fishing boat when he grows up and he wants to explore the world and meet Lapras, a legend in the Water Kingdom, and the Red Gyrados. He wants to see these Legendary Pokémon because he is facisnated with the myths and legends that the elders of the Kingdom have told him

    Accessories: A satchel that contains whatever is needed at the most convenient time

    Faction: Water

    Sexuatliy: Straight

    Other: Likes to swim and ice skate; he's never been outside of the Water Kingdom and the farthest he's been is the border to see the ocean with his father
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  18. CGStryker

    Sep 12, 2016
    All three of you, accepted!
  19. HerbZ

    HerbZ PKMN Breeder

    Level 1
    Dec 31, 2016
    So... I guess we can start rp'ing if we are accepted?"
  20. CGStryker

    Sep 12, 2016
    Yes, why wouldn't you?

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